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Date de création : 23.07.2013
Dernière mise à jour : 29.10.2016
45 articles

Trove: What was wrong with the old system

Publié le 29/10/2016 à 09:46 par ventevetementlatex Tags : you

This made exiting portals for me much more of a nuisance when you don't want to pick everything up and exit. What was wrong with the old system?? Why did this change? I can see it may be handy for people playing on a joystick/gamepad but it makes it a nuisance for keyboard and mouse. So I really propose it being a option in the settings somewhere. Because right now when I exit portals I'm forced to pick up like 2-3 items before I'm able to actually interact with the portal.

This new system is preferred to me, however loot collecting single items that are by default locked becomes a hassle, for instance 1 star stellar gems. I like the fact that when I open 500 boxes with 500 clicks I dont have to drag them 500 times over to the loot collector. Its beneficial for mass loot collecting but not for single default locked items. To polish it up IMO it should be sorted from highest rarity to lowest while all locked items at the bottom of list to reduce the amounts with Cheap Trove Flux needed in day to day farming. An idea I have to further polish it up is to add a second or third lock button for equipments and gems and maybe other stuff that have "rarity" or "grade" associated with a item category to mass lock a certain grade or rarity. 

Take example, equipments have rarity legendary / S1 / S2... the second lock icon may be used to lock entire rarity, and third lock icon may be used to lock entire grades 1-5 stars of the particular rarity on the item you pressed the lock button on, say.. it was S5 3 star item locking the 3rd lock will lock all S5 3 stars. Worth noting it should be a saved setting so any S5 3 stars are locked by default. The 3rd lock comes particularly handy with gems when you want to lock stellar gems with 2 stars and not all stellar gems. 

The new loot collecting system seems to me, not as efficient for deconning one item when its defaultly locked so instead of replacing the old UI completely. I rather see the new UI done in a new placeable and the old loot collecting placeable to buy trove items remain the old system giving the user a choice for new or old system or even both. But overall I like it way more then the old system.

I have a suggestion for the new loot collector that'll really improve the UI, I think if the list of all the items displayed the number of pearls and the tier of the shadow item (if it's a shadow item) it'd help make it easier to identify items you want to keep. That way I could just scroll through the list and look at the 4/5-shadows and the 5-6 pearl items to see if they're worth keeping and everything else can be deconstructed quickly.

Albion Online: Mentioned are specifically cc roles

Publié le 31/08/2016 à 08:00 par ventevetementlatex Tags : you

We have a PvE designed to mobbing (several creatures per pull, lots of AOE damage etc) and tanks that can't hold aggro on multiple targets (with the exception of the flail). Even the tanks with the threatening strike have difficulty.

This has been mentioned a few times in the Albion Online Items feedback section but I haven't seen a clear answer yet.

Well at the moment Tanks can't hold more then 3 ghoules but on the way to portals there are often much bigger grps. You can kite them or you can go with more then 5 ppl but I don't think that should be the way if has to be. So pls nerf ghouls last beta veteran mobs where to weak but now the dmg is way to high.

None of those you mentioned are specifically cc roles, they're just dps with a utility spell. And I don't know what you've been fighting but if you think you can perma slow a group of mobs and kite it, my best bet is you're still killing skeletons. Same with fire wall, it's a 15 second spell that dies after a while and does nothing against ranged. All of these spells are meant to temporarily disable mobs, and if the dps is taking aggro from them then as soon as the cc ends they're screwed. T6 and above the dps won't be able to buy safe albion online silver, ghouls, and any of the morgana mobs no matter how much you perma-slow them or temporarily stun them.

And one thing you're wrong about and something a ton of tanks don't understand, threatening strike is not a single target aggro skill like taunt. It's a buff that gives you increased aggro for 3 seconds, whatever skills you use in the next 3 seconds literally become taunts and It is easy to maintain aggro on all units no matter how much the dps deals dmg as long as you have an aoe.

A divine healer and a proper tank setup is more than enough to tank multiple mobs unless your getting extremely greedy pulling 2~3 waves at once.

Albion Online: Get to experience no PVP

Publié le 27/08/2016 à 05:37 par ventevetementlatex Tags : you extra

There shouldn't be endgame on the royal island, but right now there is. Even though you can't control a territory, if you stay in the Royal Islands you can get rich without too much danger. Theres enough tier zones to stay there, even though the Black zones are the end game of this game.

