Thursday, August 27, 2009

Casandra's New Look

This summer after being referred to a dermatologist for hair loss, Casandra was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata. Here is a link to a wonderful website that will answer allot of your questions.

Casandra being Casandra , got tired very quickly of standing by and watching her hair fall out. She decided it was better for her to just shave it ALL off! I was hesitant at first but who am I to tell her any different? It is only hair. It may grow back, it may not. Her hair follicles are not damaged and always have the ability to grow back if her body tells them to.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A little of everything

The family out on Brush Lake

Andrea helping Daddy net his fish

Brush Lake

Bald Eagle watching us fish.

Casandra with the catch of the day.

Andrea flying her kite!
Before burning the old chicken house....

Burning the old chicken house...

Wade cleaning up the ruble after burning down the old chicken house

Andrea on her last day of 7th grade! All the classes make cardboard boats with cardboard and a limit of 3 rolls of duct tape! Her boat made it across twice! Alot of the others sank out in the middle!


Wade and Andrea

Friday, March 27, 2009

Ready to roll

Looks good to me.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Digging at Daniel Tree Farm Spring 2009

Video shows how B&B (ball & burlap )trees are dug and put into their baskets for transport (Colorado Blue Spruce in this case). First with the help of a spotter the spade is centered around the already tied tree. The machine digs the tree. Any excess roots are trimmed. The basked already lined with burlap is guided in place to avoid crushing the basket ( as is known to happen with other methods) when you set the tree into the basket. The burlap is secured with pinning nails, the basket is crimped. .... not shown is the next step where the top or crown is tied with twine the basket is crimped on top .This process is to ensure the root ball stays intacted with minimal root disturbance.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Our Spring Digging Has Begun!

Spring digging 2009!
Baskets lined with burlap ready to be staged

Track machine with tree spade attachment

Front view

The hole left behind

Close up of root ball after it is pinned , tied and crimped

Andrea standing next to a 7 footer
Bobcat track skid loader with hydraulic forks to move and load the trees

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Kids imitate movie!

I just ran across this video from years ago and had to share it! To fully appreciate it you need to have watched "Escanba in Da Moonlight".

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmas Time

A Christmas wreath I made myself .
It is hard to tell there are 6 foot spruce under there!

Casandra loving the snow!

Andrea not sure what to think of the snow.

A Black Hills Spruce we grew in our tree farm.
What would Christmas be without sugar cookies????
Even our dog luvs Christmas morning!
She had to give Casandra a Christmas kiss!
Wade grinning about his new stocking hat!
Uncle David and Casnadra hamming it up!
The kids rocking out on Guitar Hero!
I think they will be busy for a while!