We found out we were pregnant soon after, but a couple weeks later we had a miscarriage scare. I had blood work after blood work done, and nothing was conclusive either way. We made an appointment for an ultrasound, and I was sure that there would be no heartbeat. When the tech doing the ultrasound casually pointed out your heartbeat on the screen I may have said something like "holy shit!" and your dad was pretty embarrassed. We went home a little more hopeful even though they found a subchorionic hematoma that they were concerned about. Then the next day the medical assistant from my doctor's office called and said she was sorry but there was NO heartbeat. I told her we had seen it on the screen the day before, and she checked her notes and then apologized for getting it wrong. I wanted to reach through the phone and strangle her. My doctor sent me to a specialist in St. George for a followup ultrasound right away to check on the hematoma. The specialist said the hematoma was there, but it wasn't as serious as my doctor had thought but that there was still about a 50/50 chance that we'd lose the pregnancy as the hematoma was fairly big. I had another ultrasound a few weeks later in Cedar, and the hematoma was still there but not as big. Finally when I had my first actual appointment with my OB the hematoma was all but gone, but you were still there! What a relief!!
Along with all that drama your dad was having a late fire season and ended up in North Carolina for a couple weeks in November. It was lucky for him because I had the worst morning sickness with you. I had to plug my nose to open the fridge or the smell would make me nauseous. I was hungry but the thought of any food made me feel sick. I finally found out I could eat taquitos and Taco Time hot sauce, and even that made me sick after. It was so bad! Your poor siblings ate a lot of cereal, but I don't think they minded.
In January we had our ultrasound to find out if you were a boy or a girl. We had just told all the family we were expecting right around Christmastime. Tess was excited, but the boys, especially Logan, weren't all that thrilled. We had the kids sit on pink confetti-filled balloons to pop them to find out, and when the pink confetti came out Logan was MAD!
The rest of the pregnancy was pretty uneventful. We made it through baseball season with 3 kids on different teams with different schedules, and your dad took a detail in Duchesne and was gone for the last 6 weeks. Dad's detail and school ended around the same time, so we went up with dad the last weekend in May to get the trailer he'd been living in and do some fun things before you were born and rocked our world. My doctor didn't recommend I go because the travelling would be a lot, but we went anyway and drove 1100 miles that weekend! Your due date from the early ultrasounds was June 14th. We got home from our trip to Duchense on May 31st.
A few days later on Saturday, June 3rd I was feeling pretty frantic about getting the house cleaned up. I organized a few things to take to the storage unit we'd rented a few months earlier and asked the older kids if they wanted to come with me to run errands. Tess came with me, and we loaded the truck with a few totes of stuff. We unloaded the totes at the storage unit and then went to the pharmacy and then to the grocery store. I saw my friend Kelly at the pharmacy and talked to her about the scout camp the next week. I told her Logan would be there unless the baby came early, but that I was feeling too good to think that would happen any time soon. At the grocery store when I got out of the truck I felt a weird feeling like you had all of a sudden dropped lower, and it kind of hurt! When we got home I was tired, so I sat on the couch to watch TV. I heard a weird "pop" sound in my belly, and when I got up I felt like maybe my water had broken, but even after 3 other babies I couldn't tell! Your dad was up on the mountain in charge of firing operations on a prescribed burn. I tried calling him but couldn't get through. I really didn't want to call dispatch to get him on the radio, but knowing that if it was go time we would still have to drive to Cedar City I thought I probably should get him headed home. I called dispatch and asked them to have him call me. Pretty soon I had a phone call from your frantic dad, and I told him to come home. I called the on-call doctor too, and she said that my doctor that I was travelling all the way to Cedar for was out of town! She told me since you were my 4th that we should start heading to Cedar because things could start moving fast.
I wasn't having contractions that felt any different from the Braxton Hicks I'd been having, so I just went around the house making sure the kids' bag was packed for grandma's house and that I had everything I needed in my bag and cleaning things up. Your dad ran through the door covered head to toe in black, and I told him he could relax becuase I wasn't having contractions and to go take a shower! We headed out shortly after. We met grandma and grandpa Hillier in LaVerkin to drop off the older kids and continued on to Cedar. By this time I was worried I was going to get there and they were going to send me home. Still no contractions!
