Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Gun Show Phenomenon

Well, as is my wont I ventured out yesterday to the Indy 1500 Gun and Knife Show. What a surprise it was, too. The crowds were amazing. Easily 3-4 times the usual number of people were visiting the show. I've never seen it so crowded. Apparently, Mr. Obama's election has inspired numerous people to exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights. The prices reflected a sellers market, too. Ammo that I would have normally bought was up $50 more per case than the last time I purchased. Why? Well, from my discussions with the sellers it boiled down to one thing. They didn't know if they'd be able to restock their supplies of ammo for certain calibres. The fear of gun and ammo bans is palpable in the market.

Many of the sellers have also raised the prices on their EBR's and other "evil" rifles to match. Handguns seem to be maintaining their prices, altho a few of the regulars have added a buck or two, here and there. All in all it's seemingly a good time to be doing business in the firearms market. For the moment, at any rate. In the future many of these folks could well find themselves out of business and that's why they're trying to move their existing inventory. No sense in getting stuck with something you'll never be allowed to sell.

The folks buying were a mixed bag, too. Lots of first time buyers and many more women according to the sellers at the show. All motivated by an uncertain future where Mr. Obama and the new regime are concerned. Even I laid in a couple of necessary things that are likely to come under any future ban from the incoming regime.

All is not gloom and doom on this front, tho. I managed to meet a few fellow bloggers at the show, as well. All of whom run well known and popular blogs in the 2nd Amendment community. Mike Vanderboegh was there, promoting the Sypsey Street Irregulars and his upcoming book, "Absolved". David Codrea, from War On Guns slogged his way through the snow from Ohio to attend. Mike H from "What McAuliffe Said" was in attendance, as well. The Western Rifle Shooters main man was also there. So many notable gun bloggers in one place must have generated more than the normal ATF reports, it was practically a convention. It was certainly nice to finally meet so many of the people whom I read on a daily basis and who do such a good job of keeping folks informed and motivated. I do look forward to the next time and hope they all have safe trips home.

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Saturday, January 03, 2009

It's A New Year, But The Same Old Nanny State

Her Majesties subjects can look forward to many things in the future. Constant surveillance, national ID's, even tagging the elderly. One thing they certainly didn't count on, (but should have, given the proclivities of their government) was the outlawing of foods that some statist nanny thinks they shouldn't eat.
High-fat pies, pizzas and ready-meals could be banned from shops if a major anti-obesity campaign fails to stop people getting fatter.

Health Minister Ben Bradshaw warned obesity is rising so fast that it could threaten the lives of nine out of 10 children by middle age.

Launching a £275million drive to create healthier lifestyles yesterday, he said the situation is so critical outlawing unhealthy food could be the next drastic step.

He said: “If this three-year campaign does not succeed, we don’t rule out regulating in future.”

He added at current trends obesity would cost the nation £50 billion by 2050 – half the current annual NHS budget – from more heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

And Tam Fry of the National Obesity Forum said putting legal limits on the amount of fat, salt and sugar in food was the only answer.

He said: “We have a food industry which is unregulated, which is putting too much fat, too much salt, too much sugar in.

“Unless you get the food to the right quality you are going to have a continuation of the problem.” The main target would be foods that currently have a red warning disc such as pork pies, Cornish pasties, cheesecake, doughnuts and pizzas.

The laws would give the makers strict limits on how much fat, salt and sugar they could include – or even ban them from the shelves.
They even use the same arguments there that nanny's here in the U.S. do. They speak of the costs to their state sponsored medical system. That's the same speech the anti's use here. We can certainly expect the same treatment here once the coming regime enacts socialised medical "care".

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Monday, December 15, 2008

Bill Of Rights Day

That time of year has rolled around once again. Today finds us looking at another Bill of Rights Day. This is a day which should be celebrated, but it won't be. It's a day when we should reflect on our individual liberties, but most will pay it no mind. Only a few of us out here in the aether of the blogosphere will even pay it homage, by mentioning it in a post or raising a glass to it.

