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Friday, August 10th, 2001
3:22 pm - I Really Need To Write In This Shit More..Eh?
Tuesday the 7th...well lets see, i went down to erik's house later than i expected...and on the train ride down i got an "unexpected visitor" girls know what i mean. So anyhow..not only did that suck, but when i got to the train station..erik wasnt there yet. Usually i dont mind when he's late, but there is no bathroom, it was like 95* out, and i had my "friend" 35 minutes pass and FINALLY they get there...i was mad indeed i was. I also saw a mouse that nite in erik's laundry was cute. Today was also my one year and three months anniversary with erik...our last anniversary together before he leaves for the navy... :o(

Wednesday the we went to philly for the day early in the morning. We chilled with Silv, Krissy, Mike, and Danny all day...and we stopped into melissa's house for a little while too...didnt like that too much. It was sooo much money, i spend $50 just on train tickets, bus rides, trolley rides, and McDonalds for lunch..not my fav part of the day at all. Erik got his braces off...he looks so cute hehe. :o) We got back to his house at like 11 30 that nite..very tiring indeed.

Thursday the 9th...we did alot of stuff that day. We went to atlantic some cosimo's pizza, that is sooooo good...and then finally...i went home. :o( It wasnt too bad, since im seein him tomorrow anyhow. Its gonna suck next week though bc he's goin on vacation so i wont get to talk to him much, or see him for that week. And then as soon as he gets back...he's home for like 2 days that ill be there for..and then he's gone for a whole 2 months. Okay gotta stop talkin bout that. We did other stuff thursday too...but its not stuff im gonna talk about because people might get the wrong idea.

current mood: jubilant
current music: Incubus - Drive

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Monday, August 6th, 2001
12:24 pm - Chugga-Chugga, Chugga-Chugga... Choo Choo!!
Yay! Tomorrow (tuesday) I get to go see Erik again. That's always a good thing indeed. On tuesday at 12 15 in leavin from the cherry hill train station. Then me and him are gonna stay in Atlantic City for a while...probably go to the Ripley's Believe It or Not museum..that should be fun. Then..we're headed back to his house, maybe go to the beach that nite. On wednesday we're goin to philly to chill with silv and krissy for the day because they wanna see him before he leaves for the navy. ::sniffle sniffle:: so sad. Then...we're gonna go back to his house for the nite, and that day at like 10 or 11 we're gonna head back to Atlantic City to finally walk the whole boardwalk, get some pizza...just hang out for the day, and then im gonna leave. And then Saturday is the Phillie's game with him, my mom and my dad. All together...a fun time indeed.

current mood: anxious
current music: Bush - Machine Head

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Sunday, August 5th, 2001
4:49 pm - Something Good...
I was ordered to write something happy into here after my last depressing journal entry. Erik i love you...nothing would make me happier then spending every waking moment with you for the rest of my life...i love you.

current mood: amused

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1:55 pm - Grrrrrs!
Let me ask one question to anyone who is reading this ok? Here's the scenario. You are single and vacationing in a state that is about 12 hours away from your meet someone of the opposite sex, and are with them for about three days...on that last day, you experience your first kiss with that person. You leave and after that, you recieve letters from that person...but only write them ONE letter back. You also talk to them a few times on the phone within about a year, and that is the extent of the relationship. Towards the end of that year, you get a boyfriend/girlfriend...suddenly the person from another state begins writing letters again saying that they want you to visit and that they wanted to start a "real" relationship with you. The last letter is in july...after that last letter...over a year passes, in fact about a year and a month still have the same boyfriend/girlfriend that you got a year ago and you swear that you love them to death and you want to grow up and marry them and have a family and you dont know what you would do if you lost them. Its been a year since you talked or even recieved a letter from that other person, and you claim that you dont like them at all anymore and they mean nothing to give your significant other all the letters that they ever wrote you, as a sign that you dont care about the other person anymore. Three more months pass and they ask for the two pix of the other person...and although you claim to not care about the other person anymore, you would still be upset about your significant other ripping up the pix in front of you as a way of closure...of knowing that the other person is out of your life forever. Your boyfriend/girlfriend gets upset..and finally you confess that you would be upset about seeing the pix get ripped up because they are "memories". Now heres the part about the question...there are actually more than one question i wanna ask. First, is the girlfriend/boyfriend wrong for suspecting that their significant other still likes the person? Second, is it wrong of them to want to have the pictures and letters just so that they can have the calm state of mind by knowing that their boyfriend or girlfriend can no longer look at or read them? Third, after over a year of not talking to, no emails, no contact at fact you dont even have the persons phone number or address anymore...AND you are leaving for the navy in less than a month...dont you think that you should move on and just be as happy as you claim to be with the person you are currently with and just forget about the past, bc if this other person was so important...wouldnt you have written more than one letter and made a bigger effort to have a "real" relationship with them?

