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[20 Aug 2001|06:37pm]
[ music | blur - beetlebum ]

i'm back in indiana. i can't decide whether i'm excited or depressed. it's weird. the good news is that my room kicks ass, i have my own bathroom, and i get to go to my denny's tonight. that's right, MY denny's. the one where they just know what i want, and i never have to pay; the one where i know everyone. it's been far too long. now i just need to find a cute boy here. then things will be perfect.

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[17 Aug 2001|10:15pm]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | dj db - the secret art of science ]

only 2 more days...i haven't even started packing yet. crap.

went out to dinner for the last time with janel, kelly, and lolly. some kid in the restaurant tripped a guy as he walked by our table. it was really funny. then we went to kel's and watched the emperor's new groove. i love that movie. (NO TOUCHIE!) it was a good night, but then i had to say goodbye to kel and janel; i won't get to see them again before i leave ;_;. it's depressing to know that i won't see them again until at least the middle of october.

random survey time!

1.LIVING ARRANGEMENT: well, in two days i’ll be living in the dorms again. i have a single and my own bathroom! (thank god)
2.WHAT BOOK ARE YOU ARE READING NOW? the fellowship of the ring i’ve been meaning to read LOTR forever, and i finally got around to it.
3.WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? what mouse pad? super blinding optic laser mouse GO!
4.FAVORITE BOARD GAME? "win, lose, or you’re a loser" lolly and i made it up.
5.FAVORITE MAGAZINE? i am a magazine addict; anything about music, fashion, current events, comics, movies, etc…
6.FAVORITE SMELL? new car.
7.LEAST FAVORITE SMELL? my brother. and hot dogs. hot dogs smell NASTY.
8.FAVORITE SOUND/SONG? sound: thunderstorms. song: "out of body experience" by rabbit in the moon. it’ll be different in minutes though.
9.WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD? knowing that i’ve let my parents down.
12.HOW MANY RINGS BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE PHONE? i usually check the caller ID before i answer, so it depends.
13.FUTURE CHILD'S NAME? children frighten me.
14.WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT IN LIFE? friends and family, achieving my goals
15.FAVORITE FOODS: fried rice, haägen-dazs strawberry sorbet, cheese, haribo gummy bears, pizza (healthy, huh?).
17.DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE FAST? i once got a ticket for going 65 in a 25. so, yeah, i do. a lot.
18.DO YOU SLEEP WITH A STUFFED ANIMAL? yeah, a stuffed cat named mary that i got for my first birthday and a spongebob squarepants pillow-thing.
19.STORMS-COOL OR SCARY? wonderful.
20.WHAT TYPE WAS YOUR FIRST CAR? a cherry red 1997 ford mustang convertible (i miss that car ;_;).
22.FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK? as long as it’s alcoholic, i really don’t care. smirnoff ice is good.
24.DO YOU EAT THE STEMS OF BROCCOLI? broccoli me no likey.
27.EVER BEEN IN LOVE? not yet
29.FAVORITE MOVIE: anything by kevin smith, saving private ryan, CTHD, american pie 2, star wars trilogy, fight club...
31.WHAT'S UNDER YOUR BED? boxes of crap that I can’t put anywhere else.
32.WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE #? -810 (it’s a long story)
33.FAVORITE SPORT TO WATCH? skateboarding, hockey, basketball
34.FAVORITE BOOK? harry potter!!!(all of them) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! (i know…i’m a dork.)

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[12 Aug 2001|09:46pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | dandy warhols - bohemian like you ]

every time janel and i go to the movies together, we end up laughing the entire time (even if there's nothing to laugh at) and usually our fellow audience members contribute quite heavily to our giggling retardedness.

tonight, we went to see "the princess diaries." it was a cute, typical disney comedy. i liked it. during the movie, janel and i decided that i am mia pre-makeover, because i am a nerdy klutz with curly hair and glasses who hates public speaking. only i'm not really a princess (i think. i am adopted, i could be royalty. or not.) and my hair isn't frizzy. it's curly. there's a difference. the movie isn't a huge laugh-fest, but it has its moments ("goodbye, trolley people!").

