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[conculture] Re: Kemrese Church possibilities
From: Andrew Smith <hobbit@mail.earthlight.co.nz>
On Fri, 16 Apr 1999, Padraic Brown wrote:
> I came across an interesting post in the alternate history group today,
> and thought that some of it might be useful in detailing Kemrese history.
I take it this is from one of the alt.history newsgroups then?
> >
> >The POD occurs at the Synod of Whitby (664). Officially called by the
> >king of Northumbria to discuss such issues as how to date Easter on the
> >Christian calendar, the real contest was between the Irish disciples of
> >St. Columba and the Roman disciples of St. Augustine over which church
> >would convert the pagan barbarians of Britain. In this alternate
> >timeline, the king decides in favor of the Celtic Church.
Northumbria was occupied by Kemrese and Mercian forces at the time. The
Roman rite was contained in the south of England for a longer time
*there*. I suspect if pressed Kemrese church would have used John 21:20ff
as a proof text.
> I think the "Welsh", being Kemrese descended from already Christianised
> Romano-British, are probably already in large part Christian. Perhaps
> even the Scots. But that's no reason the Irish can't come in and work
> them over somewhat. The Saxons and Angles could probably use some good
> old fashioned F & B, though. Since we've already got a fairly stable
> realm *there*, I think the seat of the church ought to stay in Kemr rather
> than move east or anywhere else. It seems that the AB of Glastein acts in
> this independent fashion (as hinted at in the Page).
Glastein is the spiritual centre of Kemr and his holiness the AB acts as
its primate. The Cathedral is a burial place for kings, the Kemrese
equivalent of Westminster Abbey.
Kemr would have been attacked by the Vikings as badly as Ireland or
England, as it would have been an equally rich prize, which it wasn't
*here*. I have no idea of the details.
> >After the death of Canute, and the complicated dynastic struggle which
> >followed, the crown of Britain passes to Harold. At the urging of the
> >Pope to crusade against the heretic Celts, William of Normandy invades
> >Britain in 1066. As in OTL he defeats Harold at Hastings and conquers
> >Britain. However, the antagonistic religion of the Roman Catholic
> >Normans makes it impossible to establish a firm foundation for Williams
> >rule. Like the Latin Kingdom of Constantinople founded after the 4th
> >crusade, a religiously hostile populous makes it impossible for the new
> >regime to put down roots.
> >
An interesting idea, although at this stage the Kemrese church chose to
identify itself as Catholic in exchange for maintaining its autonomy.
> >Henrys murder of Celtic Archbishop Thomas aBecket is done with the
> >Popes approval - Henry is later sainted for this deed. Celtic
> >religious fervor reaches a boiling point during one of Richards long
> >absences from Britain. A popular uprising, led by the Welsh Prince
> >Llywelyn succeeds as the flower of Norman chivalry is cut down by a new
> >weapon, the Welsh longbow. Llywelyn enters Canterbury in triumph and is
> >crowned king of Great Britain by a grateful Archbishop. Ireland and
> >Scotland hasten to submit to his rule.
> >
> >No Prince John. No Magna Carta. No subsequent 100-Years War since the
> >new Welsh kings have no claim to the French throne.
*There* Prince Ewein, or Eugene, crusaded against the English and
laid the foundation for the Senad, the beginnings of parliamentarianism.
But his influence competed with the monarchy and other aristocrats and he
fell from grace.
Hmmm, Vinlanders...
- andrew.
Andrew Smith, Intheologus hobbit@earthlight.co.nz
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- Old Orc Saying.
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