Sunday, February 11, 2024

the game I'll never forget-Barneveld vs. the Bulldogs

 In the fall of 1979, we beat Barneveld.  Schmitz said at the Labor Day Picnic, "you'll win."  We knew we had a very good passing attack.  Barneveld was  known for a brutal tornado, thru the years.  In 1979, Barneveld was beaten by the Bulldogs when Dean passed  to Miller and others went for over 200 years.   Bulldogs win on the road 

It was our non-conference game of the season.  I was playing both defensive end and tight end.   In the 1st half,  I ran a post pattern, Miller was covered, and there was the ball.  Caught it; secured the ball, put my head down when I was covered; 
slammed into the cornerback and went another few yards for the first down. 
Later in the game, Miller collapsed the pocket batted the ball, I was going after the QB.  
As the ball went end over end, I knew it was mine.  I intercepted it;  ran it, drove a few yards until I was brought down.  The crowd in Ithaca was on fire.  This was the 1st game I got rid of sport goggles and went with my contact lens.   

Coach thought let's get someone who runs like a deer.  He replaced me with Steve 
They knew MIller was an excellent receiver, but Barneveld didn't pay attention to the substitution.  Dean to Steve for a TOUCHDOWN.  

Barneveld wanted it more than us.  
They passed; they completed.  Their offense scored again.  The 2nd half belonged to Barneveld.  

There's a moment that stands crystal clear.  I was defensive end.  I saw on TV; I saw teams against the Bulldogs.  IF THE DEFENSE END DOESN'T HAVE OUTSIDE CONTAINMENT, RBs & QBs  score quick running down the sideline.  I saw that happen over and over again.  

There was the QB  12 feet away.  Do I run fast as I can and sack him?  No, who runs like a deer.  I didn't.  

The QB threw for a big gain maybe even a touchdown!

I contained but didn't sack him.

Barneveld beats the Bulldogs.  I wore #80.  The whole team was upset.  

Next 2 weeks, we beat Wauzeka and LaFarge (both conference games in the Ridge and Valley conference. The Bulldogs in the past 4 seasons won 2 games.  We won those 2 games.  But, it was simply 3 games to build on for future football players.  




I would love to include Swifties in the conversation



I     Basics

Offense   Center hikes it to Quarterback

Offense has 4 chances to make 1st downs. 

You must have enough of the 11 on the line of scrimmage to start the play.  This is  basic you can find out how many if you want to. 

Defense – it’s an eleven on eleven match up.  IT STARTS WITH THE LINE.   Who really controls the line of scrimmage??  That’s the indication-at whoever wins that quarter or that half or that game! 

The line of scrimmage is usually 1 center, 2 guards, 2 tackles. 

The defensive line is either a 3-4 defense or a 4-3 defense. 
The 4 named players of the defense is defensive tackles & DE s  find out what Def E.  is if you’re curious about it. 

Can the offense run the ball? 
If the offense can, that team will usually win. 

How does the KC Chiefs run the ball against the 49ers.     How does the 49ers run against the Chiefs? 


If they control the line of scrimmage, then they can run inside both sidelines keep the clock running indefinitely.  The can keep it running usually over a  ½  of quarter which is 15 minutes.  There are 4 quarters in a game. 

If the 49ers or Chiefs, don’t make it on 3 downs, they will punt.  Usually 50 to 60  yards on a punt is the tops.  So when you see that your team is on the 30  or even 35 yard line inside opponent’s territory there’s a good chance


The ball is advanced by lateral, passing and rushing by the offense. 

Usually, the quickest way is to have the QB  behind the line of scrimmage, and pass it to a wide receiver, TE  or split end to catch it. 

Hybrids -  TE  like Travis Kelce is difficult for a defense to handle   He can block, go in motion, run the ball and catch a pass. 

Travis Kelce has more speed than most tight ends. Ron Kronkowski was another outstanding TE that retired.  Can you name the tragic TE who he played with who was convicted of murder?  Yes, Hernandez


49ers linebackers and secondary  versus  Chiefs offense. 

Chiefs linebackers and secondary vs. 49ers RBs, wide receivers and tight end. 

When the offense passes, the receivers who catch the pass will either catch or drop the ball.  If they drop the ball, then clock stops.  If they catch it and run, then they will advance faster down the field. 

Turnovers- how many times does  Mahomes and Purdy get intercepted?  How many times do the running backs fumble the ball? How many receivers, after catching the ball, will fumble the ball? 

The 49ers will score 3 field goals and 3 TDs.  The FG kicker must kick it from the follwing equation: 
line of scrimmage + 10 yards as the goal post is 10 yards behind the end zone line.

The KC Chiefs will score 5 times.  2 TDs and 3 FGs.  

How bad do you want to predict the game? 
All other guidelines to football are for you to find out or UNDERSTAND BETTER. 






































I would love to include Swifties in the conversation



I     Basics

Offense   Center hikes it to Quarterback

Offense has 4 chances to make 1st downs. 

You must have enough of the 11 on the line of scrimmage to start the play.  This is  basic you can find out how many if you want to. 

Defense – it’s an eleven on eleven match up.  IT STARTS WITH THE LINE.   Who really controls the line of scrimmage??  That’s the indication-at whoever wins that quarter or that half or that game! 

