Sunday, September 27, 2009

Jason Mraz


Tyler had met a guy in the Airport that worked for a Radio station and got us some free tickets to Jason Mraz! It was a fun little date night for us. We snuggled up on a blanket at the Idaho Center Amphitheater with some delicious kettle corn and listened to an Awesome show!!

Oregon Family Trip 09'

Then the disaster of a deep sea fishing trip! Tyler couldnt keep down his lunch not so much a fun trip for 80 dollars!

Sand Castles

The stair case of death up to our Beach house!

Some Fun Photos

After a Day of Being delayed we are finally on our way!!
Goodbye Virginia Home!
Virginia Temple

The Journey from Virginia to Boise Finally out of there!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


The new do but its not that great of picture!