Friday, September 30, 2016

Do You Have Goals?

Many thanks to Misha and Beth for hosting this hop!!!

It's been a whirlwind month - although more focused than last month. Last month, I had five things happening at once. This month, I had two things happening, slightly overlapped. 

1. School started. This means that I started teaching three classes at a local home-school co-operative, and my oldest started her second year of a dual credit program at a nearby community college as a senior in high school while my youngest started a combo of online, home, tutored, and public school classes (a little wild for scheduling, but the perfect fit for her). 

2. My kids competed at the Olympic Hopes Regatta in Szeged, Hungary. And I, with the help of some other parents, managed to take a super-fast trip to Amsterdam, Budapest, and Szeged. I put out a few facebook posts via instagam on my phone, but connectivity was spotty throughout the whole trip. I came home to over 40 e-mails from students, three rejection e-mails for short stories, and some other e-mails that I still need to tackle. I also received an ARC in the mail. (It has been fun to read, but I'm still working on the review.)

Words Written: 21,000 (mostly before I left.)

Miles Walked: 47 (over half of this happened on the trip)

Miles Biked: 0 - yikes!

(Short Stuff) Story, poem, and article status: 3 rejections, 1 "on hold for one more month" e-mail, and 18 pending response.

Marketing - none, except a slightly slower automated twitter feed. Sales are down, but more paperbacks sold than normal. 

W.I.P. Novel - complete change of direction and topic. I'm playing with an idea based on King Belos the Blind of Hungary and Queen Helena, his wife (originally from Poland). These two royals don't have mega-statues in any of the big tourist spots that I visited, but I happened across them in a strange cross-referencing kind of way and an idea sparked. (I just have to see if it's going to light an actual bonfire that lights up a full novel.) Or, I might write a story about a girl at the girl's school that was the first group to use the Castle in Budapest. Or, I might change direction . . . again.

Pics from the trip - because you expected them, right?
Picture of the Parliament Building on the Blue Danube in Budapest.
Pic taken from Castle Hill.

Picture of St. Matyas Church on Castle Hill in Budapest.
This is the most beautiful church I have ever visited and I've seen St. Paul's Cathedral, Notre Dame, and the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. - St. Matyas Church is worth a visit if you are ever in Central Europe.

The Labyringth of Catacombs under Castle Hill is extensive. In the tourist-friendly portion, there is an exhibit on Dracula - because this is where the historical Dracula was imprisoned and tortured. His grave, or at least a representation of it, is down there, too. 
The steam is natural because Budapest is home to many hot springs.
They have a section that is without lights to give visitors the full effect. My friends and I were bad and turned on our cell-phones so we didn't stumble down any wells (there were two with grates over them) or run into walls.

My youngest daughter's K4 team boat (in blue). The girl in the front is the daughter of a girl I played soccer with in elementary school - we didn't make the connection until we were in Budapest. (Seriously wild. small world stuff.)

2016 OHR Team USA with a camera running low on battery power.
Awesome athletes and coaches.

My oldest daughter, sick with a bad cold, had the courage to go out and race 1000m when many other female canoeists from several teams declined that distance. 
She had her worst time ever, took 9th place, and earned a point for Team USA at the regatta.
I am proud of her for having the courage to go out and race, even in tough circumstances, against girls whose arms were bigger than her legs.

My youngest didn't make any "final" races but raced hard in her heats and semi-finals. She always has her eyes on the finish line, no matter the distance.
We came home, she rested one day, and then started doing body weight workouts the second day home. She's hoping to qualify and compete at the 2017 Olympic Hopes Regatta, which may be in Romania, Bulgaria, or the Czech Republic.

Biggest news for Team USA at the 2016 Olympic Hopes Regatta: two young women took a bronze medal in a C2 (two person canoe) for the 500m distance. 
This is huge. The USA doesn't usually medal at this event.

