Thursday, February 25, 2010

Excellent column

A couple blogs ago, I was angry with the idea that people were painting current events, particularly how President Obama has been doing as president in black and white (MOSTLY negative, excoriating) terms.  Well, I really saw a column that I love.  I loved it so much that it's one of those times that I wanna say, "Man, it's a shame more people don't see this!!!"  That's why I"m copying it and putting it down here. 
Read and learn, my friends!!!
Those who don't live in the nation's capital may so far have been spared the columnist-generated imbroglio over who is "to blame" for the fact that many of President Obama's flagship initiatives have yet to pass into law.

Many candidates have been nominated: Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, Senior Adviser David Axelrod, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett, former White House Counsel Greg Craig, Attorney General Eric Holder, and even White House Social Secretary Desiree Rogers.
The correct answer: None of the above.

The people who are responsible for the difficulty of making fundamental change within the first year of the Obama Administration don't have familiar names. They are the people who run the huge insurance companies, oil companies and Wall Street Banks. They are the people who will lose if the rest of America wins. They are the folks whose recklessness and greed caused the collapse of our economy and cost seven million Americans their jobs.

Not surprisingly, these people have not rolled over and played dead when their interests have been threatened. And their ability to protect the status quo has been strengthened by the rules of the U.S. Senate that have empowered some of their chief defenders, such as Joe Lieberman and Mitch McConnell.

They've used their massive financial muscle to mislead everyday Americans. They have been perfectly willing to lie and distort and inflame fear. They are the authors of bogus "death panels" and "government takeovers." They are the source of massive political contributions, and the fear that politicians who cross them will pay a price.

They have financed a "populist" uprising on the right.  In short, they have done everything that anyone familiar with American political history would assume they would do. Power surrenders nothing without a struggle.

Change turns out to be harder than a lot of people thought and hoped. But what the hell did we expect. The other side plays hardball.

To beat them, we have to start where we are and get where we want to go. We can't start where we wish we were...or wish our opposition out of existence.

The Obama Administration has been forced to make some compromises. But to their credit they have not trimmed back their ambitious agenda -- their goal of transforming the American economy -- to deal with the massive problems they faced from the day they took office.

They have not taken the advice of people like Mark Penn or Dick Morris to focus on amassing small victories. They know that in confronting the challenges that America faces today, small victories are simply not enough. They know that we need bold, transformational change - and if that takes longer than we'd like, that is simply the price we have to pay for our future.

Leslie Gelb, whose article on Rahm Emanuel in the Daily Beast says that, "no one I've talked to believes he has the management skills and discipline to run the White House" is just wrong. And he must have forgotten the disciplined, driven way Rahm oversaw the Democratic victory in 2006 to retake the House. Emanuel gets things done, and that is exactly what you need when you're trying to pass a transformative agenda.

David Axelrod is a brilliant crafter of message -- and the engineer (along with David Plouffe) of the best-run Presidential campaign in the history of American politics.

Bob Gibbs is exactly the kind of plain-spoken, straight-ahead press secretary that average Americans want to hear. And Valerie Jarrett is an effective -- and absolutely loyal -- Senior Adviser. By the way, it's a damned good thing for a President to have some people by his side whose loyalty he need never question.

Has the Obama team made mistakes? Of course. I think they would have done better to take a tougher line with Wall Street, sooner. I'm sure they would admit, in retrospect, that they should have done everything in their power to end Max Baucus' months-long tango with the Republicans that delayed passage of the health care bill until after the Massachusetts disaster. And they might even agree that they should have used the 51-vote budget reconciliation process to do health care reform from the beginning. But then again, hindsight is 20-20.
And let's remember that the record of this Administration for major new initiatives is pretty impressive.

Saving the economy from complete meltdown - another Great Depression --following the failure of eight years of right wing economic policy and financial risk-taking "gone wild," including his bold rescue of the American auto industry.

Laying the first layer of a foundation for long-term, bottom-up economic growth by passing the largest economic recovery package in history and a Federal Budget that the Center on Budget Priorities called the most progressive budget in half a century.

Abandoning the failed Neo-Con foreign policy and changing our relationship with the rest of the world.

Signing into law measures that had repeatedly passed the Democratic Congress but been vetoed by George Bush - the "Matthew Shepard" bill that expands the definition of hate crimes to include sexual orientation, expanding the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), and passing the "Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act" that seriously strengthened the ability of women to seek redress for employment discrimination.

The Administration and Congress ended a program of wasteful subsidies to private banks that provided student loans using Federal money, and used the savings to greatly expand Pell Grants to college students.

Executive actions like ending the "Global Gag Rule" that prevented U.S. foreign aid from going to family planning programs that even mentioned abortion - and changes in labor law enforcement that make it easier to organize in the workplace.

Ending torture.

Funding stem cell research and generally restoring a respect for science to government.

