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Friday, June 8th, 2001
11:10 pm
i missed oprah today =/
yeh i went to a party tonight...
shit i hate socializing...
so we left after 5 minutes...
nothin like gettin home and puttin on my yellow monkey pajama pants after a long hard day...

current mood: drunk
current music: Youth Brigade // Men in Blue

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Friday, May 18th, 2001
11:30 pm
blahblahlblahhhh im boooooreeeddd, cast away rules! hahah WILSON! =*( pete get your computer fixed! >=(

current mood: sick
current music: Eastcide // 57 Times

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Monday, May 7th, 2001
8:54 pm

current mood: thankful
current music: Weezer // Jamie

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3:14 pm - thanks thanks for nothin, not broken not broken, still standing still standing
remember how you gave me shit? and i made lemonade out of it

current mood: sick
current music: tsunami bomb // lemonade

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Friday, May 4th, 2001
5:42 pm
its so nice out ZZzzzZzZzzZzzZZZzzz...
i just woke up...took a nappy nap on the so emo =/ haha...
i have an urge to be at a 311 show right now *sigh*
mmm nix hex haha

current mood: relaxed
current music: 311 // Freak Out

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12:24 am
whoa its mike dirnt's birthday, whaddya know

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12:23 am
ive finally come to the conclusion that i am not normal, aaaaaaand im really pathetic

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Wednesday, May 2nd, 2001
5:22 pm - what a RIP!
ok soooo i just bought the impossible CD and its SCRATCHED so im like ok what the fuck thats my favorite song on the CD thats skipping, what a rip, so im like oh yeh amdur told me a while ago that you can fix it if you put toothpaste over the scratch, so i whip out the crest and give it a whirl but it fuckin didnt work, now not only does the CD skip but it smells like fuckin TOOTHPASTE! errr stupid matt amdur haha

current mood: pissed off
current music: The Impossibles // THIS IS FUCKING TRAGIC (SKIPPING) AHHH!!!

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Monday, April 30th, 2001
4:58 pm - wnefwnefvlwnefvl
"yeh that kid's like... in love with me..."
"well theres an even better reason to beat him up, for messin wit mah girl"

...ahhhhh *dies*

current music: the impossibles // never say goodbye

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4:58 pm - wnefwnefvlwnefvl
"yeh that kid's like... in love with me..."
"well theres an even better reason to beat him up, for messin wit mah girl"

...ahhhhh *dies*

current mood: loved
current music: the impossibles // never say goodbye

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Sunday, April 29th, 2001
9:34 am - there was a girl named phamus waymus, she had whiskers on her anus
yeh so went to go see OFR, met some cool kids, the guy who owned the place wouldnt let anyone mosh, it was kinda dumb and OFR only played one old song, i was pissed, but its ok i guess...
then a fuckin limo picked me up for the after prom party, for the prom i didnt go to...
kinda lame, kinda embarrassing, limo's are so dumb, especially when matt amdur is in it...
so stayed there til 5 am, went to kelleys, slept, she made us pancakes, then went to the battle of the bands at the palladium for like 7 hours...
that was a good time,
met some weird kid named shane, OH my god jim and steve were there!!!!! eek! steve is SOO hott holy SHIT and jim bleached his hair and hes cute as well haha aghh me and lisa were dying, jim hugged me twice, i peed my pants three times, jim mooned the pit haha my face got stepped like 20 times, i think my nose is broken..again...
but jim helped me up, then nick went into the pit and was being a dick and was trying to be cool and hardcore at a punk show, so jim and steve almost kicked his ass, i was so proud =)
i met like these kids who looked like they were 7 except they were really 14 and 11,,, one kid was hott though haha he had a shaved blonde head and a bane shirt on with homer simpson in it haha it was awesome, us 4 started a pit during MR WHITMORE, that bands awesome, good shit, dave was there, he's cool...
abdul and gary came haha we made fun of all the hardcore kids, it was good shit,
awwwww jim and steve *passes out*
ken beats barbie is wicked fuckin good! good god damn, they played an opivy cover, unity, i died, it was the greatest thing, holy shit,
i have a bruise on my forehead from getting stepped on haha, kick ass i rule
and now im here, and lea's mad at me i think, haha she was at the after prom party and she sat on a couch the whole time, she ditched me and shes mad at me... makes zero sense, i havent talked to roger in like 3 weeks, this sucks, he probably forgot about me, i havent talked to meredith in a while either, blahhh ok bye

