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About IMDb's Photos

This page answers the following questions


Our photos currently come from three sources.

  1. The studios or producers that made the films the photos are from.
  2. Agencies that represent the photographers who shot the photos.
  3. Submissions from people in the database or their legal representatives.


There are four answers to this depending on who you are.

1: "I am in the database and want to add some photos to my listing" or "I legally represent someone in the database and want to add some photos to their listing."

Submissions of this type may be made using our "IMDb Headshots" service which allows you to submit photos of your choice plus a headshot. There are various packages and photos may be submitted by e-mail or regular post. You can find more information on it here.

2: "I am a fan who shot the photo myself."

If you have them on your own web site, we *do* catalog links to photos around the web (example) as part of the information we index about people and titles in the database. Please check out our Help section class on adding and correcting data for information on how to submit the link. Due to legal restrictions, we cannot publish your photos on our site, but linking to an HTML page on *your* web site from our "external links" section is possible.

3: "I work for a photo agency and we'd love to get the work of our photographers integrated into your database."

Please contact our licensing department at to discuss how this can be accomplished. Please note that this kind of deal is done on a macro level, meaning you should have at least a couple thousand photos.

4: "I am a production company publicist or independent producer and would like to get publicity stills added to the listing for a film."

We are not taking independent submissions outside of our current studio/distributor sources at this time. Please contact and note your affiliation with the film. We'll be happy to place you on a one-time mailing list to be notified when this channel opens.

We can however take a poster image for your film's listing now so long as you already have it on the web somewhere where it can be downloaded. Send an e-mail to with the following information.

  1. A statement affirming that you are officially affiliated with the film, have the authority to authorize the poster's publication on our site, and give that authorization.
  2. The URL of your film's listing on our site (i.e.
  3. The URL of the poster image (NOT the URL of the page or site where the poster can be found, but a direct link to the graphic).

The above ONLY applies to a single poster image. If you have to e-mail it and you do not meet the major release qualifications above, it will have to wait until such time as the situation with publicity stills has been sorted out.


We do not currently act as a clearing house for photo licensing requests. Photos on our site may be licensed directly from the license holders.

For photos from "our Studio Friends," you'll need to contact the studio. We reccomend contacting the publicity department for current releases and the home video department for older films. For most movies, there is a "company credits" link (example) near the top of the lefthand column on the film's listing. That will provide the name of the studio(s) and companies involved with making the film.

Please note that many of our "posters" for older films are actually just scans of their video or DVD packaging. We cannot sublicense those images. Please contact the appropriate studio.

For images from agencies like WireImage and MPTV, their names are linked on pages where we display their photos. Click on their names for more information about the agencies and links to their web sites where you can get licensing information.


If you are the legal representative of the person in the photo and feel the photo is being used illegally, please contact the agency that licensed it to us. If they ask us to remove it for legal reasons, then we can do so. This is the only circumstance in which we remove photos.


If we have erroneously linked a photo with the wrong title or person, please drop a note to Please note where the photo is currently catalogued, the URL of the page on which it was displayed, and what the error is. We'll make the correction (if appropriate) as soon as we can.