User Info
User Information Below is user information for manduh homicide. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page .
User: harshgrrl (77282)
Name: manduh homicide
Location: San Mateo, California, United States Birthdate: 10-04
AOL IM :xsuburbancorex (Add Buddy , Send Message )
Yahoo! ID :mandahaswings (Add User , Send Message )
Bio: life is a long twisted and often strange journey.
Memories: 1 entry
Interests :afi , alkaline trio , ani difranco , animal rights , anti-45 , apple juice , at the drive-in , bad religion , beetlejuice , being a nerd , boys that wear eyeliner , bright eyes , built to spill , converse all stars , counting crows , dance hall crashers , danny elfman , dashboard confessional , dead kennedys , dead milkmen , depeche mode , distorted penguins , dropkick murphys , duct tape , dying hair , edna's goldfish , edward scissorhands , emo , further seems forever , get up kids , glitter , going to shows , goldfinger , green day , groovie ghoulies , hot rod circuit , jawbreaker , jets to brazil , jimmy eat world , joy division , kevin smith movies , less than jake , misfits , modest mouse , nerd boys , nightmare before christmas , nine inch nails , nofx , oingo boingo , operation ivy , painting , pennywise , pez , playing guitar , portishead , propagandhi , psychobilly , punk , rancid , ranting , reading , rockabilly , saves the day , silverchair , ska , skankin pickle , smoothies , social distortion , sparkles , stargazing , stiff richards , strawberries , stray cats , subincision , sublime , swing , the aquabats , the ataris , the crow , the cure , the dickies , the distillers , the juliana theory , the living end , the meteors , the promise ring , the smiths , tiger army , tofu , tool , tori amos , tsunami bomb , undeclinable ambuscade , vandals , veganism , vegetables , weezer , writing , zines , zucchini
Friends :20: aboonie4u , advil , angelxflair , beloveddoll , budder_cup , dhc_fans , gapboy925yo , gillyness , icetears , indymedia , jigsaw666 , luv4mr_t , manic_me , obscene_breath , pesto7 , silly_laugh , speshpunkrawker , sugarnspice0008 , thornsinmyhair , vegan_people
Friend of: 19: aboonie4u , advil , angelxflair , beloveddoll , budder_cup , gapboy925yo , gillyness , icetears , igniteisland , jigsaw666 , luv4mr_t , manic_me , obscene_breath , pesto7 , pimptoine , silly_laugh , speshpunkrawker , sugarnspice0008 , thornsinmyhair
Member of: 3: dhc_fans , indymedia , vegan_people
Account type :Free User
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