Krhissy.'s LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]

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La la la.. [18 Mar 2002|05:43pm]
MusicIsEviL11: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Checker Pez: Darling. lol.
MusicIsEviL11: i love you so much
Checker Pez: I love you!!
MusicIsEviL11: im so glad were going out
Checker Pez: Really?? :)
Checker Pez: u sound like you're in a good mood.
MusicIsEviL11: i wanted a girlfriend for so long, and i was scared that u didnt like me
MusicIsEviL11: but ur perfect
Checker Pez: lol. :)
Checker Pez: Awww, I love you Ryan!!
MusicIsEviL11: sooooooo much
Checker Pez: :)
Checker Pez: eeee.
Checker Pez: I hope we stay together for a long time yet.
MusicIsEviL11: i know
MusicIsEviL11: me too
Checker Pez: My ass feels weird.
MusicIsEviL11: thats um nice
Checker Pez: SOrry to randomly interrupt.
Checker Pez: I've been sitting too long.
MusicIsEviL11: uh oh
Checker Pez: I just got finished with my math and stuff, so if u wanna
MusicIsEviL11: dear i cant wait untill sat
MusicIsEviL11: itl be our first oficial dance thing together
Checker Pez: I knowwww!! :) I'm excited too.
MusicIsEviL11: but the first part

Sorry, thought that was cute. :)
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[Last nite].. [17 Mar 2002|01:34pm]
Last night..

Okay, we all went up to Em's house.. then left there to GLC. Ahhh, it was cold. Anyway, hah. We get there at Gameworks, I'm wondering how it's gonna be since I've never been there.. so we walk up all these stairs and we arrive in this huge room with couches and all that fun stuff and it's like this whole room to ourselves for the party, and u open these doors and it's a balcony looking down on all the game stuff downstairs. It was awesome. Then I go out to the balcony and someone on a mic is like "And there is Krhissy Cojocari..". I freaked out wondering who it was and it was MIKE TRIPP, ha!! I'm just like.. "hmmmm hi. um yeah", lol. Kinda strange he works there, anyways.. then we have pizza and cake and open the gifts and stuff. Then Em's mom gives us all a Gameworks card for unlimited play for 2 hours. Dude, that was really nice of her. It was such a nice party. heh. So yeah, we played games and stuff for about 2 hours.. I didn't relaly get to be with Ryan most of the time so I was with Noodles, heh.

Then we all went home after that and went to Meg's house.. watched Amercian Pie 2.. blah!! I didn't really wanna watch it. :P SO blah blah. ANd yeah.

Today, I have no idea what I wanna do..
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[16 Mar 2002|02:48pm]
Partaaaaaay for Meg and Em today. RAD! It's at Gameworks, anyone been there!!? is it any fun?? lol. Party starts at like 6:30 then we go to GLC and stay there till like 9:30 then yeah, so I probably won't be home to write another journal entry if anyone cares, hah.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MICAH!! [I know I already told yah]. I'll tell yah again! :)
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!!!!!!!!!!!! [16 Mar 2002|09:46am]
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Crap/Local show.. yeeeee...!!! [15 Mar 2002|03:57pm]
Okay. Yessssss indeed. I went shopping around and bought lots of socks, underwear, lol.. and yeah.. I need lots of those.. and um, smore of those peach smints, b-day stuff for Meg and Em tomorrow.. 2 pairs of sandles [HA!] and um.. I know there's more.. eh oh well. Tonight there's a show at the skating center.. I'm gonna go there.. hopefully if I can. And yeah. That's my night planned so far.
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yup.. [14 Mar 2002|09:00pm]
oday was interesting. I had to swim the mile today. ~_~ it was kinda long and boring. We couldn't get any breaks at all to like catch my breath, but after like the first 30 laps, I was getting it pretty well. It wasn't so bad I guess. We had to swim 72 laps. I only made it to 67 before the bell rang. :( So I couldn't finish. But that's okay. Then my back was really sore for a little and I was soooo tired. Then I had to stay after school for the "make up" swim.. which was 20 minutes of laps.

Then after school I went home.. and blahhhhh. I'm tired.

