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comma interview [19 Sep 2003|09:15am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | izzard clips ]


so i am here. tired. very! too early for a clam indeed. jeremy is going to hang out with me tonight, because i am sassy.

some gal at work yesterday told me i could get any guy i wanted. i have mixed feelings about that statement, probably because it could be true, and probably because i have low self esteem and i can't picture it.
people are funny.

i talked to julie about the whole banner thing, and she said no matter what, i get them. huzzah! i am a coniving little thief. YAR HAR! take that!

dana came into work, for everyone who doesnt know, dana is the scariest woman in the world, and looks like a BAD drag queen.

she told me not to talk about my job outside of the hollywood video walls.
i'm sorry but i beleive i have every right to bitch about my job at home whenever i feel like it.

don;t try to intimidate an 18 year old.

i have an interview at half-price books on saturday.

cost plus called me to regretfully inform me that all the positions have been filled.

oh well. better luck next interview hopefully.

fabulous or not?

[19 Sep 2003|08:55am]
[ mood | crazy ]


I soon be out to rape an' plund'r yee!

1 are definately fabulous or not?

comma i heart anime [18 Sep 2003|09:28am]
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | tsunami bomb - top 40 hit ]

ted nugent is getting his own reality tv show.

wow. VH-1, what are you doing to me?

so uh... i changed my journal again. i seem to do this now... i have a blurty journal... and i think i will update about my darling "boyfriend" in that. so for all of you who tune in to hear the latest about a dearest gustav, all is done for this livejournal.

but seriously, when you have Emmett as a background, who is actually paying attention to the words? exactly.

so i believe that Emmett is my future husband. i would love to make all the little babies with him. no sex, just children. i love him. he is my perfect 'man'.

gotta love gay, right jeremy?

so the white stripes, um... they are mean people. well, that may not be entirely true, but they sure are rude. if i wanted to hear the music, i would have turned on the radio, since thats all they played. radio songs. you know people... they DO have 4 albums. they could have mixed it up a little more. they didnt want to be there. they hate us. was the impression that i got. everyone there (except for gus) payed a lot of money to be there. i spent $80 to take us both there. sheesh. (insert blurty text here)

but anyway. someone from work gave me a pirate doll. like a baby doll, with a pirate hat. pretty snazzy i might say. i love people. OH MY GAWD!!!


ko... so for all those who know me, my name is sarah, and i ADORE piracy. everything involved with plundering and raping... thats my thing ok? you know that right? my name board at work, is covered in pirate stickers that other co workers have given me, COWORKERS MIND YOU. so they all obviously know that i love them? correct? ok... well GET THIS!

I walk in yesterday for my shift, and what do i see? a little note, from colin, an employee at the Wood, stating:

"COLIN GETS ALL THE PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN VINYLS" (vinyls are the banners that have a picture of the film on them that we hang up from the store, about poster size)

now... he is a little AMINE freak, never ONCE has the word 'pirate' come out of his mouth... nope nope nope. everyone i told at work, mentions the fact that I am the pirate, and he is doing it out of spite... well... i can be a spiter too... so what does Clams do? i make myself a little note to ang up... saying:

-TAKE THAT! YAR HAR! There's a pirate for you colin"

so... i am a little ticked. you just dont DO that. you don't.

if there was a HUGE 80's banner that we were getting, i wouldn't make a note saying, "SARAH GETS THIS 80'S BANNER!! "

it would say "ANGIE GETS THE 80'S BANNER!!"

oh well. world is full of little fake pirates.

who is taking me to ireland? pirate in shining armor? where be thee?

4 are definately fabulous or not?

comma subject [16 Sep 2003|12:44pm]
[ mood | crushed ]
[ music | dress to kill ]

the doors open in 5 hours. thats all i wanted to say really. why isn't my 'boyfriend' calling me?

will someone please come and scoop me up and take me to europe? far away from here, where i belong. ireland even. please... someone? where is my pirate in shining armor. somewhere far. who am i looking for? who wawnts to make me happy? do i even deserve to be happy? what do i deserve? apparently it is pain and heart ache. fuck you all in the asses.

