Sunday, April 8, 2012

Look Who's 5

Gavin turned 5 in March. He is such a big boy. He is so smart and loves to learn. He is my little buddy. He loves to sing and play and is just happy all around. We love his fun personality and the funny things he says. He is a good big brother and friend to other. I am a little sad that he is getting big.

Pirate Party

For Gavin's 5th birthday we decided to have a PiRaTe PaRtY. It was fun. He had 5 friends over and we: read a story, walked the plank, swabbed the deck, went a treasure hunt, made a map, had cake & ice cream, presents and watched Peter Pan. Gavin a had a blast and I am pretty sure Mark did too.

Random Happenings

Have you seen a Leprechaun??

Disney on Ice- We took the kids to disney on Ice Toystory 3. They had so much fun and loved every minute of it.

Cold Days with our Minky Blankets.

Cat and the hat day at school. Gavin did not want his face painted with whiskers but I did talk him into a picture with his teacher Ms. Sherri.

Brynlee helping daddy put together our new desk. She is very helpful. :)

FUN DIP- Gavin's first experience with the gross candy. He was very mad it would not come off his fingers. Brynlee had to do the same picture even though she did not have fun dip.

5ths Disease
We had a random rash happen at our house. Brynlee got it first and then Gavin. It is called 5ths disease or slapsh disease. It was sad to see as a mom, but it did not bother them at all.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sledding Fun

With no snow this winter we have not done to much in it. With this last storm we thought bought sleds and went to the park up the street. Gavin LOVED it. Brynlee went down a few times, but was more into the park. Gavin wanted to make a bump and had a blast. He would giggle the whole way down. They both enjoyed being outside. :0

Family Fun

In February I thought we needed to go do something fun with the kids. We took them to the aquarium. So did half of SLC because it was crazy. The kids liked the penguins and walking around. After going to the Denver Aquarium it makes this one seem pretty simple, but it was a good day. We finished it off with Coldstone so it was a good one.

Heart Attack

We decorated the kids doors for Valentines Day. They thought it was pretty exciting. They both like the heart that had their name on it.

Friday, February 3, 2012


I had to catch this moment to document it. This does not happen very much at our house but it is true they do love each other. Maybe because it is the month for LOVE. I am sure it will pass soon. :)