Our second card was a corner folding design. you can buy these patterns from my pattern blog
The ladies at card class are so lovely they presented me with this card for Beth to congratulate her... a very talented lady called Chris made this beautiful card thank you Chris and all the ladies this means alot....Beth loved it!!
Today is very exciting for Beth she's at this moment fluffing around for her Formal dinner tonight. I finished her necklace ....take a looky!!
and she's booked in to the hair dressers to have her hair done up and then later at the spoilt rotten beauty salon to have her face done. I made her this card for the occasion...the pattern was made by a lady called Ingrid from New Zealand.
Can't wait to post more pics after tonight...........Valita
and a last thought
Take care to live in me,
and let me live in you.
For a branch can't produce fruit
when severed from the vine.
Nor can you be fruitful apart from me.
John 15:4
Take care to live in me,
and let me live in you.
For a branch can't produce fruit
when severed from the vine.
Nor can you be fruitful apart from me.
John 15:4