Showing posts with label raspberry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label raspberry. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Vanilla Bean Eclairs with Raspberry Glaze

I made these some time late last year. I was pretty pleased with how they turned out cos they looked so girlish pink, and almost too pretty to be eaten.

Vanilla Bean Eclairs with Raspberry Glaze

Friday, September 19, 2014

Raspberry Meringue Tart

Another berry bake - raspberry this time round.

Raspberry Meringue Tart

Monday, August 05, 2013

Berry Mousse Toasted Coconut Charlotte

There was a short period a few months back where I would just bake a cake every weekend. Just because. No special reason. Well, one merit of being single is that I have plenty of spare time on hand when I'm not out brunch-ing (for once!) and when all my (attached) friends are hanging out with their other halves. I get to indulge in my favourite self-activity. Baking.
 Berry Mousse Toasted Coconut Charlotte

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Earl Grey Custard Berries Tart

It's the prettiest thing I've made so far. Then again, with the abundance of berries in it, it is no wonder why I termed it as so isn't it?

 Earl Grey Custard Berries Tart

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Dark Chocolate Raspberry Coconut Brown Butter Muffins

I've previously made these muffins before, but decided to revisit this recipe again to see if they were as yummy as I remembered.

Dark chocolate, raspberries and toasted coconut

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Triple berries oatmeal crumble bars

It was blueberries season again...

Triple berries oatmeal crumble bars

Monday, August 01, 2011

Raspberry chocolate oat scones

Raspberries are a rare sight in my kitchen. Among all the berries, I reckon my fave's actually raspberries, but a punnet of them comes with a hefty price tag, so I snack on its cheaper cousins, the blueberries and blackberries more often than not.

I bought a punnet of these bright red jewels two weeks back as they were going for just slightly cheaper than its usual price tag. I knew I wanted to make something special with these, and so I decided on making a breakfast treat - scones.

Raspberry chocolate oat scones

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Raspberry rose macarons

Yes I know, yet another macaron post? Groan. I promise this is the last one for the time being. I'm a little sick of macarons myself too. ;)

I was thinking of making dual-coloured macs cos I just find that totally adorable. I'm a dork that way. Anyway, I just realised that this post is so going to be very girly pink. You've been warned.

Raspberry rose macarons

Monday, October 12, 2009

Peach and raspberry pies

It's my first interview later on in the afternoon. Hopefully things aren't as bad as expected cos I know somehow the first few interviews are always tough. Well, practice makes perfect and I will manage to master the tips of how-to-pass-through-an-interview-successfully in time to come. (:

Here's ending off with some white peach and raspberry pies I made a few weeks back. I had enough pastry and filling to make one big pie and one miniature one. It's my first attempt at doing a lattice design atop a pie, and I must say it should have been easy, just that my pastry making skills are not up to par as the weather in Singapore is simply blistering heat 24/7 and I usually get like overworked dough before I even know it. :( I need to conquer tart dough! That means I'll be making more tarts/pies in the near future!

Mini pie slice with a mini scoop of Haagan Daaz's Apricot and Cream icecream. Yums.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Family weekend. And small tea cakes and financiers.

It's been a great and unusual weekend. Family weekend. Went shopping at Ion with Sista on Saturday. We didn't manage to walk alot cos it was nearing lunch time and we were starving. Yet, in that short span of time we were walking around, I got a pair of shoes from Rubi (Sis got 2 pairs!) and she also got 2 dresses. Bah.

The original plan was to lunch at Ion, but the queues during lunch time at the dining places were atrocious, so we walked over to Wheelock for good ole Sun & Moon. Since it's the weekend, everyone in Singapore must have been in town, cos everywhere was crowded. Gah. Our wait for a table took twenty minutes. Over lunch, Daddy and I made a date to watch Overheard together later on at night (Sis had plans), just the two of us. haha. So rare can. Anyway, the dessert we ordered was really interesting, I like - some Japanese sweet potato cream cream atop a bed of almond cream tart? Japanese food love.