the funniest parts of the experience weren't in the movie at all, they came from the herd of 8th graders sitting in the front row. all of them were preppy sorostitutes-in-training and your typical abercrombie army stock (there were like 20 of them there) and they talked the ENTIRE time. they also seemed to enjoy playing with their cell phones during the movie, and held them up so that their other little friends could see them glowing. everyone else in the theatre could see them too. thanks, kids, for making the movie a less-pleasant experience. we wanted to kick their asses, but we had to settle for making fun of them. a lot. so i leaned over to janel, held out my hand like i too had a blinking cell phone and said "hereth my thell phone!" in a mocking 'hi, i'm twelve and annoying and i have my own $300 cell phone' tone of voice. the only problem with that is that i said it a little too loud and the theatre was completely silent. i felt really cool. also, the woman next to me in the theatre meowed when the cat was onscreen. she had to be like 30, and she's meowing at a cat in a movie. i was scared. i've decided that i need to find myself a nice indie/artist/punkish/nerd boy with fun hair like the one in the movie (i think his name was michael). that would be nice.

only one more week until i return to IU. egad! i'm not ready for this yet! (but i think i'm getting there). i talked to mandy last night. i've had a lot of time to think about what happened between matt and her, and i'm finally over it. i just don't care any more. she has shown me how sorry she is, and has actually been honest with me, and i think that i'm ready to just get over it and move on with our friendship, which is good, considering that we're going to be sharing a bathroom in the dorm. i just have to get off my lazy ass and work hard this year. i know that if i study enough i can get a four point (this is where the denny's 24-hour smoking section and cheap coffee come in handy). i think that above all, this will be a good year. at least i'm not a freshman anymore. =^_^=

the bad ronald "let's begin (shoot the shit)" video is on mtv. there's a guy in a condom costume. and puppets. and a break-dancing turtle. i think this might be one of the greatest videos ever.

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this one time, at band camp... [10 Aug 2001|10:11pm]
just got back from seeing american pie 2. being my usual perverted self, i thought it was hilarious. i am convinced that they based the character of stifler's little brother on my little brother.

"here's a concept; why don't i get you a spoon so you can eat my ass?" - stifler (who has become my favorite american pie character)
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writing to reach you... [10 Aug 2001|03:04pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | bad boy bill - bangin' the box vol. 4 ]

i move back to indiana on the 20th. i've still ot mixed feelings about this. i'm just starting to enjoy my summer, and already i have to leave. i'll have to pack up all my stuff, say goodbye to my family and friends (saying goodbye to my family is the worst), and uproot myself from the life that i've grown used to.

on the other hand, going back to school marks my return to being my raver/punk/nerdy self. i feel like i've had to tone it down since i've been home, and i just don't feel like myself. one of my friends here once described watching me get ready to go out as "a voyage to another world." uh...thanks. try as i might, i just cannot get any of my michigan friends to listen to anything other than the stuff they play on TRL. (AAAAAAAAH! evil! EEEVIL!) i mean, i haven't been to a party since memorial day weekend, when justin, aaron, chris, and i went to DEMF. it's been far too long. and DENNY'S! i'll be able to go back to MY denny's (i am aware of how retarded that makes me sound.) and even though it sounds strange, i'm really looking forward to studying (kt=nerd).

i guess i'm just trying to convince myself that it won't be as bad as it seems. deep down, i want to go back very badly, but i don't want to have to say goodbye to my family and friends here. yeah, that's it.

my brother got his tonsils out today. he's lying on his bed groaning, and he said that he never wants to eat again. ha ha. it's amazing how differently the two of us handled the surgery. at this time two weeks ago (when i got my tonsils out) i was eating pizza and feeling great. the pain of the surgery was better than the least painful of my 6 tonsil infections, so in comparison, it wasn't bad at all.

speaking of my brother...he's...he's a weird, horny, thirteen year old kid. on wednesday, he burst into the computer room when i was in it, started humping a chair, and informed me that he "rocks this house, baby." then my mom gave him a time out. it was funny.

due to my recent insomnia and my neurotic cleaning tendencies, i spent about 6 hours organinzing my comic book collection yesterday. and when i was finished, i just had to re-read about 30 of them.

on a completely unrelated note, i watched my neighbor totoro last night, and i've decided that i need a cat bus. seriously. it would be the best mode of transportation EVER.