It's rather difficult for most to work up the enthusiasm for a celebration of the document which theoretically reins in the powers of the government where our liberties are concerned. This grand old document has seen constant abuse and degradation at the hands of politicians, (both large and small), as well as the robed denizens of the courts. It's a wonder that anyone even deigns to mention it any more. Oh, sure. The press, that chosen class who strive daily in their task to tell us what we should think of certain issues, will occasionally mention their First Amendment Rights and the numerous violations of said right, but then they'll just turn around and call for the one of the other Enumerated Rights to be violated. All in the best interest of their readers, of course. Don't even get them started on the 2nd Amendment, unless you want to see wet panties and hanky wringing.

Today should be celebrated with great fanfare, fireworks and expressions of the very liberties enshrined in the venerable old document. Tonight the talking heads will appear on televisions across the nation and speak of many things. Their newly elected saviour, the economy, redistribution of wealth and myriad other topics. Nary a one will even mention that today is Bill of Rights Day. Well, I guess it's up to the rest of us to haul the weight. We'll mention it. Again and again. Until people are tired of it. Perhaps we'll mention Bill of Rights Enforcement and sound the call, now and again for the highest law of the land to be upheld without doubt or obfuscation, on a daily basis. Shoot, maybe they'd even deign to teach it in the government schools again.

Regardless of all of that, today is a day when we can take a few moments, at least, and honour the memory of those Founders who called for a Bill of Rights and then drafted it. To pay homage to the document itself and the principles it holds forth and to, once again, hold onto it dearly and do our best to see that it is upheld as it was intended to be upheld. As an inviolable shield betwixt the leviathan of government and ourselves. The BoR is not a limit on our Rights, regardless of what the politicians and their judges would have us believe.

Let us today ignore the petty tyrants and their bastard understandings of the truths of the Bill of Rights and hold our own celebrations, private or public. Let us refuse to be cowed by diffidence, ennui and the powers that be and stand proudly. Let us take a few moments of our day and re-read that Bill, refresh our current memory and validate that which we hold to be true. That we are sovereign individuals and we all possess Rights enumerated or not. Let us take a moment to remember that government has no Rights. Only the individual. And, regardless of what you may be told they may not be taken from you. You may only surrender them. Take a moment to reaffirm that you shall never surrender those Rights and will strive to enforce them when, where and how you wish. And, please take a few minutes and read it to your children. They need it just as much as we do, if not more.

Happy Bill of Rights Day.

Update: Needless to say, there are others out there writing on the subject, none quite so well as Mr. Vin Suprynowicz. Take a few minutes and read his writing on the subject. He does a great job, on this as well as many other subjects.

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Friday, December 12, 2008

The Kings Largess

Just when we thought the tax slaves in the US would catch a break, after the Senate refused to acquiesce to the demands of the Big 3, comes late breaking word that King George may just go ahead and grant them the money anyway. Here we have yet another sign that the Republic is, if not dead, dying. The representatives of the people spoke, after hearing from the masses that there should be no further bailouts and now it looks as if the royal treasury will be tapped anyway to feed the rapacious unions that have successfully run the auto industry into the ground.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Under mounting pressure to act, the Bush administration said Friday it was ready to step in and prevent the U.S. auto industry from collapsing after the Senate refused to pass a rescue bill endorsed by the White House and congressional Democrats. The most obvious source of help was the Wall Street bailout fund.

"The current weakened state of the economy is such that it could not withstand a body blow like a disorderly bankruptcy in the auto industry," White House press secretary Dana Perino said.

Treasury spokeswoman Brookly McLaughlin said, "Because Congress failed to act, we will stand ready to prevent an imminent failure until Congress reconvenes and acts to address the long-term viability of the industry."

It is not the place of the Imperial Presidency or Congress to save every failing company. The airlines were allowed to fall into bankruptcy and restructure. They've managed to come out just fine. Allowing the market to work is what we want, not more debt piled atop the trillions of debt already accrued.

What will it take till the powers that be realise that the mechanisms are in place to insure an orderly restructuring of the auto industry? It's called bankruptcy and, if it's allowed to work the auto industry will be better off than if they are nationalised. His Majesty the King needs to be reminded that he works for "We The People", not for industry or special interests or unions. Especially, unions. This country threw off the yoke of one king. We did not do so in order to be saddled with another. George Bush said, in the past, that he believed in the free market. It's long past the time he stepped up and put words into action. Or inaction, as the case may be.

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