Thursday, July 8

4th of July weekend

4th of July is one of my favorite holidays. I don't even know why, I have always loved the summer weather, the carnivals, the food, the parties, the fireworks. We were sad at the beginning of the weekend because we didn't have many plans, but it turned out being a super fun weekend. We started out on Tara's fiance's boat, he took all of the kids out in Dana Point Harbor and then out on the ocean, fishing!

The kids with "uncle" Mike.
Parker, Tara, and Monica.
Bennett and Mike, so cute! Buzz boys.

Grayson wants to be like his cousin Parker.
Parker caught two small fish, pretty cool. I was up front meditating from sea sickness!!! I didn't think we were going out of the harbor or I may have stayed on the dock!
Saturday we went to the ward pancake breakfast and then headed down to the beach, the weather was pretty bad all weekend, but the kids had fun. Then on our way home we got a call from the Judds so we headed to their place to swim, and ended up at Chick-fil-a for day.

On 4th of July our neighborhood had a bike parade, so we decorated our bikes and got ready for the fun. This is Grayson's new smile for pictures, it sort of bugs!
Bennett was worried that he had too many decorations for a boy!

Ohm and Bennett, buddies. They lead the parade, they are the big kids in the neighborhood!

After the parade I had a sugar cookie decorating table set up for the kids, they all thought it was super cool! Too bad I ended up with two dozen at my house that I ate most of!
After church we had the Judds over for a BBQ and then we went down to the town center for fireworks.
The kids made fruit shish kabobs, they were yummy.
Of course Bennett made his with only strawberries and marshmallows.
Grayson was a little more willing to eat other fruits!

Then we decorated more cookies!
We watched the fireworks from our car, and they were surprisingly good.
Fun weekend, hopefully next year it will be sunny and even more action packed!

June is so over..............

I have been meaning to blog for over a month now, but there is ALWAYS something else to do. I am doing it now just because June is over and it is just going to get farther and farther away, but I wanted to remember a few moments quickly...

Grayson's playgroup graduation:

Grayson was in a play group all year with his "best friends". Melissa did a cute graduation for them to feel special that we were all done and they got bigger and cuter!
My big boy!

Macey, Sawyer, Kaden, and Grayson, friends for life!
Grandma left us (please come back):
This was right before we all started crying our eyes out. My mom left us after living with us and helping us for over a year. We are still lost and in denial. Grayson literally went into a deep depression for a week, he didn't know what to do without her. We miss you...

The boys planned this the night before, they said, "we are not going to let her go!"

Father & Son Camp out:
Apparently there was not much "roughing it" on the camp out, video games??? Maybe next year they can get a picture of all three of them doing something "campy"! And by the way, i can't wait for that day again, I was alone and had a fun night out myself. Can it be a weekend camp out next year?

Tara got engaged:
My twin sister Tara got engaged and got this fat rock! We are so excited for her.

We had to start the summer off right with a buzz cut, Grayson didn't think anyone was going to recognize him!
Bennett's concert & Kindergarten graduation:
Where's Bennett? He was hilarious at his end of the year concert, he kept making a weird face! He was so cute singing his songs though.

So proud of him.
Bennett with Mrs Kazahaya. She was such a sweet teacher, and I really hope Grayson gets her in two years! We will miss her!
Now onto summer...................