Anges' journal

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Wednesday, February 28th, 2001
11:27 pm
so i finally got off my ass and decided to start a webpage, so that the world can see my poetry and read about my life. pfft. it's still not done yet, but i wnated to get started on the journal right away cause i've got alot to say. At least maybe this way I can meet some grrls like me.

my english teacher is a fucking jerkoff. We have to read out of the text book and study sentence fragments and shit all the time, when all i want to do is write. Isn't that the point of english class anyway? Or maybe I'm the only who sees that? He's mean to me anyway because of the way I dress and stuff, well fuck him. He'll still be a nothing english teacher someday when im out doing big things or whatever. grrr.

oh well. back to webpaging.

current mood: bitchy
current music: Awful- Hole

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