Sunday, February 11, 2024

Tulip Art in Watercolor

Here I am again! 

One year I planted tulip bulbs ... 

Tulip in watercolor on 140# wc paper

Click here to contact me through my website.   Thank you for following my blog.
V. Bridges Hoyt — painting the sauce of Texas™. If you'd like to receive the daily posts via email, there is a subscribe button in the sidebar at Texas Sauce Art Life. New paintings to follow soon.
For less frequency, subscribe to "Studio Notes" to receive no more than twice-monthly studio news by email.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Restarting the Blog

Today I have been thinking about restarting my TXsauce brand on the blog and on Etsy. To do so would push me into daily or frequent painting of small pieces again. I miss the daily painting. I think to restart with a few images of drawings from my sketchbook would be a good way to begin, especially to try out the blogger app and see if the app is feasible to utilize. 

Click here to contact me through my website.   Thank you for following my blog.
V. Bridges Hoyt — painting the sauce of Texas™. If you'd like to receive the daily posts via email, there is a subscribe button in the sidebar at Texas Sauce Art Life. New paintings to follow soon.
For less frequency, subscribe to "Studio Notes" to receive no more than twice-monthly studio news by email.

Monday, June 21, 2021


Today is good. The boxer girl hasn't yet destroyed her new "for super chewers" stuffed toy. We'll see how long this one lasts. She looks so sweet here. She is sweet most of the time. 

However, when really bored and not getting enough exercise she takes her stress out on the old dog chair and pulls the stuffings out. As long as she stays with the dog chair, I don't mind. It could be worse. It could have been one of my good chairs.  

The temperature is too high in southeast Texas for a long walk unless taken at daybreak, but I am headed outside to give the dog a short change of scenery from backyard to front. 

I hope to stay in touch with you on a more regular basis.

Click here to contact me through my website.   Thank you for following my blog.
V. Bridges Hoyt — painting the sauce of Texas™. If you'd like to receive the daily posts via email, there is a subscribe button in the sidebar at Texas Sauce Art Life. New paintings to follow soon.
For less frequency, subscribe to "Studio Notes" to receive no more than twice-monthly studio news by email.