*middle finger sword fight*

1 are definately fabulous or not?

comma gay emo boy [16 Sep 2003|11:27am]
[ mood | crushed ]

i feel as if i have nothing to think about anymore. no mind boggling situation, nothing to reflect on. it is raining outside. wow. how spiritual. i am in a sort of trans as so it would feel. i have things to be really fucking pissed about, but i cant do it. i cant get sad. i cant get so angry, because mainly, i see it coming. i knwo gus will be an asshole, and i take it. because to get really upset would be my own fault, for staying with him in the first place. so it's all on me to get hurt. i care for people too often, and too much. fucking, it has almost been 3 months. but someone looking in on us from the outside wouldnt recognize it. i am just the hag of a gay guy. thats what my moms thought, thats what gay men thought (myke). i just dont know what to think about us. i love him, thats for sure... no doubt about it. but all i hear from people is how much more i deserve. that i need someone who can care for me back. who can treat me like i am the only love of their life. i used to have that. i used to love having that. this is such a huge change for me. normally i wouldnt put up with it, thats why i dont know what i am doing here with him. i would have left 2 months ago if he was this way. but now, looking at it, i couldnt imagine leaving him. not at all. i adore him. so what if i feel like i am not good enough for him? it's all true. why the hell am i feeling sorry for myself? this is not the place nor time to do it. i am going to see him tonight, and i already know that i am going to be bitchy. i am appologizing ahead of time gus for the way i am going to act at the concert. maybe i should go on a diet to feel better about myself. i weigh what... 148 now? sheesh. fucking outrageous. for some reason i feel as if crying may be a solution, but i know that it isnt at all. i dont carry my weight very well. i look fat, some people can weight as much as i do, and not look fat, then there is me, feeling sorry for myself every chance i get. god damn, what the hell have i turned into? i am not some EMO bum. i'm not. i know me, i know myself. i am not a lonely person, i have many great friends. and i am friendly. just the other night in south hill, i talked up a storm with all the random people. i feel better about myself when i am around people who dont know me. i am not intimidated at all in the slightest bit, and i dont have to act fake, i am not afraid of offending people, because i know i will never see them again, or at least for awhile.

i shouldnt waste gus' time anymore than i already have. 3 months of this boy's life, down the drain.
does he ever think of me when we are apart? does he ever just write about me? does he ever wish we could be together when we are apart? does he ever talk about me to people who havent met me? does he ever brag about me to friends? do things ever remind him of me? little things? does he ever want me to be the shoulder he can cry on? does he even find me attractive anymore? does he wish i wasn't so emo? does he want me to stop caring? does he really want to care for me in the long run? does he really feel as if he can fall in love with me? so many questions that i can never ask him, and i can never bother his time with. i'll never know.

i think of him when we are apart, constantly. i write about him, obviously. i talk about him all of the time to people. i am been known to throw in a little brag about him here and there. every little thing seems to remind me of him. i can't cry on his shoulder, i couldn't. i find him to be so physically perfect. i wish i wasnt so emo lately, i'm sure he does too. i dont want to stop caring. i already care for him so much. i have fallen in love with him.

i am a fucking fag. a little gay emo boy.

i guess i found something to think about.

1 are definately fabulous or not?

comma eddie layout [16 Sep 2003|10:27am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | dress to kill is on in the background ]

my journal looks fabulous! tahnk you to AIM: XoMizJerzeyoX

she is a fabulous darling!

and yep!

2 are definately fabulous or not?

comma fuck you asshole [16 Sep 2003|09:49am]
[ mood | irritated ]
[ music | dope - die mother fucker die ]

sometimes i would just like to have a boyfriend.

i thought everything was perfect. because it was. we had a great time this weekend. so i thought. i asked him to call me on monday about the concert, inwhich i spent $80 fucking dollars for... and no call.

fuck, why should i take him anyway? because he is so great? because he loves me so much and deserves it?

no... because i am a sucker for any form of love, and would do anything he asked.

i thought that all the talks we had this weekend would change something for the better. a simple call would have taken only 45 seconds. tis all. i cant compete. not anymore. i need to feel affection. i dont want to feel sad all the time. but i'm lying, i don't feel sad all the time. i am just really uneasy about trusting people after chris cheated on me, and after matt left me for new york.

i don't want to fuck anything up, but gus, i am not your buddy. i am not someone to just 'keep around'. treat me however you wish though, because i will most likely put up with it.

i am so fucking stupid sometimes.
he doesnt deserve to go tonight with me.
maybe jeremy.
he rocks.

fabulous or not?

