EBHC Will Kill's LiveJournal
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Below are the 13 most recent journal entries recorded in
EBHC Will Kill's LiveJournal:
Tuesday, August 21st, 2001 | 3:11 pm |
Just for your info....brandon How to escape from a mountain lion: 1.) Do not run: The animal most likely will have seen and smelled you already, and running will simply cause it to pay more attention. 2.) Try to make yourself appear bigger by opening your coat wide: The mountain lion is less likely to attack a larger animal. 3.) Do not crouch down: Hold your ground, wave your hands, and shout. Show that you are not defenseless. 4.) If you have small children with you, pick them up-do all you can to appear larger: Children, who move quickly and have high-pitched voices, are at higher risk than adults. 5.) Back away slowly or wait until the animal moves away: Report any lion sightings to authorities as soon as possible Current Mood: enthralledCurrent Music: Suicide Machines | Sunday, August 12th, 2001 | 1:03 pm |
Hoo HA Thanks to everyone who came out to see us. The cops suck, but we enjoyed the energy...This is just the start...Sorry you couldnt make it scotty....on a lesser note..im hung over...uuuuuughhh Current Mood: drainedCurrent Music: Subtle Change | Friday, August 3rd, 2001 | 11:03 am |
Im pulling at my hair right now I hate work! It's so boring! On a happier note, Scotty Rocks! Im eating pretzel sticks. Tonite is gonna be fun. Kelly's face is all puffy...its great. This journal stuff really sucks sometimes, but im bored Kabir doesnt wear underwear. Current Mood: blahCurrent Music: Tiger Army | Wednesday, July 25th, 2001 | 12:35 am |
My kind of town??? Im off to chicago!! Dont know when I'll be back...and thats a good thing!! Someone please tell me how to adjust my pants to the style of the windy city...see ya when i get back...so long Current Mood: anxiousCurrent Music: danzig-twist of cain | Sunday, July 22nd, 2001 | 3:53 pm |
Fried Chicken, Fried Fried Chicken Chicken... For no apparent reason...SETH THOMAS Hi kelly!! you rock! Happy Birthday Kabir! I lost alot of money...and its not over yet. Current Mood: boredCurrent Music: Danzig-Under her Black Wings | Thursday, July 19th, 2001 | 12:43 am |
... A look of discontentment fills your brown eyes as I ask for the millionth time what's goin' on? you seem to be confused about just where you stand with me tonight as we tear apart all that wasn't lost to another fight and so we turn against each other once again you run and I go hide talkin' to myself again bout all the things I should've said and I wait for you I wanna know where this is going and do we still have a chance to save what we haven't lost again I made a promise to myself not to let this go but now I need to see this through to burn these paper walls of doubt My fucked up head is spinning round and all my thoughts just keep me down here on your doorstep I'm drunk again I know you're sick of all my shit and I know you wanna end all this so tell me right now where do you stand? I know your tired of this waiting game and I know your tired of all my ways I know your tired of it all just tell me now I wanna know where this is going and do we still have a chance to save what we haven't lost inside all these paper walls we build and all the ashes that have spilled get in the way Current Mood: blankCurrent Music: Rich Kids on L.S.D | Friday, July 13th, 2001 | 12:26 am |
razorblade Got a feeling you were alone and on the run, with your suitcase filled with razorblades and turpentine. Sad eyes of a scarlet, glazed in promises made too divine to be real. A runaway, too shiftless to know what is wrong. Dont make it right and sometimes I wonder if I knew you could I change you or would you be the same to me right now? Your reason to live became a reason to die and now youre gone. I think about you in black in white faded news, paint still life memory of a broken body in a cheap perfume disguise. Well I just wanna know you found some peace before you left this place. Well its alright to be afraid of what your eyes cant hide with both hands tied. Did you sink yourself? Did you cheat yourself? How did you stray so far to end up here? To know yourself is to destroy yourself and what you are you could not hide. A clue is all I have to understand. Sound and bled instant fame in red. Now youre in the spotlight again. A different tale with a darker twist but for sure you knew that you would always be the star. No lost innocence because there never was. Just you and the world. No fairy tale could ever end like this its just another bad luck tale. All used up and on the run from you. Current Mood: sadCurrent Music: The beatles-Michelle | Wednesday, July 11th, 2001 | 7:44 pm |
im falling apart i had it. i had it then and it was amazing. its not like i took it for granted either. i was greatful. and happy. and then i lost it. or it lost me. now its partially back. but in a "friendly" sense. and i want more than that. the only thing i want right now. i cant have it. no matter what i do or say. and i cant take it. what did i do? -Said by Christy Lee...Felt by me Current Mood: rejected | Monday, July 9th, 2001 | 11:55 am |
Heres some words that have been going through my mind -I can hear your voice as it echoes on, so bury over and over the songs you sing inside my head. I dont wanna lose what you left inside of me cause it's all I am - I won't forget this loss, the shame of regret. Turn out the lights and sit in darkness while I try to make it through. -Your reason to live became a reason to die and now youre gone -its alright to be afraid of what your eyes cant hide with both hands tied. Did you sink yourself? Did you cheat yourself? How did you stray so far to end up here? -Now pour the gas all over me. Light a match, say a prayer,and set me free. Turn your cameras on this burning boy, I'll be the life of the image you can't destroy. Current Mood: disappointedCurrent Music: Strung out | Saturday, July 7th, 2001 | 9:58 am |
Im burnt without aloe When did I develop a problem letting go?..I use to be different..i use to not care...When did the chemicals and impulses in my own mind change so I feel this way? Well I'll make short work of that. Its just odd how I can be one way for a long time, and have one event come and change everything for me. I dont even know now if that event was a good thing in my life. Im just confused as hell, and twice as depressed. oh well. At least I dont do heroin. Current Mood: confusedCurrent Music: Death By Stereo | Tuesday, June 12th, 2001 | 11:33 pm |
Gawd Ive been hearing so much crap and worthless-ness about love and such...when did love have to be so upsetting?...its quite depressing..if you think about it that is...i say everyone who is having trouble about love should take a look and re-evalute on wether or not its worth it...but thats what i say...SETH THOMAS FOREVER Current Mood: thirstyCurrent Music: Strung Out | Monday, April 30th, 2001 | 8:20 pm |
God Damn I need to eat more beans, Damn them all Current Mood: bitchyCurrent Music: The boston public theme song | 9:52 am |
You hurt or something? Pride Comes Within The Skin, Not The X's On Top Of It. Current Mood: bouncyCurrent Music: Lionel Richy |