This game has learnt so much from EVE, yet it fails to see that even in EVE, if you want the good shit, you have to go to the lower security zones. The royal islands are the green security levels, yellow is yellow, and Red still functions as the yellow security levels in EVE. It shouldn't work like that, Red should have its dangers, even though you want to be casual, there should be repercussions to being casual. Casuals can still enjoy the game, but they will figure out the dangers of the 'endgame'.

Right now you can gear up all the way to t8, without experiencing some pvp, because most people can't be bothered to pvp in the red zone because theres only downsides, no upsides whatsoever. Sure you can kill someone, loot their shit, but you can lock yourself out for a day or even more, thats never going to be worth it. Right now the Black zones is where the actual 'hardcore' guilds mostly live and Buy Albion Online Silver, and thats how it should be. But if you want to be semi hardcore, just a tad more casual than most hardcore guilds, there is literally NO place for you in this world to live. You either live in a blackzone city, hope you don't get heavily camped during your timezone and try to play like that (wheres the fun in that?), or you stay in the royal islands and get to experience no PVP. The Red zones should function as the inbetween, but right now they have no function.

I don't really think the black zones are at fault here, the concept of the black zone is actually quite solid except for the zerging benefits. The problem is that theres no inbetween, you either play with the big guilds, or you don't get to experience the full game. Even EVE had 'black zones' that couldn't be controlled by people, just so that the smaller guilds had a chance, had something they could roam more freely because the bigger zerg guilds are mainly around their own territories and cities. Make the second island envy is controlling a no claimable blackzone.

It is absolutely ridiculous that theres heavy PVP on one side of the map, and absolutely nothing on the other side, where is the logic in that? There are too many benefits of becoming rich in the red zones, it shouldn't be like that, crafters and gatherers should have to explore the dangers, the extra risk of getting better resources. Right now they go on their merry way, and in the red zone you can easily earn Albion Online Gold back 10 times the amount of times you get 'zerged' over there, because it rarely happens. WHERE is the inbetween man? This game is so heavily unbalanced right now, that I don't see it launch in the next half a year.

So here's my suggestion in Albion

Publié le 23/08/2016 à 04:20 par ventevetementlatex Tags : albionmall

Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, which had an open world FFA PVP server ran this system and I think it could work in Albion. I would like harvesting to become a small group activity, because the social aspect will help make harvesting a little bit more fun and this idea will also help the Devs reduce the amount of balancing they will have to do to help gatherers to find albion online gold shop because you can do it in a small group.


Say we have Player 1 who we will call Sickle6 

Because he can harvest T6 fiber 

We also have Player who we will call Sickle2 

Because he can only harvest T2 fiber

Lastly we have Player 3 who we will call Lumberjack6 

Because he can harvest T6 wood but can't harvest past T1 fiber by himself.



In this suggested system, if Sickle6, Sickle2, and Lumberjack6 are in the same group they can harvest the highest resource that each individual can harvest BUT they all have to be on the same node and carry the right tools.


So when Sickle6, Sickle2, and Lumberjack6 all start harvesting that T6 fiber, they all get a little bit of T6 fiber but Sickle6 gets more because he's specialized in it. I would also consider limiting the rares to ONLY people who are spec'd in that specific tree. So if Sickle6, Sickle2, and Lumberjack6 are harvesting a T6.3 fiber Sickle2 and Lumberjack6 will only get a small amount of T6 fiber and Sickle6 will get the rare and maybe a bonus rare for Albion Online Silver doing it with a group instead of solo. This also means that the same group of people could harvest T6 Trees IF they all had T6 wood axes.



Yes this idea will put more resources into the market, but it will also increase the amount of small groups out roaming the world which is great for open world PVP.



Some things to consider:

Should Sickle2 and Lumberjack6 get fame for harvesting it?

I think yes, what is your opinion?

Should their be a cap on the amount of people that can be on the node/in group?

I think 3 would be a good number, my guildy suggested that you put a cap on how much can be gathered from the node so it doesn't matter how many people you have, but I think this may encourage zerging.

Should Sickle2 and Lumberjack6 get rares?