For once...why cant things just be easy? Why cant my boyfriend get over this person...he claims that she means NOTHING at all to him and all she is is a memory...that i mean the world to him, and that he never wants to lose me...but somehow in the back of my mind i know that something about his story is wrong...theres something missing..and i dont know what. and it tears me apart inside knowing that im sitting here giving every part of myself to this guy that ive been with for a year and 3 months...and i do everything in my power to make our relationship work...and i would do ne thing for this person...and he's not doing the same, because somewhere in his heart...he still wishes he was with this girl instead of me...i have no idea what to do...i just want someone to love me, and thats it...someone to not care about any other girls that he used to be with, someone to just let go of feelings that he claimed not to have since he started going out with me...

current mood: confused

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Friday, August 3rd, 2001
8:27 am - Boredom...
Yup...i'm pretty damn bored. Nothing to do at all. Yesterday was okay i guess...i dropped my pix off at CVS for one-hour development and then i got them back an hour later...makes sense eh? They are so cute...i like em alot. I needed some pix of me and erik before he leaves, so thats what they are. very very boring. Erik woke me up when he called at 12 and i was havin a kool dream too. I had just pushed this chick off of a stool backwards, and she broke her neck..and everyone was blaming me. But i pushed her bc she lit my arm on fire...if ya wanna know more about it just was interesting. Now im sitten here chillen...waitin for Lauren and Lauren to come over to swim. Tomorrow or Sunday im goin to the beach to see Erik so thats a good thing. :o) I wanna go tomorrow, but mom says it mite rain...not like i care. gonna go find somethin to do...bye bye!

current mood: quixotic
current music: I don't even know what that word means...oh well.

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Thursday, August 2nd, 2001
3:57 am - Still Catchin Up.... i left off at hmmm, tuesday nite. So now i have to update from wednesday up until today. On wednesday erik finally got his permit...whatta relief. Then we went to Atlantic City to go to the boardwalk for a while. It was sooooo hot so we decided to take an earlier train then the one we planned. We got back to the train station at my house, and we went to the Old Country Buffet for dinner, then called my mom to come get us. Thursday...hmm, i dont think we did ne thing on thursday...we just chilled around the house and swam and stuff. Then we went to rent movies. We got The Exorcist, Conspiracy Theory, Children of the Corn, Friday, Cast Away...and i think thats all. We also went to acme (i think this was thursday...who knows) and erik wouldnt let me look in the trunk of the car at all after we were turns out he bought me a dozen red roses and a heart shaped balloon with little kids on the front kissen that says "ill always love you" and on the back it says "with all of my heart" was nice indeed. Friday...hmmm...dont think we did ne thing on friday either, just lazy stuff like swimmen and watchin tv and stuff. Saturday we went to my grandma's house to swim in the inground pool and then out to eat to friendly's. Sunday my mom and sister, me and erik...all went to the Franklin Mills mall...Erik found out that his credit card doesnt work until you actually put money into the account haha, so he had to charge these pants on my mom's card. Oh wells. After that we went to Pizza Hut for dinner, and then to superfresh where i got a whole shitload of strawberries and some whipped cream. Mmmm Mmmmm Good! On Monday..we didnt do ne thing. We walked an hour to wawa to get some scotch tape with my sister. Had some icecream...swam, watched the movies, jumped on the trampoline. The usual. Oh yeah...Erik was supposed to leave tuesday nite, but he decided to stay til wednesday nite to make it 10 days together :o) So anyhow, tuesday was the same....loungin around the house...blah blah blah. Wednesday was our last day together..which ment a little bit of being upset. We layed upstairs for a while...just talkin bout the last year and two months, and stuff that we really remember bout it. Erik got a little upset bc he realized this mite be the last time for a while that he slept over my house. He said at first he was nervous around my family, but over time...they became like family to him..and he would miss everyone. I got my mom to take some pix of us together with my camera that i got so i would have some more recent pix of erik after he left. 8 that nite, we left to take erik to the train station. In the car he was really upset and said that he didnt want to lose me and he feels like the luckiest guy alive to have a gf like me. Of course, that just made me cry haha. So we got to the train station and i told him that he never has to worry about losing me, bc ill wait as long as i have to so i can be with him. I would even wait the 6 years that he's in the navy...On the way home from the station i had this big talk with my mom. She usually tells me that im 16 and should be dating more than one person...not be so committed. But this time she asked if i can picture myself marrying erik and being with him for the rest of my life...I can. Nothing in the world would make me happier then getting to wake up and have him there to kiss and hug everyday. My mom explained that if i was happy, i shouldnt end it in hopes of finding someone closer, or better...that if i felt like i would be happy with him for the rest of my life, to try to make it work...that was really important to hear my mom say that for once...

