My god - ess

My god - ess

Wednesday 30 May 2012

There was a time.

There was a time when the soft fall of rain meant I could mess about in my bedroom and my mum would cook pies and biscuits in the kitchen awaiting the arrival back of my  dad.
There was a time when the crickets would call as soon as the sun fell behind the horizon and the sweet smell of Rhondalesia would fill the air and  mix with the gentle scent of Frangipanni and I would dream of my future.
There was a time when the salt in the air would make me wet my lips and head for the two mile walk to the South Pacific. The cement underfoot would singe my thongs and I would hurry down to the waters edge over hot squeaky sand.
There was a time when I would sit, looking out into the night, hearing the frogs calling one to one, and see the Southern Cross rise over my window pane and dream of the man who would love me.
There was a time when the crunch of frost resounded as I wheeled my third hand bike toward the gate, with my school case up ended on the handlebars basket,  my shoes were already wet and cold from the frozen grass.
There was a time when the smell and whinney of horses set my blood rushing and made me dream of a life elsewhere. The stamp of the hoof, the toss of the mane and the belief that animals knew more than I ever could.

There was a time when all I could think of was sweet sweet mellow blue jazz and the idea of a man beside me to take away the troubles of the world, to take care of me and to show me the life 'out there' in the great foreign yonder.
There was a time when I could only think of love and joy and smells and ideas. Of music and love and sweet words. Of love and being held and murmured to on seas of adventure.

There was a time when all that was held inside me felt like it was going to burst open and I would fall forever forward into the future of experience and love and joy and wonder.

There was a time.

And now.
That is another country...this is another full of dashed dreams, broken hopes and dispersed ideals....
But it is one that finds me hunkering down in the wet afternoon