it floods like this (or so they say). Cedar Rapids is in the middle of a 500 year flood. That means this is only supposed to happen every 500 years. Good thing, as we are taking on some serious water here!!
This is Center Point Road - where I work. Every time we get a serious bit of rain, it turns into instant river. This is the sewer backing up creating quite the little fountain.
Every once in a while some idiot (every town has 'em!) will try to pretend his (yep... HIS) car will make it though water like this. You probably can't tell from the picture, but the headlights are still on and the wipers are still going.
This is the alley way behind the CVS Pharmacy down in front of our clinic. Note the two cars in the distance (burgundy and green). We'll get to them later (more idiots!).
This is looking down the street in front of our clinic. It's not normally supposed to be a river either. Ugh.
Another view of the road and the fun fountain. Center Point Road fills up very quickly like this when it rains and then before you know it, all the rain is gone - like it was never there. Today, the road filled up twice and emptied just like that.
This is the CVS parking lot - glad those are not my cars. Yikes!
Well, here they are. Two more idiots. Wouldn't you think if there was already one car there that couldn't make it, the second one wouldn't either? Guess not.
Oooops.... time to go. They frown on folks taking pictures...
So.... I was able to head home on 380 - the main highway through town. This is Quaker Oats (where you get your morning cereal)... sometimes you can smell the Captain Crunch! That water is NOT supposed to be there! The river is just off to the left.
For those of you that wonder about my picture taking while driving, these are just lucky shots. I am driving and just taking random shots out the window with the other hand. This is the river. See the train? They put loaded trains on the bridges to hold them down and hopefully keep them stable. It's not working.
Another lucky shot. This is the river again. See those little dots out in the middle of the river? Those are meters on the bridges. YIKES!!
I stopped by the house and picked up Brian and then we headed down where I would usually drive to work. This is supposed to be a corn field. There shouldn't be any water here.
These people have been working on this house for the last year. New garage, new siding, etc... Now it's all under water. They were using a canoe to get around their property.
This is the road that I normally drive down to work. I would drive down the road and around through those trees. I don't think I'll be driving down there for quite some time.