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this is just a sorry lament [31 Jul 2001|07:00pm]
[ mood | pessimistic ]

i think i'm setting myself up for another huge disappointment. i keep telling myself that once i get back to school, i'll be happier. through the wonder of self-delusion, i seem to have convinced myself that i was happy at school. that's about as far from the truth as i could get. sure, first semester was pretty good, and so were the first two months of second, but from valentines day until the last few weeks of school, i was miserable. i was dejected, sick, depressed, and most of all, i was lonely. i yearned to come home to the friends who "knew me." when i got home, i realized that they didn't know me either. i thought that i would be really happy when i came home. wrong.

i came home, and began work in the fiery pits of HELL, which was fun (ha ha). i found that i have a hard time connecting with most of the people here, too. so...yay. i can honestly say that this has been the worst summer i've ever had. i had the job from hell, spent no time with my family at my cottage, the time i did get to spend with my family was filled with arguments, i was sick or injured most of the time, and on top of that, i got my tonsils out. ow.

i guess that it's like they say, "the grass is always greener on the other side." when i'm at school, i picture home as being this wonderful, relaxing place, where i have no worries. when i'm at home, i just want to be at school, where i have freedom and i can study. arrrgh! this is so frustrating.

why can't i ever just be happy with what i have?

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[27 Jul 2001|05:52pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | rabbit in the moon - out of body experience ]

*suspiciously pokes lj with a stick* hmmm...seems to be working alright now.

well, my tonsils are FINALLY gone. forever. i got them out this morning, and i'm feeling surprisingly not horrible. maybe it's all the drugs talking (yay for prescription painkillers), but i feel pretty good. it hurts about as much as the least painful of my 6 tonsil infections.

i've been quite lazy lately; i spent last saturday and sunday curled up on my bed, listening to d'n'b and idm, and reading harry potter (which is now my favourite thing EVER!). i hadn't read any of the books before, but had always wanted to, so i borrowed 1 & 4 from janel, and dug out my bro's copies of 2 & 3. i started the first book at around 1 pm on saturday, and finished the fourth book at 11 pm sunday. (yes, i'm a fast reader) i have to say that in the course of a week, i've become yet another member of the harry potter obsessed.

jones soda now scares the hell out of me. wednesday night at eleven, i opened a bottle and read the "fortune" printed inside the cap. it said "turn off your cell phone." i thought it was kind of a retarded fortune until i remembered that i had forgotten to turn my cell phone off, and it was sitting in my car. weeeiiird.

just for the record, i'm trying to quell my seething jealousy towards those of you who got to go to the SDCC. not fair. rar.

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SWEET JESUS. [20 Jul 2001|12:51pm]
the mekka tour
detroit . august 4
fairgrounds park
4am - 4pm . $35-50

be yourself stage
danny tenaglia (8 hour set)
doc martin
keith kemp

house stage
armand van helden
josh wink
junior sanchez
derrick carter
the new deal
gabe real

drum & bass/hip hop stage
roni size
andy c
dynamite mc
mc gq
dj craze
de la soul
pharoahe monch
talib kweli
dj jazzy jeff
lauren flax

techno & progressive stage
carl craig
dj dan
jimmy van m
stacey pullen
misstress barbara
dennis cox
beau gangnier

detroit stage
detroit grand pubahs
static revenger
dj assault
derek plaslaiko
roni selecta

paxahau.com/d records stage
michael gieger
jen xerri
chuck flask
tom newman
craig gonzales
greg campell
clark warner
carlos sauffront


i will never forgive myself if i don't at least make an effort to get to this.
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the rock show [20 Jul 2001|12:03pm]
[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | craig david - fill me in ]

i went to see blink-182 and a new found glory with kel and amy on wednesday at pine knob...wait, i mean "at the new DTE energy music theatre." i don't know why they felt the need to rename pine knob. even blink commented on it. but anyway...