The line of scrimmage is usually 1 center, 2 guards, 2 tackles. 

The defensive line is either a 3-4 defense or a 4-3 defense. 
The 4 named players of the defense is defensive tackles & DE s  find out what Def E.  is if you’re curious about it. 

Can the offense run the ball? 
If the offense can, that team will usually win. 

How does the KC Chiefs run the ball against the 49ers.     How does the 49ers run against the Chiefs? 


If they control the line of scrimmage, then they can run inside both sidelines keep the clock running indefinitely.  The can keep it running usually over a  ½  of quarter which is 15 minutes.  There are 4 quarters in a game. 

If the 49ers or Chiefs, don’t make it on 3 downs, they will punt.  Usually 50 to 60  yards on a punt is the tops.  So when you see that your team is on the 30  or even 35 yard line inside opponent’s territory there’s a good chance


The ball is advanced by lateral, passing and rushing by the offense. 

Usually, the quickest way is to have the QB  behind the line of scrimmage, and pass it to a wide receiver, TE  or split end to catch it. 

Hybrids -  TE  like Travis Kelce is difficult for a defense to handle   He can block, go in motion, run the ball and catch a pass. 

Travis Kelce has more speed than most tight ends. Ron Kronkowski was another outstanding TE that retired.  Can you name the tragic TE who he played with who was convicted of murder?  Yes, Hernandez


49ers linebackers and secondary  versus  Chiefs offense. 

Chiefs linebackers and secondary vs. 49ers RBs, wide receivers and tight end. 

When the offense passes, the receivers who catch the pass will either catch or drop the ball.  If they drop the ball, then clock stops.  If they catch it and run, then they will advance faster down the field. 

Turnovers- how many times does  Mahomes and Purdy get intercepted?  How many times do the running backs fumble the ball? How many receivers, after catching the ball, will fumble the ball? 

The 49ers will score 3 field goals and 3 TDs.  The FG kicker must kick it from the follwing equation: 
line of scrimmage + 10 yards as the goal post is 10 yards behind the end zone line.

The KC Chiefs will score 5 times.  2 TDs and 3 FGs.  

How bad do you want to predict the game? 
All other guidelines to football are for you to find out or UNDERSTAND BETTER. 













I would love to include Swifties in the conversation



I     Basics

Offense   Center hikes it to Quarterback

Offense has 4 chances to make 1st downs. Do you understand the value of the punter??

You must have enough of the 11 on the line of scrimmage to start the play.  This is  basic you can find out how many if you want to. 

Defense – it’s an eleven on eleven match up.  IT STARTS WITH THE LINE.   Who really controls the line of scrimmage??  That’s the indication-at whoever wins that quarter or that half or that game! 

The line of scrimmage is usually 1 center, 2 guards, 2 tackles. 

The defensive line is either a 3-4 defense or a 4-3 defense. 
The 4 named players of the defense is defensive tackles & DE s  find out what Def E is,  if you’re curious about it. 

Can the offense run the ball? 
If the offense can, that team will usually win. 

How does the KC Chiefs run the ball against the 49ers.     How does the 49ers run against the Chiefs? 

 If they control the line of scrimmage, then they can run inside both sidelines keep the clock running indefinitely.  The can keep it running usually over a  ½  of quarter which is 15 minutes.  There are 4 quarters in a game. 

If the 49ers or Chiefs, don’t make it on 3 downs, they will punt.  Usually 50 to 60  yards on a punt is the tops.  So when you see that your team is on the 30  or even 35 yard line inside opponent’s territory there’s a good chance

 The ball is advanced by lateral, passing and rushing by the offense. 

Usually, the quickest way is to have the QB  behind the line of scrimmage, and pass it to a wide receiver, TE  or split end to catch it. 

Hybrids -  TE  like Travis Kelce is difficult for a defense to handle   He can block, go in motion, run the ball and catch a pass. 

Travis Kelce has more speed than most tight ends. Ron Kronkowski was another outstanding TE that retired.  

Can you name the tragic TE that played in tandem with Kronkowski?   


49ers linebackers and secondary  versus  Chiefs offense. 

Chiefs linebackers and secondary vs. 49ers RBs, wide receivers and tight end. 

When the offense passes, the receivers who catch the pass will either catch or drop the ball.  If they drop the ball, then clock stops.  If they catch it and run, then they will advance faster down the field. 

Turnovers- how many times does  Mahomes and Purdy get intercepted?  How many times do the running backs fumble the ball? How many receivers, after catching the ball, will fumble the ball? 

The 49ers will score 3 field goals and 3 TDs.  The FG kicker must kick it from the follwing equation: 
line of scrimmage + 10 yards as the goal post is 10 yards behind the end zone line.

The KC Chiefs will score 5 times.  2 TDs and 3 FGs.  

Learn more about special teams, if you want to.  
Which NFC team has difficulty in playoffs in the last 11 yrs  and has games decided as a result

How bad do you want to predict the game? 
All other guidelines to football are for you to find out or UNDERSTAND BETTER. 







































doing well

 I hope things continue to go well

I hope things can stay the way they are for a long while.  

I need that. 