comma emmitt [12 Sep 2003|02:48pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Deviates - There For Me ]

i made a CD for gus... well i picked out all the songs i wanted to put on it, and i went searching for my CDRs, and couldnt find them... "where are they" i thought, oh fuck me in the ass, they are at my place. so, gus will have to wait. i really kinda can't wait until i get to see him tomorrow.

i have to be at work in 12 minutes. fabulous. till 7. a WHOLE 4 hours today. wow. mikey wasnt at work today when i called... so hopefully i will try again tomorrow. he was so fun to talk to after the interview, even though he was beat ass tired. it's ok though, because he loves queer as folk. he isnt as big of an emmitt fan as i am though, which bothers me, because everyone and their very own mothers should love emmitt.

well i love gus, and he and i are the ebst gay couple out there.
EBST! just to let everyone know, EBST isnt a word.

but best is. huzzah

leanne darlin', are you EVER going to come for Queer night?

sheesh. i still adore you dear.

1 are definately fabulous or not?

comma long ass entry [12 Sep 2003|12:34pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | butthole surfers - pepper ]

my interview was fabulous! Mikey totally loves me and my 'gayness'. so i am glad i had that to win him over. mikey for all of you who don't know yet, is this little gay guy who is the store manager of World Market. he is snazzy, and he loves my vocabulary he said. there was this other really shy girl being interviewed at the same time. angela. so the 3 of us had a super time gabbin' it up. she is so shy though, and luckily, i am not so much, so that was a plus for me. i answered all of my scenario questions correctly... because, yes, i am that fantastic. haha... not so much.
i am willing to quit this job i hold at hollywood to be able to be a stock person, because due to the fact that i work for another company, i am unable to stock in the back of another. news to me, but hey... whatever. i would have to work anytimes from 10pm to 10am. i really dont know yet if it is something i would be willing to do. but i will call Mikey today and see what he thinks. if i have a shot, because if that is the case, i will be hired in the next week... not 2 weeks. i am crossing my fingers.

gus waited for me during my interview and afterwards we went to port orchard so that he could check in. he started to make me all these cd's when really, i kinda wanted to go home. but any time spent with him is the best. we went to his mom's office to see if there was a fax, and there wasn't, then spontaniously we went bowling. second day in a row, and let me tell you... i am officially the worst. i was better the day before... not by much, but i was. gus wasnt too shabby either. but he looks like a flamingo when he bowls. the cutest, even sexiest thing ever. haha. so we went back to his house, and he gave me pants. awwww... i like being a couple that can dress one another from our own closets. after he lotioned up his bald head, we eventually left for tacoma, and his dad wanted him home as soon as possible... that was my understanding. and we left gus' at 3, got to my place around 3:50-4, put on a movie called Happiness, which i recommend to EVERYONE. the movie is about 2H and 20M long, gus didn't leave my place until about 7. which means he probably didnt get home until 8 or so. 8pm is NOT how you spell "be home as soon as possible" but i loved it. i loved the fact that i spent all day yesterday and all day the day before with him.

so far all the weekends of september involve him and i doing something. fabulous. this weekend we are doing his garage sale business, and he is spending the night on saturday with me. :):):) the weekend of the 20/21st we are going to the puyallup fair to see my art work and we are going to the pirate festival thing. then the weekend of 27/28th there is a vintage clothing expo at the tacoma dome. plus, i am going to the rocky horror show live. the musical up in seattle, and i want to see if he would like to go too. we are going to the adult one. the 9pm show. then, on the 1st... this will be three months together being we will... be... huh? so yeah. 3 months. whoo!

so i am glad that my weekends are all full of fun times. and this week too. i got to see boosh twice and i got to see gus for 2 days straight. PLUS this weekend he is all mine too. i am sooo happy.

i watched some more episodes of queer as folk, and i am just in shock to what ted is doing. i would have probably done the same thing though, because i am not a jerk... not much of one anyway. ok,i am an asshole, but this is a super long post and i totally lost my train of thought, so i am bouncing like ben affleck.

i super love penguins.

i was talking to matt earlier today and i dont know yet if he is able to come over for thanksgiving. new york is kind of far and such so it costs a bit of money to fly over here. i told him i would pay for most, he isnt having it. i dont know wat to do. i want nothing more than for him to come down. he is such a fabulous guy and i want gus to meet him. i think gus would get a kick out of my little sarcastic ex boyfriend.