We got checked in to the hospital around 5 pm, and the girl at the desk even said I didn't look like I was in labor! After I got settled the nurse checked me and said that my water had broken and I was at a 4. They started pitocin and said they'd check me in an hour.
One the pitocin started kicking in the contractions did too. Your dad and I settled in for what we thought would be at least a couple hours of labor and started texting friends and family to know that yes, I was in labor and we would be staying. We watched a little TV and chatted and pretty soon my contractions went from pretty mild to pretty consistent and consistently more painful. When I couldn't talk to your dad through them anymore we knew things were moving quick. The nurses came in about 6:30 to check on me and upped my pitocin. I asked them to not up it, but she already had! (She didn't tell me that until after, but I had my suspicions) They told me that it would take about 20 minutes for the anesthesiologist to get there, 20 minutes to get set up, and 20 minutes for the epidural to take effect so if I wanted an epidural I shouldn't wait too long and then they left and said they'd check on me at 7. The contractions got really painful at this point, but I didn't want to bother them right after they left, so I decided when they came in at 7 I would ask them to call the anesthesiologist. At 7 on the dot I was pressing my call button to get them back in the room so I could get him coming ASAP! They checked me and said I was at a 6. They left to call the anesthesiologist but came back in quickly when they heard me start howling. The nurse told me later that there is a very specific sound mothers make when things are close, and they knew I was getting there. This part is a bit of a blur for me. At this point I knew that I wasn't getting an epidural, and I think I kind of panicked. I had shifted to try to get more comfortable and then felt like I got stuck - leaning over the edge of the bed and onto the table. Your dad and the nurses were awesome, dad holding my hand and the nurses telling me to relax and that I could actually get through it. They got me back in the middle of the bed and started breaking it down for delivery. At one point it felt like the contractions never stopped - just one continuous pain. Then the midwife who I had talked to on the phone came in. They told me I was at a 10 and could push with the next contraction, and then the contractions felt like they stopped! I finally decided I had enough and was going to push without a contraction, and when I did I felt some relief. They said your head was out and had gotten the cord away from your neck, and I remember thinking that I wanted this over with and pushed you out at 7:28.
The midwife put you right up on my chest and covered you with a blanket. I remember saying that I liked you and the nurses and your dad laughing. They waited a few minutes to have dad cut the cord, and then I got to snuggle you for about an hour while they finished up with me. I ended up loving the midwife who delivered you. She was so reassuring. Everything went so fast from being admitted to the contractions going from nothing to really bad to having you on my chest. Not to mention that I had been out running errands that morning and telling people I didn't think you'd be coming any time soon! I kept apologizing to her and the nurses for pretty much howling like a crazy lady for a few minutes and they told me it was totally normal. I had gone from a 6 to a 10 in 10 minutes, and the poor anesthesiologist left his ward picnic only to get to the hospital just about 3 minutes before you were born. When I talked to my doctor about my labor at my 6-week checkup he said that pitocin can make contractions more intense than they would normally be. You're the only baby I had naturally so I can't compare, but if I had to bet I would say that's exactly what happened. I was proud of myself for getting through it (even though it hadn't been my choice!), but I definitely didn't feel like I'd ever want to do it again! I think if I had been planning on a natural birth and things hadn't gone so fast and so crazy I would have done a little bit better, but it was a little traumatic! (I should have gotten your dad to write his impressions of how things went. I'm pretty sure he remember more than I do.)
We spent 2 nights in the hospital since you were born in the evening. We still hadn't settled on a name, and before your dad left that night (to get some sleep at Uncle Dusty and Aunt Sylvia's house) he told me I had to decide. We had been thinking of a few names. I'd always liked Claire. We thought about Ashley since dad had just spent 6 weeks on the Ashley National Forest. I thought a lot about Leah since I wanted to have a reference to your aunt Jennifer Leigh. There were a couple others we had kicked around too. When dad got there the next dad I had decided on Taylee Marie. The kids came up to see you with grandma and grandpa Hillier later that day, and then grandma and grandpa Veater came with Uncle Derick and Aunt Bre a bit later. I hadn't slept much Saturday night and was so exhausted Sunday. I was glad to have another night in the hospital.