Wednesday, February 07, 2024

reposting my favorite post


The winged feet are to show that I invented and wanted to share with you a speedy version of Monopoly.  You know how Monopoly can go on 6 hours  OR MORE!!! Now, some people don't have 6 hours or 5 or however long it takes for you to spare time playing the fun game.  So, I invented a game that shaves time off of Monopoly.  The best aspect of my invention is that Monopoly gets a lot more interesting when there are actually players with MONOPOLIES!  Before that it's not all that eventful.  So here is what you do.  Players (whether you have 3-5 players) get properties at the beginning of the game as follows:  

3 players Monopoly Portfolios

Portfolio 1
Purple monopoly (eg. has Baltic & Mediterranean)
Orange monopoly (eg. has New York and others that are orange)
Park Place
Get Out of Jail Free card

Portfolio 2
Baby Blue monopoly (e.g. has Oriental)
Violet monopoly (eg. has States )
N. Carolina Avenue

Portfolio 3
Red monopoly
Yellow Monopoly
Pacific and Penn. Aves.

4 players Monopoly portfolios (EVERYONE GETS $2,500)

Portfolio 1
Purple monopoly
Marvin Gardens
2 RR2s (1st & 2nd side)

Portfolio 2
Violet Monopoly
Park Place
Ventor & Atlantic Avenues
2 Railroads (3rd & 4th sides)

Portfolio 3
Baby blue Monopoly
N. Carolina Ave
NY & St. James Aves.

Portfolio 4
Red monopoly
Pacific & Penn Ave
Tennesse Ave.

5 players portfolio

Portfolio 1
Purple monopoly
Marvin Gardens
Portfolio 2
Violet monopoly
4 Railroads

Portfolio 3
Baby blue monopoly
Park Place
Atlantic & Ventor Aves.

Portfolio 4
Red monopoly
N. Carolina

Portfolio 5
Orange monopoly

Pacific & Penn Aves.


1. The Sky is the Limit” as far as how many hotels you put on a . You get to put as many hotels as you want.

2. Corollary to Rule 2 You cannot buy 2 hotels (on 1 piece of property) until every player has passed GO once. You cannot buy 3 hotels (on 1 piece of property) until ever player has gone GO twice. Once that has occurred, Rule 2, above, applies

3 “You snooze you lose!” If someone lands on property you own, if you don’t ask for rent he/she doesn’t have to pay.

Monopoly trivia:  Over 30 years ago, those who lived in the former Soviet Union (what is now Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhistan, and other areas), were forbidden to play Monopoly as it was against the values of that Communist society.

Would you make your own rules. 

Tuesday, February 06, 2024

the shoe & the stick

They hadn't gotten along well since before Thanksgiving.  Their relationship worsened; there were more fights, more times that Calvin had no interest in sleeping in the same bedroom.  There were times that he slept in a nearby motel.  Half-hearted attempts were made to reconcile (there was no make-up sex),   

One afternoon, after he had gone to the motel, she asked him if he slept with another woman.  "No," he calmly replied.  She knew that already; that Sunday night she had called the motel.  She asked the owner if there was anyone "who was a guest to Calvin when he slept that night."

"There was no one with him.  When he comes to the motel, he asks to take the furthest room away from other people at the motel," the owner explained, "he comes in pretty quiet; he leaves quieter." 

"Did he leave the motel without paying?" she asked. 
"He always pays." 

 Calvin & Veronica decided to go camping. The idea sprung up like the leaf of garlic that sprouts on a messy kitchen table.  They wanted to go to California.  Then, they went through Nebraska and lost the muffler.  There,   Calvin & Veronica decided to go camping. The idea sprung up like the leaf of garlic that sprouts on a messy kitchen table.  They wanted to go to California.  Then, they went through Nebraska and lost the muffler.  The smelt a faint oder as the camper sounded much louder than before. Would they get stopped by the police? Veronica had the idea of taking some minor roads, then the muffler wouldn't sound as loud.  Calvin guided her with his downloaded map. They both laughed and smiled at each other when they saw that there were vehicles that looked and sounded just badly as theirs sounded.  They saw no police.

They sighed; they settled on a state park in Nebraska. They got their camper parked.  They decided to camp 3 football fields away from the camper.  

They gave the relationship one last chance.  They agreed that they were working "too hard" at their daily activities.   They started smiling back at each other as they parked the 14-year-old, unreliable camper.    She  was retiring in a few months.  He was more than 5 yrs from retiring from his job. 

First, it was Calvin, but Veronica sung in unison the next second. 

"Hey! You're leavin' tongue marks on the carpet
I know what you're lookin' at
You would walk on your lips through busted glass
If you could get next to that

You think this is love?
Your education starts today
So you think this is love?
So tell me, How bad do you want it?"

Don Henley's song "How Bad do you Want it" from his solo album in the 80s. 

"You're going, North, Veronica.  You said you would go south!"

"But that town is South!"

They smiled when they heard the song on Surrealistic Pillow

"Do away with people blowin' my mind
Do away with people wastin' my precious time
Take me to a simple place
Where I can easily see my face
Maybe baby, I'll see that you were kind
Know I love you baby, yes I do

Do away with people laughin' at my hair
Do away with people frownin' on my precious cares
Take me to a circus tent
Where I can easily pay my rent
And all the other freaks will share my cares
Know I love you baby, yes I do

Do away with things that come on obscene
Like hot rods, pre-cleaned real fine nicotine
Sometimes the price is sixty-five dollars prices like that make a grown man holler!
'Specially when it's sold by a kid who's only fifteen!
Know I love you baby, yes I do
Know I love you baby, yes I do

3/5ths of a Mile in 10 Seconds!!!!!!!!!!!"

