Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Chocolate - The New Black

If you follow us on Instagram you would have noticed some of these photo's we've been posting lately! Our showroom is forever changing yet always in keeping with our style. Since opening Verandah House, chocolate tones have been a strong influence in our showroom, its softer than black and provides the perfect backdrop for adding colours like emerald green, mustard yellow and burnt orange tones.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Buy Once Buy Well

As we begin the New Year I'm ready to start putting my business and personal goals into action. I have also started a daily gratitude journal to remind myself of all that I'm grateful for. What definitely tops my list is how truly blessed I am that I get to do what I love every single day. I thought what better way to show my gratitude - to share what I have learnt along the way. (Wow did that rhyme!? I can never get anything to rhyme)

If I could say what I have learnt most in decorating, its how much more I have to learn. We always need to keep striving to be better, more innovative and to stay true to our design aesthetic. Not everyone needs to love your style. If you copy and try to duplicate other designers work, not only does it not work, it looks obvious and can lack soul. Instead, I have learnt to look at a space I love and take elements about that space that inspires me and add my own interpretation. Another rule I have learnt to make a room look beautiful is to try and avoid making it look like a catalogue. If I do buy a generic chair, I always re-upholster or perhaps repaint with new hardware. Sometimes the budget doesn't always fit antique pieces, but where possible try to mix old with new, its keeps the space interesting, unique and beautiful.

Above all 'buy less but buy well'. A very good friend Jo who has amazing style, once told me many years ago to buy once but buy well. When she was younger and her budget was tight she would find a beautiful lamp, vase or piece of furniture that was way out of her budget, but she refused to believe it wasn't attainable, she never ruled it out. Instead she would save her pennies until she could afford it. You can guarantee today she still has the same pieces and they still look current and beautiful. I have followed her advice, better late then never and I totally it right the first time, it may take longer but you will love it for a lifetime!

Judy x

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Green Fusion

As February is fast approaching we feel well and truly into the new year with a list of exciting new jobs and a few o/s trips to plan! This is our year of sourcing new products abroad and pushing the boundaries with our designs. Judy and I will be sharing the blog posts from now on, sharing with you our journey, inspiration and sneak peaks on our exciting new projects. We hope you will follow along - lets hope we all have an amazing year!
X Jess & Judy

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A Touch Of Glamour

Over the last few weeks we have completed some truly stunning master bedroom schemes for our clients that I can't wait to share with you in the New Year. For now I thought I would share our bedroom makeover in our showroom here at Verandah House. We wanted to create a completely different look to our previous rooms, opting for a more neutral scheme. We started with an inspirational board and an array of textures appeared; inspiring us to create an unexpected but harmonious scheme. 

To create a more effortless look we had to add texture and interest and we wanted the room to look collected and unique. To create this look we used a combination of tortoiseshell rattan with crystal, brass rather than silver, french wallpaper with panelling, silks and trims. We tried at first not to add the drapery to the four poster bed but the room lacked softness and we wanted the space to have a more luxurious feel.

We post most days on our Instagram page, we would love to hear from you too x

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A Collective Interior

Lately I have been reading several inspirational books which I would love to share with you over the coming weeks. One particular chapter hit a chord with me about being true to one-self and living an honest life. I had to really think about this and realised how true that is in my life as a designer. 

When I look back at all the styles that have been popular over the decades, I can sit and laugh and be guilty to have fallen victim to many of these trends and to be honest I have absolutely no regret, they have defined me to who I am today.

What I have learnt from experience is every trend has its place so long as you don't loose your own authentic sense of style in the process. Several years I questioned my style, was I playing it too safe?Was I being original enough? Lots of self doubt crept in, I was a victim to my own self doubt, I lost my way and I still shudder when I think of that time.

Over a year and a half later the doors of Verandah House opened and my talented daughter Jess joined me in our new design venture; we promised ourselves that we would be respectful of trends but not be lead by them. We would be true to our design aesthetic of classic, timeless interiors and to be respectful to follow our clients dreams and desires within their home.

One of my greatest lessons was originality: Being original is to make it your own, be true to your own style, own it! I believe originality is in the special objects we place around our home, pieces that you have collected, that have a past, that mean something to you and your family. We recently completed this entry, I love that so many of the pieces have their own story, the collected art on the wall is a mix of new and very old pieces which evokes a conversation and takes you back to another era. The dark seagrass walls add depth to the room and creates the perfect backdrop for the artwork. Greenery from the garden adds a homely touch and candles can be added for ambience at night.

We are lucky to be exposed to so many looks and styles...appreciate all of them and decide what is the look that speaks to you and live the very best life you can!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Hydrangea Love

Its hydrangea season and its my favourite time of year! Spring flowers are blossoming everywhere - at the local market, corner store and arriving in our homes. The first image is of the fabulous style icon Aerin I would dream to have her garden!

Image Credits: Aerin: Pinterest image sources via my pinterest page

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Table Top Inspiration

I love nothing more than a beautifully set table, a fabulous tablecloth, napkins, candles and fresh flowers, collected crockery, great food and wine. The entire ritual and planning of setting a table, whether it be for Christmas, a special occasion or a Sunday lunch with family and friends is by far the best part for me. The down side is I'm not a very confident cook but I would really love to be great even if only my family think so. Recently I went to see a movie called a Hundred-Foot Journey, if you haven't seen it yet I highly recommend it. I am probably the only weird person who cried in the movie, not that it was sad, it was just so heart felt and symbolises to me what life is all about.

Its only November but I have already started to plan my personal goals for 2015, top of the list is cooking classes to improve my skills in the kitchen,  I have been told Spring has great lessons and its loads of fun, hopefully I can lean some new recipes too, I have attached the link here...

Image credits : AERIN Lauder and Pinterest.