we left at like 5:30, and got about a mile before we realized that no one had grabbed the tickets off of the fridge. alright. so we turned around and went back to the wallaces.

we left (again) at about 5:45 (with the tickets this time), and got to pine knob at a quarter after seven-ish. we got in and were on our way to the bathrooms when we walked past a couple people. i was shamelessly checking out one of the guys and i thought that he looked really familiar, but i couldn't place it. i got about five feet past him, and my brain went "he looks familiar because that's jordan pundik (the lead singer of a new found glory). dur!" so of course i ran back and got his autograph. (yay!)

we were walking from the bathrooms to the lawn when three 13 year old boys stopped us to ask if we wanted to buy tickets to their show. we politely declined. they then asked us if we would flash them. uh...no...sorry...but...NO. jesus!

we found a good spot on the hill and set up camp (a.k.a. "the blanket") nfg went on at 8. they rocked my socks.

blink went on at 9:30 (?) they put on a good live show, and they played carousel and m&m;'s, so i was happy.

after the show, we ran to our car to try to beat the traffic, but we were 5 minutes too slow. we ended up sitting in deadlocked traffic in the parking lot for and hour and a half. i got really bored, but luckily there were a couple people running around who were somewhat entertaining. i got one guy to dance outside amy's car for us. amy and kel were mortified, but i was encouraging him, so he kept going until traffic moved a little.

over all, it was a fun night, and now i get to tell everyone that i met the singer of nfg, and that he told me he had to pee. i am proud.

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[17 Jul 2001|10:26am]
the score is now...

tonsil infection: 6
me: 0

this is the sixth time i've had this damn tonsil infection since december. i'm supposed to get my tonsils taken out on the 27th, but i don't know if i can now that i'm sick again.

i am so tired of being sick.
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the world has turned and left me here... [08 Jul 2001|03:08pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | bt - godspeed (dj micro mix) ]

i've been pretty busy the last couple of days, and i've kind of abandoned this. oops.

last sunday lolly, janel, and i went to kel's for her family's fourth of july party. some of the kids that kelly babysits for were there too. the little girl, hannah, told us that her favourite animal is a chicken nugget. we watched aladdin and i said that jafar looks a lot like prince, so lolly found a magazine with a picture of prince in it and drew jafar's facial hair on him. it's an uncanny resemblance. i had to head out early because i had to work though.

speaking of work, i spent last tuesday morning putting postcards on top of books as they went down the line for mailing, and i was reading all of the names on them to keep myself somewhat entertained. i came across some pretty unfortunate names, but the best by far was some guy named "luz cannon." what would make this guy's parents do that? i mean, did they just sit down and say "hey! let's name our son 'loose cannon!' it'll be funny!" poor guy.

i went to cedar point with janel, meri, and their brother on the 4th. the lines weren't too long, and it wasn't too hot, so it was fun. i love the millennium force, that is such a great ride. janel's brother's friends spent like $40 each on those stupid carnival games. they ended up winning a bunch of stuffed animals, which i got to sit on a bench with while they went on the water rides (i didn't want to get soaked, i was wearing jeans). so i sat on a bench in the middle of cedar point with two pikachus, a mewtwo, a charizard, two snorlaxs, and a couple of the muppets. i felt like a retard. i also further embarrassed myself in front of janel by telling her that "i am the boss's son." daughter, i meant to say daughter. she got a laugh out of that one, but later that day she ran right into a garbage can, and i got to laugh at her. on the way home, meri got pulled over, but we only got a warning (thank god.)

i spent thursday out at my cottage. it was a little chilly, so i didn't go in the water, but my brother went wakeboarding. i just wanted to ride in the boat. it was nice.