They had been eating tomato soup mixed with barley soup like something concocted 9 years ago.  The best was the ranch dressing.

They kept driving stakes into the ground as they put up their tent.  They started looking for the fire to grill the sirloin.  

"I'll eat this sirloin raw if you don't find those fuckin' matches!" shouted Calvin.  

She mocked him all the way to the camper. She mocked him all the back, too.  

"When are you starting the fire?"  he asked. 

She took out the black lucky shoe that his maternal grandfather had.  

Where are the matches, Cal?  

"In my back pocket." 

I thought you said I had it.  

But I had them, she replied.  

 No, a stick match was struck by Veronica and failed. 





Match to the shoe, she struck the fire  They had some sticks in the oversized black tray.  They threw the match in the pan without even looking.  The fire started, and they wondered if the meat would start getting hot. 

They didn't even look as the fire started in the pan.  He started whistling the song "Miracles" released in 1975, by Jefferson Starship as her eyes lit up. 

He whistled  every note of the organ part  before Martin Balin (who wrote the song)  started singing...

"If only you believe like I believe, baby We'd get byyyyyyyy......"

"If only you believe in miracles (if only you believed in miracles so would I)If only you believe like I believe, baby (if only you believe like I believe)We'd get byIf only you believe in miracles (if only you believed in miracles so would I)
........  He sang the first stanza flawlessly.  
Then she responded, " might have to move Heaven and Earth to prove it to you, baby (baby)So we're making love, you feel the power,  and I feel the powerAnd there's really nothing we can't do."
"Drink the water, Veronica."  They did as they stared at each other.  They ate the 12 gran bread and drank the rest of the soup cold.  
"I told you to get rid of all the Nine Inch Nails CDs."
"I did!" 
"No you didn't,"
"Yes, I did," Calvin said smugly, "I smashed The Fragile over my toolbox." 
"Yeaaahhh???,"  she said,  "I still have NIN 
With Teeth.Well I'm going to tell you a little secret...........but she fell on him.
That's not a secret;  I heard that CD over and over 
  They started frenching & they rolled around, but never near the fire.Again, Jefferson Starship's "Miracles"
You know we could,
All we got to do is get a little faith in you
I've been so many places I've seen some things  (yes I have)Keeps holding this world together Ain't nothing better?  repeat
"And all the answers to our prayers     Hell, it's the same everywhere Nothing ever breaks up the heart... .Only your tears give you away 
I can hear windmills and rainbows whenever you talkin' to me
(Never say never)I feel like swirling and dancing whenever you walk in with me You ripple like the river when I touch youThen I pluck your body like a string Then I start dancing inside you 
I love you so
I love you so  I love you so 
I love you soOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Oh yeah, ALL RIGHT !!!!! Baby, we're sure doin' it tonight 
Every time you come by let me try (come on by)Pretty please, with sugar on it, that's how I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
I can't even believe it with you it's like.........."

They both stood up.  They got cold.  But they were too stubborn and circled each other around the inside of the tent.  
She got up and dumped out the sirloin JUICE  on his coat.      wtf?  
He dove on her (as she fell softer than you might expect), and they got the rest of their clothes off.  
right sock touching his dick
love is the perfect drug  
You said... 
NO, you DID.  
After their sex and they caught their breath.......
She grabbed the gray part of the meat.  Calvin grabbed the raw.  
They spent an hour eating the meat, STARING at each other. 
Sometime later.................. they fell asleep in an awkward position Hours later,  it got more awkward

Don Henley's song started playing again.

"So you, you put a hold on happiness
A day, a week, a year
You got to bring somethin' to this party."


"Calvin, the camper isn't starting."
He said nothing.  He got into one of his icy moods where he stopped talking. 

I got it fixed," he laconically replied. 

"But you went to 1 of the cheaper places in town to get it repaired!  I burned your New Yorker magazines....all of them!" she said.

"After 30 yrs., I got rid of the subscription last summer," he replied. 

No you didn't !

Yes, I did
But I was reading the articles on your computer

"It was yours.  You read them on your computer," he stood and got up.  

His voice got lower as they got near.  They were standing chest to chest...holding their shoulders,  "that will be the last damn time you read my 10 New Yorker magazines!"

"You shoved them into my trunk in June," she replied, "STOP watching the movie Easy Rider." 

"You need to stop reading Drugstore Cowboy at 1:30 am!!!!!!!!"

"You mean one of the 1st big movies Heather Graham was in? 

They kept walking away.  "Why did that fuckin camper not start?"  he was wondering. 

Her high pitch asked, "What''s that blood all over your hand." They were kneeling face to face and started crying a few feet from the asphalt street.   

"You really do have a short memory, don't you, and stop drinking and start listening more!!!  You don't even remember shoving my hand into the tent stake, do you? 

"But you hurt my back!"  She started singing, and they started again.  

The sun was up.  
"What animal was out there when you went to the camper?"

