
Friends' Entries

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2nd November 2003

original_copy, posting in newnonuglies @ 6:23pm: i never intended on having things here such a big deal to everyone. this all should be good fun and entertainment or whatever, but it seems some people get very defensive and serious about certain things.

some people don't have the 'balls' to admit to making a mistake. i'm not most people. one thing i do admit i made a mistake to allow the rejection of userinfowadeinthewater. don't point fingers and blame it on userinforockpaperjesus. therefore all the comments pertaining the stamp have been deleted and to make it fair as possible go vote here.

as for the other guy userinfoiheartskanking, i have no idea what happened's one word against the others and i'll trust myself, and the mods over some guy who seems like he just wants to stir up some trouble. considering when his post was still here, he attempted to start something with me.

and as for a revote...i think we will have another one based on peoples opinions of certain members i've seen lately.
Current Mood: blah
Current Music: a perfect circle - pet
ewans_glitter, posting in newnonuglies @ 5:22pm: staaammmppppeeedd
ok so i haven't posted in a while.. and i know this isn't the theme thingy, but i will do that soon..

this is just to show that im still alive..

this was last night at my shows cast party.

Current Mood: optimistic
missdivakitty, posting in newnonuglies @ 6:49pm: Why don't you do right... some other men... doooooooooooo? )
adamvacancy @ 6:14pm:

so i slept 16 hours last nite...went to bed around 2AM after hanging out with miss nicole then i didnt get up until about 530 today. i guess tonite im gonna goto practice and then out to eat with my parents. we leave tomorrow after ben gets off work for tempe, arizona. i cant wait no longer. the drive out there and back is gonna suck but its totally worth it and i cant wait.

Current Mood: amused
nethertonhotel, posting in newnonuglies @ 10:12pm: Scarves.
Is that really a fucking cyclops? )
Current Mood: prepubescently crescent fresh
Current Music: Vast - Blue
cosmicboyjeffu, posting in newnonuglies @ 7:49pm: schmalloween
Boo, Eek, Mwuahahahahahaha )
schmootz @ 2:11pm: it's sunday and i'm bored.

i just saw an entry with 10285 comments. we can beat that.

i don't care who you are, post a comment.

i'll start:

what is "scene" to you?

i think if your screenname contains unnecessary "x"s, you're scene.
schmootz @ 2:08pm:
iheartskanking, posting in newnonuglies @ 11:06am: Why did my post with my quailman pictures get deleted???

Pascal DeMaria
King of the SFV
sillypiggy, posting in newnonuglies @ 1:04pm: application for employment. )
schmootz @ 10:08am:
I'm trying to get all my Livejournal friends' locations plotted on a map - please add your location starting with this form.
(Then get your friends to!)
sportygurl86 @ 8:55am: Yesterday was crazy!! I woke up at 8 and was in a mad rush to shower eat and get everything ready to be at St. Paul's by 9. Then me Alysia and Brinna the only peer ministers who ever do anything went into Hartford to the Catholic Worker House. Was fun, but sad.

Then I went to the football game, what am I going to do next week without amanda. I will actually have to play my clarinet and who will I talk to you? hmmm, I'm going to make her go to thanksgiving though it will be fun.

Then I came home and went staright to the curch to talk about the Catholic Worker house and to help with the 8th grade retreat I haad to leave early to babysit though.

Then I babysat Charlie and Anatonio, the baby is soo cute and he doesn't cry at all it was easy. I gave the baby his bottle and put him in his car seat and me and Charlie did a puzzle. My poor sister had to babysit next door, she did make more money than me but still.