friday i got new glasses. they're even nerdier than my last ones, and they have little rhinestones on the corners! rhinestones! wooo! later that night, i went and picked up janel. we started driving around aimlessly, but then i decided that i wanted a jones soda, and we went to farmer j. when we got back in the car, we decided that we were going mini-golfing, and we called lolly and kel to tell them that they were coming too. janel called lolly first and just said "you're going mini-golfing! are you excited?" lolly was kind of confused by our spontaneity, but she and kel both ended up coming. we went to the mini-golf course. lately, janel's favourite thing to say has been "blue balls," so she just had to have the blue golf ball. we then began our great golf adventure! lolly went first and shot the ball off of the golf course. a good start! we spent the entire time being completely retarded, climbing all over the props on the course, and royally sucking at golf. i think my final score was somewhere around 120. for 18 holes of putt-putt. i am the golf MASTER!. it's not like i was actually trying though.

janel found it hard to grasp the concept of my spongebob squarepants shoelaces. lolly had to explain things to her. the conversation went something like this:
janel: kt is wearing spongebob shoelaces today.
lolly: cool, i love spongebob squarepants.
janel: no, they're not pants, they're shoelaces.
lolly: ...but...no..."squarepants" is his name.
janel: but they're not pants, they're shoelaces.
lolly: ...

umm...i think that's about it...yeah.

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it's good to know that you all know i'm hurting... [02 Jul 2001|10:41am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | =w= - my name is jonas ]

Woo hoo! Retarded survey time!

( Read more... )

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[30 Jun 2001|01:37pm]
[ mood | disappointed ]
[ music | nerf herder - chewbacca, what a wookie ]

john digweed is playing at clutch cargo's tonight and i can't go.



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[28 Jun 2001|09:08am]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | blink-182 - m&m;'s ]

someone just left a message on my answering machine. in GERMAN. (or what i think is german.)

how strange.

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[27 Jun 2001|09:35pm]
"san dimas high school football RULES!"

i'm watching bill & ted's excellent adventure.

god help me.
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last night, i had a dream... [25 Jun 2001|02:30am]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | reggie and the full effect - another runaway song ]

i'm sick AGAIN. jesus. i don't understand this. starting in november, i've been sick like, every two weeks. maybe when i get my tonsils out this will stop. it's really starting to piss me off.

i was supposed to go to a party last night with kevin and brian, but we couldn't fucking find it. we drove around the ghetto for like two fucking hours, and up and down the cross streets like a hundred times, but to no avail. it probably just got cancelled. this was the ghetto ghetto, too. i mean the DETROIT ghetto. i guess that it's good that i didn't go though, i mean i'm really feeling shitty today, and i can't imagine how horrible i would have felt today if i were coming down and sick. i ended up just coming home and going to bed. i'm so boring. and so bored.

coldplay - shiver

so i look in your direction,
but you pay me no attention, do you?
i know you don't listen to me
'cause you say you see straight through me, don't you?

on and on from the moment i wake,
to the moment i sleep,
i'll be there by your side,
just you try and stop me.
i'll be waiting in line,
just to see if you care.

did you want me to change?
well i changed for good.
and i want you to know
that you'll always get your way.
i wanted to say,

don't you shiver?

i'll always be waiting for you,
so you know how much i need ya,
but you never even see me, do you?

and this is my final chance of getting you.

on and on from the moment i wake....
did you want me to change?...

sing it loud and clear.
i'll always be waiting for you. (x3)
yeah i'll always be waiting for you.
and it's you i see, but you don't see me.
and it's you i hear, so loud and clear.
i sing it loud and clear.
and i'll always be waiting for you.
so i look in your direction,
but you pay me no attention,
and you know how much i need you,
but you never even see me...

the story of my life... *sigh*

i need to sleep, so that i can get over this stupid cold/migraine/tonsil infection. going to bed now.