Setting and keeping to a schedule to end the American presence in Iraq.

Putting in motion a legislative agenda that will make major progressive change: providing health care for all, creating clean energy jobs and addressing global warming, overhauling the regulation of the financial sector and beginning to shrink its dominance in the American economy, and passing comprehensive immigration reform.

The Administration's success rate seems low only when measured against its lofty ambitions... and the magnitude of the problems the President inherited last January.

More importantly, second-guessing and backbiting does absolutely nothing to make the change America needs.

Time to suck it up. This is going to be a long slog. The geniuses who write columns and make a living as Monday morning quarterbacks need to get used to the idea that this is a real battle for the future of America, not a reality show.

The financial industry, the insurance giants and the oil companies are going to bite and claw and fight to stop real reform until the last dog dies. Progressives better be ready to do the same.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

some news about my health

My brother & father both suffered, but survived,  from prostate cancer.  I get checked on a very regular basis, and the last time I was checked they found out that my blood test showed that my PSA was too high.   The PSA is an indicator of whether you have cancer or not in the prostate.  Yesterday was my 1st time I saw the Dr. since I found out this disturbing news. 

My Dr. told me today that maybe what happened was I had a cold or flu at the same time I had the blood test done. If so, it's possible it drove up my PSA reading and it's a "FALSE positive". it would be very important, of course to find out if the test in Dec. was a "false positive".

So, I am going to take the medicine and get tested in the latter part of March. If my test shows I might have prostate cancer, then I will get biopsies (they take tissue from not 1, but several sites).

I'm not scared of losing my life to this cancer.  There is a very low risk of death to prostate cancer; it is very treatable.  Prostate cancer is a lot different than other cancers.  Prostate cancer grows much much slower than a cancer like breast cancer.  Further, for both types of cancer they use radiation after removal of the cancerous organ.  For certain reasons, radiation is a much more effective treatment for prostate cancer than it is for breast cancer.  
At any rate, I am optimistic about surviving it, if I actually have it.  I am more concerned about the financial cost.  Yes, I have health insurance, but there's is always a noticeable portion that I, as a patient, must pay.  We simply must have faith in God to take care of my family & I, and things will work out.   

Monday, February 15, 2010

2/15/2010 is Presidents' Day

I memorized the presidents back in 1970 when I was 7 yrs. old. I think that had a big determining factor in my vocational decisions.

I still have all of the presidents memorized.

So wanted to share a little presidential trivia.

Easy way to win a bet.

1. Ask a fairly smart person how many people have been president & make a bet

2. They'll say 44

3. Win the bet and collect (there are only 43 men who have been president. 1 president, Grover Cleveland, is counted twice. He is the 22nd and 24th president. Why is that? Because he's the only 2 term president that served non-consecutive terms)

I grew up in a small town and that's a place that lends itself to rumors. So when I memorized all the presidents, they started spreading the rumor that I knew all the presidents and all of the presidents' wives and pets too. I DON'T.

But there is 2 things I can do (besides reciting the presidents in order or reverse order)

If you give me a # between 1-44, I can tell you the name of the president.

If you give me any year between 1789 - 2010, I can tell you who was president.

Friday, February 12, 2010

a strange tax refund

I received my tax refund. Very puzzling tho' !  The US government gave me $400 more than I wrote down on my tax return. That is even more surprising than it sounds, b/c I used the 1040EZ Form.  The form made it so obvious how I came up with the amount of the refund, I meticulously checked my numbers, so I don't understand how the US gov't can give me more money.

MB has laid claim to almost $400 of my refund. But I can't be angry with her, b/c it was legit stuff. I paid for the repair of the front door, and now I'm going to pay for Ted's glasses. It's not like she's forcing me to get her a new dress or new mink coat (obviously I would say "no" to that).
I am not nearly as optimistic at this tax refund as I was with last year's tax refund. Last year, it gave me a very strong, positive momentum financially for 6 months! It helped me pay down credit cards, fix my bike (& then I biked 100s of miles last spring & summer), and it got us a new computer which we really needed.

This year, I'm using it to fix a specific part on my bike (so I won't be spending as much on it as last year's repair), pay down debt. The problem is that I will probably see my debt go back up, because I will be forced to pay for medical bills for my new health problem. 

Let me explain.   My father and older brother both have had prostate cancer.  Thankfully, they made a full recovery from it.  My great grandfather apparently also had prostate cancer, and he died (way back in the early 1900s, almost 100 yrs. ago).  So, obviously my family has a history of this cancer, and my chances of getting this is greater than a normal man's chancees.   I get my prostate tested every year (not 1, but 2 exams).  This year my exam came back with bad results.  I won't know until at least Feb. 22 (& it will be likely that I won't find out till later, like when they do a biopsy) what's going on and my Dr. explains the test results and what they plan on doing in terms of testing and treatment.