current mood: tired
current music: TV

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Wednesday, August 1st, 2001
3:15 pm - Catchin Up...Again
Alrite...where to start...well since i cant remember anything at all past 2 mondays ago, i guess ill start there. 2 mondays ago (the 23rd i think) was the first day of my long stretch of days of seeing Erik in a row. What a relief. Me and my family and stuff were going to the beach today so instead of having to take the train down...i got to drive instead. I got there and i was soooooo happy..i was beyond happy, i was ecstatic (if thats how ya spell it) That day me and erik and his little brother went to the beach with my family. At like 5 30 we left and went back to his house. Unfortunately thats when the problems started. His mom "didnt know" that i was comin over so he got in trouble and i felt horrible. I got mad at erik for not telling his mom i was gonna be over for a few days...even though i KNOW he told her. But that didnt last long. Later that nite we went down to the beach and on a was nice. We got home at like 11 30. We came home...watched some TV, snuggled...blah blah blah, then went to sleep. The next day erik had an appointment at the recruiter's office that would be and i quote "no more than an hour and a half"...well that wasnt true at took 4 and a half hours!! Can you believe it? Not like i care....i slept and got a shower the whole time anyhow. When he got home...we just chilled and later that nite we went back to the beach. I got really upset though bc i realized that it might be the last time that me and erik ever go to the beach at nite time and just sit there and talk and kiss...i was sad indeed. OH YEAH! almost forgot...we did something right in the middle of town there is this baseball field and me and erik went and layed down in the outfield and just looked at the stars and just asked like puzzling questions that no one had the answer to...just stuff that made us was actually really romantic and nice. :o) Im gonna update the next few days in another entry...hold on!

current mood: discontent
current music: Silence.....

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Thursday, July 19th, 2001
7:16 pm - Raaaarr!
Wowza! Today is already done, and tomorrow is friday! Only 4 more days until im supposed to start my 8 day stay with erik. Haha day and stay rhyme! i woke up at like 11:50 and layed around, watched some tube...did the usual nothing. Then at like 3 i went to get my shower and shave and whatnot so that i could go to laurens. At like 6 i was supposed to call i called at 5 50 and someone was on the i just said fuck it and left for laurens. I went to T&V; first to visit ali and get some icecream. Then i went to laurens. We drove around to get her family's dinner and stuff...she drove bc she just got her permit. After a while we got bored, and started to help pack up her kitchen bc theyre movin. My mom called me to tell me that erik called, so i tried to call him back...but again, someone was online. So i just said screw it and forgot about it. At like 8 30 we sat down to watch tv with her brother and when i got up...i discovered that i had sat in a puddle of dog piss and i was soaked all over my butt. Tracey (laurens mom) cleaned it up after having a nice long laugh at my ass, and then lauren and her mom drove me home...woohoo. I called erik but he seemed like he wasnt in a good mood or like i was bothering i was like fuck it, and just decided to talk to him online tonite instead. Now im here...bein fun!

current mood: bored
current music: EZE - Gimme Dat Nut

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Tuesday, July 17th, 2001
10:15 pm - Legally Blonde...
Swimming...then i went to laurens to start packin up her shit for when she moves, of course..we didnt get any of that done. We went out driven for a while...and then at like 8 30 we decided to go see Legally Blonde...we drove to my house so i could get some money and whatnot...i got online and emailed erik to tell him to wait until 11 30 for me, bc i wouldnt be on til then, and then we left. The movie was sooooo was funny, and had an awesome ending indeed. Everyone should go see it...i got home and unfortunately erik wasnt on ::sniffle sniffle:: but he wrote me an email explaining he was tired and wanted to sleep and ill talk to him tomorrow after work its all good i guess.

current mood: sleepy
current music: for once...NOTHING!