Our results by the numbers can be found here: "Ghizila and Crocker Win Bronze."
My kids both get mentioned by name in there, so it's kind of cool. :)

Read more here:

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Karen Lange's 5 Reasons to Write Nonfiction - with Comments!

Please welcome Karen Lange today!
My utmost apologies for having the comment area turned off when this post originally went live.

Five Reasons to Write Nonfiction
By Karen Lange
Merriam Webster defines nonfiction as “writing that is about facts or real events: all writing that is not fiction”.
I think it is important for writers to write nonfiction because we’ve been given a gift, an opportunity to share and affect change through our words.
Here are my top five reasons why nonfiction writing is important.
  1. To Share Stories: The Interview  
An interview helps readers get to know a person on a deeper level. William Zinsser said, Nothing so animates writing as someone telling what he thinks or what he does-in his own words.” I agree. A firsthand account is an excellent primary source that adds great value to our work. The writer gets to share an authentic story and the reader comes away informed, entertained, and enriched.
  1. To Share Events: The News Story
Where would we be without good journalists? Someone has to keep the public up to date on what’s happening. Journalistic writing offers a medium for news presented in a thoughtful, organized, and engaging way.
  1. To Instruct: The How-to Article
How many times have you searched Google to find out how to do something? What would we do without articles like “How to Clean a Tile Shower” or “How to Train Your New Puppy”? This type of article informs and equips, providing a valuable service for readers.
  1. To Educate: The Essay
Essays come in many forms, such as comparison, persuasive, and narrative. Using a topic or question, they make a point by research, analysis, and personal interpretation. They educate readers on topics from scientific and political to entertainment and humanitarian issues. The essay provides an opportunity to express info and opinions in a unique and creative way.
  1. To Encourage: The Inspirational Piece
Through inspiring words we can encourage, soothe, and urge readers to pursue dreams. You never know what simple bits of wisdom and truth might stick with a reader, urging them to be better and kinder versions of themselves. Whether quotes on a blog post or a topical article saying, “I’ve been there, too,” uplifting words are timely and welcome.  
Nonfiction writing is a great tool that enables us to make a difference. What will you do with it today?
Happy writing,
Karen :)
Karen Lange is a freelance writer, editor, blogger, online writing instructor at the, and the author of two books for homeschool parents. Her articles have been featured in print and online publications. She's a big fan of dark chocolate, historical fiction, and ice hockey. Visit Karen at her blog,
Find Karen

Twitter – @KLELange

Tyrean: My favorite of these is the interview, but I also like the Why kind of how-to articles! :)
Thank you, Karen!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Bridge Troll? And Do Not Comment This Week!

I've named this picture: The Bridge Troll
I'm not sure it's really accurate, as this dude seems king of like he's longing for something, and is fairly peaceful with flocks of birds on his shoulders. However, he is hanging at the edge of a bridge over a canal in Amsterdam so I couldn't think of another name for him.
He might show up in one of my stories someday.
(BTW - I only had 4 hours in Amsterdam so any sights I saw were thoroughly un-researched and happenstance - I plan to look up this statue when I get home.)

I'm currently traveling. Please do not comment on my blog.*
I'm actually going to turn off that feature until I return.
I really can't return visit at this point.
Also, I'm not really e-mailing either.

I'm in Budapest. 
I never imagined I would say that in my life.
But, there it is.

And, on Friday my daughters race in an Olympic Hopes Regatta.
Again, not something I imagined I would ever say.

I'm thankful for these positives; these amazing joys!

And, I must say, please don't plan on trolling me anytime soon. I've seen a disturbing trend of that lately. It's so sad. 
Let's do this instead:

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." Hebrews 10:24 

*btw - if you are kind and concerned about my reveal that I'm not at home - don't worry. My husband, who I miss deeply, stayed behind.. I'm saving most of my limited date and texts for him. My kids and my travel buddies get the rest. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

#IWSG: Writing, Life

Founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh and supported by an amazing team of writers (incuding Alex)!