Oh yeah. Incase I didn't tell yah, I have a new email and sn. My new email is ::* and my sn is obviously CheckerPez. heh. :)
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[13 Mar 2002|07:49pm]
Yeah. Boring day. Grrrr, I hate it when like Renee will tell me to be up at like 8:45 in the morning and I'm waiting there by the window until like around 9 when she actually does pick me up.. so then I'm staarving cuz I figured we'd go out to eat in the morning.. GRRRR. >.<

Anyway, Kart came over.. and I saw my neighbor outside who I haven't talked to in forever.. she's engaged to Eminems producer dude.. and she was all like "I just came back from Eminems house and I saw Dr. Dre".. and she's explaining all this's soo kool. She owns a store called Cinderella's Attic in like detroit I think.. it's so awesome. Like she's had so kmany bands just go down there and sign her wall and stuff.. she was telling me Weezer came to her store and stuff.. I was like.. whoa dude. Seriously, this stuff is all true. She's giving me passes to see Eminem's movie called "8-Mile".. for the premere of that.. so that's really kool. Movie premere.. RAD!! Anyway.. I g2g now..

Here's the link to her store.. if u wanna read about the bands and stuff that go to her store click on the "About Us" link..

Cinderella's Attic
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[12 Mar 2002|03:53pm]
Yeah. Tomorrow late start for school wednesday and thursday.. [school at 9:40 YEAH].. and no school friday.. could this week get any better!? PLus.. Nipon show on friday.. at the skating center.. but it's gonna be weird without Brad.. ~_~
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Long ass survey.. indeed, I have no life. [11 Mar 2002|07:55pm]

What time is it right now: 5:25 PM.
Full Name: Christina Marie Cojocari.
Name you go by in school: Krhissy.
Nicknames: KRH, Crackhead, SHIBBY, etc.
Nicknames you would like to have: Um, I don't know. :D
If you could change your first name what would it be: I kinda like my name..
If you could change your middle name what would it be: Blahhhhhh.
If you could change your last name what would it be: This question is getting a little old..
Are you a boy: Last time I checked I wasn't..
Are you a girl: YuP!!
Are you not sure: I'm pretty sure.
How old are you: 16.
What state do you live in: MI.
Would you ever have a sex change: Hell no.
What color is your hair right now: Dark blonde with highlights.
Is that the natural color: The dark blonde part.
What is the natural color: ^^
What color are your eyes right now: Hazel.
Do you have contacts: Yeah.
Are they color contacts: Nope.
Do you have glasses: Yup. Only wear them when I'm gonna be around the house all day.
Are you wearing them: Not the glasses but the contacts. I'm blind without them. o.o!
Do you have braces: Nope. Wish I had them long ago.
What color: . . . .
Do you have a retainer: Nope.
What grade are you in: 11th.
Have you repeated any grades: Nope.
Which ones: . . . .
Have you skipped any grades: Nope.
If so, which ones: . . . .
How many schools have you been to in the last year: 2. Rochester High School and now Stoney Creek.. >.<
In your whole life: 5, if u count schools being re-bulit and stuff.. :) Old and new Brooklands, Reuther, and the 2 stupid high schools..
What were the names of the middle schools: Reuther.
What were the names of the elementary schools: Brooklands.
What were the names of the high schools: Rochester High School and Stoney Creek HS..
Who was your favorite teacher ever: Damn.. that's hard. I liked Mrs. Mosquietz.. my elementary art teacher. :)
Who was your least favorite teacher ever: Mr. Vandam for freshman history..
If you could trade places with anyone in the world for one day who would you trade with: Dexter Holland's wife.
And why: I'd love to just spend a day with Dex and even have the chance to be with him on tour or somethin.. :)
When is your birthday: October 4th, 1985..
What sign are you: Libra..
Do you know anyone else who is this sign: My grandma. lol.
What is your favorite subject in school: Art baby. I'm a blow-off kid in school. :D
Why is this: 'cuz it's sooo EASY!! Well, sometimes. I like just messin around with paint and stuff, but I suck at it. x.x