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Monday, July 16th, 2001
7:41 pm - Continued...
And i miss the way he smells, and the way he tastes, and gnome kisses!!!, and tickle rubs, and getting my head petted by him, and gettin my legs rubs, and scratchin his head, and licking his nose, and poking his belly button, and all that good stuff...hell, i even miss having to smack his hand so that he stops moving it toward a certain area...thats how you can tell i really miss him...when i start to miss the stuff that he does that pisses me off the most...

current mood: depressed
current music: Incubus - Stellar

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7:27 pm - Play On Playa....
Dont ask what the subject of my entry was for...i just thought it sounded funnny. Today i woke up at 6 15 and got ready to go to the beach! woohoo! The following people went to Ocean City today : Me, my mom and dad, my sister, my aunt and 3 cousins, and this chick amanda. At about 8 15 we left...and at 9 30 we got there...and i got to see erik! :o) was fun..his aunt and 2 cousins and uncle were there, and so was his grandpa from Mass that ive wanted to meet for a long time. He looked like a giant...he was like 6'6...i was amazed. We washed erik's mom's car..and then at about...11 30 maybe, we went to the beach and met up with my family. Me, erik, and alex went. Then...we met up with his aunt and cousins..they were leavin at 3 30, and me and erik wanted to leave at 2 we left and alex stayed with his aunt. We got our showers..walked to wawa, watched tv...cuddled hehe and that was about it until 6 o clock. At 6..i said bye to everyone and that it was nice meeting them...and then the best part of the day in my opinion came. Me and erik went outside to wait for my parents bc they said they would pick me up between 6 and 6 30. We sat on the steps..i was one lower than him and he had a leg on each side of me and his head on my shoulder/back and his arms around me...we just sat there and talked and kissed and hugged...and talked some more, it was just nice to be sitting out there in his arms not having to worry about anything. That feeling is so great, i dont know why i like it so much..but we both agree that when we're at his house..its more fun if ya stay away from his mom and brother. He said that he wished he could just hold me in his arms was nice, even though he wouldnt probably get a little bored of that after a while. We sat like that for about half of an hour...and then i saw my dad's truck down the road. So i got up and gave him a hug, and alotta kisses to hold him over until i see him for those 8 days starting next week. We said out i love you's, and he said hes gonna call me tomorrow before work...i left, and its about 3 hours later and i already miss him so much...a week is gonna seem like a year until i see him again. :o( This is the part of the relationship i hate...the waiting...the missing everything about him and how perfect we are when we're together...getttin tucked in when i go to sleep, kisses on the forehead every few minutes, and him bein perverted but funny...i miss hearing him say i love you...i miss being cold and having him hug me and hold me until i warm up....why does he have to live so far away?

current mood: gloomy
current music: Staind - Its Been A While

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Sunday, July 15th, 2001
9:18 pm - Borededed.....
Man o man...i sure am bored. Today i went swimmen with my sister, woohoo...tonsa fun! Then we went shoppin at Quakerbridge Mall...i got some new shell tops for skoo next year. We went out to eat at Friendly' was okay, not as good as usual. Then we went to acme to buy some supplies for the beach tomorrow...drinks, food, ect. After that we hadda make a pit-stop at my house, and i ended up takin my car to my aunts with my mom and sister to feed the cats while shes on vacation. I drove home too...wooohoo! Thats bout im just talkin to erik on the puuuter, and ill be goin to sleep soon, bc tomorrow i gotta get up early to go to the beach. Yay!! Im out homie...peace!

current mood: aggravated
current music: Papa Roach - Infest

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Friday, July 13th, 2001
9:36 pm - Yeep Yeep!!
Man ive really been slackin with the entries gonna have to write about 3 days in one entry again, this sucks. Okay well lemme see...

