Monday, August 19, 2024

Apple Study

I will be teaching again at the Artist Emporium later this month and did this little painting to post on their ad.  Last workshop was a blast and hoping to lead two this time with one during the day Tuesdays and one Saturday afternoons.  I will post more info on instagram/FB as it becomes available.

oil on canvas board

8" x 8"

$195.00 framed

Bull Terrier

This was a demo painting done at the E. St. Paul dog show this weekend which was just completed in my studio today.  I love bull terriers and their jaunty look. There were so many beautiful dogs this year with attendence up, and I was fortunate to get some commission work which will be posted as it completes.

oil on board

12" x 9"

$395.00 framed

Sunday, June 23, 2024

When Life Gives You Lemons

Can't say life has given me more than my fair share of this citrusy fruit, but I probably deserved what I got.  Thought I'd try my hand at another orchard themed painting and after a couple maybe seven revisions this is the result.

oil on canvas

17 1/2" x 23 1/2" 

$1250.00  Beautifully framed

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Sailing on Banderas Bay

This is a painting I did in exchange for a crown installed this last February in Bucerias.  The dentist Adrian Malja is fabulous, and his staff do wonderful work.  I couldn't be happier with what they did, and am pleased that he loved the painting.  My friend Don will deliver the rolled up canvas in June. 

oil on canvas

20" x 30"


Monday, April 8, 2024

Jules Bay

Decided to do a larger landscape for something a little different. Our province is blessed with over 100,000 lakes with cottage life and fishing definitely huge here.  This imagined shore line is like one I've seen many many times in a variety of different lakes.

oil on canvas

24" x 48"


Friday, March 29, 2024

Ambrosia Apples

Just framed, this painting of ambrosia apple which made some seriously delicious pie by the way, is available and looking for a new home.

oil on canvas

20" x 20"

$750.00 framed

Sunday, March 10, 2024


This handsome fellow was a treasured friend missed sorely by his friend and owner.  I hesitate to use the word owner here because of the special bond that existed between the two.  Louie was a large, gregarious fellow who loved the beach with the opportunity to run,  and you can sense his fun loving spirit in the smile and look. He was a fun challenge to paint, and I was rewarded with an enthusiastic handshake and  thank you when he was picked up. No greater reward for an artist.

oil on board

12" x 9"


Thursday, March 7, 2024


Rio was a beloved pet of a young family who are like family to me.  Here she is snuggled up with her arm around pal Airah who I'm sure misses her as much as the family.  This painting was done alla prima with about half an hour of touch ups the next morning.

oil on board

7 1/2"x 7 1/2"


Friday, February 23, 2024

Kim's Hat

This lovely lady was walking laps around the pool at our resort in Mexico and I was immediately struck by her beautiful unique looking hat.  After the second go around, I stopped her and requested a photo to do a sketch which she enthusiastically agreed to.  Her and her husband were down from Virden and I hope she sees this.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Ione"s Vase

Ione Thorkelson is a Manitoba treasure with her magnificent glass creations.  This is a vase I acquired close to forty years ago and never tire admiring the pure beauty of the piece.  It is perfection in it's lovely shape and gorgeous colours.  Now I didn't recreate the colours and marks perfectly, but the essence and feel of the piece are here.

oil on board

10" x 8"

$325 framed

Monday, February 5, 2024


Orkin is my grandaughters pet cat in charge of pest control, and doing a fine job. This was a Christmas present which she requested, and here it is framed and ready to hang in it's new home.  My posting here is late as I was away...maybe Mexico...okay Mexico.  

oil on board

10" x 8"