What is your favorite sport to play: I don't really like to play anything.. ~_~
What is your favorite sport to watch: Pffffft!!
What is your favorite football team: Ugh.
What is your favorite basketball team: ::Thumbs down::
What is your favorite hockey team: ::Rolls eyes::
What is your favorite color: Orange and red.
What is your favorite single digit number: 6.
What is your favorite double digit number: 47.
Who is your favorite person in the world: I really don't know, lol
What is your favorite kind of food: Amercian.. I'm talkin hamburgers, all that good stuff.. etc.
What is your favorite food: 1 restaurant, Panera Bread!!!
What is your favorite fast food place: Burger King..
What is your favorite normal restaurant: Panera.
What is your favorite store: Pacific Sunwear and Abercrombie.
What is your favorite article of clothing: Either my hoodies, band shirts, or my Roxy Shirts.. [that's almost everything, lol]
What is your favorite kind of tic tac: I don't really like tic-tacs. I prefer ORBIT GUM!! ::fabulous, smiles::
What is your favorite soda pop: Mt. Dew or Dr. Pepper.
What is your favorite kind of drink: Those Strawberry slushis at Gloria Jean's Coffe shop, Raspberry Coolers at Caribou, Tazzleberrys at Starbucks, and Dole Paradise Blend..
What is your favorite kind of movie: Comedy..
What is your favorite movie: That's hard.. I reallly like BASEketball..
Why is this your favorite movie: It kicks ass, it's hilarious!!!
Do you like popcorn: Once in awhile..
What is your favorite band: The Offspring.
Why: They are just the kewlest bunch of guys, music kicks sooo much ass.. fehkhfejhkhfkjeh!!!
What is your second favorite band: ummm, I'd have to say No Use For A Name..
What is your favorite song: Right now?? I like "My December" by Linkin Park, "Defy You" by The Offspring.. and um.. lots more..
Why: Just cuz!!! I like those songs a lot.. whenver I hear 'em, I turn up the volume and jump on my bed pretending to play guitar.. J/k!! I just love em..
What is your favorite CD: For right now, Conspiracy Of One by The Offspring..
Why: Quit asking WHY!!!
What is your favorite animal: Flamingos!!
What is your favorite TV show: SNL.
Who is your favorite character on that show: Will Ferrel and Chris Kattan.. I loved Molly Shannon too, but she quit the show. :(
Where is your favorite place in the whole world: Um.. I don't know, lol.
Who is your favorite teacher: Right now?? I liked Mr. Guyor.. I had him last semester..
What was your favorite grade: An A of course, lol.
Who is your favorite actor: Adam Sandler, Seann Willian Scott.
Who is your favorite actress: Julia Stiles.
When was the best moment of your life: Sooo many, but one of them was Warped Tour 2001..
Why: Everyone who knows me knows the answer to that.. ^^
What is your favorite kind of veggie: I don't know..
What is your favorite kind of fruit: Pineapple..
What is your favorite comic: Family Circus. hahah


Who do you live with: My mom, dad, and brother..
What are your parent's names: Ted and Irene..
Are they: Married? Divorced? Remarried? Separated? Never married?: Married.
If you could choose, who would your parent's be: I like my parents. :)
Do you like your parents: Yup..
Do you have any siblings: ::frowns:: Yes...
What are they: A tall asshole-of-a-male brother, Mike.
Are they ugly: Yes indeed. But ppl say we look alike, and I piss on them if they say that, lol.
Are they older then you: Yup..
If so how old: 19..
Are they littler then you: . . . . .
If so how old: . . . .
Do your siblings creep you out as mine do: Of course..
Do you like your family: Yeah, 'cept my bro.
Who are your other relatives: Lots of other ppl.. Kim Konen and her family and my 2nd family tho. :)
Are they cool: Of course! I don't see them much tho. :(
Why or why not: I don't know. x.x
If you could adopt a friend which friend would you adopt: I've already done that!! Kimmy!!!
Why: 'cuz she's my sister and I love her. hehe.
Do you have any pets: Nope..
Do you have a dog: ^^
Do you have a cat: Are u stupid for asking that??
Do you have a hamster: . . ..
Do you have a rat: Someone was just trying to think of questions.. *_*
Do you have any mice: *sigh*
What is your dog's name: ---
What is your cat's name: ---
What is the hamster's name: ---
Rat and mice: ---
How old is your pet: ---
Who is your favorite uncle: Uncle Ed.. [how did this question get here randomly??]
Who is your favorite aunt: Aunt Henreietta.