Wednesday the 11th:
Woke up and at 1 lauren called and asked me to the beach with her lauren and crystal. I went..we got there at like 3, hung out with danny matt and josh for a while, then went to the boardwalk type look for stuff to buy. After that, we went to linda's house and then down to the tatoo shop bc danny wanted to get his nipple pierced, he couldnt bc he didnt have his mom or dad with him. We walked back..and matt adam and vince came over. Me and lauren went down to the beach with them...buried vince in the sand...yadda yadda yadda. Then we left and almost got killed. A car almost hit the side of the car when we were driving...i almost pissed myself.

Thursday the 12th:
Today i woke up and got ready to go to the beach again with my family. We were supposed to leave at 8 but my cat got out so we hadda catch it. I picked it up and it tore up my whole hand...i was bleedin, it was horrible. We went to the beach..the water was greezing but the waves were huge. IT was kool, we went to the boardwalk too, and i got a henna tatoo done on my wrist of 3 stars. We got home and i called erik right away...i only got to talk to him for a few minutes though bc they were goin out to dinner for his mom's bday :o( oh well.

Friday the 13th: is friday the 13th. I didnt do much today...i went to my aunts house to feed her cat with my mom and sister, and at like 4 30 me matt adam and lauren went out to franklin mills mall, until like 9 15...then i got home. And now im online talkin to erik (yay!!!) im happy indeed...thats about it. Bye bye!

current mood: horny
current music: Papa Roach - Between Angels and Insects

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Tuesday, July 10th, 2001
9:26 am - Catchin Up...
So much to write about. I think the last time i wrote was saturday the 7th, but im not sure. I'm gonna start at sunday and go all the way until tonite (tuesday the 10th). So here it goes.

Sunday The 8th:
I woke up at about...1 in the afternoon and pretty much did nothing. I got my shower, shaved, cleaned my room...watched some tv, and did some chores. Then at about 5 30 we left to go get erik. His train got here at 6 05. When he got here, he walked off the train with these gorgeous bright pink roses..that started off my time with him perfectly. Then we went to his favorite resteraunt (Old Country Buffet). It was me and him, my mom and dad. After that we drove to the movie store and rented some movies. We got "It" and "Remember The Titans". I hadnt ever seen "It" so thats why i wanted to get it, and erik hasnt ever seen either one, so he was happy gettin both. We went back to my house and layed up in my room for a while, relaxed...talked...cuddled :o) At about 10 30 we went into the den to turn on the movie "It"...unfortunately erik wasnt too interested in the movie, therefore i wasnt able to watch it with my full attention. We watched the first of the two tapes of "It" and deided to save the second for tomorrow morning. After that, we watched "Remember The Titans"..i tuced him into bed, and then we went to sleep.

Monday The 9th:
I woke up at about 6 30 to deliver the papers like usual. When i was done, i walked up to my room where erik was sleeping and got in bed. Thats what i always do when he stays over...i climb into bed and wake him up..then we hug and kiss and all that mushy stuff, and then fall back asleep together. We woke back up at about 8 and went downstairs to get some cereal and finish watching "It". It was boring, and had a shitty ending, but who cares. Then, we went back upstairs so i could get my shower and get ready to go to OZZFEST!!! woohoo! haha. We got in the car and went to my aunts house (my mom and aunt and sister and cousins were all goin to philly for the day, and since camden is where we were going...we picked them up before we went). We went to wawa for some food and arrived at the Tweeter Center at about 12 30. We thought the concert had started at 11 in the morning, but really only the smaller bands played on the little stages, the big bands didnt start until
3 30. Man it was so hot waiting until 2 o clock to go to our seats. We were in the actual seats, not the lawn section..and we werent allowed in until 2 o clock, wish i woulda known that. So we sat, and walked around, and sweated until 2, when we finally relaxed. Then finally 3 30 came around and the real concert started. Black Label Society was my opinion they sucked, but who knows what you mighta thought. Next was Crazy Town, bunch of posers if ya ask me...they release Butterfly and get faous from it, but in reality their whole album sounds nothing like that. They played like hard metal/punk stuff...which didnt bother me, but they sounded NOTHING like they do on the radio at all. Then was Disturbed...they rocked. Good show, good music...good everything. Linkin Park was next, they were soooo good. I loved it, they sounded so good live, when alot of bands sound shitty as hell. Papa Roach was next. I got to see my man Koby Dick. He kept on hitting himself in the head with a mic. which i thought was a little odd, but still a very god performance. The next two bands (slipknot and manson) i dont like too much. Slipknot i had to watch bc my little sister loves them but wasnt allowed to go with me. So i watched them, and then me and erik left to get a drink and use the bathroom and find a souveneir for my sister, during manson. We got back and saw like 30-40 minutes of him. And then was what erik has been waiting for....BLACK SABATH! I would definately have to say that they were, without a doubt, the band that EVERYONE came to see. I dont like that much, but even i was gettin into it and singen some songs. I didnt feel too well when they were on, bc i was tired and hadda headache and felt like i was gonna puke from smelling beer and breathing in the smoke from the people with the weed in front of us, so i sat down. Erik kept telling me that we could go if i wanted, but i knew he was so excited bout seeing Ozzy, and i couldnt let him leave during i pretended to be okay when really i was about to throw up like 5 times. We left at about 10 45, and i felt kinda light-headed, i think it was from the old hippies smokin in front of us. My mom and dad and sister came to get us...we told them all about the concert, went to wendy's for food...then we got home...watched some tv in the den...and fell asleep.