The question this month: How do you find time to write in your busy day?

I have my usual routines but sometimes they get lost.

Last month, my kids qualified for Team USA for the Olympic Hopes Regatta in Hungary (which happens this month), one of them went on a mission trip to Peru, my dog got really sick (he's better now), I got sick (I'm better now, too), my oldest put her shoulder out of its socket at practice and had it put back into place four days later, I celebrated my 20th anniversary and my 45th birthday, and I gave the message one Sunday when our Pastor was out of town. (And, regular life chugged along, too.) I felt like I was on some kind of wild roller coaster with extra loops.

So, how do I make time to write? 

I keep track of my writing word count in the back pages of my journal each day and that inspires me to get some words down each day. Sometimes, I write "7" and sometimes I write "2,200." It really varies, but I try to get something down. (And, during the wildest moments, the count is: 0)

I have more than one project going at the same time. For some, this would be crazy talk. For me, when I get stuck on one project, I hit my head against it for a while, and then switch projects to keep writing.

Lately I've been trying the Pomodoro technique - 25 minutes of work at a time. I write for 25. And, then I go run around and do other things, and come back for another 25 minutes. And, that's it.

How do you find time to write?


Baby Moo's Great Escape is coming out on September 8th!
Baby Moo has a dream. He wants to travel the world and sing on the stage of the Sydney Opera House! While he loves his home at Sunrise Sanctuary, it hasn’t been the same since a piglet named Nathan showed up and stole all the attention away from Moo. Jealous of the new baby, Moo decides now is the time to make his escape and pursue his dream.
But the world outside the sanctuary gates is not quite the fun and exciting place Moo imagined, and he quickly finds himself in big trouble. Moo's friends Missy the dog and Ruthie the cat rush to help him, and land in some trouble of their own.
Lost and frightened, Moo and his friends must rely on each other to find their way back home. Will they ever see Sunrise again?

Release date: September 8, 2016 from Native Ink Press

Julie Flanders will donate $1 to Sunrise Sanctuary, home to Baby Moo and numerous other rescued animals, for each copy sold in September.

Baby Moo's Great Escape by @JulesFlanders is here! $1 will be donated to @sunrise_ohio for each copy sold in Sept.

Mark Noce's new book, Between Two Fires, is out! I would say more, but there will be a guest post here next week all about it.
*I'm currently reading it, and it rocks!

Amazon/ Amazon Kindle/ Barnes & Noble/ Barnes & Noble Nook/ iTunes/ IndieBound/ Thomas Dunne Books

Stephanie Faris is currently launching two new books in her Piper Morgan series. Piper Morgan is a delightful character who moves to a new town excited for an adventure. She is determined to have fun, be brave and make new friends.

My second and third year of writing curriculum is out. It's meant for 8th through 10th grade students, and it's something that I've used in my home-school co-operative classes. The focus is writing, but there are a few literature-based lessons in these, too, as I've tried to change with the times and prepare students for the new SAT essay focused on analysis.

For more information and the big blurbs, go here:
They are only in paperback at this time.

And, don't worry about the quality. It's all been proofed and tested by two to three years of home-school co-operative students. They had the handouts, and then the work-in-progress books from a private print-run. Finally, this year they have books.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Do You Have Goals? Update Day? It's the end of August?

Many thanks to Misha and Beth for hosting and running this blog hop of goals! 

It's the end of August?

I'm not ready.
August is usually my favorite month of the year. (Birthday month - 45 this year)
But this year it has blown by and it doesn't show much chance of slowing down in the next five days.
However, I'm trying to stretch out certain moments:
Walking to the corner store and back with my husband and our youngest daughter, discussing the merits of varying kinds of orange soda in the hot evening sunshine felt like one of those important, needs to be stretched moments.
Laughing with my oldest daughter while talking about the hilarious irony of being introduced as the "boss's wife" at a party. She gets my discomfort because I perceive the boss's wife as a primped, pearls and a pantsuit with poodle under her arm and long, manicured nails sort of person while I am a jeans and t-shirt with bare feet with a mutt-dog and determined cat kind of person (and my nails are short and blunt). 