Who is your best friend in the world: Noodles..
Who is your second best friend in the world: LAINA!! lol.
Who is your third best friend in the world: That's hard... ??
Who is your fourth best friend in the world: I don't know.. ??
Who is your 5th best friend in the world: . . . .

Which of your friends is the...

-Quietest: Kim..
-Loudest: Laina. :)
-Funniest: Everyone.. CRAZY RICH!!
-Sweetest: Ehh..
-Coolest: Everyone.
-Sexiest: Ryan and Laina.
-Dumbest: Michelle. [in a good way tho.] :)
-Annoying-est: Hmmm..
-Most likely to do drugs: Joe Land, but he does, so it's kool, lol.
-Most likely to get married: Everyone..
To who: Hayley and Matt..
-Cutest: There's a lot of those.. heh.
-Most like you: Laura Dysinski.
-Most important to you: A lot of ppl.
-Meanest: None really..
-Ugliest: That's mean.. lol.
-Going to become a teacher: Renee.
-Going to become president: Lauren Kome.. I mean, look at her sn, MizzPrezidentUSA.
-Going to work on TV as a reporter: I don't know..
-Going to be a movie star: Jean.
-Going to live on the street begging for dimes: Ehhh um, I don't know.
-Tallest: ChrisAKASuperman. :)
-Smallest: Justin Pendleton. But in a GOOD WAY!!
Name all of your friends: Must I!!?
If you had to date one of your friends which one would you date and why: I'm dating the one I've always wanted to since freshman year.. :)


Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend: Well, I'll even go back to elementary school days, lol.. it was Chris N.
Was he/she cool: He was to me in like 4th grade, lol.
Are you still going out with him/her: Hell no. I haven't seen the kid since like 5th grade..
Are you dating anyone right now: Yup..
Do you have a crush on anyone: Yup..
Who: My boyfriend, obviously..
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Yup..
Who is your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Ryan.
Why: 'cuz he's super kewwwwwl. lol. I've liked this kid forever..
Were you friends first: Yeah..
Are you married: Nope.. we're only 16, lol.
Why: Think about it.
Where was your first date: Ummm, lol. I can't remember, lol. He asked me out on Homecoming.. and um, Laina u know!! lol.
Was it a movie: Nope.. .
What movie: . . . .
Did you like that movie: . . . .
Do you even remember: Not really, lol.
Have you ever been on a date: Yeeeeeah.
Who was the first person that you ever loved: Mmm, I don't wanna go there.
Do you still love them: Over that shyt. >:)
Why or why not: 'cuz he turned out to be some asshole.. and he doesn't care about girls at all..
Who is the sexiest person in the world in your opinion: That's umm hard, lol.
Does size matter: um no, LOL.
Do looks matter: Not all the time. But it's a good thing..
Would you ever go on a blind date: Yeah!!
Would you move in with someone if you dating them: Eh??
Have you ever kissed someone that you aren't dating: Yup..
Have you ever cheated: I'll admit it, YES.
Would you ever cheat: Not anymore. NO.
If you could go back out with someone who you went out with before who would it be: Probably no one..
Why: It would be too weird breaking up, then being friends for a while, then going back out..
When was the last time you where hugged: Last night..
When was the last time you where kissed: Last night..
Ever kissed someone who was still eating: Ewww, nope, lol.

-Have you ever-

Cheated: Yessss, don't keep reminding me..
Gotten drunk: See above. ^^
On what: LOTS of unknown mixed drinks Adam's brother made..
Driven a car: Hasn't everyone??
What did you drive: A 2001 Neon SE.
Seen an R rated movie: Welll YEAH!!
Watched porn: Once, my bro made me kinda.. he was all like "LOOK"..
Kissed someone: Yup..
Played truth or dare: Yeah..
Lied to a teacher: Yup, lol.
Gotten caught: Hope not..
Shot a gun: A bee-bee gun, Hahahahah.
Killed something: Bugs, lol.
Mooned anyone: Indeed.
Been in a police car: I sat in one, lol.
When was this: Last year.
Been on a rollercoaster: Many times..
Laughed so hard you pissed your pants: Once in my life, lol.
When was this: At a party like a few years ago.
Started to cry in school: Mmm I did in elementary school..
When was this: ^^
Had sex: Nope. LOL.
Broken something that someone else owned and not told them: Yeah, probably..
Been beaten up: ::ashamed:: Yes, lol.
Beaten anyone up: Sometimes, lol.
Cried because of a movie: Probably..
Which movie: ... ??
Gotten grounded: Yup.. but now I only get the computer or car taken away for my groundings, lol.
Why: Cuz I fight with my brother and stuff.. stupid things.
Have you ever stayed up all night: Yup, I love doing that..
Ever peed in someone else's pool: Nope.

