Saturday, September 1, 2012

Kindergarten Kid

1st Day
Nervous smile by Holden.  Wether's not one to be left out of a photo (or wear shoes, apparently).

Holden's teacher is Mrs. Black


I didn't stay long (check out the crazy brothers in the background).  Holden is sitting next to Liam.  Liam's grandparents, the Gardners,  built our house.
Holden is allergic to bee stings

Holden was outside schucking corn when he was stung (by a bee?).  He didn't even tell us, we just noticed him rubbing his eyes and thought he was tired!  Moments later he looked like this and I noticed the sting next to his eye.  We have an epipen on hand but we tried Benedryl first, which took effect almost immediately.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

McCord Moments

In an effort to sync the pictures from my android to picassa web albums to blogger it became necessary (probably not but I couldn't figure out another way) to create a new blog with my gmail address instead of my hotmail address. This probably makes sense to some of you who perhaps have the same issues?

Anyway, follow our family at:

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


In an effort to sync the pictures from my android to picassa web albums to blogger it became necessary (probably not but I couldn't figure out another way) to create a new blog with my gmail address instead of my hotmail address.  This probably makes sense to some of you who perhaps have the same issues?

Anyway, follow our family at:

Monday, October 10, 2011


Original mailbox from 1971

My New England style mailbox, built by Kjell.  Shrubbery to come.
After months of checking out mailboxes in Utah, I found very few traditional style mailbox posts and practically no red mailboxes.  Since I did not want a vinyl mailbox post or rock shrine, Kjell ended up building me this mailbox post based off pictures of ones in my parents' neighborhood in Connecticut, including the brace and cap out of wood from the Sims' old deck.  I spraypainted a basic metal mailbox the color of our front door.  At first it was fire engine red but a little stain toned down the color a bit.  A variety of flowering shrubbery will finish off the the spring.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


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On Monday afternoon we had Pumpkinland almost completely to ourselves.  We ran around the corn maze (Marcus' favorite), visited the animals (Marcus LOVED the bunnies), jumped in the bouncehouse, played on the swingset and humored mommy by posing for pics.

"Maybe I should have napped when I had the chance instead of jumping on my bed."

"Stop clowning around so I can take your picure!"

General Conference Weekend

Uncle Bjorn and Marcus at Sundance

Uncle Bjorn came down from BYU Idaho for Conference Weekend.  We haven't seen him since before his mission, so it was a real treat to have him visit.  He spent a lot of time playing with the boys, which was a much-needed break for mom and dad.  Bjorn especially bonded with Holden who did not fail to say crazy things (Bjorn will have to refresh my memory).  Holden wanted Bjorn to build him a lego pyramid, which he did.  Kjell made ris grot for his brothers after Prieshood Session on Saturday night and Swedish pancakes on Sunday morning for Joshua, Bjorn, and Alena.
Sleepy Daddy

"Why isn't he listening?

This is a sight often seen...Kjell decided it needed to be documented.

Hiking at Sundance between sessions on Sunday.  Port slept in the backpack most of the way, Wether was passed around to ride on shoulders, Holden was scared of every dog we saw, and Marcus collected fall leaves.  Picture taken by Alena. 
Bridal Veil Falls Conference Weekend

Uncle Joshua and Port hiking to Bridal Veil Falls on Saturday between sessions.

Haute Couture for Holden

It's always a treat to see what outfit Holden has chosen for himself each day.  We actually went out in public in this fun ensemble (at Holden's insistance I might add.)  Another favorite of Holden's is a red sweatshirt with a dalmation on the front that he somehow finds to wear on the hottest days.