Saturday, December 05, 2009

Holidays of 2009, Part 2

When we got out of the car after the fast trip, the kids and I saw a cute bulldog playing in my parents’ yard. The bulldog belonged to my nephew (above).
Brianna, who absolutely loves animals, forgot about unpacking and immediately started playing with the dog. Andy, Ted & I were finding a place to unpack, because, the night before, my sisters stayed overnight with my parents getting ready for Thanksgiving. With people either staying overnight and many more simply spent 5 hours at the family celebration, it wasn’t easy figuring out where to put our suicases and other things we brought. Like everyone else, we were ordered to bring a specific food/drink items for the meal, and they used our contribution in the kitchens. We were happy to do that.
The appetizers before the meal were tasty; the kids and I were very hungry because we only ate a light breakfast before the 3 ½ hours trip. They prayer was said, and the meal began around 1:00 pm. The highlight was definitely the stuffing; it had a taste unlike any dressing I ever had. It was delicious!
Before and after the meal, we watched the Packers-Detroit Lions game and with us all from Wisconsin, we were satisfied with the outcome.
Since my siblings are more health conscious, they attacked this burning question: if you eat a huge meal, how can you limit the damage of additional weight. (Remember it was on their minds not mine). Bob, my brother, came up with a really ambitious idea. He heard (falsely) that my parents didn’t have any firewood in their basement. Since they had a large collections dying from a disease, he sawed several of them down. Jerome (my other brother, I have 4 of them!) corrected him after the first or second tree was cut down. "No, we have plenty of wood, Bob, and a pile of wood that we can barely get done Dad’s chute!"
Bob, Jerome and I were the only ones that worked on wood. Bob’s sons were incredulous that we would be dumb enough to saw trees and stack wood before the Packers won the game. They smartly decided to stay out of the work. They weren’t worried about their weight anyway (I’m so damn jealous!!).
Jerome realized that we had a problem. Bob sawed wood and our chute was full of wood. Plus, we had to walk 200 feet to put the wood in the basement. We had a small wheelbarrow that would only make several trips. Jerome and Bob resolved to stack the wood outside, and then, months later, we would bring that wood in.
Someone in my house (probably my sisters) came up with the idea of walking the weight off. I ended up gaining 5 pounds during the Thanksgiving vacation; so, I was desperate to do activities that would limit the damage of big meals. Emily, Kathi’s daughter, and Andrea, Jerome’s daughter, led the charge of about 15 family members walking back and forth for about a mile. I decided to keep up with them. They walked fast and we were done in around 20some minutes. The problem is my body doesn’t burn calories very well walking. When I worked at the "law firm from HELL (horrible, manipulative boss) back in 2003-2005, I walked 15 miles a week, because I walked well over a mile to and from the train station to that damn firm.
So, while I was home (from Thursday to Saturday), Ted, Andy and I took the wood that was next to the chute and took over 300 pieces of wood and made a 3rd row of wood for my parents. Mom was sweet enough to offer money for our work, but I refused. Friday, Ted and I took the wood that my brothers & I stacked the day before, and I put that in the basement (since the chute was cleared out from what was stacked). I’ve been below my largest weight for quite awhile so I guess I’ll keep trying to keep losing. With things crazy at work, I'll continue to skip lunches and lose weight.

back to losing weight through ANGER

My oldest son's birthday party last night. He's 14; I'm relieved that he's got some good friends. I spent $116 having his party at HOLLYWOOD PARK. ($100-HP + $16 for cake, WATCHING YOUR KIDS BE HAPPY, PRICELESS!!!!)
HOLLYWOOD P. is an arcade place. I found out that Maribeth bumped up the expense from $95 for the party to $150 w/o letting me know. I put $25 down to reserve party. So I walk into the office to pay the rest and just got floored w/ MB's wonderful idea. Then I got pissed and asked her for more money. I used some tact, I think. She gave me $50. Then, before I paid, I lost my fuckin' VISA CARD, and had to run to CHASE which (b/c they are so big & ubiquitous) was only a few blocks away. Then I paid for it. MB's idea of increasing it to $150 was a good one. The more you spend on the party the more game tokens you get. & WE WENT THROUGH GAME TOKENS LIKE SHIT THROUGH A TIN HORN!
So anyway, I fell in love w/ this terrorist game at the arcade place. I actually used to use guns on the farm and kill sparrows and starlings. *Starlings are a greasy, angry, pig of a bird w/ few redeeming features, and as soon as the cats saw me carrying a gun around about 4 of them were smart enough to follow me around, b/c it meant lunch and suppertime ALL ROLLED INTO ONE. love by cats, gotta love it. & besides, it's proven by those who study them, that starlings single-handedly reduced the bluebird population in the United States. They peck out their eggs, so they won't be born. Wow, reader! Where's the outrage, killing the unborn.
So anyway, I'm playing this terrorist game, and blasting the shit out of the terrorists. I single handedly advanced 4 levels and earned 5 medals. I thought what great therapy! This feels great! I'm gonna be so much calmer when I get home. I was looking forward to my newfound happiness (especially since I only spent $4 on the game) when I got home.
& MB pissed me off when we got home by acting like her usual dour self. Do you realize that back in 1992, she used to come to my place after I worked as a temp paralegal and then: 1. ate my supper I served her 2. laid on my couch and fell asleep! THE END, wake up the next morning.
I bring that '92 story up b/c she obviously had no cancer then and made everyone in the house tense last night b/c she went to bed at 8:45....just like in 1992. So why did I marry her in 1993 if we fought in 1992, and she pulled the above routine on me occasionally?? I don't know, reader, you have a point, YOU WIN!!
So I'm sitting here angry, and bought Beechnut like I did back in 1980. Can you believe that? I must really be carrying a lot of anger and resentment about my fate. I must really be driven to a shitty point in life w/ her cancer and everything.
So, my conclusion is that if you go to Afganhistan and slaughter 100 members of Al Queda, you won't feel happy and smug about ridding terrorists from the face of the earth. It might just make you feel bad. AM I a pretty good amateur sociologist????
oops, time for a disclaimer. I fully support the fighting done by NATO in Afganhistan. So, if you think I'm a pacifist Democrat, you're wrong. God bless the troops.