-Pick one-

Silver/Gold: Silver!!!!
Stars/the Moon: Stars!!!!!!
Fire/Water: Water.
Coke/Pepsi: I like both.
Gum/Tic tacs: ORBIT GUM.
Math/Geography: Math I guess.
Art/Science: Art.
Soccer/baseball: Soccer.
Big/little: um, little!!? lol.
Hungry/Thirsty: Thirsty.
News/Post: News.
Radio/CD: CD.
TV/movie: TV.
Bed/Chair: Bed.
Kitten/Puppy: Puppy.
Chocolate/vanilla: Chocolate..
High-heels/platforms: High heels.
Apples/Oranges: Oranges.
Going to the movies/Going to a party: PARTY!!!
Delivery/drive thru: Delivery [its the whole laziness aspect].
Mocha/frappuccino: I hate coffee. >.<
Cookie dough/Cookie dough ice cream: CD Ice cream.
Abercrombie/American eagle: ABERCROMBIE!!!
Pizza/Hambuger: Pizza.
Breakfast/lunch: Lunch.
Black/white: Black I guess.
Black and white/color: Color!!


What is the last thing you said: I don't remember..
Who is the last person that you talked to: my brother.
Are you listening to music: Yessss.
What song: "Denial, Revisited", by The Offspring.
Do you like that song: Yes, I love the whole CD.
Do you have homework: Nope, I'm skipping school right now. :)
Are you done with it: ...
How are you sitting right now: In a chair normally, lol.
What are you goals at the moment: Ummm, to get my ears gaged to a 4.
What time is it right now: 2:15.
What time did you start working on this: I don't know. I've been continueing this from like last week..
How long did it take you: . . .
Did you have fun: I had nothing else to do..
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Yeah blah. :( [11 Mar 2002|06:55pm]
That white shirt I bought from a&f..; damn it's tight!! I didn't realize it until I tried it on this morning AFTER I realized I ripped the tag off. I'm taking back the other one cuz it was too small just like the one I'm wearing. x.x I'll just never dry it cuz it'll shrink and I'll be screwed. heh.

Today was gay.. Ryan didn't say anything to me. With his evil little thing to ignore me. >.< Plus I didn't sit by him in math cuz I figured he wouldn't talk to me or anything.. Grrr. Oh yeah, yesterday I bought a pair of Checkered print shoes. RAD!! It was awesome. I'm so happy. Everyone thought I was crazy for wearing them. hehehe. Kart came over later.. we chilled ans hung out for a little.. and yeah. I don't know, I'm thinking about ending it with me and Ryan.. not really cuz of this whole mess, but plus we don't really communicate much anymore.. but our 5 month is coming up this friday, that's gonna suck. :( Blahhh. I don't know what I wanna do. Maybe things will work. We'll see. I still like him. :(
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Oops. [10 Mar 2002|05:31pm]
I just accidenly made that whole journal entry a full link, sorry guys, LOL.
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GRRRRRRR!!! [10 Mar 2002|05:29pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]

Click this link!!

Look at this convo.. [I spaced out everything I said so it's not so confusing to read]

MusicIsEviL11: if your not wearing abercrombie
MusicIsEviL11: exciting indeed

x CheckeredPEZ x: :-[

x CheckeredPEZ x: But but..

x CheckeredPEZ x: I wanna wear my red shirt tomorrow.. I want u to still be normal around me..
MusicIsEviL11: but nothin
MusicIsEviL11: its imposible

x CheckeredPEZ x: I don't think it even says Abercrombie on it..
x CheckeredPEZ x: Not all shirts say a&f; on the,m

MusicIsEviL11: i know
MusicIsEviL11: its from there

x CheckeredPEZ x: You didn't really see the shirts I bought yesterday.. did you?