Tuesday The 10th:
There is probably no other word to describe today better than perfect. The morning was the same...doin the papers then going to sleep with erik until my mom leaves for work and wakes us up. At about 8 30 we went back up to my room....only my sister was home with us, but she was sleeping. I cant describe what happened in the room, just bc i dont know how. It was one of the best experiences of my life so far...everything was perfect. We didnt fight at all the whole weekend, and we just layed up there kissing, and hugging and stuff like that, and i couldnt have asked for more. I wish that i could have turned those 3 hours into years and stayed like that for so much longer. Around him i just feel safe, and like someone loves me...if i could just lay there with him for the rest of my life with his arms around me, kissing eachother....i would. Its the best feeling in the world, and i wouldnt give it up for anything. The rest of the day was just the same being all lovey-dovey and such...watching tv, ordering pizza and stromboli, "playing"...but something about it this weekend was different. It was so much better than it is every other weekend, a completely different feeling that i cant even put into words. 8 o clock, we left my house to take him home (always a sad time). His train was at 8 56. On the way down there i had my head on his shoulder and he was petting my head and he whispered that he loves me so much, and that he never wants to lose me, and that this weekend was veery special to him and he wont ever forget it. Of course...bc there was a slow song on the rad, and he was leaving, and he was being sweet, i started to cry :o( We waited at the train station talking and joking and kissing and stuff, and then at 8 56 the train came...he told me he loved me and that i would talk to him tonite bc he has work all day, we kissed one more time and he gave me a big hug...and he left.

And that folks, was my filled and special indeed. I'll write on a daily basis now like i usually do. Just in case Erik reads this (which he probably will)...Hunny I Love You, And The Past...One Year, Two Months, And Four Days Of Being Your Gf Have Been More Than I Ever Dreamed It Could Be. We Can Get Through Anything, And I'm Lookin Forward To Seein You For Those Eight Straight Days....I LOVE YOU!

current mood: loved
current music: Creed - With Arms Wide Open

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Saturday, July 7th, 2001
5:10 pm - Fireworks Schmireworks
Today is the 7th of of last nite i thought today was gonna suck big ones, but it turns out that it hasnt been that bad of a day at all. I woke up at like 11:30 and watched some tv and stuff, davey called and asked to come ober and go to the fireworks with me bc he was bored...i told him to call lauren about it...erik was supposed to call me when he got home from work at 2, but he didnt get off work til 3 so he called at about...3:05, which was good. I talked to him for a while...bout all kindsa stuff. I really miss him alot, ill be glad when he's finally here tomorrow. Then after i got off the phone, i went outside to my picnic that we were having. Jamie, Janet, Justin, Josh, Jason (the newborn that Mo and Dan adopted), Mo, and Dan were and Jamie were actually getting along which is pretty much rare. We talked, and played with the baby, jumped on the trampoline...stuff like that. Jamie left, so i stayed outside for a while longer and then came in here. Tonite are the fireworks...everyone is going, but i havent been feeling too well today. Ive been inside layin down every once in a while...its just some weird feeling in my stomach, not like it hurts...and not like im gonna puke...just, this feeling that makes me in a bad mood. I dont really want to go if i feel like this, even though lauren told me i have to...we'll see what happens.