But more seriously now, I'm here to throw down my goals' update.

Word Count: Around 16,000. I didn't keep track daily so this is based on projects I worked on in the last week. I will actually hit my 25,000 word count goal by the end of the month, if you count re-writing some stuff in revision for the next week. 

Publishing: I have two projects on the verge of publishness. Neither are fun reads unless you enjoy reading writing curriculum meant for homeschool co-op students. One just needs a cover upgrade because I realized that the current cover I have for it won't work for all places (too much to explain here - mid-project mentality going on).
Specific Goal: Finish these two projects ASAP.

Marketing: Well, I upped my buffer feed number per day and my book sales doubled from July to August - still low numbers but bigger. I'm not sure that the two things are related - that's how bad I am at marketing. I'm also revitalizing my use of wattpad by putting out bi-weekly updates on my facebook page for that, and weekly updates on my twitter account for that. 
Specific goal for September: Market the writing curriculum at two home-school websites. It's a bit late in the year, but some homeschoolers start late in the fall and some start in January and go through December.

Health: Spent seven days on vacation in super hot weather but walked at least 2 miles of "getting around" kind of walking each day. Then, spent seven days with a low-grade fever and fourteen days total feeling sick. I didn't exercise much at all for that time. 

(Warning: this is where the post starts to ramble on - skip to the end if you're in a hurry.)
I took a 4.5 mile hike on my birthday and thought I might die on the uphill, but finished. It was a lonely, underused sort of trail and I got spooked in the woods on the way back down the hill with my husband - he heard footsteps behind us that stopped when we stopped (echo in the trees?) and while the hike up included birds, squirrels, mosquitoes and horseflies; the hike down included still silence - no birds, squirrels, or even bugs buzzing. Just our footsteps . . . and our echo. 

So, that was interesting. And, we walked fairly quickly down the trail until we reached the picnic area at the bottom . . . where we rested for two minutes, felt like we were watched, waded across the stream, got a few mosquito bites in the parking lot and got in our car. It's been years since I did a lot of hiking since my husband smells like heaven to mosquitoes and horseflies (he gets bitten more than anyone I've ever met even with bug spray), but I've never experienced that kind of eerie silence before. I used to hike by myself in college - which was crazy, I know, but I never had issues then, never had a reason to feel fear in the woods. I did carry pepper spray and sometimes other deterrents "just in case" but I never felt watched or followed. My birthday hike ended on a strange note. My husband joked about Bigfoot tales . . .

It was just an odd experience . . . and I live near two acres of trees where deer, coyotes, raccoons, rabbits, and foxes roam and a black bear sometimes takes up residence. I know what it sounds like when something "big" or "predatory" is in the woods, and when everything is happily buzzing along normally. 

Anyway, it's all story fodder for me as a writer, I guess. And, I'm determined to get back into the daily walk, bike, stretch way of life. I live on the edge of the rural/suburbia crossroads, so I'll walk on the populated streets and walking paths, and save any "lonely" trails for times when I can go with a bigger group.

And . . . my last post shared much of my big family news. My oldest daughter is back from Peru with wonderful stories to share, and she wants to return. She found the mission field more fulfilling than regular life, found joy in every moment there (even the bad plumbing to no plumbing moments), and is considering how she might use bio-engineering in a mission/ministry kind of way. Engineers Without Borders may be something she considers when she finishes college. Of course, she hasn't finished high school yet . . . so those are her big goals and dreams in the distance. 

The Olympic Hopes Regatta is next month, and both of my daughters are training hard to represent Team USA . . . and we're all preparing for that and school starting. 

What are your big dreams and goals? And how are you building foundations underneath them?