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Sunday, July 8th, 2001
5:29 am
i think im falling...

current mood: contemplative

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Friday, July 6th, 2001
4:53 am
well things have been pretty damn good lately :) ive been spending a bit too much time on the computer thanks to a certain canadian but its definatly worth it. ive also been eating ungodly amounts of sushi mmmmmmsushi. anyways now im off to a cocktail party with mark and chelle xoxo

current mood: optimistic

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2:31 am
i got new boots new boots new boots!

current mood: cheerful

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Wednesday, July 4th, 2001
9:53 am
chi: why dont people come with warnings?

current mood: aggravated
current music: the other daria - mark

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Tuesday, July 3rd, 2001
3:18 pm
everythings a ok now
just me being a lil paranoid about certain things and people

im glad i have fabulous ppl to make me laugh and almost wet my pants

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Monday, July 2nd, 2001
7:29 am
yes i know my times fucked up. its no big deal


theres something in the air
a really weird feeling
like something bads about to happen
and i think i know what it is
and i know for sure im not going to like it...

current mood: crushed

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5:52 am - love is..

current mood: happy

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Saturday, June 30th, 2001
3:59 pm
well things seem to be getting better and better. im constantly surrounded in one way or another by fabulous loving people and canada is closer every day. im excited as ever, ill be leaving around the 23rd of october, just in time for halloween, any suggestions for my costume? ;)

current mood: ecstatic

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Tuesday, June 26th, 2001
5:34 am
heres a better pic of the arm, i kinda like this tattoo if you havent noticed ;)

current mood: determined

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5:08 am
and to a certain someone, youll know who you are, i am sorry for anything i have done to hurt you but i am trying to live my life and reclaim it as my own
i can only have positive things around me atm or else i will be brought down very easily
i know this sounds harsh and i appriciate everything you have tried to give me but sometimes in life you just have to step back and realise that some things arent going to work out how we want them to
it was good
i wish you well

current mood: numb

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5:02 am
well well well
things are very intersting
my trip to the lovely land of canada is finalised
ill be getting my ticket on friday and leaving around the 23rd of october, how fuckin exciting is that?
i have had a very weird and surreal few weeks
and i could not be happier thanks to a special someone
there has also been some very interesting developments in other areas which have made me feel very good and sure of trusting my instincts
so yes
the kiton is very very happy

current mood: determined

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Monday, June 25th, 2001
6:11 am
i havent updated in a while... can anyone guess why? ;)

current mood: mischievous

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Thursday, June 21st, 2001
5:20 am - after...

current mood: ecstatic

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12:43 am - before...

current mood: anxious
current music: superman - women in docs

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Wednesday, June 20th, 2001
1:32 am

guess where ill be in October?

current mood: ecstatic
current music: the mavis`s - snow white lines

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Thursday, June 14th, 2001
11:14 pm
uh oh
someones webcam is on

current mood: bouncy

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Tuesday, June 12th, 2001
12:51 am
It appears that the results indicate that this person is, in fact, seriously afflicted with a narcissistic disorder and very definitely needs professional help. Whether s/he recognizes this need or not is a moot point. It is imperative that you to do what is necessary to stop enabling this individual's pathological behavior by detaching from them - and possibly seeking help yourself to determine why you are involved with, and enabling this person's behavior.

current mood: amused

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Sunday, June 10th, 2001
10:40 pm

my stortrooper

current mood: creative
current music: arman van heldan - koochy

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Saturday, June 9th, 2001
2:34 pm
i am not a bad person
i dont see any reason whatsoever for me to feel like i am
i havent changed in the past few months this is how i always am
the only difference now is that i know what i want and realise that life is too short for regrets and what ifs
there is nothing wrong with being strong willed
there is nothing wrong with wanting to be happy and wanting to be able to choose your life for yourself
noone should depend on others for their happiness
i will do what i want to do with my life and if someone elses life works well with mine then thats fantastic
but if it dosent then its obviously not meant to be
there is nothing better then knowing that you have control of your life

current mood: apathetic
current music: foo fighters - learn to fly

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1:56 pm
feeling generous?
click here

current mood: gloomy

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