My god - ess

My god - ess

Saturday 10 October 2009


Congratulations to the dear Mr President, Nobel Peace Prize recipient.
What a wonderful surprise!
Well done and we all cheered here when we heard of your prize.

We believe in you and don't be hurried into making any decisions especially when it comes to sending more young people into war.
Take your time.
Be considered and intelligent.
We know YOU CAN.


What the heck are you doing smashing ( aka bombing ) the moon NASA?
Stop it!


If I came to your country, America, and criticised your 'foolin' around', would you not scream "Freedom Of Speech"?
I have fought for the dismantling and deletion of all forms of racism in my country and around the world. I have stood up and been counted. I wrote to newspapers, spoke out in gatherings and marched in the steets to stop racism.

Our little bit of nonsense on local free-to-air telly last Saturday night was in no way intended to be racist but a bit of fluff and bubble that meant nothing.

I am as sensitive as they come on these issues.

I shall never buy nor listen to Harry Connick jnr ever again. I know he has helped fight the racism in HIS country, but he was a guest here and he was given his right to say what he wanted, but now he should move on and bugger off.


Thursday 8 October 2009

What on Earth is your Problem?????

Dear America,

What is your problem?
What on earth is wrong with a socialised medical cover??
Are you so mean that you don't want to help the poor get the same cover as the rich? What! Do the rich deserve better medical help and support?

What is your problem?

Why are you so afraid of socialised anything?

You fought fascism, not socialism. You have always been 'onside' with socialised countries.
What is your problem?

You think you can set people apart because of their circumstances in life?
You think the poor and disabled should wait and rely on the 'kindness of strangers' never knowing when they are going to 'come through' for them?

And what is your problem?

Wise up, educate yourselves to what is happening in the rest of the world.
May I point to France, Sweden, Denmark, Britain and Australia?
We have 'socialised' medicine so that the decree of true democracy can be followed up with real action.

What is your problem?

Get real, get your head out of your rich buttocks and wise up, guyyyyssss!!!

Move on!
Be TRUE bloody Christians if that is what you constantly say you are and...


Sunday 4 October 2009

Daughter at work

Click on the title!

Watch for the long blonde hair.
This is what she loves.
This is who she is.
I love her for it.

My amazing daughter;
Writer, director, artistic director, producer, and all rounder...anything to do with theatre.

This is my beloved daughter in whom I am well pleased.