Thursday, January 19, 2023

Blue Zones Challenge: Breakfasts and Soup

Checking in again on my 19th day of the Blue Zones Challenge. You can read all about my January reset goals here. And here are a few yummy recipes I've made from the Blue Zones books.

For breakfast last week, I made a batch of Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies. These were a 7th Day Adventist recipe, and they're super quick and great on the go. Basically, it's just oats, mashed banana, applesauce, chocolate chips, nuts, and vegan honey. Some of the recipes call for honey, so I've been subbing Single Origin Vegan Un-Honey.

I also made the Pumpkin Pancakes from the Blue Zones Challenge. These were just okay, but that's my fault. I added protein powder to the oat flour pancakes, and the texture was off a bit. But it's because of the protein powder, I'm sure! They tasted good though. I had some vegan sausage on the side because pancakes without sausage is just sad.

It's been pretty chilly here with temps in the 30s and 40s some days, so I made this Potato Leek Soup from the Blue Zones Challenge to keep us warm. This was a hit with Paul, which is great! He's been trying to get healthier, but he's so picky. So it's nice when he actually likes something made with vegetables.

And finally, here's my favorite recipe on the plan so far! The Ikarian Longevity Stew is from the Ikrarian Blue Zone, and it's fantastic. It has blackeyed peas, fennel, tomato, and lots of fresh dill and olive oil. Paul and I both loved this one, and I was sad when it was gone. This will become a staple in our house for sure.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Blue Zones Challenge!

We're mid-way through January now, and I'm just now getting around to telling y'all about my annual January challenge. Every year, I pick a different reset plan. And this year, I'm doing the Blue Zones Challenge. I've long been a fan of Dan Buettner's Blue Zones work, and I finally got the challenge workbook a few weeks ago.

If you're not familiar, the Blue Zones are five regions around the world with the highest number of people over 100. And since I'm trying to live to 100, I figured I should learn their secrets. Turns out they're not that far enough from how I live anyway. Dan identified nine principles these people live by: 1) eat a plant-based diet (check!), 2) move naturally (check! Though I also move unnaturally with my marathon running), 3) reduce stress (check! I've got a daily yoga and meditation practice), 4) drink wine at 5 (yes, please), 5) spend time with community (I could be better), 6) focus on family (also, could be better, but I'm trying to call my parents weekly), 7) have a spiritual practice (check! Even if it's a non-conventional one!), 8) don't overeat (definitely could be better), and 9) know your purpose (check!).

The Blue Zones Challenge book gives you weekly activities to work through these concepts, and there are a few recipes. I'm also using recipes from Dan's beautiful hardcover Blue Zones Kitchen Cookbook. Here are a few things I've made lately.

This was the Gallo Pinto from the Costa Rican Blue Zone with black beans, white rice, avocado, cilantro, and mango. So easy and delicious!

This was the Miso Soup from the Okinawan Blue Zone. This was a both a hearty breakfast and a nice, quick lunch.

And here's some Spaghetti with Walnut Pesto from the Sardinian Blue Zone. Some of the Blue Zones use a ton of olive oil, and this recipe definitely did. I used to do the whole oil-free thing, but I'm now of the belief that olive oil is good for you. And while I'm training for a 50-miler, those extra calories are much needed. Served with my homemade sourdough. The Blues Zones are all about sourdough!

I've got lots more to share over the coming days! So much good food on this plan. 

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Belated Christmas at Native Brew Works

Last Christmas post, I swear. All of my Christmas plans were canceled due to a crazy winter storm that swept through the Mid-South and left our streets too icy for travel. So I had a makeup Christmas with my parents on New Years Day. And last weekend, I finally got to meet up with Sheridan and Drew. They live in Little Rock, and I'm in Memphis. So we met in the middle in our hometown of Jonesboro at Native Brew Works.

We love this brewery! The beer is fantastic, and they have vegan options. So we try to meet there whenever we can. We all ordered the Roasted Sweet Potato Tacos with avocado crema. I got one on a corn tortilla and another on flour. 

And we split an order of Chips and Salsa.

I also got a side of Black Beans with Pico. I ran that morning and was super-hungry.

As for a beer, I ordered the Haulin' Oats Oatmeal Stout, which has to be the best beer name ever!! I love a pun. The beer was super-tasty, too.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Lulu's Sneak Peek, Surprise Salad, and Breakfast!

My friends who run the Memphis vegan bakery Lulu's are opening a brick-and-mortar! Previously, they sold at the Cooper-Young Farmers Market, but later this month, they'll have their very own place again. I say again because they briefly had a stall inside Puck Food Hall. But Puck closed, so they had to close. But this new place will be all their own. They had a super-soft test run a couple weeks back, so I stopped in for a Breakfast Sando on a sourdough bagel (tofu egg, cashew cheese, and smoked carrot bacon). I can't wait to be able to order these whenever I want!

Over the New Year's weekend, Paul was having gut issues and in the hospital. Bummer, but he's okay now. While we were there though, I went down to the cafe to grab him a drink, and I noticed this Plant-Based Chorizo Salad. It had feta, but the ingredients were all in separate compartments, so it was easy to toss that out.