Overheard was not bad I suppose, I mean, there's eyecandy - Daniel Wu, whose mere presence makes any movie a more enjoyable experience. ;) Interesting plot, which literally relates back to the movie's title.

Popo came over to teach me how to bake pandan cake today, and I must say it was seriously a hilarious affair. Popo, being popo, was being her typical amusing popo self. If you get what I mean. (: And, I must say, I used to read about food bloggers who spoke about it - getting hand-me-down recipes, but never understood the real meaning, until I actually experienced it first hand. When you are used to measuring everything out clearly down to the very gram required, learning baking from your elders can be exasperating when they actually do not use a measuring scale! Haha. It was really an eye opening experience to see Popo teaching me how to make a pandan chiffon using a traditional chinese bowl (the blue kind with little designs around it) as a measuring "cup". Amazing. The end result was a little sinky chiffon (but still yummy), I think I underbeat the egg whites :( It's okay, I can try again another day. (:

Then I went Ion again with Sis to continue part 2 of our shopping trip there. I got myself really nice shoes from Mitju (in fact I wished I could buy half the shop back with me, they have this series of shoes that scream "GIRLY", "FEMININE" and "CUTE".) and a pair of formal knee shorts. Happy.

After dinner, Dad, Sis and I went to NTUC for groceries shopping. I am one happy happy girl. Blueberries have been on sale for $3.95 for 2 punnets for the past few days. We had 2 and a half packets at home. We bought another 4 punnets. I may snap a photo of the 7 punnets of blueberries currently waiting to be eaten in our fridge tomorrow just for the sake of it. I mean, who knows when else can you find so many punnets of these babies in my fridge again? And I found black sesame paste in the Japanese section of the NTUC! (WOONLI!!!!!!!!!!!! Smiles.)

I think this has been a great weekend. Although we don't normally spend a lot of time together as a family. I reckon within this short three days period, we probably used up a month's worth of family time together or something. snigger.

Anyway, I made apricot tea cakes and raspberry brown butter coconut financiers for our last picnic, and here they are. I must say I rather prefer the raspberry financiers more to the apricot tea cakes. They were much moister and softer to nibble on than the tea cakes. ;)

I love the new camera Canon EOS 500D I'm using now. I have the normal lens and a macro lens and I just love using the macro for my food photos. It is so fun playing around with the focus. Love the comparisons between the two in the shot above. (: And the macro is superb for taking textures upclose. Flours, fruits and what nots, you can totally see everything clearly. Have I already mentioned how much I love the macro lens? ;)

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Finally finished backlog. (:

Here's all the remaining backlog of food pictures! This is for the month of April. The previous post was end Feb/Mar baking. Finally. I almost feel a sense of relief that I've uploaded all the pictures. (: Now, there's the bento pictures to tackle...haha. But then I think I like to mass upload a month's worth of bentos at a shot, so I'll only post bento pictures up at the end of each month.

Omg. My eyes are drooping so badly now that it's 3am. I'm supposed to go gym tomorrow morning. So I better head off to bed lest I wake up late and then decide that I'm lazy to walk to Fitness First. Ha.

Ingredients to make?
Quiches. It's my first attempt and I even made the pate sucree from scratch! It was wasy, but it took time rolling the dough out and cutting it to fit into the pan. I wanted to experiment with two flavours so I went with spinach for one, and mushrooms bacon for the other.

Waiting to go into the oven.

Ingredients for making homemade soup.
Vienna mini bread rolls.
The roll on the far right is from Woo Aa! She bought this Korean premix sesame bun pack and tried it out. It tasted pretty chewy and unlike a bread, but it was nice though.

Homemade beef barley vegetable soup. Bread + soup during cold weather is simply the best.
Uber mini burgers. About three mouthfuls each and they're gone. ;)

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