Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Why The U.A.E. And Why Now?

With all the hoopla about the purchase of London-based Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. by Dubai Ports World, a State owned U.A.E. company, I started looking at reasons for the uproar in various areas. Why would the Bush administration be so vehemently opposed to the Congress delaying things to take a look at the deal? Why would George Bush, as one Libertarian blogger put it pick this as the "hill he's willing to battle to the death upon"? What is so important about this one deal that the Wheeler Dealer in Chief would be willing to actually take up his pen for a veto, when he's yet to veto ANYTHING that crossed his desk? And why would he bother to deny ever having heard of a deal like this as opposition mounted?

Perhaps, he's been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, so to speak and some of his future plans are being jeopardised by all the attention this is being given. The major beneficiaries in this deal are the stockholders of P&OSN and DPW, since they are going to reap the benefits of this buyout. Jobs at the ports will stay the same and security in the US is already handled by the US Coast Guard. AT a glance, nothing will change. But....DPW is not a privately owned company. It is a State Owned Company, that makes things a bit different in most peoples eyes, as well it should. DPW is one of the worlds leading companies for port operations. They are well qualified to do the job, and yet they are owned by Persian Gulf Arabs and, given the continual harping on Homeland Security in this country you can see why there's a big, burning question mark. The Bush White House has failed to answer any questions about why the Secretaries and heads of the government have vetted this.

Maybe I can shed a tiny light. I'm not an analyst and I don't play one on TV, but I do read and can put two and two together, sometimes I even get the answer right.

1. Why the UAE? Well, the US has a big, and getting bigger airbase there, just outside Abu Dhabi. If, likely when the government decides to engage in conflict with Iran the base will be right where they need it in the front lines of an Iranian conflict. This could very well be a tit for tat deal with the administration. The US gets the UAE base and their ports and they get a lucrative new income source with no real questions about the deal. It might have almost worked, too.

2. Saudi Arabia. Yep. No-one's bothered to even mention them in this matter. Why is that? Because it would almost appear that they haven't anything to do with the matter, when they could well be the cause for this. The Saudi reticence to allow forward basing and expanded support in the region may well have driven the US to deal with the UAE. The Saudis have a much greater tie to 9/11 than a couple of banks in the UAE, couple this with the refusal to co-operate militarily with the Bush Administration and a willingness by the UAE to assume a greater role in that capacity and you have another reason. This also allows the US to balance some political difficulties that have been present between the UAE and Sau Rewarding loyalty and slapping the Saudi's in the face.

3. Iran. It's a given that our government wants a forward base of operations for a future conflict with Iran. The UAE is well situated for such an event and the UAE has zero love for Iran who has possession of three islands the UAE contends are theirs. This entire deal could be a form of "baksheesh", a bribe for the UAE. It's how business is done in the Arab world. The promise of getting the ports contracts in the US, a shot at getting their islands back and a chance to slap the Saudis are a much greater incentive than a carton of smokes or a trip to Vegas.

The UAE is a lot closer to being "secularist" than other countries in the area and that may well make them easier to deal with for the Bush Administration. They have longstanding grudges with Iran and the Saudi's. They are seriously into making money and, as anyone knows "War is good for business".

In the end this may all boil down to a backroom business deal dragged out into the light with the parties on our side not wishing to reveal the details to the "interested parties". Access to our ports may well be bribe in order for our government to engage in their expansionist "business". I can't say with 100% certainty but, after 6 years in that region I have to say it looks as if it could be the case. All in all, tho it won't hurt for our Congress to ask the pertinent questions given the current sentiments towards the deal.

Presidential Prevarication And SCOTUS Gets Something Right

Yep, it's true. President Bush is lying and the Supreme Court has actually ruled well, for once. Combine this with a strengthening of the US Police State, KBR contracts for US Prison Camps and there's actually something out there worth readin' about today.

How Do I Know Bush Is Lying?
Well, his lips were moving, for one thing. That, and he said he was going to use a veto if the Congress crossed him up on the UAE State Owned Company taking over the day to day operations of key US ports facilities. This guy is incapable of vetoing anything. Hell, he's managed to sign anti-gun legislation, a National ID scheme and more spending than any of his predecessors combined. That's how I know he's a liar. The man is so fascinated with writing his own name on documents, that there's not a snowballs chance in hell of him ever vetoing anything. The fact of the matter is that, while this is a matter of a private business engaging in legitimate commerce, the "private company" is, in fact a state owned company from the UAE. While they are indeed a "partner" of the US that can change overnight with a state owned entity. If the company were truly privately owned I wouldn't have much of an issue with it but, as it stands letting a bunch of Monarchists take over the day to day operations of our port facilities might not be the smartest idea. Making someone wealthy who may be your enemy tomorrow isn't necessarily a good idea. Anyone remember our aid to the Taliban and Osama Bin Ladin not so long ago? Some things can come back to bite you in the buttocks, huh?

For some more libertarian insight into the issue we have Brad Spangler and the Kn@ppster. Both excellent and thought provoking reads!