MusicIsEviL11: i dindt want to

x CheckeredPEZ x: Ryan.. come on.. please.. it makes me really sad when u yoiu don't talk to me..

MusicIsEviL11: it makes me realy mad when you wear that

x CheckeredPEZ x: it's just a shirt!

MusicIsEviL11: its just talking

x CheckeredPEZ x: eh? o.o
MusicIsEviL11: its not a just a shirt

x CheckeredPEZ x: I understand how it makes u mad and stuff.. I just wish u didn't still think aobut it when I wear it.

MusicIsEviL11: you shouldent wear it, i know a lot of people besides me who are pissed to

x CheckeredPEZ x: Like who??

MusicIsEviL11: i dont know thier name
MusicIsEviL11: s
MusicIsEviL11: but like random peaople walk up to me and say it

x CheckeredPEZ x: Those ppl suck.

MusicIsEviL11: some of those ppl are my friends

x CheckeredPEZ x: What do they say?
x CheckeredPEZ x: Now I'm confused.

MusicIsEviL11: "dude one day i saw your gf all punk and the next day she was wear ing all bitch clothes, you should dump her"

x CheckeredPEZ x: Who said that??
x CheckeredPEZ x: Are u going to listen to them??

MusicIsEviL11: a girl i know

x CheckeredPEZ x: So, it doesn't make me a differnt person if I wear that stuff..
x CheckeredPEZ x: Who??

MusicIsEviL11: an not the last part

x CheckeredPEZ x: I wanna know.
MusicIsEviL11: im not telling

x CheckeredPEZ x: Please!!!
x CheckeredPEZ x: I wanna know..!!!

MusicIsEviL11: like 30 people said the exact same thing

x CheckeredPEZ x: Who?
x CheckeredPEZ x: come on tell me!!

MusicIsEviL11: i dont even know most of thir names

x CheckeredPEZ x: tell mei i wanna know..

MusicIsEviL11: too bad
MusicIsEviL11: youl get mad at them

x CheckeredPEZ x: no i wont.
x CheckeredPEZ x: tell me.
x CheckeredPEZ x: i won't tell them.

MusicIsEviL11: ing partsome didnt say the dump
MusicIsEviL11: *some didnt say the dumping part

x CheckeredPEZ x: so..i still wanan know who it id.

MusicIsEviL11: little mickey
MusicIsEviL11: lindsay pitman
MusicIsEviL11: kc faudie
MusicIsEviL11: jess prico
MusicIsEviL11: zac
MusicIsEviL11: ME
MusicIsEviL11: ben
MusicIsEviL11: that one kid with the glases

x CheckeredPEZ x: Lindsay.. KC.. ::barf::

MusicIsEviL11: this kid at lunch who sits at our table

x CheckeredPEZ x: Jess.. bahh.

MusicIsEviL11: they are friends of mine

x CheckeredPEZ x: Def. not friends of mine..

MusicIsEviL11: why not

x CheckeredPEZ x: Those ppl don't like me for no reason. ^^

MusicIsEviL11: thier noce
x CheckeredPEZ x: ^^
x CheckeredPEZ x: Not to me.

MusicIsEviL11: *nice
MusicIsEviL11: not tue

x CheckeredPEZ x: Indeed true.
x CheckeredPEZ x: Ben said he doesnt mind how I dress..

MusicIsEviL11: they dont like you NOW, be cause of this
MusicIsEviL11: ye does tho

x CheckeredPEZ x: That's bullshit.

MusicIsEviL11: um no

x CheckeredPEZ x: You don't like someone cuz of how they dress..
x CheckeredPEZ x: Pure bullshit.
x CheckeredPEZ x: That's being 1 big judgemental asshole.
x CheckeredPEZ x: Hmm okay let's see.. I don't wear a&f; everyday..

MusicIsEviL11: what if someone who wore abercrombie everyday tried to be all punk

x CheckeredPEZ x: it's like they think I'm a differnt person wearing it..
x CheckeredPEZ x: SO what!!!

MusicIsEviL11: you ARE
MusicIsEviL11: different people wear it

x CheckeredPEZ x: I'm not different..

MusicIsEviL11: yes you are

x CheckeredPEZ x: How am I wearing a&f;??!!