current mood: uncomfortable
current music: 3 Doors Down - Be Like That

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Friday, July 6th, 2001
6:21 pm - Gobble Gobble Gobble
Alrite party people.....i have two days to make up for, bc yesterday )the 5th) i didn't have the chance to write in this piece. Yesterday hmmm...what did i do yesterday? Oh yeah..i woke up and called erik like usual, it was his day off yet we still only got to talk for 15 minutes..which kinda made my day start off on the bad side. I miss him so much :o( ....oh well. Then lauren called, and told me i was sleepin over...i had nothing better to do, so i watched some tv and cleaned my a shower and such...and went to laurens when my mom got home to take me. I got a reeses twister at Debbie's before i went was gooood. When i got to laurens..she wasnt even home haha. So i answered her phone and it turns out that Erik (not my bf...another erik we know) and Matt were there, outside her house. Lauren got home from picken up dinner..and manda was with her so that was kool. After watchin 2 episodes of the fresh prince, we went to the dollar store. We got like $30 of candy for free bc erik used to work there. We got loads of candy and soda and gum and went to Matt's to watch "friday". That movie was funny as hell, i was laughin like non-stop. Anyhow...then we went into the basement to play some old-skool nintendo and pool. Then it was gettin kinda late so we got erik to take us home. Then she talked to tom for like...a couple hours on the phone and we prank called her ex-bf matt bc he's a dick that i hate, and we pranked out friend lauren#2...and we talked to tom some more...and then went to sleep.

(that was long eh? and just think..that was only yesterdays entry! ahhhhh!)

Now onto today...(the 6th) We woke up at like 12 15 and just chilled for a little while, then went to Mario and Frank's to get some pizza. Of course, in the morning/early afternoon the pizza is shitty like usual...and we had that retard Claire that cant speak english as our waitress...whatta whore. Then we came home, and we...hmm...oh yeah! Got in our clothes for the day and stuff and she talked to tom a little. Then we went out onto the puter to try to DL this song, but it didnt work. And then! we rode bikes for a little while bc we were bored, and by the time we were done (5 o clock) my mom would be there to pick me up in half of an i waited for her to arrive...and then left. Woohoo! sucha fun life. Now im home, doing nothing because no one is here with me..being bored like usual. I coulda gone out to eat or ordered a pizza, but im pissed off at my parents bc they accused me of taking my car and goin for "a little ride" in it, bc there were more miles then it started out with..that just pissed me off, i know gettin my license in like 4 months and i dont wanna fuck it up. So now im stuck here until 9 rolls around when ill talk to Erik and probably just get in a worse mood somehow...oh well. Adios

P.S: I still think one of my cats is gay...bc i just looked over and he was straddling my other cat....ewww!

current mood: hungry
current music: Goldfinger - Walking In The Dark

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Wednesday, July 4th, 2001
8:31 pm - I'm Not A Wetodd...I'm Special...
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY EVERYONE! haha, not like its even close to being one of my favorite holidays, but i dont really care. aunts house today rocked! There was awesome corn on the fav...mmmmm!!! Me and my cousin and my sister all played the game of tell me, how realistic and relatable to life is it when you end the game, and each of the players has well over 1.5 million dollars? My 10 year old cousin had close to 3 million...thats insane. Carly made me a lesbian..for those of you who have ever are represented in the game by a little pink or blue (girls and boys) person in a car. Carly made me pink of course...and then when it was time for me to get married...she gave me my life partner (we named her suzy). I was an entertainer (nice word for stripper)..and had an 80,000 a year salary and two daughters. We left their house at about 7 and went to target. I got some new kool candles (to put in my room to make it romantic and shit in case me and erik get it on haha) and a new bra...its yellow! but it doesnt fit :o(. OH well...thats about day was pretty great i'd say.

