Oct 27, 2010


Elaina played her first year of soccer this fall and loves it. She is a really great goalie, but has a little trouble being aggressive and getting into the action on the field. She is the one in the cute pig tales.

Our little goalie

Grammy's and Poppy's July Visit

Swimming was a definite must in the Ohio July Heat

Elaina and Po, BFF

Happy Family

She has such great table manners

Red's Game

This year since the Red's were doing so good we decided to go see them, it was Elaina's first Baseball game.

Oh and Mom, Dad and Duffy came too....

Great Seats along the 3rd baseline!

MMMM... Cotton Candy!!!

Young Fmaily Reunion 2010

Wow sorry it has been so long, things have been crazy. Here is a picture of Elaina hiking during my family's reunion. This year we got a cabin in Logan Ohio, which is near Hocking Hills. Great place!!!

Jun 26, 2010


Don't get confused Tattoo is only the name of the 4th of July celebration on the base.
Lost of music Airplanes flying over and huge fireworks! So much fun!

Jan 9, 2010

Sledding in the back yard

We have not had to travel to go sledding cause of our Awesome back yard. She loves it. She took her shovel first down the hill to make a path and then took the sled down, she goes further when we push her but I can't push and film at the same time.

First Snow!

Well we did not get any snow for Christmas but the New Year has brought us plenty. Elaina can not get enough of it. I found this kid's shovel at toys r us and she loves helping daddy shovel!

Brooklyn came to visit and was very sad that she did not have one.