Well gee it sure has been fun at our place not....
As some are aware I had my foot operated on the 8th Oct...Got a slight infection but quickly got rid of that with some antibiotics and I was just hobbling along nicely-wasn't lookin fwd to Mon22nd Oct as that was suture removal day...
anyways Sunday night Hubby decides to liven things up jus a tad..well he didn't do it on purpose ,he was carrying a 30kilo (approx) UPS-uninterruptible power supply-which is kinda a need to have up here during the wet season..
well he gets all the way -but 1 step from the top of the stairs and BD (dog) decides it might be best if he moved outta the way-well umm yep you guessed it he moved the wrong way and back went poor hubby and the UPS to almost the bottom of the stairs--some lovely language followed and BD did not get a whack..but oh dear hubby's foot ballooned up real big..
So the 2 of us hobble of to the dr on Mon to get my stitches out the surgeon just looked at us and giggled..
Tuesday am I finally get hubby to agree maybe need to see a DR..well ..well.well he has a yukky fracture on the fifth metatarsal ,ON THE LEFT FOOT-..no plaster just has too keep it strapped up and elevated.....Dr says it will take approx 6-8 weeks to heal-and hubby is not to do any work with the tools till then..so he gets to go back to work in another 10 days , for office duties for several weeks ekkkk -he is going to love that NOT...
So as you can imagine we pair look a treat hobblin along..
then today just was crappy power kept going on and off all day -
then I walked into the laundry and something smelt funny so I told hubby and a lot of hobblin and shufflin this is what we got out of there
As you can see the flippin thing was chopped in half and it was still trying too bite the shovel
icky - kicky pooo...sorry to reptile lovers but up here with so many diff varieties of snakes the only good ones are dead ones
cheers all
thanks for dropping by Vickie