SCOTUS Sides With Religion And Drugs
Colour me surprised at the ruling for religious freedom and expression and against the Drug War that the Supreme Court has handed down! Given the current makeup I had expected anything but this sane ruling. It does give me some hope that the people who are on there may actually have some knowledge of the Constitution, Bill of Rights and liberty in general. Wonder if the Drug Warrior in Chief is gnashing his teeth over this one today?

Bush's Internal Prison Camps
Yeah, I know it sounds like conspiracy theory stuff and it would be...except that it's all out in the open and no big secret for the powers that be. KBR has landed some big contracts for building prison camps in the Continental USA. I wouldn't have been surprised if the contracts had been in Iraq but these camps are going to be built right here in the US of A. Who is going inhabit these camps and labour facilities? Nat Parry at Consortium News has put together all the information you need from all the right sources. If something like this doesn't concern you then you need to wake up.
As for KBR's role in this...I knew John Kellogg, (founder of the Kellogg) , way back when. He was a fine upstanding Irish American and I seriously doubt he would approve of the company he founded building internment camps such as this.
via Ali's Voice.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Steve Kubby Update

Michele Kubby has updated the website with some new information concerning Steve Kubby's case and where things stand now in Placer County. The court and Placer County Prosecutor were informed that Mr. Kubby has a new defence attorney, Mr. J. David Nick.
In a move that may have surprised the prosecution, the new Kubby defense team rejected the 120 day misdemeanor jail sentence the Placer D.A.'s office had offered. In stead, Kubby is asserting his right to be re-sentenced as a felon by Judge John L.
Cosgrove, the original trial judge. A felony sentencing hearing provides Kubby with new rights not available to him under misdemeanor sentencing
Prosecutor Christopher Cattran has not swayed from his original stand, strenuously demanding Kubby be sent to jail for refusing probation, or registered as a drug offender, and that he be forbidden from using medical marijuana, without any further delay.
Consequently, the Court has presently scheduled a re-sentencing hearing for Kubby on March 3rd at **8:30 AM**. David Nick will argue that Kubby should be sentenced to probation.
Mrs. Kubby also points out that Steve Kubby's physician, Dr. Tod Mikuriya has also become a victim in the War on Drugs, as the California Medical Association has decided to go after him for prescribing a drug which is perfectly legal in the Republic of California. Dr. Mikuriya is the M.D. who prescribed the Marinol that is currently helping to keep Mr. Kubby's blood pressure and cancer symptoms in check until he can regain access to medical marijuana.

Mrs. Kubby added, “Dr. Mikuriya is also under attack, as is anyone involved with marijuana. Currently he is facing persecution by the **California** Medical Association for bravely recommending cannabis to a wide variety of patients. He is facing a fine of over $75,000 for his brave stand.

Hopefully we will soon see Mr. Kubby freed since the judge in the new trial is the same man who originally sentenced him.

The Coming Oil War

The Nigerian Oil War?
Opponents of the War In Iraq have long stated that they believe the conflict to be about oil, the government contends otherwise. Well, a real war for oil is looming in the Nigerian Delta and it is slipping under the radar, even as things escalate in the region. Nigerian militant actions have already caused the price of oil to jump by $1 a barrel, as of Fridays close and further action will obviously cause even greater jumps if they carry through on their threats of escalation.

While the forces involved in the Delta are said to be small groups, when you combine their attacks with the unrest and violence in other parts of Nigeria you find that there's a well fueled powder keg waiting the right spark to go off and when it does foreign powers will see no reason not to step in. The US already has contingency plans to send in US troops to protect their oil interests in the Delta region. There is no reason not to assume that other interested nations also have plans on the table. All of this, plus the Muslim unrest in other parts of Nigeria and the presence of Avian Influenza should be drawing the attention of the American public.

When you combine this with the Iranian situation, the international unrest over the Mohammed cartoons and America's current global military "strategy", the U.S. could well be looking at a multi layered recipe for disaster, economic and political. It's well past time that the U.S. stepped back from their current policies and reassessed things. Interventionism isn't working too well.

There's a rather interesting blog from an oil worker on the ground in Nigeria here, take a look for a view from the ground.

OutSource This...
In the continuing saga of selling off our ports to Middle Eastern concerns the Crypt Keeper hit the Sunday news circuit defending the decision to put our port facilities under the control of a United Arab Emirates company. Something tells me that Crypt Keeper Chertoff and the Bush Administration aren't paying attention. As I have said before, the mental instability in D.C. is amazing. Given the governments penchant for "security at any cost", (usually our liberties) you would think that turning over operations of our nations port facilities to people from a region that really doesn't like us, would be a no-brainer. Apparently it IS a no-brainer....when you have leftist Democrats pointing out the obvious to socialist Republicans something is seriously askew.

From The Libertarian Front
Wally Conger has posted some intriguing Murray Rothbard "masterworks" at "out of step". Now, I have a readin' assignment this week. Thanks, Wally! (If only Natasha Henstridge was a brunette!)