MusicIsEviL11: you talk to different people you act different

x CheckeredPEZ x: So do u hate my other punk friends who wear a&f; occasinally?
x CheckeredPEZ x: No I don't..
x CheckeredPEZ x: Bullshit RYan..

MusicIsEviL11: peoples opinion of you change
MusicIsEviL11: your a diferent person

x CheckeredPEZ x: I still listen to the same music and still have the same friends pretty much..

MusicIsEviL11: yeah thier posers

x CheckeredPEZ x: WHo's a poser?
x CheckeredPEZ x: ???

Auto response from MusicIsEviL11: eating diner, brb

x CheckeredPEZ x: Just leave!!!
x CheckeredPEZ x: They're a poser for wearing a&f..; PFFFFFFFFT!!
x CheckeredPEZ x: Ryan, this is STUPID!!!
x CheckeredPEZ x: this whole convo is STUPID!!!!!
x CheckeredPEZ x: You thinking that me wearing a&f; makes me a different persona dn makes u not like me, THAT IS STUPID!!

MusicIsEviL11: i do agree
MusicIsEviL11: and i just shruged

x CheckeredPEZ x: :-(
x CheckeredPEZ x: okay well whatever.
x CheckeredPEZ x: just agree with everyone else then.
x CheckeredPEZ x: I thought u were better than this Ryan.. !!!
x CheckeredPEZ x: Why does it matter?

MusicIsEviL11: im not agreeing with them just to agree, that my opinion
MusicIsEviL11: it matters alot to me

x CheckeredPEZ x: This doesn;t mean I'm a different person..

MusicIsEviL11: it does tho

x CheckeredPEZ x: jkhnkgjhkrjhgkjrhkj

I went a little crazy at one point.. but who agrees with me?? Or agrees with him?? Please, everyone who reads this please comment.

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[last Night] [09 Mar 2002|11:25am]
Okay.. we went to the mall, then at Meg's house, Hayley, Matt, and Em randomly show up, haha. So yeah. Meg's mom came home.. then we're all off to the mall. I went in Meg's car with Zac, em, and Ryan.. and Hayley and Matt are alone in their car. I agreed with Em, for some reason, it felt like we were going to a concert..

Anyway.. We went around everywhere. I had to stop at Abercrombie.. Zac and Ryan refused to walk in.. I bought that red shirt I wanted and this cartoon type shirt.. then Ryan was being a prick and was complaining how much he doesn't like Abercrombie and how he doesn't like it on me.. it was getting to me. >.< He was making all these remarks the whole time and wasn't talking. So yeah. Then I was looking at shoes for Sadies and I just have to come back with my mom, lol. Then I saw these AWESOME SHOES.. they were slip ons with a CHECKER print!! OMG!!!!!! I'm getting those next time I go there..

Then after we all went out to eat at Steak and Shake.. then um.. well.. we went back to Megs house afterwards.. didn't stay that long.. so then I was dropped off.. and yeah. :)
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[last nite].. [09 Mar 2002|11:24am]
[ music | The sound of rain. :) ]

Okay.. we went to the mall, then at Meg's house, Hayley, Matt, and Em randomly show up, haha. So yeah. Meg's mom came home.. then we're all off to the mall. I went in Meg's car with Zac, em, and Ryan.. and Hayley and Matt are alone in their car. I agreed with Em, for some reason, it felt like we were going to a concert..

Anyway.. We went around everywhere. I had to stop at Abercrombie.. Zac and Ryan refused to walk in.. I bought that red shirt I wanted and this cartoon type shirt.. then Ryan was being a prick and was complaining how much he doesn't like Abercrombie and how he doesn't like it on me.. it was getting to me. >.< He was making all these remarks the whole time and wasn't talking. So yeah. Then I was looking at shoes for Sadies and I just have to come back with my mom, lol. Then I saw these AWESOME SHOES.. they were slip ons with a CHECKER print!! OMG!!!!!! I'm getting those next time I go there..

Then after we all went out to eat at Steak and Shake.. then um.. well.. we went back to Megs house afterwards.. didn't stay that long.. so then I was dropped off.. and yeah. :)

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Survey.. [09 Mar 2002|11:10am]
The "4 Things" Survey...

