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Thursday, July 5th, 2001
3:56 pm
me and my boyfriend have been together for about 10 months. i havent talked to him since yesterday, and its kind of bothering me. i dont know if i make shit up in my head to worry about or if everythings okay. all we ever do is sit around, or argue cause hes in a bad mood. i dont know? its like a billion degrees outside and i feel like im gonna pass out. working in a fast food place doesnt help. i cant wait till i go to england...

current mood: exhausted
current music: none

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Wednesday, July 4th, 2001
1:35 am - h m m m m mm
sl e e e e eeeee pp

current mood: blah
current music: casualties punkrocklove

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1:15 am - fuck
i hate this shit. me and my boyfriend fought all damn day. from the time i saw him, at work, after work, blah blah blahhhhhhhhh. my head hurts. independence day sucks ass i just worked all day. me and ricky aren't fighting anymore but it still sucks thinkin about it. i need to dye my hair again. i hurt my shoulder hoppin a fence too :(

current mood: confused
current music: "skinhead" - from that one movie

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1:11 am - fuck
i hate this shit. me and my boyfriend fought all damn day. from the time i saw him, at work, after work, blah blah blahhhhhhhhh. my head hurts. independence day sucks ass i just worked all day. me and ricky aren't fighting anymore but it still sucks thinkin about it. i need to dye my hair again. i hurt my shoulder hoppin a fence too :(

current mood: confused
current music: "skinhead" - from that one movie

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Monday, July 2nd, 2001
9:52 pm - meow
i'm tired and my head hurts. i have to work tommorow form 9-3 and 4-10. it's independence day but i guess i don't really care. right after my boyfriend left and went home he called me cause he could'nt get into his apartments, some cop shot a dude in the parking lot or something which is kind of wierd since nothing ever happens in here.

current mood: groggy

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6:31 am
i just got home from swimming. nothin to do. it's nice outside. old people at work keep commenting on my pink hair and it's fuckin annoying. later.

current mood: high
current music: tv party - black flag

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1:25 am - grr...
can't sleep. work tommorow. 10am. blah.

current mood: tired
current music: falling sickness - drinkin' in the streets

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12:31 am - uh?
why does this thing say AUGUST. it's not AUGUST.

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