Well, Cal, you really shouldn't give a fiddler's fuck, b/c I made it back to the tent, didn't I?"  She paused, "You didn't even ask me what animal it was at the time."  

"That's because I don't want to go around,"  he was panting & wondering what to say,  "in circles anymore. These days I'd rather work, then be with you anyway!" He started walking and following the road.  She ran past him.  

"Why did we even go to The West in the first place?"

"Because, you said, "there's global warming and we get to make our own rules"  He thought he saw his white Cutlass Ciera and ran 100 feet past her.  
"You made the Christmas of 2023 the worst FUCKING CHRISTMAS I EVER HAD!!!! SHE SHREIKED.  

He got into the Oldsmobile.  She got into the Chevy Cavalier.  They never spoke to each other again.  

Back at the tent, the deer heard the 7th track of Jefferson Airplane's Surrealistic Pillow.
The buck heard the next track, "How do you feel?" 

The farmer heard the same album on his radio;  "DCBA" was the song.  

The moral of the   story. 

Believe in Global Warming
Look at 
 Great Pacific Plastic Patch 

Believe in GOD

Don't get into a relationship too fast. 

The Trace of King Lear

Why did the Fool disappear in the middle of Shakespeare's play?
Because, King Lear became the critic of himself while the Fool left. He slenderly knew himself.  He certainly knew his weaknesses after the jester left.    

What was played in the last minute or so (give or take) of "I'm the Walrus?"

King Lear

Some people were reciting lines from during and after 1 of the villains died.  

Friday, February 02, 2024

my night prayer


In the name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit, 

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

Bless this bed that I lay on

 Four corners around my bed, angels around my bed

1 to watch

1 to  pray

2 to guide me on my way. 

I go by sea; I go by land

The LORD made me with his right hand

If any danger comes to me, sweet Jesus Christ deliver me

He's the branch, and I'm the flower

Pray God send me a happy hour

If I should die before I wake

I pray that my soul he takes

GOD BLESS:                 

  the names of my 6 siblings

the names of my 3 children 

the names of 3 women

I pray for priests, seminarians, missionaries, the clergy and Pope Francis I

I pray for the sick, the lonely and the homeless
I pray for Ukraine
I pray for the oppressed in Iran and the Middle East

Bless family, friends, nieces and nephews, relatives and in-laws.


            coming next - romance in the 60s


Saturday, January 20, 2024

Life is for the living

After the cold, after the week's worth of work.  I read the lyrics and played the song, "Ten Years Gone"  by Led Zeppelin 

I love this song for the 1st stanza of this song, "And though the course may change sometimes rivers always reach the sea” It means STOP REGRETTING!!!!

Don't regret not doing enough when you met your 1st love - because all rivers reach the see (for billions of us that means going to Heaven) Don't regret not dating enough in your 20s because you met a special woman who made 1993 your favorite year. Don't regret the divorce and wish you were dead, b/c she loves you platonically now and the relationship is the best its been IN YEARS. Don't regret losing the career you had years ago, b/c part of it was your abusive boss' s fault by being so cruel to you . Stop wishing you were dead and live! Life is for the living!! Even if you don't believe in God all rivers reach the sea. You didn't exist before you were born, and tomorrow you're 1 day closer to death. So, what will you do now? Did you help? Did you love??

Thursday, January 18, 2024


 After giving this a lot of thought, I decided not to do anymore stories like I wrote from January 13 to the 17th.  

I wanted to help loving, long-term couples renew their interest in the powerful force that is within them.  I think I have.  

Who was exploited in my stories?   They had the choice; they had their circumstances..  

How were the women depicted in the stories?  Definitely more street-smart than the men.  

You decide if it was a good choice that the couples engaged in from the fiction I wrote.  

I have other things to do:

Work hard at my job

Get my corporation with my son, Qualityservice44 to do well.  Not much in the store. That's the point. I need to be doing more with the store. 
I'm going to add a quarter that commemorates Washington, the patriots crossing the Delaware/winning the Battle of  Trenton.  

Clean & organize my home

Be a very good father (I get complements about how good of a Dad I am)  


Worship God

Wednesday, January 17, 2024


 There are 2 sources of this fiction.  98% of the circumstances never happened.  Part of this story was inspired by The New Yorker,  the finest magazine in the United States.  Did I add to the story?  Yes.  But absolutely very few circumstances are true.  I also added NIN's song "Piggy (Nothings Gonna Stop Me Now)."

 1. The Infatuation 

When Floyd was walking to the football game, in the city where he was a student, this beautiful brunette said hi.  “Are you going to the big football game?”  he smiled.

“Of course, look at my ticket,” as she put the ticket in his face. 

“Damn, it’s too bad we were in different sections.  I sit in the student section,” he forlornly replied. 

“You don’t know anything,” she laughed.

“Bitch, I’m a student who has gone to school for 4 years!” she held his hand and smiled.
“Why is she smiling right after I called her “bitch”?  She is so calm.  She is so superly curvaceous!  He would much prefer a woman 15 lbs over, than under. 

“What I really meant, Baby, is that you have book smarts, but very little street smarts!”  She whipped out her pack of Parliament cigarettes and started smoking. 