for all of you who dont know who matt is entirely, let me give you the scoop:
matt and i met in june or so of 2001. online. he was in NY (the fabulous state) and i was here, in WA, (drabville) and we started to talk often, it was pretty random when one day he told me "Hey sarah, guess where i am going to college?" and i am all "Where matt?" "oh, no where... just redmond, wa. to digipen". that wasnt REALLY what was said... but you catch my drift. so i was all "super cool! We should definately hang out when you come down!" so... time passes we takl a bunch and get to know each other very well. when august comes... and well.. no matt yet. hmm... i then got an email from him, telling me that he called and that he was in town. well i missed his call and was pretty bummed, but somehow i ended up talking to him about a week later. we talked every day for 4 hours at least. and his phnoe bill can prove it. we set up a time and place for us to meet. space needle, at noon. september 8th. saturday. well, if you know me, i can never be on time places. i have to be early. always. so i got there at 11 or so...just incase he decided to get there early too. who knows. so i was sitting there watching all of the street performers. when i look up and see a confused looking guy.. i thought that it may be him, and i was very nervous. the kid started to walk towards me and i knew it was him. he came up to me.. and says, "Sarah?" i stood up and hugged him, and well... he was shaking he was so nervous. cutest thing ever. we decided to take the monorail back to westlak and he gave me a gift. a little I heart NY mug. i still have it. and i was all gushy and stuff. he made me laugh a lot though, which was fabulous. the whole day we walked around seattle. he bought strawberry milk and then littered the bottle. i made him pick it up. we went everywhere. he did a bot of shopping at overpriced hot topic. i asked him questions about ny, and we decided to sit and talk. WHAT TIME IT IS??? hahah. random people had never been more worried. i'm sure of it. murtle edwards, boardwalk. we held hands and it was nice... best date i have ever been on. he stopped me on the boardwalk and told me he liked me, just as the sun was setting. *mushy stuff* that i LOVE! i told him i felt the same, and so... 981 came to be.

we dated for a while. well over a year, almost 6 months more. and things were great between us. we were inseparable. we were the same. we got along well, and we both love affection. so we gave as much as we recieved. we gave and gave and gave. poems, little inside jokes, love. we were there for each other. then he had to move away. we had almost broken up prior to that, due to him having to possibly move back. i wasnt having it. i let him move into my dad's house with me, and well... life was fabulous. but i could tell he still wasnt happy. he wasnt home. he moved away in may. cam back for july 4th, and i went with him to NY for a long time. months. we came back here i started my senior year of high school, and he left a month later. back to NY. i came for new years after another almost break up, and i stayed there for a week. that was the last time i have gotten to see maciej. 9 months ago. we broke up in february or march...

that was matt. almost everyday i think about him, if not everyday. he, i believe is my soulmate, and i adore him greatly. i compare the way he treated me to how i am treated now. in relationships. and because of that, i expect too much. i can tell that i shouldnt do that... but when you had the best and it was taken away... you can't help but hope that you will have the best again...

i will always love matt, in that sorta... noogie giving type way. he knows i am moving to NY, in the 3 year plan i told him about... he didnt have much to comment about. the last thing i want is for him to think it is because of him. seattle or NY are my choices. and i have heard bad things about both, but i will be farther away in NY, and thats what i want. to be far away from anyone i know. except for boosh. boosh. i love him. i love my friends. the "moms" and boosh are the real friends i have, and i love it. they are what i truely care about, always.

well i think i have defiantely written enough for one month.

i get to see gus tomorrow. i am sooo excited. i love him. "i finally CAME!"

fabulous or not?

comma interview [11 Sep 2003|10:30am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | nada zilch ]

gus is sleeping upstairs, and i am smitten.

he came yesterday at about 2pm, like he said, and let me tell you, i was surprised as hell to see him on time. he came, and we left at about 3 maybe? to go get white stripes tickets. for some reason, my mood totally dropped from :) :) :) to >:( >:( >:(

i have no idea why, and i told him that, and he was like "are you serious?" and he held my hand. fabulous. he has been such a boyfriend lately.

we went back to the house, and Boosh came over for about an hour and we swapped shirts and whatnot, it was nifty. he looks good in pink, and let me tell you, that boy could be gay with me any day. haha.

the moms said they were going to be making dinner because gus and i decided to go get jodi some more pizza, but instead we went bowling, how the 2 are linked, is beyond me. so we did that and the moms called and said we were all going to go to Applebees for happy hour. ok. cool. we went bowling, it was overpriced, so we accidentally forgot to give the shoes back. hmmm... they are quite snazzy though.