I don't think so, I think the biggest reward should be for the person who can actually harvest that resource alone

Should each person be required to carry the appropriate tool/tier?

I think they absolutely should, even if you can't use it by yourself, you should be able to use it if you're grouped with someone and on the same node as someone that CAN use it



My reasoning behind this change is to encourage smaller groups to be out doing things together, this would provide an incentive to have people roaming in smaller groups and be out looking for Albion Online Items. This would also make gathering a group activity instead of a lone solo one, while soloing will still be possible, it will bring more people out of the city and into the world. I don't like gathering very much myself because I don't get to do it with my guild, I think if a system like this were implemented it would get me to go out and harvest more with my friends and the rewards would actually encourage it. Harvesting is SOOOO boring and I think this would add just enough to make it fun with the social aspect and the risk/reward of running into another small group of 3~ would get me out in the world doing it more while bringing me closer to my guildies.


What do you guys think? 

I usually try to be competitive in Albion

Publié le 20/08/2016 à 08:56 par ventevetementlatex Tags : you

Quality post. This is the guy to listen to. I personally don't live out of the blackzone (started playing 2 days ago), but so far my best experiences have been with my guild on excursions into the black zone. Red zone is where I gather resources. There is never a dull moment when you can be killed at any time.


Living in the black zone obviously isn't for everyone, just showing my experience.Just want to show that if you only live in the albion online gold market and never take any risk you will get bored because you are missing out on a huge part of the game.


This guy probably got killed in his best gear first time he went into a pvp zone and says the game is bad because of his mistakes.You don't have to go out in your best gear to have fun go out in T3 and try to bring goods up to the Red/Black zone for more profit.Check my reddit post... some good info there.


If you are competitive and really are into GvG/zergs and understand/accept that this is not a triple A production with a large team from day one, but it's an indie game started from humble beginnings that has a long way to get Albion Online Silver before feeling fully featured, that is likely to feel still incomplete at release if you have high standards, I would recommend to get it now. If you are not competitive and unsure, best to learn more and wait for release or after release to see if they have delivered a good product.


I usually try to be competitive but I was buying in the green zone for 20 to 40 per and selling in the black zone for 150-200 per. Or if you have an alliance market sometime sell for 400 to 500.


Did you not notice it was only 5 guys fending off a whole guild? Ya they used the tower because they know how to pvp smart. I mean they just had a gvg, won and had the whole guild try and jump them. You go try that and tell me there is no skill involved. Lemme guess, your still living out of the Royal Lands all safe and cozy?


Albion Online: More realistic economic experience

Publié le 19/08/2016 à 09:10 par ventevetementlatex Tags : you

I think that the devs are on it and will address in a sensible way the travel across large distance in a way that makes sense and solves major issues, but it's also something for gamers to understand that the game is not going to turn out to be like the current one, especially in this aspect where population size and a more varied population is going to affect the way we perceive the world activity. While understandable as lots are just gamers and the vocal ones in forums are very drastic something, sometimes for the kicks and laughs, approaching game systems and refine them progressively is way to get Albion Online Silver that every gamers should learn to think about. In my opinion there is definitely room to adjustments to make it a better experience without watering down the more realistic economic experience that comes with certain types of in game struggles.


Regarding the map size, imho the map is not big for a release plan of such one world (without adding artificial instances or on call elements), I think there is going to be a good influx of people once released on all platforms officially (using also the app stores), and while the more dramatic separation between so called carebear gatherers and hardcore pvpers might upset the lonewolf solo pvpers, for the sake of the game health I think it's important that the developers give enough breath to a more relaxed gameplay and make this game less of a niche game and die like many others, just because a few hundred lonewolves want to have more AO Gold. their kicks and scare all the sheeps away even before the game matures.


To me infant is more the point where the game launches, we are always looking at others successful mmo with lots of things to do and systems to play with, but always forget the most of the ones we like to mention as a role model are games with large teams with a lot of veterans and many years of updates, and it's unfair to compare albion and its small team with such mature game experiences.


