Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Well I just got home from a meeting of the Traveling Betty's.Much of the talk was about what has been going on in all our lives,like ML is going to be a grandma for the first time.And DR's second grandchild is due any time ,that sort of thing. Then we got down to business,discussing the upcoming sale,who had what to bring and how to arrange it ,but first we must clean the space. We decided on advertising,talked about if we should plan on the next one or wait till we see how this one goes. Well I'll get back to you soon with more.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

What Cheer

For those of you who don't recognize her, this Ki Nassauer,from Flea Market Style magazine.She and Larry from Bachmans Ideas House,stopped in my booth .This positively blew me away,Ki is the friendliest ,sweetest person,we had a real nice visit I sure hope I have a chance to see her again.{Hi Ki, tell Larry hi for me .} Meeting those 2 was the highlight of my weekend.

This is Barb, she mans the popcorn stand right across the drive from us. believe it or not she is 85 years old .She has been volunteering ther e for as long as we have been doing the show and thats at least 8 years
Here are a couple of savy shoppers ,just sit in the stroller and look pretty and let the human do all the work.
I was glad to see my friend Sherri, from Cedar Falls, She does some real cool altered art.I think she is going to try and start a blog .I'll list it here if she gets one going.
Well I guess I better show you a couple of pictures from my booth ,and get on with the day