we came home, went back out, had the cool waiter from applebee's that gave me his number last time. he brought up sponge bob again, i really didnt think he would remember me. kinda cool it was.

i ate way too much, as i think gus felt he did too. and um... yeah.

we came home, did stuff, i dont even recall. we talked a lot. and i got a lot off of my chest. i told him i was in love with him, and that i pretty much think he is the best thing since sliced bread. i am head over heels in love with this guy, and he said he wished he felt the same, he just can't trust people. which i am ok with. he says he trusts me, and i would never EVER dhurt this boy ever. ever. get it? i love him, and i just couldnt. even if i hated him. i just cant hurt people. i may be rude as hell, but i just can't hurt gus. i care for him sooo much.

but i have an interview to go to for World Market. i will catch you all later.

by the way NOFX has a song called "Clams Have Feelings Too"


fabulous or not?

comma meeting [06 Sep 2003|09:54am]
[ mood | crazy ]

F A M E by spazyspag
Youre famous for:Writing a novel
You get famous:October 19, 2036
You make $$ per/year:$1.30214529960348e+15
Do people like you?Everyone wants to bone you.
Dead/Alive:Alive, but not for long
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

nice, novel writing.

i *heart* writing.
passion as of late.

people also want to sleep with me, could be a plus i suppose.
then again, i dont really know of any novelists i would phuck.

i heart gus, he is coming over today. hooray for the sexy Captain Sombraro.

i had a store meeting today, everyone got their crap resolved, so supposedly no more drama, i hope it is the end of it. i want to like my job again.
also, apparently no one hated me, they love me at the WOOD, so all is fair.
eddie izzard is in town right now as we speak. (we?... whatever.)

i think i may take a quiz.

huh zaah!

fabulous or not?

comma queen [05 Sep 2003|12:03pm]
[ mood | artistic ]

sometimes being a queen has it's perks.

i love being a gay male.
too bad for those who are breeders.

fabulous or not?

comma bloak [05 Sep 2003|11:41am]
[ mood | chipper ]

i am thinking i might take gus to the white stripes show. since i would really like to go. and i think he may as well. i will talk to him about it.
i am not going to waste money on another show that i dont get to go to.
IE: the EELS.

so we'll see.

my paycheck was bloody huge!

yesterday some bloak came into work trying to sell perfume.

then some crummy little toadie put BABE in the wrong place, and i needed to rent it.

oh well. life is sweet.
life is beautiful.

tuesday is gay night leanne, if you want to come darling. 253-376-5749

whoooo hoo!

i heart gus.i adore him emmensly.

1 are definately fabulous or not?

comma sap [05 Sep 2003|11:19am]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | insert fabulous band here ]

talking to maciej right now.
it's always good to have a soulmate i think.
i think unconditional love is something people should have for at least one person.
i know mine is for matt.
he could kill me, and i think i would be alright with that.
because he would be the only person to have good reasoning.
i adore him and love him forever.
i appreciate all the friendship and love he has given to me.
and i know that we will get to see each other soon and make each other laugh.
New York is kind of far.
we manage to get through everything.
thats us i guess.
we are the best duo.
though we are 3000 miles apart.
talking to him brightens my day always.
and i can tell him anything without being afraid of how it will affect either of us.
thank you matt.
thank you for always being there for me.
for looking out for me.
june of 2001 was the best month of my life.
i met my soulmate.
no one will ever take the place i have for you, in my heart.
you have been there for me longer than most people.
you are my twin,
my exact other half.
you are the giraffe that i will always care for,
thank you so much for the friendship we have.
you are my best friend and we will see each other again, and things will be bright.

sorry, i am a sap.

i want to see gus today. i miss him dearly.

fabulous or not?

comma smart people [05 Sep 2003|09:40am]
[ mood | loved ]
[ music | ich bein bitta ]

well well well. long day yesterday, so it seemed.

i worked, i was late for work actually. julie got worried, like any mother would. oh well.

didnt talk to gustav yesterday, but that could be due to the fact that he has no cell phone, meaning that he has no sarah number. i tried calling his house and left a message, but being the ding bat that i am, i forgot to leave my number.