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[23 Jun 2001|11:34am]
i have found my people.
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think of me when you're coming down... [23 Jun 2001|02:41am]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | blur - young & lovely ]

what's this? mtv is playing...videos? videos that aren't on trl every fucking day? videos by travis and gorillaz? sweet jesus. i...i don't know what to say. it boggles the mind.

my parents' computer is driving me crazy. every time i want to scan something, the fucker shuts down. i know little about computers, but i've done everything i can think of to make it work, but it just won't. i think it's mocking me now. stupid computer! *smack*

lolly makes my brain hurt. she says the most random things and she has the best timing. in the car today, the backstreet boys (ick) song that goes "looking back on the things i've done..." came on. for some reason, no one changed the channel, and lolly started singing along, but she made up her own words. they were "looking back on the things i've eaten, i probably shouldn't have had that egg." she was completely zoned out at the time, she wasn't really thinking about what she was singing, and that is what she came up with.
it was really funny, but i guess you had to be there. so, yeah...

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i turned to look but you were gone... [22 Jun 2001|09:00am]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | bright eyes - haligh, haligh, a lie, haligh ]

i actually slept yesterday (this is good.)
but this means that i didn't accomplish any of the things that i was going to do (this is bad.)

oh well.

this morning at work, andrea and i spent about 2 hours coming up with ways to escape from work. some of the better ones involved:

-riding the motorized line down to shipping and running out the back door

-throwing a wrench into the stall (and ducking to avoid the flying machine parts that would ensue)

-figuring out how to shut down the power for the entire plant

-strategically hiding the books that we were working on throughout the plant (it would be like easter!)

-better yet, strategically hiding the books in the machines in such a way that they would have to be shut down for the night.

-"accidentally" setting the books on fire ("you meant that's not an ashtray?")

-starting a religion and taking days off as "religious holidays" (wasn't this on the simpsons once?)

-hot wiring a hi-lo and riding it to freedom! (a.k.a. "the parking lot")

-her suddenly developing narcolepsy, and me driving her home (i wouldn't want her to fall asleep while operating a machine or driving, now would i?)

-telling our manager that we had to leave because "jesus told us to."

hey, i didn't say that any of them were actually plausible ways to get out of work, did i?

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the house was gone, but the piano lingers on... [21 Jun 2001|08:28am]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | basement jaxx - romeo ]

brrrrr! my house is freezing today; my fingernails have turned blue because i'm so cold. it's about 95 degrees upstairs though. stupid jankety air conditioner.

i'm starting to get concerned about the damage that my job is doing to my hands. they always ache, the joints are really stiff, and i'm having trouble holding on to things with my right hand (the steering wheel, pencils, etc.). they shake too, and sometimes get really weak. i'm too young to get arthritis (i think), so i don't know what's wrong with them. it's really upsetting to me that i'm having such trouble with them because i've planned on being a surgeon for as long as i can remember, but i could never be a surgeon if my hands stay like this. i'm also worried about how this is affecting my art. i never have time to draw anymore, but i also think that i'm avoiding it because it has become painful to draw. i'm just praying that once i go back to school and stop working, they'll return to normal (which is still pretty fucked up).

i had a really interesting conversation with a woman at work today. i'm adopted, and somehow it came up in the conversation that we were having. i found out that she gave a son up for adoption 6 years ago. i'd never talked to anyone on the "giving up" side of the adoption before. it was interesting to hear her take on the whole thing. parts of it were awkward though; she asked me if i wanted to know who my biological parents are, and i had a hard time trying to figure out a way to say "no" without making her feel bad, because i got the impression that she would like her son to be curious about her, and to want to meet her. and here i am going "no, i really have no desire to meet them." i felt like i was telling her that the biological parents weren't important (which is not what i meant at all). it was just kind of weird.

i think it's going to be another one of those days where i can't fall asleep. stupid insomnia.

i might try to get a picture up on here for my little icon thingy today, but it depends on a couple things:
- first, i have to figure out how my parents' scanner works.
- second, i have to figure out how to make it the right size and everything.
- third, i can't let myself be lazy and sleep all day if i want to accomplish anything (that is, if i can sleep)
- and finally, the fourth (and most difficult) task: to find a picture that i don't look retarded in. (this is going to be very difficult)

i'm trying to figure out what to name my car. this is what it looks like:

any suggestions?

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