Wednesday, October 10th, 2001
9:41 pm - dan the automator
i bought the Deltron 3030 album FINALLY... after all this time..
and yesh. hello there. this is my journal. i update it sometimes now.
i still dont have a computer, but others do ;)
my lip aches
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Friday, October 5th, 2001
4:02 pm - annie, are you okay?
i got my lip pierced yesterday. i have green hair. i dont look right. ha.
current music: Alien Ant Farm - Courage
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Sunday, August 12th, 2001
8:42 pm
so this is my final week on the net. will stay the way it is until it's time runs out and it dies. i don't know when that is, so sorry to my hostees. i will abandon this journal too, and maybe only update it occasionally. la
i am sooo pissed off that i didnt go and see the strokes the other week. i only realised last night how talented and good looking they were.
anyway, ta ta.
current music: The Strokes - New York City Cops.mp3
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Friday, August 10th, 2001
10:25 pm - so this place...
the place i'm moving to is across the road from the beach. it's not exactly the prettiest looking place in the world, but it is in a choice location and it's cheap, plus it's closer to where my friend's live. yes. oh, the fun i will have next week when i move in and try and carry my crap up onto the third floor. meh. tears in the eyes.
my chrispix and i are going shopping tomorrow at highpoint (oh, arent we the little homey g's). i hate catching that tram through footscray. i hate footscray, period.
current music: Scapegoat Wax - Aisle 10
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Thursday, August 9th, 2001
5:29 pm - yay
next week i'm moving to my new apartment and it's all sweet. :)
current music: Air - La Femme D'Argent
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Monday, August 6th, 2001
5:56 pm - nathaniel hornblower
god dammit i didnt get my afternoon nap today. i'm a veeeery tired girl.
current music: Boss Hog - I Dig You
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Sunday, August 5th, 2001
12:22 pm - la
GENKIjello: the refridgerator is making funny noises! CHE2038: do you know why? GENKIjello: yes i do GENKIjello: it's one of those "smart" refridgerators GENKIjello: and it knows the times of the day when no one uses it CHE2038: oh GENKIjello: so when it thinks no one is home GENKIjello: it makes funny noises! CHE2038: hehe, Its going to take over the world GENKIjello: yes! and it's going to have little bar-fridge babies! GENKIjello: and they will eat us for dinner! CHE2038: ahahah, cool
current mood: amused current music: Sleater-Kinney - Call the Doctor
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11:24 am - screw up your life again
it's 11.15am on a sunday and i'm blissfully happy for no reason, although so much shit has been dished out to me in the past week. but anyway. yesterday sarah and I went down to Brunswick to the Savers 50% off sale. Now, Savers is usually a great op. shop but yesterday they had harldy anything there. I bought myself a really nice but really big sweater, a blue dress that I found in the women's uniforms section and a cute little tartan skirt. yes. sarah picked up a You Am I cd which i found for like $2 or something which is quite cool considering the cd isn't really that old and that You Am I rock. yep. I have nothing else to say, except cigarettes are my only escape. blah.
god damn you live journal for being down last night.
current mood: cheerful current music: Jebediah - Please Leave
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Friday, August 3rd, 2001
6:14 pm - woah
2:31 pm - self promotion
Thursday, August 2nd, 2001
9:14 am - jebediaaaaah
some lyrics are so pathetic that they make you want the song writer even more.
i'm so pathetic. but so are these lyrics.
current music: The Whitlams - Hamburgers
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Wednesday, August 1st, 2001
9:44 pm - argh
4:48 pm - ahahahah
i'm reading a journal of a girl who is exactly how i used to be a few years back. it's only now that i realise how stupid i was. this girl just craves attention and wants everyone to listen to her but she knows that no one cares and she is digging this hole deeper for herself. i was exactly the same but i pulled myself out. i was once best net friends with this girl too. she hasnt changed. ha.