“Why do you smoke? You’re going to get cancer.  Did you know that the US SURGEON GENERAL SAID cigarettes always damage lungs? Since the year I was born, cigarettes have had the SURGEON GENERAL’S warning.  Barb, stop it!!!!”

“Well, Baby…”
“MY name is Floyd!” he interrupted.

Woooowww, big college student!! Oh, that’s even better!  You are my Pink Floyd. Now, here’s the plan.  You go into your gate, into your section, then I’ll go into my section.  You’re going to buy me popcorn and the biggest Coke you can find and sit in the BACK ROW. Don’t sit in the seat you’re assigned.” They stopped.  Right by the red autumn tree, they rapped their arms each other and French Kissed. 

Floyd felt their tongues, the world, and the Future all spinning in sync!  “Don’t be like Lucy in the Sky of Diamonds and suddenly disappear.”

Barb said, “I won’t leave you for the world!” She lit another cigarette with the filter towards Floyd as they stood close. “now, if you don’t want me to get cancer my dear Pink Floyd, you smoke the pack with me, and I'll have fewer cigarretes!” 

He lifted the cigarette out of her fingers and smoked a long deep inhale from the Parliament.  They French Kissed again as she grabbed his balls.  She stared into his brown eyes.    

“Thank you, Barb-baby, for making me feel cool.  Thank you for giving me the chance to love you so much, the opportunity no woman in my hometown ever gave me!,” the tears flowed and his voice quivered as he said the last part.

“I’ll take you where you never been,”  she said calmly.  They held hands, smoking and going to a big football game.  Sometimes they ran and laughed.  Sometimes, they caught their breath, while Floyd picked up her cigarettes. 

Floyd’s voice still quivered, “I got a confession, Baby.  I don’t have enough money to get you the popcorn and Coke you need!”

Barb was about 5’6” but walked and ran like she was six feet tall.  She reached up, put his fingers on his lips and replied, “buy me licorice.  You don’t have to eat the popcorn, because that makes you thirsty for Coke.  You don’t have to buy Coke, because you’ll wanna eat more popcorn.  With licorice, we’ll suck, chew and consume it  the whole game.”


In the stadium, she calmly said as they were sitting in the back of the stands, “you have book smarts and I have street smarts, stick with me my Pink Floyd.  We’ll go a long way.”

“Wow, that Al Toon can really catch the football.”

“Wooww!” she squealed, “he’s gonna score!”  They hugged and kissed more as the crowd erupted.

“You know when I was on the football team, I averaged 11 yards per catch my senior year. I was a good blocker….”


“I’m sorry, Barb!”

“This is what I mean, Floyd.
Enjoy the fall season,
enjoy the awesome football game,
enjoy the happiness that Al Toon scored, enjoy LOVE!”

They stood up again and couldn’t stop kissing.  He stared back at her and said, "And let's enjoy the LOVE."  This must be something like heaven.  He couldn’t remember the score, he couldn’t remember that their team had more first downs than  Indiana.  He only thought of her. 

He did remember her big black 1982 F-150.  She drove serenely home with a hand on the steering wheel and one hand on his knee.

“Barb, I’ve got to study.  I gotta study.  I have a sociology mid-term that is really, really important.  By the way, what does your Dad do for a living?” as they slowly walked to her house. 

“He sells insurance,” she replied.

“What kind of insurance?”

“All kinds.”

When they were near the garage, Floyd pulled her body into his, and they kissed another 7 minutes.  She started walking to her house.  He stared, he couldn’t believe it.  He never was this cool before.  She threw the keys backwards; he dove and caught them with both hands.

“Nice catch, big boy. No go home and study!”

“But how are you going to get into the house if I’m driving your truck home,” he asked. 

“I just opened the door, dumbass,” she said placidly. 

“Watch your mouth, Baby,” He got into the truck and drove to the dorm.  He didn’t remember anything about the drive.  He remembered that he was going to drive very, very safely, because this was the first time he was madly in love, and it was their truck.

He was in his dorm room studying intently for his test Tuesday night.  The door closed, and he said, “Milton are you studying for your math exam?”


He turned around,  and she was there!  “HOLY SHIT! You’re my Lucy in Sky of Diamonds!” he yelled. 

“Oh, yummy.  Now, let’s do my laundry,” she said.

“But can’t you do laundry at your parents?”

“I can’t stand my parents.”

“Ok, but the laundry room is a little cramped.”

“Don’t they have any desks down on that floor?”

“Barbara Dolly, you’re a genius.  I forgot they have a whole room of studying students by the laundry room.”

“Just shut up and study,” she replied.

“Don’t you need quarters?” he asked.  She thrust her hand out, and he gave her a $1.75 for washing and drying one load.  They turned away from each other, because they were tired of kissing. They had their own work tonight.  

He felt like maybe he could finally get an “A” on the exam.  He knew it was tough, because the grading curve was high. He wanted that “A” in his Adolescent Deviance class.  After all, he was in Madison and graduate students were in the same class driving up the same, damn grade curve.  It made getting an “A” nearly impossible.  With a tap on the shoulder, she said, “let’s go.”

With fatigue, they slowly walked to the elevator and slowly walked into his dorm.  She ripped the post-it note from his room. They both smoked their Parliaments.  She put the note in her pocket.  

