Don't you love to receive a gift! Especially when you're not expecting it! The ones that come in a box with a bow are nice. But a lot of times, the best presents are the ones that come in a different form. I received two such gifts this week. One was in the form of a person pulling into my driveway. For him, it was strictly business. But to me, it was a gift to see that he wasn't harboring bad feelings toward me. And to know that I don't have to be anxious if I should run into him in town. Closure and peace about a once awkward situation is a very nice gift indeed!
The second gift came in the form of an email from someone I hadn't heard from in a very long time. You know how you have those friends that you don't always stay in touch with but once you talk again, it's like time has never passed. Now we're talking constantly and have plans to get together soon! Reuniting with an old friend is definitely an awesome gift!