Wednesday, February 14, 2007
At Least They're Not Liars
Now to see if I am willing to "label" all of my previous posts or just leave things be.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Forced To Switch?
I am quite happy with the version of blogger I am currently using and don't really wish to switch to their new version. Unfortunately, I will have to switch regardless of my desires. That's the perils of using a free service, you're at the mercy of the powers that be, eh? Hope everything goes well.....
Technorati Tags:
Blogger, Blogging, Forced to Switch
America Comes To Europe
It's almost funny that the member states who willingly gave up their sovereignty in order to form a more perfect union are going to get a taste of federal power the whether they like it or not. In theory their Parliament and the member states must approve the measures into law, but since they have their own EU Supreme Court which is apparently not above legislating from the bench in order to grant greater powers to the central government it is unlikely that the soveregn states will win out in this matter.
How long will it be before they have RICO statutes? A bevy of "federal" laws that supersede all domestic law? Europe looks to be rapidly embracing centralised governance, as we have. With their socialist leanings they may well give concerned individuals in America a glimpse of things to come. For all intents and purposes we in America no longer have sovereign states and it is only a short matter of time before we are forced into the socialist mold of a disarmed populace who are held in thrall by a broadly reaching nanny state. With the continued destruction of the Constitution and the complete ignoring of the Declaration of Independence it is only a short matter of time before we find ourselves as the flip side of the Euro-coin. Their central government is already looking more and more like ours. How long can t be before our politicians look to them for guidance? Not too long is my guess.
Technorati Tags:
Libertarian, European Union, Socialism, Federal Government
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Too. Much. News.
Out of the great American Northwest we have notice that there's a ballot initiative in the works that would require married couples to reproduce or have their marriages declared invalid.
One might think that the initiative was the brainchild of the lunatic religious right, but this time it's coming from the proponents of same sex marriage! Sweet! At least they have maintained a sense of humour in the face of adversity. Seems that the WashingtonUnder I-957, marriage would be limited to men and women who are able to have children. Couples would be required to prove they can have children to get a marriage license, and if they did not have children within three years, their marriages would be subject to annulment.
All other marriages would be defined as "unrecognized" and people in them would be ineligible to receive any marriage benefits.
"limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples furthers the state's interests in procreation and encouraging families with a mother and father and children biologically related to both."Now what would the overriding interest in procreation be for the government? The obvious answer is future
Hillary Clinton wants to, (among other things) confiscate the oil companies stock profits and use them to finance government attempts to find "alternative energy sources".
"The same -- the same is true with energy independence. The Democrats know what needs to be done. Again, we're working to try to push this agenda forward. The other day the oil companies reported the highest profits in the history of the world. (Laughter.) I want to take those profits and I want to put them into a strategic energy fund that will begin to find alternative smart energy, alternatives and technologies that will begin to actually move us toward the direction of independence!" (Cheers, applause.)
In other news, she also wants to confiscate YOUR profits and use them to line the coffers of the government to finance universal health care. Looks like socialism is going to be the spreading disease in the Western Hemisphere in the 21st Century. At least President Clinton will have friends in the neighbourhood. We are so farked when this woman becomes President.
The Chinese have successfully tested their anti-satellite technology and now our military people are wondering what our good friends in the PLA are up to by having mystery satellites close to some of our "key satellites".
Just stopping in for a cup of tea? Sure, that's likely. The Chinese have no interest in knocking us into the dirt and taking their place as the pre-eminent global power of the 21st Century. It's not like their communists or something, right? Oh....wait....nevermind.As worldwide attention focuses on China’s first successful anti-satellite missile test, U.S. officials are questioning why some Chinese spacecraft are in orbits that bring them close to key U.S. satellites, according to military sources.
The big question is the scale and progress of the Chinese anti-satellite program, including whether the Chinese spacecraft are benign or time bombs that can someday be used to threaten the space assets on which the U.S. military and economy depend for everything from reconnaissance and dropping bombs to logistics, communications and navigation.
I just hope they aren't near any of the satellites that beam to DishTV, I'd hate to miss something on TV, just because someone decided that now was a good time to start World War 3.
Gunmen wearing Iraqi army uniforms seized an Iranian diplomat as he drove through central Baghdad, officials said Tuesday. Iran said it held the United States responsible for the diplomat's "safety and life.""A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step".One Iraqi government official said the Iranian diplomat was detained Sunday by an Iraqi army unit that reports directly to the U.S. military. A military spokesman denied any U.S. troops or Iraqis that report to them were involved.
"We've checked with our units and it was not an MNF-I (Multi-National Forces - Iraq) unit that participated in that event," said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, a U.S. military spokesman.
Technorati Tags:
News, Hillary Clinton, Same Sex Marriage, China, Global Warming