Between game history and common sense, games that caters mainly for the fewer more socially adverse lonewolf type who get their kicks through bullying more peaceful types into non consensual pvp have hard life to survive considering the success requirements in today's gaming market. Consensual pvp (Overwatch, LoL... top played games) territory GvG are winning type of solutions to give esport like fair matches, while soft activities are popular amongst the more relaxed types who enjoy life activities (people coming from themepark and in this case relaxing mobile games). While the game is lacking in traditional pve content, it gives and will do more over the next couple of years in life activities on a par with pve content in other games. The reputation system is a good start to create a variety of environments where people can selectively have the experience they are looking for without being forced towards struggling paths to push them to quit even faster than standard levels, For every socially impaired lonewolf pvper who wants to push coward pvp gameplay attacking low tier peasants without accepting consequences in albion online gold market, there are 10 sheeps who want to get an enjoyable and varied experience for as much as the game can offer, and we know what makes business sense. This is coming from someone who have no problems even if the game was full loot pvp everywhere in the map, who plays rpg since it was text only on slow modems.


This game needs absolutely to bring sheeps in and retain them, as there are likely to be the ones who are going to keep money flowing in for the company, while hardcore wolves are more likely to have the time and knowledge to get all the gold and premium for months (if not for years) without spending a dime after buying the initial package. And while being in fact sheeps, they do not like to be treated like the meek ones and disappear frustrated.


If this was an instances game with small rooms, it could work better with a strong push in favour of wolf opportunistic style, but with a large open world to fill and an economy to run, you need the numbers to keep things going at a reasonable pace or certain pillars in the game systems will fall.

Albion Online: Tone down the value of LP

Publié le 17/08/2016 à 05:06 par ventevetementlatex Tags : you

The issue with this that concerns me the most is that the company basically is just looking into ways to get more profit out of us because the more accounts/characters with premium means the more money in their pocket.


I'm the type of person that sticks to one character because I like to grind and use the core features the correct way to get more AO Gold.I think that LP should just be erased entirely and instead of gaining learning points you instead increased the fame output of all of your activites by x2 or x3. Also make it so that the fame it takes to get to each tier not such a big gap from one to the next.


Also I feel as it takes TOO long to get anywhere with gathering resources becuase I never seem to budge on the destiny board when it comes to that.Obviously games companies benefit from having alts and alt accounts.But there is an underlying reason for it to never be banned in any mmorpg: Its simply impossible to enforce a ban on alts.


We can agree that they should tone down the value of LP. This would tone down the value of alts. But not allowing alts is simply not an option.I think the way it is now, the more characters you have with premium the better off you will be. My main is a fighter and gatherer and my alt is a refiner/crafter. I really wish they'd just remove LP though and maybe adjust fame required to level up, I hate NEEDING another character or two to be the most efficient.


You shouldn't be able to do it all on just one character though. Defeats the point of the Devs wanting people working together to get different things.Having access to 3 characters is way too powerful. You simply upgrade the other 2 alts to premium, let them sit on their learning points and pump up stats you would otherwise ignore on your primary toon.This takes away from players who might want to albion online silver farming etc, and helps destroy a player economy when you can be a one do every thing yourself gamer. I guess you could limit the learning points to one account to help battle this, while still giving people the ability to test other avenues with multiple toons, but in the end multiple characters, imo are never healthy in an mmo.


For anyone who ever played UO on the Siege Perilous shard I’m sure you can relate. To date my best gaming experience ever, and each account was limited to one toon.As far as guilds are concerned, just think about the obvious. Having the ability to use an alt to spy is not healthy in a full loot pvp game….and that just scratches the surface of the many ways this can be exploited. Just my opinion.


Not suggesting a one all do all....suggesting its impossible to do all with one toon and you choose a path and rely on the community to do the things you can't. As it is now with 3 toons you are essentially a one all do all. That's my point.

Albion Online: The issue with buffing black zones

Publié le 13/08/2016 à 09:47 par ventevetementlatex Tags : you

There is few reasons why people could come to black zones what comes in my mind.

1.You can come to sell Albion Online Gold and T2 materials.

2.You can get faster gathering progression. 

3.You can generally gather resources easier than in Royals.

4.You can get access to more rare resources (T8) later at the game.

5.Your guild is going to take a new step and try to find place in outlands.

6.To find some open world PvP action.


Ok there is some more reason for sure and allways there could be even more. Maybe some events, world bosses or something like that to lure more people to outlands. Now it was also idea that outland is not for everybody, like Royal islands aint either. Ofc pk's who camps at black city gates is a problem, but also something that just happens. Maybe some changes to gate mechanics would be nice idea.