NOTE: Intelligence at it's best

i will call him later today.

i have like 4 days off, and i would like to see him.

i can not believe how happy i am right now though. i am content. i am soooo lucky to have gus. i just adore the bajeeesus out of him.

i will update later, there is a very interesting little man called Jason talking to me right now.

(he is actually smart)

fabulous or not?

comma bastard [05 Sep 2003|09:14am]
[ mood | bored ]

no call from gus. should i call him?


hopefully it will be soon. because tomorrow i am volunteering at the retirement center.

Miss Clams... art teacher extrordenaire.

spelling is negative in fun.

gus... call me you comma bastard!

fabulous or not?

[04 Sep 2003|10:33am]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | flogging molly - swagger ]

lately there have been a lot of things i have just wanted to go out and do... riki inspired me to make a list of it all... so here it goes.

-write more in my real journal instead of this one
-fly a kite
-take spur of the moment walks
-camp more often
-draw/sketch more people
-be less emotional
-go to australia
-go to canada
-get a new job
-not take things so personally
-go clamming
-talk to matt more
-see the boosh more than once a week
-become something
-calm down on how i analyze EVERYTHING
-clean my new room
-clean the whole house for a change
-get better at bellydancing
-become the best 'gay man' i can
-stop being so pananiod about people
-trust more people
-not let people get the best of me
-get out more
-get my lisence situation fixed
-see gus more often
-go on a boat (yar har)
-move to seattle (where i belong)
-be happier

what is our soul purpose for being here? we work and work and work for entertainment. we have to work 80% of our lives to be content? i know there are the essentials, such as shelter and food, but to not be bored too? it's sad. i find myself spending all my money on things to keep me from being damn bored, and i have less money for food and other essentials for living. so, are all humans priorities the same as mine? where we work to be happy, and if there's anything left, it goes to health? maybe it is me. i dunno. i enjoy working, but it just hit me as of late, that i will never be 'not working' again. i am working, forever. i am wasting a good portion of my teenage life. i am working to keep my cell phone on. thats all i need to pay for. sad. i work for communication with people. everyone is all, i need money i need money, and well, i really dont think we do. i dunno. i am really super tired, so bare with me a bit. money is the root of all evil i believe. people, in general (not i, or anyone i know) but people, usually base relationships on the amount of income another person has. whether or not they would consider dating that person or not, depends if that person has a job. i would date someone who didnt have a job, maybe it is because i am younger, and a lot of kids my age dont have jobs.. but it wouldnt bother me. i have been in relationships where i have paid for everything, but i really dont care about money... until it's gone.

i have no point and the sentances and grammar are all just horrible. i have to go to work soon.

you fuck my wife?
you fuck my wife?
you fuck my wife?
you fuck my wife?

i am your wife!

dont matter! you fuck my wife?

alright yes! i am your wife, and i fuck'd 'er!

*guns don't kill people, people kill people, but i think the gun helps*
*guns don't kill people, manuevers kill people*

1 are definately fabulous or not?

comma smitten [04 Sep 2003|09:57am]
[ mood | loved ]
[ music | tsunami bombs ]

gus and i had a talk last night about lots. mainly leanne and whatnot. i was kind of concerned about the feelings (if any) he still had for her. [sound familiar?] he assured me that there weren't any that way. he says that he loves me and wants to be with me. and i let him know that i am not a guy to guy girl. that i like long relationships, and he says he wants that with me.

so things are good. indeed.

gus came to my work on tuesday and surprised me. :) it made me smile for the rest of that day. he is fabulous. then ms. jaime picked me up from work and we picked ms. jodi up from work and went out to dinner. i was off at 4 that day and we didnt get home until about 6:30 maybe. and who was there when i get home? mr. captian sombraro. gus himself. t'was shocking. he was doing the dishes. he looked like the cutest little housewife ever. i melted a little. he was supposed to work that night, and i asked him how he got the night off, because when he visited me at work, we missed each other that whole week, so we tried to think of ways for him to get the night off. well, he replied with the statement that he doesnt work there anymore. *tisk* he was fired. for something i can understand but there were ways around that. he could have paid all the difference. oh well. so he has to use this next check sparingly i suppose.

so... and... yeah. that was that, oh! he said he couldnt spend the night, but still wanted to see me a bunch, so he stayed kinda late. we went to sleep at about 1am, and woke up at 7:30am. he had to get home and make food for the bbq at his house. well, just because HE woke up at 7:30 didnt mean i would. MUAH HA!!we didnt get out of the house until about... 10:30ish. we went to his home, and i helped clean up the house while he cleaned up outside. his dad cooked, which i might say was SO DAMN GOOD.

i had a nice long chat with a miss nikki (gus' sister). she is one fabulous girl. she said it's too bad that i live in tacoma and that i should really come to the house more often. i adore her.

i was kinda bummed that leanne wasnt there at the bbq, but maybe it was for the best. because i had a chance to actually talk to gus, without all of his attention diverted.