current mood: amused current music: Graham Coxon - Jamie Thomas
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Tuesday, July 31st, 2001
10:03 am - yet again
Monday, July 30th, 2001
7:32 pm - ahahahahahahah
12:44 pm - argh
my sister's boyfriend is the biggest fucking tool, i swear
current mood: pissed off current music: D12 - Purple Pills
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Saturday, July 28th, 2001
10:19 pm - bleh
i stole this survey from stephy
1. Do you own any plaid clothing? no all my clothes are bright and make thekind of guys i dont like attracted to me. 2. Do you own Converse shoes? yes but they are so worn out that i never wear them anymore. 3. Do you own Saucony shoes? wtf? 4. Do you own old school Nikes? no. i only know a few people with those anyway, most of my friends have old school adidas 5. Do you wear tight pants? yes 6. Is there more than one zipper in your pants? not the ones i'm wearing right now 7. Do you know what a squatter flap is? a now defunct 80's metal/hair band? 8. Do you own a messenger bag? eh? damn hippies. 9. Do you wear your messenger bag across your chest? i'm so lost right now that it's not funny 10. Do you own braces? i'm guessing you mean braces as in the things that hold your pants up. the answer to that is no. but if you meant braces for your teeth, i'd also have to say no for that one too. 11. Are braces worn anywhere besides the mouth? yesssssss they hold your pants up dammit 12. Do you have short, shaggy hair? yes. 13. Does your hairstyle exceed a height of 3 inches? no but i sometimes wish it did 14. Would you classify your hair as a deadly weapon? yes; highly flammable 15. Do you think mohawks are "neat"? who in hell says the word "neat" anymore? mohawks look good on the right people 16. Is your hair black or red? are you aware that there are many other hair colours apart from black or red? my hair is blonde right now. 17. Do you have a favorite brand of hair dye? Fudge 18. Do you own a bandana? no because i'd get "beat down" by some kids that think they're better than everyone. 19. Do you wear plugs in your ears? no but i should when i go to concerts. 20. Are you amused by safety pins? yes and if i could i'd wear one in my eyebrow 21. Have you ever used duct tape as a sewing substitute? no but i have been tempted to many times 22. Do you own one or more objects with studs or spikes in them? once upon a time i did 23. Do you own one or more articles of clothing from Dogpile, Lip Service, or Tiger of London? no 24. Do you enjoy leopard print? how can you enjoy leopard print?
HABITS/BELIEFS: 25. Are you disgruntled (having a general hate for everything)? no i am not that stupid little goth cartoon girl named tina or whatever that everyone puts on their websites. 26. Are you an anarchist? no 27. Does the American flag anger you? ahahahah no but some americans do 28. Are you "working class"? not at this very moment 29. Do you dislike "preps"? god dammit why do so many people overseas get so hung up about people and label everyone and everything? and why is popularity such a big thing with american teenagers? 30. Do you dislike Hot Topic? if i had a credit card i would buy some pants from there 31. Do you smoke cigarettes? so what if i do 32. Do you smoke cloves? pfft no 33. Are you a thin waif? i am a little underweight but why care? 34. Are you vegan/vegetarian? no, i love my meat. i love food. 35. Do you think meat is murder? well yes but that doesnt stop me. 36. Do your nighttime activites usually involve drunken underage vomiting? no because: a) i'm not underage b) i don't drink 37. Have you ever slept in an alley or park? yes, many times but that was usually because my night time activities had involved underage drinking and me and my friends were too far away from home. 38. Do you wash your hair less than once a week? eh? 39. Have you ever gone a week without a shower? yes 40. Have you ever been avoided due to your odor? ahaha who knows 41. Do you know who Jack Kerouac is? yes 42. Do you like Mr. Kerouac? yes 43. Should Mumia Abu-jamal be freed from prison? yes 44. Are you a member of the Makeout Club? i am unaware of the makeout club
SPEECH: 45. Do you say "rad"? no 46. Do you say "rockin'"? no 47. Do you say punk "rawk"? no 48. Do you spout the word "oi" at random times? no only when i want someone's attention. it's the australian way. 49. Do you say "punk's not dead"? do you think i really care about punk that much? 50. Do you say "punk is dead"? same answer as above applies
Last and most important-MUSIC: 51. Do you like bands with "." in their name? i don't think it really matters 52. Do you like bands with "theory" in their name? i don't think i know of any 53. Do you like bands with "the"? there are lots of those 54. Do you ever precede your own name with "the" at the beginning? as in "the chad"? ahah no. 55. Do you like bands with the F word in their name or album title? why not 57. Are Blink 182 fans "posers"? i hate to say it but yes. 58. Do you have frequent debates over what exactly constitutes a sellout? no. 59. Have you ever brought the headlining band food? wtf? ummm no 60. Do you have show flyers affixed to your walls? i have a few
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9:27 pm - **
i have the flu.
current mood: sick current music: Air - La Femme D'Argent
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Thursday, July 26th, 2001
5:01 pm - YEEHAW
i love payday.
current mood: happy current music: Green Day - Scattered
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Wednesday, July 25th, 2001
6:24 pm - nothing compares to these blue and yellow purple dills.
christie is seeing eminem in concert tomorrow night and wants me to go. i don't like em much but i would love to go. still, i get paid tomorrow and i dont think i'll have time to buy a ticket at the last minute, plus i dont want to be seated by myself. ha.
went house shopping todays. because of my crappy budget i was looking for the cheapest thing possible and there are some okay places in williamstown and altona. yeah. let me just say that the minute i move out, i will be unable to continue with my webwork, my domain, my journal because i don't own my own computer. this is the only downside of me leaving this place... but other than that, i can't wait.
i want to be busy but i'm uininspired, so i'll just say i'm bouncy instead. stupid emoticons.
current mood: bouncy current music: Kurupt - Trylogy
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