The issue with buffing black zones is that it will give the people who are there an absolutely massive snowball advantage. For people playing in yellow/red it may be fine since they are entirely irrelevant anyway but for those of us living up in black we can go albion online silver farming end game mats in the tiles our holdings are in and/or immediately adjacent to. This is probably enough of an incentive to be in black.


That being said it shouldn't take 14 tiles to find a 4/5 5.3 tree.


Also to reiteratre the OP concept about giving incentive for people to come there: People have to come there if they want any sort of relevance in the game.

What exactly is "pay to win" in Maplestory, anyways

Publié le 02/02/2016 à 09:14 par ventevetementlatex Tags : you nature

Recently, I noticed in some threads that some people MapleStory Mesosdiscussing this, and some people even trying to claim that there is nothing that you can really "win" in Maplestory. Gaming by nature presents a challenge with a set of goals to be achieved and when you reach them, you are winning something personally, right?


I always considered winning in this particular game a number of different things, such as being able to defeat certain bosses, accumulating maximum mesos, achieving a certain number of titles, collecting all of a set of equipment, cards, things like that. All small victories that I would consider winning on one level or another.


When you pay cash money for an advantage or a shortcut toward such a "win", isn't that paying to win?


Any one have some more elaborate thoughts on this subject? Just curious to see what some of you folks have to say about this, especially those of you who claim there is nothing to be won in this game.


i see pay to win as you do, as a term that is more based on technicalities in the sense that once you've experienced and completed all there is to do, or completed certain tasks and goals that you personally set for yourself, then you win, for example, if you can solo all of the bosses then you win, or something like that.


pay to win items are items used to gain the power necessary to complete most of these tasks that are bought with real world cash, the most prime examples are cubes, CSS scrolls, SoK/PSoK, neb fusion tickets, and pets (mostly in reboot), there are more, but they don't really come to mind at this point in time.


but overall, nexon has been trying to improve the quality and reduce the pay to win aspect of non-reboot servers with the maple rewards shop, but they still have a long way to go, and it seems they've focused more time in reboot recently, but i sense they'll return to improving normal servers again soon...


i still hold onto the hope that nexon will truly eliminate pay to win, but personally though, i'm just biding my time until maplestory 2 is finally released here in NA...

So now I wish to try Yanky Kung Fu

Publié le 02/02/2016 à 08:14 par ventevetementlatex Tags : you

I am cuirous as to where the best Soul Shield is Blade And Soul Gold for all the defensive things. Saw someone with something very tanky like. A Moonwater Area I think was in the name.


Am Level 45 and just wanna help but am about to sleep so thought some peoples could offer locations or some such assistance.


Also, would making or finding myself gear that is more defensive wise considering the lack of being able to upgrade them? I know finding something better than what you have is good but am curious.


What stats you want depend on how good you are at dodging/countering boss abilities. If you're really good at it, you don't really need much defensive stats, you can go offensive instead (like crit, for example). If you feel your skills aren't up to par yet you might want to get defensive stats such as block, evasion and defense to compensate for your lacking ability to react.


Either way I'd recommend farming the Moonwater Arena set (killing the enemy faction bosses in Misty Woods) for starters, as it gives decent all-round stats and is very easy to get. The best though is the purple Blackram set (gotten from Blackram Supply Chain, the dungeon). All the soul shield pieces in this set has RNG stat-rolls, so you could get either offensive or defensive (or both) stats when you unseal it, thus you'd want to farm them until you get pieces with the stats you want.


P.S. I wouldn't recommend going full-defensive in terms of stats as it could be challenging to keep aggro if your party members are doing vastly more DPS than you.


Well for dodging and such I can be mixed depending on how I am feeling. Senses are dulled what with my not being so well currently.


I know dodging and such could utterly circumvent the need for defense, and I would go with that but I really fell behind with my gear when I was following the story. I mean my fist was a little under the need for a Lycan Gauntlet on my weapon's upgrade path. Thank you for the data but it could be that I have trouble seeing everything such as with the spider and supply chain bosses with all the skills from my allies, likely fixed in settings.


Makes sense yes.