Friday, November 28, 2008

Christmasing has begun!

Day after Thanksgiving = Christmas decor comes out.
{as you may have noticed by the new blog look}

We read Luke 2 and had Mckinlay put out the manger scene.
It brought a tear to my eye for a few reasons:
1) I remember doing this with my family as a kid.
2) I got so excited to teach Mckinlay this story and teach her about our Savior Jesus Christ.
3) I may have had one glistening tear when I put my hands up in the air and said:
"Glory to God in the Highest! And on earth peace, good will toward men."
All because of my memories of the countless times I said that in the Hallstrom nativity play.

{Oh. Did I mention she was playing with a marker before this!?}

That is Mckinlay's new phrase while getting her picture taken. I guess after snapping her photo I always say "cute."

The stockings were hung...
And my blessed husband did the unthinkable and made "Clone of Cinnabon" {you're welcome} rolls better than he ever has before. And we thought there was no room for improvement.
I'm not kidding folks.
To. Die. For. Delicious.

And of course there was tree trimming.

And I even sported my tri-holiday shirt.
Appropriate for:
& Halloween
{Works marvy as Waldo}
Although I wouldn't wear it on election day...
I did. and felt stupid.

Thanksgiving continued.

We had a great dinner at the Christopher's house yesterday complete with:
little smokies

and a talent show.
{Pardon the neck craning. If I flip the video, it gets out of sync.}

Mckinlay and Ty have been practicing their circus tricks for weeks.
Jack recited a turkey poem.
Marcus favored us with the "Egyptian" and crab walk, wheelbarrow and a somersault.
Brooke did some amazing foot-grabbing-shoulder-swinging.
It was awesome.

And did I mention the amazing food?
or the pies?

And we're thankful for the Christophers and Pughs for being our Thanksgiving "family."
It's so great having friends to share special occasions with.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


We thankful for family, friends and most especially the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Happy, Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

little lobster bombs

One of Ty's classmates was given some live lobsters from a patient yesterday (because what says "thank you for the dental work" better than lobster, right?). His classmate isn't a seafood fan, so he offered them to Ty. Lucky us! I don't like seafood either, but by golly it didn't dampen my lobster night excitement!
We thought we were getting 2 lobster friends, but ended up with 4 little lobster friends!

None of us have ever cooked lobster before and Laura read there are 2 ways too "deal with them" before boiling.

Obviously we didn't have a lot of trust in Laura's hypnosis skills.
(and for the record--this made the grossest cracking-squirming noise.)
Apparently our lobster friends tasted mmm mmm (slurp) good!

And we finished the night with:
This is when I sing:
"Who could ask for anything more--Cha!"

Get the pie recipe here.
It was mmm mmm (no slurping here) good.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Lovely Lady.

It was Grandma Tutu's funeral today. I heard it was beautiful.
As was she.
(Thanks for the picture Mikie.)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ourselves the Elves

We're getting pretty excited about Christmas around here.

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Can you tell?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Merry Christmas Monkey.

Christmas sewing has begun.
I just finished this little gal for Mckinlay. I think she'll like her.
The pattern was free and I got it here if you want to make one too.

Monkey is supposed to have a beret, but I'm not really feeling it. I'm thinking I'll add a bow or a flower or something. We'll see.

Happy holiday sewing!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Melted chips and melted hearts.

I have so many fond childhood memories of doing...Not scowling and sitting on the counter pantsless (which, for the record, I swear she owns pants), but memories of sitting on the counter eating cookie dough and brown sugar straight from the bowl. I think I did this just about every time I went to Grandma Hallstrom's house. And sometimes, if I was super lucky, she'd let me have a Maraschino cherry too!

I come from a family of food lovers. We plan vacations around where were going to eat. We make treats all the time. We have food traditions. If we don't have parsely on the Turkey tray at Thanksgiving, we look towards heaven and say "sorry Grandma." We have gallons of hot fudge in our food storage. I didn't know that most people didn't have dessert after dinner every day or that some people consider Jello a dessert and not a side dish with Sunday dinner.

I'm so glad I lived a sheltered life.

However, I didn't know that a rubber scraper wasn't really called a "cheater" until I was in the 9th grade. I blame you mom for my embarrassment that day in cooking class when I asked for someone to pass it to me.
It's so fun making memories like I had with my little dough snitcher. And by golly I'll teach her it's called a "cheater" too.
And I'll tell you another thing that's fun:
(It's the ONE good thing about Ty not being home.)

Mckinlay leaned her forehead against mine and whispered:
"i ove you."
Que heart melt.
I think she likes dinner while Daddy is away too.
Hee hee.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Dancing in heaven.

Grandma Tutu passed away this evening. She was 97 years old.

It makes me smile to imagine her dancing around the spirit world surrounded by her loved ones. I know she is happy to be
dancing again.
Mckinlay and I were able to visit with her while we were in Utah this summer. Tutu loved watching Mckinlay running around her room (and stealing all her M&Ms) and she was so tickled that her name was "Mckinlay."

I took this sweet video of "Tink" and his "Shweet-hart," and thought you might enjoy it too.

I love you Tutu! And I want to join with the rest of the McKinlay family in thanking our Heavenly Father for the blessing she was in our lives and for the blessing it is that she is now on the other side.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A good day.

I've been so frustrated with Mckinlay today. She has this knack for pushing all my buttons at once. And I'm sure my frustration is escalated by that fact that Ty has been out of town for the past three days. Anyway, poor me. Wah wah.

I was pulling some banana bread out of the oven and heard the sound of crackers scattering and crunching all over the kitchen floor. I couldn't, nor did I want to, turn around (I was mid-turn-the-bread-out-of-the-hot-pan), but when I did, I found:
Mckinlay with broom in hand.
(Never mind the fact that her sweeping skills spread the kitchen mess into the living room.)

Then I was hit with a fresh perspective and guilt for all my frustration--
So we put a blanket out in the middle of the mess and ate some "nana bread."
It's been a good day!

And if you feel like making some "nana bread" too. Make this.
You're welcome.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Aren't they darling?

"How I love ya!"
P.S. Brennan turned 29 yesterday. No worries.

Sunday, November 02, 2008


Happy birthday big brother!

Gotta love those matching eyes.
No matter how old you get:
"One of these days I'm gonna catch up to you!"