The chorizo was made from seasoned black beans, and there were roasted sweet potatoes and beets, pumpkin seeds, and a maple dressing. It was so good! Super impressed that the hospital had a healthy option. They also had packaged vegan hummus wraps.

And finally, here's a breakfast made from leftovers. My mom made our Christmas breakfast on New Year's since we had to skip Christmas due to the weather. And she sent me home with leftover biscuits, gravy, sausage, and a half a bottle of Just Egg. I figured I needed something green too, so I sauteed some cabbage. 

Monday, January 9, 2023

Cheesesteak Fries, Pan con Tomate, & N/A Beer

My favorite vegan food truck, Da Guilty Vegan, typically sets up shop in Cordova, a neighborhood about 20 minutes from my house. So I rarely get there. But one day recently, chef Derek took his truck to Crosstown Brewing Co., which is in my neighborhood. So I had to go! I got his Philly Cheesesteak Fries, and WOWSERS! These were so damn good. They were topped with Beyond burger, vegan cheese, bell peppers, and onions. I ate every bite, and though I was super-full, I was sad they were gone.

Here's a recent Tofu & Broccoli Stir-fry that looks very much like the one from Thursday's post. But this one has added mung bean sprouts that were leftover from our Christmas Eve pho. Tofu and broccoli is kind of my go-to stir-fry combo. The tofu in this was my favorite super-firm tofu from my neighborhood Asian market.

One morning a few weeks back, I made Pan con Tomate (that's Spanish tomato bread) for breakfast. The simple recipe is from the No Meat Athlete Cookbook, and it's just homemade sourdough, tomato, garlic, and nooch. But rather than added the chopped ingredients, you smear the garlic and tomato over the bread so the bread kind of grates the veggies. Makes a great breakfast, but it's also perfect with red wine as a happy hour snack.

Speaking of booze, I'm doing a bit of a Damp January. Definitely not giving up alcohol. In fact, I'm drinking red wine several days a week for health reasons (but more on that in a few days when I catch y'all up with my Blue Zones challenge). But I am consciously trying to drink less, so I ordered about 30 low-proof beers from Athletic Brewing Co. to enjoy in between drinking days. Each has about a half percent alcohol. They're great as a substitute on nights I don't want to drink at all, and they're also great when I've already had one or two drinks and want more (but shouldn't). 

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Pancakes & Sausage on a Stick! Plus, Stir-fry and a Xmas Treat

So we're solidly in January now, and I'm behind in posting my meals. Almost every January, I do some kind reset/cleanse/healthy eating thing, and this year, I'm doing the Blue Zones Challenge. I'll blog more about that soon, but for the next few posts, I'll catch up on some old food.

I recently found Morningstar's Incogmeato Pancakes and Sausage on a Stick, so of course I had to buy them. 

Imagine if a corn dog was wrapped in a pancake. And that hot dog was actually a sausage. That's what this is. The pancake gets nice and crispy in the air fryer, and it's even better dipped in extra maple.

Here's a recent very simple Tofu & Broccoli Stir-fry that I made a few weeks back. I had some daikon in my CSA, so I made Terry Hope Romero's Daikon Pickles from Vegan Eats World to go with it. Very crunchy and good. But I ended up throwing the leftovers out because daikon is super stinky, and the smell was grossing me out. Kind of like durian.

And finally, here's a little Sjaak's Peanut Butter Chocolate Christmas Tree that I ordered from Herbivore. I enjoyed this while watching Love Hard, a cheesy but super-cute Christmas movie.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Christmas on New Year's!

Christmas was a little weird this year. The winter storm that swept much of the country hit the South, and we were iced in for much of Christmas weekend. By Sunday (Christmas), the roads in Memphis were fine, but my parents live two and a half hours to the north in the Arkansas Ozarks. And their roads were not fine. So Paul and I opted to stay home and celebrate with our pets. 

But that meant my parents and I needed to reschedule Christmas. So on New Year's Day, I drove to their house, and we enjoyed New Year's dinner and opened our presents. When I got there, my mom was just finishing up our traditional good luck meal of Blackeyed Peas, Cornbread, Turnip Greens, Boiled Cabbage, Vegan Chicken & Dumplins, and Fried Potatoes. A perfect start to the year!

And then it was present time! Paul couldn't make it, but I brought his gifts back home with me. I got lots of running gear and running-related gifts, plus a Le Creuset kettle. All I do these days is run and eat and drink coffee/tea!

Paul and I had a personalized neon sign made for my parents' home bar!

And they both got liquor gifts and plenty more.

Maynard enjoyed his Christmas gingerbread dog treats.

After presents, my dad made me a Bloody Mary in a vintage Spuds McKenzie glass from the 1980s. Christmas Bloody Marys are a tradition for me and my dad.

On Monday morning, we had a big breakfast of Just Egg, Biscuits and Gravy, Vegan Sausage, and Hash Browns before I hit the road.