LEANNE: i heard youre not feeling well, when you feel up to par, call me and we'll figure out when you should come to the tacoma land. gay bellydancing sleepover.

after the bbq gus came over to the house and we watched Eddie Izzard's standup. jaime told me she loves him, this morning. who doesn't? i think gus liked it a lot. he left at about 12:30-1am this morning. i got to spend a lot of time with him, and i am so happy for that. i love him, and i will be as patient as i can for him to come around. we adore each other, and i am smitten.

i work today at... i think noon to 5. yippee. well, i am off. everyone have a raveshing day.

"but why's the rum gone?"

fabulous or not?

comma blah [02 Sep 2003|08:53am]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | blah blah blah ]

lets see. havent updated in a while... i was gone for four days, camping with the moms and pugs. went to this place called twin harbors. small little camping groud... fabulous! our tent was huge... 3 rooms! i am still so very tired. i didnt shower once while i was there. go me and my rusticness. i am all the stentch. little surfer boys hit on me a lot. well not little... very sexy mind you... but i heart a gustav...

they sell these little rubby ducky pirate things... oh man. i was in love. EVERYTHING there is pirate. i felt as if i had just orgasmed with jesus or something. it was a great thing to see. nepoleon (a pug) and i posed as pirates and mermaids for a picture.

i lost a bandana. i was pretending to be a cowboy for some reason... and it left me. i dont know when, and i dont know how. but salt water taffy is fantastic. REAL salt water taffy. *yum*

i think i ate WAY too much while i was there. this town is so dingey!

but i did score myself some clam shells. and 2 SNAZZY jackets from a senior center rummage sale. $3! for 2 very hip plaid/green suit jackets.

we have a list of things to do:

clam digger becomers
become surfers (so sexy)
learn how to fish well
play piano
make a movie about vagina gnomes
star in a reality tv show about our home
buy a boat
own good bikes
learn how to sail a boat
landscape the back yard

thats our to do list.

for some reason, i think gus may be over me. or i am just getting like this because i havent talked to him in a while.

i wish i could talk to him. it's been a week.

i got him neat things from the trip. i couldnt stop thinking about the kid.

i kinda wish someone would say that about me....



everyone at hollywood video turned on me by the way. and they all hate me. i kinda hate my job lots.

1 are definately fabulous or not?

comma whiner [26 Aug 2003|09:10am]
man oh man. last night was weird. we went to the beach, and walmart is full of stupid stupid people. we were buying fishing lisences. and they were SO incompetent. bah.

gus called me and was like 'i got off early, i'm on my way to your house' but we were in federal way, so he drove there and took the wrong exit, so we gave him directions to dash point and hoped for the best. we all found each other and we ended up being there for only 30 minutes or so, due to the fact that we didnt get out of walmart until 7 fucking pm. we ate our KFC and drove to the waterfront on ruston way and went fishing till 10 pm or so. thats what we did. gus too, he was so cute, trying to lure the 'big one' with his 'clam bait'

last night was our last night together before he was leaving for a week for TOMfest, and well... it sucked. i hate to say it, but it really did. no conversation, no affection, nothing.

it will be 2 months on the 1st. which i hear is a long time for gus. i just want more from him. i adore him so much. i have completely fallen for him now. but i still wont let him know. i cant. i dont want to scare him away, or give him any reason for him to not want to be with me.

we talked a bit last night, and he wants me to be happy, and he is fine with how things are now. i suppose i should be too then?

i cant stop caring about him.

who do i have to be to get some affection out of this kid? leanne? he really should figure out what he wants.

maybe i am just a dork. i wish i had it easy.
fuckin' aye, i wanna be hot.

work tonight 11 to 4. today, not tonight.

then in more thana week, leanne and i will have all the sleep over. best one in the north... well... south... huh?

yar har har me mateys.

1st mate is out.
1 are definately fabulous or not?

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