“Give me that note, you bitch!” he commanded.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“Don’t you ever listen to me?  What the fuck did I say about my exam? “Now, give me that fuckin’ note!”

She narrowed her blue eyes.  “if you take that note out of my pocket, that means you have no trust in me.  If you have no trust in me, you’ll never get to see me again.”  Floyd begged her to read the note. 

With fatigue, she stood saying sleepily, “Floyd-baby…”

“He didn’t call me ‘baby’ “

“Just shut the fuck up!”

“NO! You STFU!”

“ ‘ Floyd, I am going to my friend’s place.  I won’t see you until Friday.  Let’s get drunk when I come back.’    Milton“

She stopped and looked at him in a deadly, hard glare, “are you getting drunk Friday” she asked and knew the answer was NO.  He looked at her with excitement.  She took off her sweater, and they started undressing. 

When Floyd was a child, he was afraid a tornado would blow down his barn, his house and the world he knew. He didn’t know there were “happy tornadoes.”  She’s was on top with her heaving breasts.  Then, he’s on top and making her gasp.  They had their “happy tornado.”  When he woke up the next morning, the girl with the sun in her eyes was gone.  He started humming “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.”.

The next 4 weeks were a fast swirl of activity:

 Ã˜  Read about 250 pages a week;

Ø  Study hard! Feel confident, because, on multiple choice tests, the answer is staring you in the face;

Ø  Go to class and take notes.  Figure out if you’re doing shorthand or writing out the notes carefully that the professor wrote on the board;

Ø  Study hard and learn you got only a “BC,” not an “A”.  Those damn graduate students.  Then he sighed, “can’t demonize them.  I guess they have more at stake than I do, gradewise.” 

Ø  Work hard, make money at the  place he worked at, Pops Club;

Ø  Watch her come in and feel the happy, swirling tornado of "infatuation."  

At the beginning of November, she came in his room.  She stared at him.  He couldn’t stop looking at her, hugging her, feeling her nice big curves.  “Are we getting married?” 

“YES!” as he started tearing up. 

“You know how smart you are with your books? You know the kind of smarts I have?  We’re going to do everything we dreamed about when we talked in the laundry room.  They started breathing heavier; “do you trust me, Floyd?”

“I’ll trust you forever!”

“I love the smell of your sweater,” they frenched again. 

“Then take it,” he replied. 

“I really love the smell of your winter coat, my Dear Pink Floyd. 

“Then take it!” Their happy tornado swirled again. 

When they stopped she looked at him coldly, “We’re going to do the trick.  I been in love before,” she started singing rhythmically, “I been in love before.  The hardest part is when you’re in it.” 

“Just like our song by the Cutting Crew,” he said. 

She smiled sublimely, “we are going to go up and down the hemisphere just like we go up and down in bed.  Pittsburgh, Washington DC, NY, NY, Boston, Lake Buena Vista, FL, Miami, Mexico, Guatamela…”

“But we don’t even speak Spanish,” he interrupted.

“Then we’ll go to Uruguay.  We both know that nation promotes good education and over 90% of their population is literate.  We’re going to L.A. as we agreed and make you famous. Now, take a deep breath.  Yeah, that’s it.  I’ve been in love before.  Mickey and I used to do a trick, and it goes like this.  You see my car, and I see your car.  We both love to drive at least 80 mph.”

“Ok, because we really don’t care about the cops.”

“So, here is what Mickey and I did.  We saw each other’s car driving down the state highway;  we would switch lanes.  We would both switch driving in the right lanes to driving in the left in unison.”

“And blow each other a kiss?” he interrupted.

“No, dumbass, you’re going 80 mph! Concentrate on the road.  How good of a driver are you?”

The world swirled, and he was 10 miles from Madison.   Suddenly, she was standing in front of a 1982 Chrysler LeBaron.  “it’s yours, my Pink Floyd.  Your white Chrysler Le Baron.  We’re going to get married.  I’ll go to Midnight Mass with you.  We’ll meet your parents.  We’ll go to Church every weekend, just like you said. We’ll do what you said we both will do.”

He left her in ecstasy.   


“I saw you and I loved the way we switched lanes,” she said on the phone.

“WHEN?”  he yelled. 

“Tuesday afternoon.”

“I was in the library studying for my economics final!”

“Oh,” she replied.

“You bitch, you GIRLFRIEND, you switched lanes with Mickey!”

“I’m sorry!”

Floyd slammed the phone down and cried.  

On Decemer 7, 1984,  he called her.  No answer.   He called her and no answer.  He started slamming the phone again and again with every no answer.. 

“WTF, Floyd!  Stop slamming the phone!” yelled Milton.    

“I’m sorry, Milton!”

He sprinted to his car. He was doing 25, then 40, then 70 down the state highway.  He blew thru a stop sign and swept-smashed the bumper off another car.  They skidded on the wet road, but somehow stayed on the asphalt. 

“Are you ok,” Floyd asked.

“Are you drunk,” asked the old lady in her car. 

“No, I’m scared! Just take the car!” he threw her the keys.

He didn’t hear her say, “Thanks, but you must be drunk!” 

He sprinted, then walked, then he remembered the song by Whitenake, “Crying in the Rain.”  He ran more.  He cried more.  The blue and red lights, were flashing as he heard the police car. He stopped and laid down crying face down on the asphalt.