current mood: silly
current music: Wierd Al - Amish Paradise

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Tuesday, July 3rd, 2001
10:17 am - Homosexual Cats...
Yeahup, its way too early for me to be awake right now. I just got home from having teeth filled at the dentist like 30 minutes ago. He tells me i need to floss more, i dont get it...i brush my teeth 2 times a day, but because i dont floss i get all those cavities? Thats not fair at all, my sister only brushes once a day and doesnt even floss but she has only had one. It sucks big sweaty balls indeed. I also realized a thing or two today...i think 2 of my cats are gay (thats thing number one)...i mean they lay there and lick eachother, acting like theyre cleaning themselves, but i know the real deal. and i also realized that i have a big attitude problem. I mean this was a new dentist i went to, and when he was talkin to me...i wasnt even paying attention at all. He was telling me what i need to do to prevent cavities, and i might as well have been like...maaaan fuck you. I need to work on my people skills. I really want to go back to sleep, unfortunately ive been up since about 6, so its virtually impossible for me to. Oh well, im gonna try to anyway.

P.S: The laughing gas shit was sweet indeed. About two times i just started crackin up outa nowhere, it was great. I was just thinken...i must look like a huge idiot, sitting here with a mask on my face, mouth wide open, i started to laugh my asss of. And everytime the dentist would ask if i was okay, it was like i could hear him, but all i could answer with was a grin or "mmmmmmmhmmmmmm"...i couldnt even say "yeahup" was highly larious. It was like i was on crack or something...well actually i wouldnt know what that is like, but i would imagine that is somewhat how it feels to be high...i guess...who knows haha.

current mood: numb
current music: St. Lunatics - Midwest Swing (On MTV in the other room..)

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Monday, July 2nd, 2001
6:23 pm - Living In The Doldrums... was full of alot of NOTHING!! I woke up at like 12:15 today and just like usual i called erik. Same ol' same ol'. So anyhow, he apologized for yesterday and makin me sad, and he also told me that he told his mom "Mom not to get an attitude or anything with you, but i AM going to see ann for those 8 days." That sorta made me feel good, in fact not only sorta did it, but it made me feel really good. After i got done talkin to erik, i went downstairs...and lauren called me. We talked for hour or so, and i ate my chicken fingers for lunch...mmm mmm good! Then i took a shower and watched the Waterboy. That movie is funny as hell. Then i dryed my hair...and of course the second i get done doin my hair...courtney asks if i wanna go swimmen. Of course i said no haha. And then my mom gets home, and of course she always brings home good news. It turns out she doesnt wanna take off thursday to go to the beach bc shes still sun burnt from saturday. So i guess that means that i wont be seein erik til next sunday-tuesday ::sniffle sniffle:: I gotta collect still too..and now my mom tells me that we're goin out to the library and to kohl's and shit, and acts like i was supposed to know this already. I dont even care...shes bein a jerk today. Thats all for now...i guess...bye!

current mood: frustrated
current music: Slipknot - Wait and Bleed

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Sunday, July 1st, 2001
1:13 pm - Damn Sheniqua
Well reality right now its 2: 15 not 1:15 bc the computer clock is a piece of shit, but who cares? I woke up at about 1:15 today and called erik, man that sure was a mistake. He couldnt talk for long bc his mom was home and he had to get a shower bc he just got done cuttin the grass...again (the front yard this time). So anyhow...the conversation was fine until he says he told his mom that he wanted to see me for 8 days straight in the end of july to august before he leaves for the navy. She says that "as long as you get all your stuff done, you probably can"...well erik's mom is one of those people who is never happy..and i mean NEVER, so of course he will get all of his stuff done to perfection, and his mom still wont be happy. So i go, well what if you dont get all your stuff done? and he says..well then i wont see you i guess. and thats when the shit really hit the fan. Me of course, gets pissed off about shit like that, bc he said "if my mom says i cant see you well then ill say oh well im leavin in less than 2 months so im gonna do what i want"....but he doesnt have the balls to say that. So i go "no told me you would see me no matter what and now your changin your story" and he says "ann i swear ill see you, just believe me"...and i dont, i mean why would i? He tells me one thing then does the other! So he tells me that im "testing his patience"...well fuck that! I go "if im testing your patience then i just wont talk to you anymore, bye" and hang up on him...and that is the end of my far!

current mood: annoyed
current music: Dance Hall Crashers - All Mine

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