My god - ess

My god - ess

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Long time

It has been nearly a month.
I have not opened the blogger account.
I have not read anyone else either.

I feel depleted by the events of life.
I feel finally at peace with the leadership of my country and the USA. Even our Scottish friend in Britain is doing his best, I feel.

So my political rants are finally at rest...each time I see my PM I feel safe. He is hard working, intensely intelligent and working through the quagmire that was left him and now faces him through the situation not of his making, in the world's economy.

Each time I see President Obama and hear him being moral and gallant I relax a little more.

A mad faction in Ireland is rising but I don't think they will go far...they have past their 'use by' date.

The Israeli's are still NOT on the same page as the International community ( or some of the US intelligentsia) and will still kill babies and destroy homes in the belief that that will 'show 'em'.
A new report out has said that the majority of the young suicide bombers from Palestine are actually those whose homes have been destroyed and they have no place, no family left and no hope.
So what does that say?
As usual...feed the poor, restore the infrastructure, house the homeless, give jobs and freedom of movement and re stock the hospitals and schools and you will see a new dawn! Give the Palestinians what the Israeli's take for granted ( and it doesn't have to extend to green grass water water everywhere on THAT side of the wall, or holidays, or dignity in raising their children free from bomb rubble and fear.) Just to be able to go to work, or move freely, or have clean running water and hospitals and schools so that they may learn that all mankind are related (the Jews and Arabs closer than most).

So I still feel a frisson of frustration at the stupidity of the Middle East. Pathos too.

And in Africa (Zimbabwe)the horrors of Cholera do not move the West to take any action. Maybe if the poor buggers dug around and found Oil, Gold or Uranium then the West ( ie USA) might sit up and DO something. Watching as the women and children gather water from sewrage and filth infested puddles makes me vomit.

And in Australia?
We are still trying to get our Original people what they need...more talkfests, more councils being mooted, more untangling of 'what is best'. Maybe the economics is muddying the waters, but I have more faith that SOMETHING will happen soon than I have in all the 11 years of Neo con drivel.

I am hopeful that the powers that be will now put the religious back in their box and disentangle their connections with the godbotherers. I am so so sick of Christians.

I went to an 80th birthday party last Sunday and was sad to hear that her beloved grandson would not be attending because it was being held at a Tavern. He being a happi-clappi chappi, meant he has the right to judge and condemn all in one breath at the ripe old age of 24. So he and his prissi little missi who allows no heathen to touch their child absented themselves from the gathering.
Also my beloved ex son in law mired deep in the bowels of the stupid, is arriving to deliver some belongings to ex wife ( daughter of mine) but is 'not allowed' to set eyes upon her ( in case it stirs his loins and he can't control his sexual urges). Considering he never felt like that before or after they were married I doubt it would all of a sudden stand to attention NOW! Poor stupid little Christian. Fear of sex goes with the territory.

I attended a funeral last Friday. The first of the siblings of my mother in law's 9.
He was a mover and shaker ( she says "Runs with the Wolves") in the underworld. It is a miracle he lived to 71. "Lived" may be too strong a word.
We drove the 2 hours and mingled with a group who were all together and at once;
Sad, tearful, mournful, angry, greedy, jealous, feisty, bitchy and ready for a fight. And that was just the women!! It was a new and entertaining situation for someone like me from my background to observe. No 'blood-lines' of mine were there so it was easier for me to be detached and blase. For others it was embarrassing, depressing ("So this is my gene pool") and frightening.

Have had some terrible times with HWMBO....pain and 'waiting lists' for reassignments and terror of 'advice' ..."leave your home now and move to more 'suitable' accomodation".....Guess it is easy for a surgeon who is earning hundreds of thousands a year but for us, virtually impossible.

So we got our heads around it and learned what is possible and probable and sank into ourselves a little more.

MIL (motherin law) declared she believed in Karma. I said I didn't! NO? She was surprised. I said;"Look at your son. The most moral, intelligent, kind, caring and forgiving man on earth and the shit is still spinning out of control around him."
Of course there is NO god...for chrissake.
Of course there is no Karma...for Krishnasake.
Of course there is just Nature in all her glory and gory.
We too will make feed for the worms and that is how it should be.
Such childish nonsense for the well off to bend their minds to and excuse themselves from having to actually recognise and act upon the horror of the poor.
God I hope the rich get their lesson soon. Coz I would like my lesson soon in having a break in the 'shit storm' (a term our PM used out of frustration at journalists questioning on the economy...and I love him for it...but the papers had a field day of 'Ooo-wahh's') of ill health and struggle.

So there!
You are up to date.
You who are no longer out there.
You who have disappeared.

I still think of the heady days of when I could and would write. But it is no more.

Hope love is still keeping you together and alive out there in bloggerland.
