Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sod Saturday

After weeks of installing sprinklers and leveling topsoil, our sod was delivered yesterday and installed today.  With the the help of Grandpa Larry, Uncle Tryg, and our kind neighbors Brian Nixon and Shane Frazier, the sod was laid remarkably quickly.  Within minutes of finishing, the rain came pouring down.  What a transformation! 
Our dirt yard.

Kjell laying sod.

Grandpa Larry fitting in a piece.

Holden watching Uncle Tryg work.


Trunk or Treat

Our ward trunk or treat was last night.  The boys loved donning their costumes a little early.  Here is our trunk:
Frankenstein has a motion sensor and will sing when activated.  He scared lots of little kids.

Photo by Marcus.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fall Fun

Riding in the cows at Cornbelly's.

Wether especially enjoyed this ride. A few times I lost track of him and he would be making a bee-line for the cows.

On a hayride.

This was a very jerky ride but Wether wanted to sit between his brothers and not on my lap.  Holden and Marcus are holding his hands to stabilize him.

Our pumpkin scarcrow.  The boys don't like the "mad" eyebrows.

Marcus, Holden, and Mason.

Marcus, Mason, Holden, Wether, Kjell, and Anna.  Wether was scared of the scarecrow.

Painting pumpkins.  I'm in the background nailing together a cross to support the scarecrow.
Autumn is here. I took the kids to Cornbelly’s on Thursday. We jumped on the “pillows” (like a trampoline), rode in the cows, rode big-wheel tricycles on the sand through a course, went on a hayride through a cornfield, raced rubber ducks using a manual water pump, climbed on hay bales, went on slides, and enjoyed the warm October sun! Wether couldn’t get enough of the duck racing (he was mesmerized). Hopefully, we’ll make one more trip up to Cornbelly’s with Kjell before Halloween.

On Saturday, we painted pumpkins with our neighbors Aryn, Mason (3), and Anna (21 months). I choose an ambitious project to build a pumpkin scarecrow with the kids (actually, it turned out to be simple). I saw a bunch of scarecrows up at Cornbelly’s and it brought back fond memories of building them annually with my mom and J.P. for a contest at the New Canaan Nature Center. The kids enjoyed helping us build the scarecrow (especially eating the marshmallows) but Aryn and I had the most fun. I hope to make it a tradition. I found the overalls in my costume box, although J.P. wore them in high school (check out the Phish patch) and then I took them over and wore them too!

In other news – Marcus got very nice reviews from his teacher Mrs. Sumsion during parent/teacher conferences. She said that his is always happy and obedient and a peacemaker among the other boys who tend to be more dramatic. Marcus loves recess and computer time. He and I read a new book every night and he’s making progress in the reading and sight word department. He’s got 2 upper molars coming in.

Holden is officially potty-trained. This has been a frustrating 4-month long process (I’ll spare you the details!) but sometime last week he decided that he was ready and he hasn’t had an accident since, day or night. Hallelujah. I’ve mentioned before that Holden loves puzzles, especially his “America puzzle” that contains each piece in the shape of a state. Not only has he mastered this difficult puzzle but he knows the names of the majority of the states and the location of all of them. Recently, we bought him a Europe puzzle and he’s in the process of learning all of the countries and their locations as well (it’s not a bad refresher for me either!) We’ll strongly encourage Holden as long as his interest of maps/geography/puzzles continues.

Wether loves trucks. He has a truck book that he looks through several times a day on his own. When he decides that he wants you to read to him, he’ll bring you a book and say “book, book” over and over while forcing himself into your lap or the book into your hands. His determination, independence, and strong will have not diminished in the least, nor have his intense tantrums when he doesn’t get what he wants. I often hear him singing songs, especially “EIEIO, moo, moo” or something to that effect. He’ll play for hours outside, sometimes crawl into his stroller and yell until I’ll push him, and continues to have a healthy appetite. If you here him say “Steins” he’s requesting to watch Baby or Little Einsteins.

My pregnancy is going well – I’ll be entering my 3rd trimester this week. Kjell has been working tirelessly on our sprinkler system, which is now completed. Top soil and sod are next on the agenda and then we’ll take a break from landscaping until the late winter at which time we’ll plan and purchase the shrubbery to be planted in the spring. Until then, we’ll be shuffling rooms around to make room for baby boy and we look forward to visits from both of our parents.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Soccer Dud to Soccer Stud!

The Leprechauns

He shoots, he scores!

With his usual smile on his face

Running down the field

Marcus (#14) fighting for the ball.
What a joy it has been to watch Marcus go from picking grass and dragging his feet on the soccer field to becoming Mr. Aggressive Goal-Scorer this season.  Whenever he has the ball, Marcus has a big smile on his face whether he dribbles it to the goal or loses it to the other team.  He insists on keeping a running tally of all the goals he has ever scored, so when he tells you, "I scored 9 goals" you'll know what he means.  Mostly, it brings great satisfaction to see Marcus learn about teamwork, camraderie, hard-work, and reaching your goals.  I'll have to remember these life lessons when I'll be a soccer mom to not just 1, but 2,3, and 4 little boys in a few years.  That's a lot of time in the minivan!

Latest Project

Before picture of one of the Magleby's chairs.  I didn't get a before picture of the table.

After picture of the table and 10 chairs.
After finding 12 chairs at a garage sale that were originally from Magelby's Fresh, I had a new project on my hands!  After a couple of weeks of searching, I was able to find a Drexel Heritage table on KSL that fit 10 of the 12 chairs, so I went about refinishing both the table and chairs.