“Turn over,” the policewoman said, “what are you doing?”

“I gotta see, Barb!!!!” he shrieked as he stood up.

“STFU!  JUST STFU NOW!! DON’T you dare talk in that volume again to me!  Do you understand?  Now, get in!”

“I’m sorry!” he said quieter. She wouldn’t talk.  He stared at the road watching her drive.  "You’re driving into another town; it’s now 7 miles away! That’s not even the town you patrol!”  She wouldn’t talk. 

Finally, as they were in Barb’s town limits, she asked, “What’s her address?”

“I can’t remember!” he started sobbing. 

“When you stop crying, I’ll tell you the plan,” she calmly said.

Two minutes later, he stopped.  She slowly said, “You have 3 choices.  We can  put you in jail, because you’re not in your right mind.   You can go to the hospital two miles away, and there’s a mental ward.” She walked right up to him and pointed at the direction of the hospital. OR find her?”

Tears were still streaming down his face.  "What’s wrong, Floyd, don’t you have any pride?”  she said.  
He started running.   He saw a glimpse of the truck.  

 After all her driving to help him find Barb, Floyd rarely got mad at any other policewoman.   

He recognized where she lived when he saw a bare tree with red leaves on the ground.  He ran a mile more than 10 mph.  He ran; he ran through the door.  There was the glow of the TV showing Gun Smoke and a glowing cigar in his mouth.   Her father was 5’6” and 290.  His disposition was worse, “so you’re the one who does her laundry.”

Sir!  Where is she,

She’s dead.  She had a head on collision and died.  She never would’ve amounted to anything anyway!”

IN RAGE HE TOOK 3 STEPS TO POUND HER DAD’S HEAD THROUGH THE WALL.  The dad was quick and flashed the brightest flashlight he ever saw. “Will beating the shit out of me bring her back to life?

He sprinted up the stairs, and collapsed on her bed.  He grabbed his winter coat and took the  2nd set of keys for his car.  He grabbed them out of the jacket he gave her.  He slammed ½ a bottle of Southern Comfort that was on her table.  Then, he slept. 

When it was 7am, the bed frame jerked toward the wall. “Get up, Bitch!” he yelled at Floyd, “it’s funny she never would’ve amounted to anything.  She is as bad as my wife." the father said, “It's funny but I knew Barb wouldn’t amount to no good.  She is bad as my wife!  Barb and her always joining sides and brow-beating me out of my argument,” he ruefully said. 

“She can’t be dead!” Floyd whispered, heavy with sleep.

“STFU!!!!! GET OUT! DON’T EVER LET ME SEE YOU AGAIN!” the dad screamed. While Floyd walked down the stairs, the father kicked him hard in the tailbone.  

Did he feel pain?   No, Floyd felt the defiance radiate thru his cold body.  He thought, "I don’t care anymore.  I don’t care about living.  I’ll quote Bob Dylan, and hum.  He hummed the part of the song that said, 'when you got nothing, you got nothing to lose!' ”

“Where’s her fuckin' F-150 truck?”

“If you had gone to the police station, you would’ve seen it!” the father called out. 

Floyd felt like the time he was knifed in the shoulder.  “I don’t care!” he said. 

Then, he started to sing “Piggy” by Nine Inch Nails.  He walked to the Greyhound station where she drove him once. He slipped into his defiance, “I’m never going to own a car.  I’m never going to…”  he looked at what direction the final street went to the Greyhound bus.

Then he thought, “Hey pig, yeah you!!...

“All of my fears came true, black  and blue and broken bones, you left me here, I'm all alone. My little piggy needed something new. Nothing can stop me now/ ‘Cause I don’t care anymore/Nothing can stop me now….” he mouthed the words, “cuz I’ll never own a car!  Cuz I’ll get a knife and this time I’ll go right thru my neck into my medulla” 

Then, he kept singing, “Piggy” that was contained in the album The Downward Spiral, made by NIN and sung and arranged by Trent Reznor

“Hey pig

Nothing's turning out the way I planned

Hey pig there's a lot of things I hoped you could help me understand

What am I supposed to do?  I lost my shit because of you!

Suddenly, he saw the yellow of the Greyhound building and the silver of the bus he was so familiar with.  Suddenly, he felt ashamed at the pejorative word used against police. 

 He called and cried to both parents.  He cried to his sister. He called and spoke to his younger brother.  He stepped into the campus rectory at his Church. He was told to come to 1 of the priest’s office. 

The priest ripped the lit Parliament cigarette out of Floyd’s mouth.  “Don’t do that again. Don’t smoke another cigarette.  You know, Floyd, it’s strange.  You just poured your guts out to me.  You didn’t even cry.  I see you on campus. Yet, you're often alone. We say, ‘hi,’ remember?”


“You are so hurt.  Do you need the Rite of Reconciliation?”  They were already in his room.  Floyd confessed all of his sins.  

He grew up, he matured.  He went to a college west of where he was.  He laughed at the fact that his last semester at Madison, he actually got a “B” average.  He had a history class with his favorite professor, John Sharpless.  Sharpless ran for congressman in his parents’ district. 

Whenever he moved to a different region, he became different, and, yet, similar.  But, he still craves the ambition.