current mood: accomplished
current music: Ruda Salska // Que le bon l'emporte

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Tuesday, April 24th, 2001
10:01 pm - Is it your right or left arm that goes numb while having a heart attack? if its the right...someone
call an ambulance

current mood: lethargic
current music: Grimple // Rabie Punx

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9:52 pm - Cappacino gives me the shits
i held hands with jz today *passes out*

current mood: exhausted
current music: Isocracy // Rodeo

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Monday, April 23rd, 2001
3:52 pm - i hate it when im walking home and people catch me talking to myself
he said she'd "look good if she got liberty spikes" *dies*

current mood: drained
current music: DJ Revolution // Bad Meets Evil

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3:43 pm - i hate it when im walking home and people catch me talking to myself
he said she'd "look good if she got liberty spikes" *dies*

current mood: drained
current music: DJ Revolution // Bad Meets Evil

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3:43 pm - i hate it when im walking home and people catch me talking to myself
he said she'd "look good if she got liberty spikes" *dies*

current mood: drained
current music: DJ Revolution // Bad Meets Evil

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12:21 am
fuck yeh i'm home

current mood: relieved

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Monday, April 16th, 2001
10:21 pm - im expecting a very important phone call
my moms such a workaholic
she really is though...
anyways who gives a shit
yeh liiike i hafta leave in approximately 5 hours...that sucks...ill probably get zero hours of sleep,
blahhhhh fuck i hate soccer!
and i hate girls and i hate ZZzzz shit im tired
ahh im so anti-social...
aw now i feel bad,
my mom and my sisters and my nephew are going down to florida to see my grandparents who we havent seen since we were kids... and my mom said i couldnt go cuz id miss too much school and umm what else, oh yeh theres not enough room for me...
so of course i made an argument, saying blahblahblah when am i ever gonna see them again, ill make the work up blahblahblah
and now shes letting me go cuz she was tellin me how my pop-pops gonna die soon so i should come to see him =*(
i feel bad now, im such a bad person wahhhh i dont wanna go to antiguaaaaaaaa wahhhh *falls over and dies*

current mood: aggravated
current music: ktmwq // coatrack

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7:04 pm - shoot me in the faceeeeee do do doooo
yeh sooooo i just got back from "antigua" practice...
i met the other half of the team for the first time...
we're leaving tomorrow at 4 am....
ummm the girls on my team are the biggest hoe bag skeezahssss ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hate girlsss wahhh
they already like know each other and theyre all bleached blonde, fake tanned skank hoochies, they're all like "yeh theres no drinking age in antigua so we gonna party it up yo"
which is fine or whatever but i hate drinking with people i dont like/dont know,
i only like drinking with a select few of my friends... blahh
im just a pussy i guess =/
6 DAYS thats soooo way too hardcore long to be stuck on an island with slutasses =(
i just wanna sleeeppppppppppp and never wake up
im the most pathetic person i knowwwwww no wonder i have no friends wahhh
i think im depressed but then again i have nothing to be depressed about besides the fact that i have zero life and i have zero friends =/
blahblahhhhh all i do is complain, someone needs to kick me in the mouth or shoot me in the face...

current mood: sad
current music: Wycelf haha

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7:04 pm - shoot me in the faceeeeee do do doooo
yeh sooooo i just got back from "antigua" practice...
i met the other half of the team for the first time...
we're leaving tomorrow at 4 am....
ummm the girls on my team are the biggest hoe bag skeezahssss ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hate girlsss wahhh
they already like know each other and theyre all bleached blonde, fake tanned skank hoochies, they're all like "yeh theres no drinking age in antigua so we gonna party it up yo"
which is fine or whatever but i hate drinking with people i dont like/dont know,
i only like drinking with a select few of my friends... blahh
im just a pussy i guess =/
6 DAYS thats soooo way too hardcore long to be stuck on an island with slutasses =(
i just wanna sleeeppppppppppp and never wake up
im the most pathetic person i knowwwwww no wonder i have no friends wahhh
i think im depressed but then again i have nothing to be depressed about besides the fact that i have zero life and i have zero friends =/
blahblahhhhh all i do is complain, someone needs to kick me in the mouth or shoot me in the face...

current mood: sad
current music: Wyclef haha

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