Today is going to be crazy too. I have church and then a peer ministry meeting. Then I have to do laundry, practice my clarinet and then study for a CI test and an anatomy test. Hopefully it won't be to bad.
f0xghost, posting in newnonuglies @ 4:17am: stamped; theme.
x-posted in my journal.

for hallowe'en this year i was a lazy costumer, so i went an action-adventure video game style fox character.

theme. )
nethertonhotel, posting in newnonuglies @ 12:10pm: I implore you all to imagine that I just took some photos of myself, tarted them up in photo shop with lighting effects and cross hatches and then posted them in non-sequential order. Think words like "austere", "pensive", "penis".
Current Mood: out of smoke
Current Music: Vast and Engine Down at the same time, it's fucked.
original_copy @ 3:24am: i haven't really been "active" at home and i have a lot of things on my mind therefore i apoligize for my lack of commenting.

-i hate how at night i just feel so alone, i hate how i feel so fuckin' helpless sometimes, but i love the gladiator by far has the best instrumental songs...therefore, proceed by downloading it otherwise your oxygen level will deplete and you will spontaneously suffocate.
original_copy, posting in newnonuglies @ 1:36am: i was going to make an inactivity post where if you don't reply you're presumely inactive but then i decided it would be too much work for what it is worth. you got accepted here, there's no requirement to stay active. although it is beneficial if all members do stay relatively active it's not a must. people have jobs, school, homework, vacations, loss of internet whatever. also some members could miss the post, even if i do put it in the side navigation bar. therefore i don't think at this point we will be one..however i am going through the list and taking people off who have deleted journals. edit: which was no one.
yo_yoking @ 3:15am: so...more flare?
tonight was not fun.

i just got done watching the apple festival movie, apple festival commentary movie, and krispee kreme doughnut movie...

i laughed my ass off the whole time.
we must make another adventure movie....steve, jeremy, and i.


maybe we could do the cheeseburger eating contest next weekend
or the chicken nugget contest. theyre on sale on sundays...or just get 60$ worth of cheeseburghers/chicken sandwhiches and see who throws up first...or eats the most.

or not..?
my_mediocrity @ 1:43am: Today was fun...

Corey came over, played with the ferret... He's gonna confuse her by calling her princess all the time... gay...

Got to see minuet play again... That's always a good time. Pat's crazy... And he has a hott new mic... I'm jealous...

Called up Mike, Corey and I went over there... No pictures were taken, just movie and tea... Return to Oz is still a great movie... Mike's poodle is still insane... I still gotta go there for him to take fun pics of me. Maybe even... naaaaakeeeeeeed. :-p

I took more pics again today...

She thinks she missed the train to mars, she's out back counting stars... )
Current Mood: tired
Current Music: FischerSpooner - Invisible

1st November 2003

yo_yoking @ 11:56pm: what would you say you do here?
party last night was..well..pretty much lame. but i had a good time anyways.

tonight should be fun.
well..i dont know..maybe not...
xohleamourx, posting in newnonuglies @ 11:30pm: Stamped
Oh so bored. Saturday nights by myself are not fun :(

A few random pictures )
Current Mood: bored
antifreezedemon @ 10:51pm: Remember the girl that waved to me at lunch the one day? I saw her in the tunnels today and she said hey to me. I said hey back.

Best part of my year.
Current Music: Saves the Day - The Choke
thebitingfaery, posting in newnonuglies @ 9:41pm: Stamped
'Cause I felt like it.

So nyah.

More. )

my_mediocrity @ 7:54pm: My ferret is the cutest!!!

She's waving at you! :-p

I'm about to head to the minuet / clearmotive show, with a cute boy... be jealous...

I tooks some fun pics today... minus clothes, plus glowing object... I'll post later ;o)

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: faint - your retro career melted
rockpaperjesus, posting in newnonuglies @ 3:14pm: Everyone should be stamped up to userinfotheonecoolguy. If you posted before him, and you aren't stamped, leave a comment with a link to your post.
original_copy, posting in newnonuglies @ 2:39pm: NNU is initiating a new rule...starting now, ALL applicants must now post a sign with their LJ name and face in the picture. if that holds a problem for some, if your camera broke, whatever, sucks for you. a web cam is like $15bucks, a digital disposable can range from $10-$20, scanners now can be $20..and i'm sure one of your friends has some type of camera to take a picture. that is all.

new applicants only
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