Monday morning we were discharged and headed to Hurricane to pick up your siblings and go home. I was worried about the long drive, but you did okay, and the best part was seeing your brothers and sister just in love with you. I got a great picture of Logan leaning over the seat to stare at you - the kid who was mad he was getting a sister! You have been nothing but loved and adored and fussed over since you came home. It hasn't been easy going back to waking up all night and working schedules around baby naps and crying in the car, but not one of us would trade you. We sure do love you Taylee Marie!
One the pitocin started kicking in the contractions did too. Your dad and I settled in for what we thought would be at least a couple hours of labor and started texting friends and family to know that yes, I was in labor and we would be staying. We watched a little TV and chatted and pretty soon my contractions went from pretty mild to pretty consistent and consistently more painful. When I couldn't talk to your dad through them anymore we knew things were moving quick. The nurses came in about 6:30 to check on me and upped my pitocin. I asked them to not up it, but she already had! (She didn't tell me that until after, but I had my suspicions) They told me that it would take about 20 minutes for the anesthesiologist to get there, 20 minutes to get set up, and 20 minutes for the epidural to take effect so if I wanted an epidural I shouldn't wait too long and then they left and said they'd check on me at 7. The contractions got really painful at this point, but I didn't want to bother them right after they left, so I decided when they came in at 7 I would ask them to call the anesthesiologist. At 7 on the dot I was pressing my call button to get them back in the room so I could get him coming ASAP! They checked me and said I was at a 6. They left to call the anesthesiologist but came back in quickly when they heard me start howling. The nurse told me later that there is a very specific sound mothers make when things are close, and they knew I was getting there. This part is a bit of a blur for me. At this point I knew that I wasn't getting an epidural, and I think I kind of panicked. I had shifted to try to get more comfortable and then felt like I got stuck - leaning over the edge of the bed and onto the table. Your dad and the nurses were awesome, dad holding my hand and the nurses telling me to relax and that I could actually get through it. They got me back in the middle of the bed and started breaking it down for delivery. At one point it felt like the contractions never stopped - just one continuous pain. Then the midwife who I had talked to on the phone came in. They told me I was at a 10 and could push with the next contraction, and then the contractions felt like they stopped! I finally decided I had enough and was going to push without a contraction, and when I did I felt some relief. They said your head was out and had gotten the cord away from your neck, and I remember thinking that I wanted this over with and pushed you out at 7:28.
The midwife put you right up on my chest and covered you with a blanket. I remember saying that I liked you and the nurses and your dad laughing. They waited a few minutes to have dad cut the cord, and then I got to snuggle you for about an hour while they finished up with me. I ended up loving the midwife who delivered you. She was so reassuring. Everything went so fast from being admitted to the contractions going from nothing to really bad to having you on my chest. Not to mention that I had been out running errands that morning and telling people I didn't think you'd be coming any time soon! I kept apologizing to her and the nurses for pretty much howling like a crazy lady for a few minutes and they told me it was totally normal. I had gone from a 6 to a 10 in 10 minutes, and the poor anesthesiologist left his ward picnic only to get to the hospital just about 3 minutes before you were born. When I talked to my doctor about my labor at my 6-week checkup he said that pitocin can make contractions more intense than they would normally be. You're the only baby I had naturally so I can't compare, but if I had to bet I would say that's exactly what happened. I was proud of myself for getting through it (even though it hadn't been my choice!), but I definitely didn't feel like I'd ever want to do it again! I think if I had been planning on a natural birth and things hadn't gone so fast and so crazy I would have done a little bit better, but it was a little traumatic! (I should have gotten your dad to write his impressions of how things went. I'm pretty sure he remember more than I do.)
Monday morning we were discharged and headed to Hurricane to pick up your siblings and go home. I was worried about the long drive, but you did okay, and the best part was seeing your brothers and sister just in love with you. I got a great picture of Logan leaning over the seat to stare at you - the kid who was mad he was getting a sister! You have been nothing but loved and adored and fussed over since you came home. It hasn't been easy going back to waking up all night and working schedules around baby naps and crying in the car, but not one of us would trade you. We sure do love you Taylee Marie!