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Dick Vorisek

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No headshot
Date of death (details)
7 November 1989
Sometimes Credited As:
Dick Varisek
Dick J. Vorisek
Richard J. Vorisek
Richard Vorisek

 Dick Vorisek 
 Video  Available on VHS (NTSC)
 DVD  Available on Region 1 DVD
 Soundtrack  Soundtrack Available in US

Also available:

Sound Department - filmography
(1980s) (1970s) (1960s) (1950s) (1940s)

  1. House of Games (1987) (sound re-recording supervisor)
  2. Untouchables, The (1987) (sound re-recording mixer) (as Dick J. Vorisek)
  3. Gung Ho (1986) (sound re-recording mixer)
    ... aka Working Class Man (1986)
  4. Morning After, The (1986) (sound re-recording mixer)
  5. Case of Deadly Force, A (1986) (TV) (sound re-recordist)
  6. After Hours (1985) (sound re-recording mixer)
  7. Doubletake (1985) (TV) (sound re-recordist)
  8. Silkwood (1983) (sound re-recording mixer)
  9. Tender Mercies (1983) (sound re-recording supervisor)
  10. Streamers (1983) (sound re-recordist)
  11. Lovesick (1983) (sound re-recording mixer)
  12. King of Comedy, The (1983) (sound re-recording mixer)
  13. Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean (1982) (sound re-recordist)
  14. Amityville II: The Possession (1982) (sound re-recording mixer)
  15. World According to Garp, The (1982) (sound re-recording supervisor)
  16. Blow Out (1981) (sound re-recording supervisor)
  17. Reds (1981) (sound re-recording mixer)
  18. Skokie (1981) (TV) (sound re-recordist)
    ... aka Once They Marched Through a Thousand Towns (1981) (TV) (UK)
  19. Arthur (1981) (sound re-recording mixer) (as Richard Vorisek)
  20. Fan, The (1981) (sound re-recording supervisor)
    ... aka Trance (1981) (USA)
  21. Dressed to Kill (1980) (sound re-recording supervisor)
  22. Just Tell Me What You Want (1980) (sound re-recording mixer)
  23. Steel (1980) (sound re-recording supervisor)
    ... aka Look Down and Die (1980)
    ... aka Men of Steel (1980)

  24. All That Jazz (1979) (sound re-recording mixer)
  25. Last Embrace (1979) (sound re-recording mixer)
  26. Fury, The (1978) (sound re-recording supervisor)
  27. Pretty Baby (1978) (sound re-recordist)
  28. Wiz, The (1978/I) (sound re-recording supervisor)
  29. Equus (1977) (sound re-recording mixer)
  30. Nanook Taxi (1977) (sound re-recording mixer)
  31. Communion (1976) (sound re-recording supervisor)
    ... aka Alice, Sweet Alice (1978) (USA: reissue title)
    ... aka Holy Terror (1981) (USA: cut version)
  32. Dragonfly (1976) (sound re-recordist)
    ... aka One Summer Love (1976) (USA: reissue title)
  33. Network (1976) (sound re-recordist)
  34. Carrie (1976) (sound re-recording supervisor)
  35. Missouri Breaks, The (1976) (sound re-recordist)
  36. Hester Street (1975) (sound re-recording mixer)
  37. Dog Day Afternoon (1975) (sound re-recording supervisor)
  38. Night Moves (1975) (sound re-recordist) (as Richard Vorisek)
  39. "American Family, An" (1973) TV Series (sound mixer)
  40. Cops and Robbers (1973) (sound re-recordist)
  41. Friends of Eddie Coyle, The (1973) (sound re-recordist)
  42. Serpico (1973) (re-recordist) (as Richard Vorisek)
  43. Summer Wishes, Winter Dreams (1973) (sound re-recordist)
  44. Long Goodbye, The (1973) (dubbing mixer) (as Richard J. Vorisek)
  45. Sisters (1973) (sound mixer)
    ... aka Blood Sisters (1973) (UK)
  46. Come Back, Charleston Blue (1972) (sound re-recordist)
  47. Heartbreak Kid, The (1972) (sound re-recordist)
  48. Visitors, The (1972) (sound mixer)
  49. Slaughterhouse-Five (1972) (sound re-recordist) (as Richard Vorisek)
  50. They Might Be Giants (1971) (sound re-recordist)
  51. Panic in Needle Park, The (1971) (sound re-recordist)
  52. Little Murders (1971) (sound mixer) (as Richard Vorisek)
  53. End of the Road (1970) (sound) (as Richard Vorisek)
  54. I Never Sang for My Father (1970) (sound re-recordist)
  55. Wanda (1970) (sound mixer)

  56. Salesman (1969) (sound)
  57. Arrangement, The (1969) (sound re-recordist)
  58. Alice's Restaurant (1969) (sound re-recordist) (as Richard Vorisek)
  59. Midnight Cowboy (1969) (sound mixer)
  60. Bye Bye Braverman (1968) (sound mixer)
  61. Thousand Clowns, A (1965) (sound recordist)
  62. What's Happening! The Beatles in the U.S.A. (1964) (TV) (sound mixer)
  63. Lilith (1964) (sound)
  64. Gone Are the Days! (1963) (sound re-recordist) (as Dick Varisek)
    ... aka Man from C.O.T.T.O.N., The (1966) (USA: reissue title)
    ... aka Purlie Victorious (1963)
  65. Miracle Worker, The (1962) (sound) (as Richard Vorisek)
  66. Mask, The (1961) (sound re-recordist)
    ... aka Eyes from Hell (1961)
    ... aka Eyes of Hell (1961)
    ... aka Face of Fire (1973) (USA: reissue title)
    ... aka Spooky Movie Show, The (1961)
  67. Splendor in the Grass (1961) (sound)
  68. Hustler, The (1961) (sound) (as Richard Vorisek)
  69. Fanny (1961) (sound) (as Richard Vorisek)
  70. Wild River (1960) (sound) (as Richard Vorisek)

  71. Odds Against Tomorrow (1959) (sound)
  72. Middle of the Night (1959) (sound)
  73. Lovers and Lollipops (1956) (sound re-recordist)
  74. Seven Wonders of the World (1956) (sound recordist)
  75. Cinerama Holiday (1955) (sound engineer)

  76. Will It Happen Again? (1948) (sound)
    ... aka Love Life of Adolph Hitler (1948) (USA: reissue title)

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