My god - ess

My god - ess

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Hot and bothered

I'm tired.
I'm tired of the nonsense of the need for humans to have to actually relive all horrors before they learn AGAIN.

I'm tired.
I'm tired of hearing of how the Jews had it so horrific and yet they cannot see their brother's over the cement wall hurting, anguishing, angering, torn, broken and divided.

I'm tired.
I'm tired of the foolish twits that 'rule the world' with their money and their mouths smiling while the world burns within its own stink of Nuclear power and coal dust.

I'm tired.
I'm tired of pretence of happy families and knowing mothers who know nothing of their precious children's play and their dirty little secrets.

I'm tired.
I'm tired of the heat and the wind and the neediness of my fellow beings who scrabble amongst the scrappings of the wealthy to fit their reality with the advertisements on the walls.

And as Dubai builds it snowfields and its aquariums the poor become diseased and broken and dispirited while they the covered bodies of the rich turn their back on the covered bodies of the dead.

A new world and the pathos surrounding celebrity and the news hounds chasing their tails so they too will get notoriety sizzles and soars to new heights of stupidity and technocrap.


There are 35 million desperately poor people in the richest nation on earth, USA. Seventy five percent live in the south!
That is more people than live in Australia.
35 million.
35 million.

And what do those glorious sons of christian bitches say?

"NO" to free health care.
"NO" to free choice.
"NO" to withdrawing from war.
"NO" to no more nuclear arms.
on and on and on....


Forget your god and go home and share!

Wednesday 4 November 2009

New Addition

The last hope dog.
The last dog of my life.
I have never declared this before so I know it is true.
By the time she is dead I will be an aged pensioner and glad of the space.

So welcome Abbie Noiraude S*****

She is a Spoodle and proud of it.

She is a dog.
She is not a human and never will be and will not be treated as such.
I am reading as much as I can ( for free) the Dog Whisperers site. All my other dogs were ratty. I usually got them when they were older so had no input into their training.

I hope I get this one right.

Miss all my blogger friends, but the world is a better place since Rudd and Obama have been elected.

Australia is doing well on the world economic stage, but we have a way to go on Afghanistan and asylum seekers.
There is one word I have for asylum seekers and that is;

If it had not been for Bush's knee jerk reaction ( by a jerk) we in Australia would not be having this debate yet again!!

So here's to us and here's to you and here's to Abbie!