4 things you would eat on the last day of your life:

1 of Panera's sandwiches..
A whopper with cheese from BK..
A big ass sub from Subway..
And Jet Bread from Jet's Pizza. :)

4 CDs from your collection that you will never get
tired of:

The Offspring ~ Conspiracy Of One.
No Use For A Name ~ More Betterness!
Nipon ~ The Judgement.

4 movies that you watch over and over:

Billy Madison.
10 Things I Hate About You.

4 vacations you have taken:

Florida. [Disneyworld!!]
Does Grandma's house count?? :P
[Insert something clever here.]

4 songs you get stuck in your head frequently:

That "Hey Mister" song.. I forgot who it's by..
Dashboard Confessional ~ Screaming Infedelities.
The Offspring ~ Defy You.
Just the 2 words of Ludacris.. "Roll OUT"..

4 things you'd like to learn:

To play drums better..
To hack better..
To memorize FASTER.. <-- [Not school related. heh.]
And um.. I don't know.

4 beverages you drink frequently:

Paradise Blend.
Mt. Dew.
Clearly Canadian Cherry Water.
And um.. Coke.

4 TV shows that you liked when you were a kid:

Muppet Babies.
Donald Duck.

4 things to do when you're bored:

Go out somewhere..
Go online..
Eat and watch TV. :)

4 things that never fail to cheer you up:

My friends.
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[08 Mar 2002|04:23pm]
Yeah. well.. um. Bored. yup.. uh huh.. yes sireee. indeed..

I'm going to the mall tonight with Ryan, Meg, and Zac.. yup. I need. clothes.
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Well.. dammit. [07 Mar 2002|06:50pm]
I can't take my road test till March 30th. Grrr. I have to wait THAT LONG. THen I go to the Secretary Of State on that follwing Monday which is April 1st, APRIL FOOLS. DAMMIT!! I'm pissed. That day should go to hell. I know my mom and everyone is gonna play all these gay pranks and shyt.. I won't be in the mood that day.. I'll just want my license!!!!
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[07 Mar 2002|03:52pm]
My back really hurts.. and I have those stupid red dots on my chin still from the dermatologist. x.x

"Hey mister, I really like your daughter.." I had that song stuck in my head allllll day today. :) It always makes me think of Crazy Rich whenever I hear it. My mom is actually FINALLY scheduling my road test!! hah. Tune in next time to my journal and see when the date is.. ::gasp:: I know u guys are all excited about it. ::sarcastic tone::
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"Then I would be good.." [06 Mar 2002|05:26pm]
Yeah. Dermatologist after school. >.< Actually ~ I wanted to go cuz I have these disgusting black heads on my nose.. it's gross. I wanna have like the clearest face ever, hah. Like movie-star wise. Like that's gonna happen with me. ~_~ He gave me this cream stuff that'll take 'em away.. and before that he like too these like tweezer thingys and like dug into my chin taking the blackheads out.. it um.. hurt!! I didn't cry or anything.. it just made me eyes water, hahahah. Now there's all these random red marks from where he took all of it out. Looks like I have a bllion little zits. Grrrrreat.

Then before that I forgot to mention, my mom took me out to Panera without be nagging her about it.. cuz I got a good interum.. which seems stupid cuz why get interums if they're good.. eh. o.o
I'm getting an A- in Painting, B in Government, and C in Math, hah. She was kinda "blah" about the C.. but she's still a proud mommy anyways. Creative Writing and whatever else I'm missing wasn't listed.. so whatever. I must be doing good in whatever else.

Then went to Target to get some lipstick for the dance.. it's like that Mabelline Diamond thingy.. it's shiny and has sparkles in it. :D Plus those smoothies chapstick thingys and those Smints peach flavored. ::Mmmm:: they're so good. I'm probably not gonna do anything else today..
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[05 Mar 2002|04:17pm]
Yesterday was dumb and boring..

I have the worst cold known to man.. >.< It's nasty.. I sneeze.. then it's hell for a tissue. By the way.. I need a new backpack thingy.. like one of those that look like oversized purses.. so it's not really a backpack.. it's more of like a bag type thing. Yeah. Anyway, Meg talked me into going to the Sadie Hawkins dance coming up. ~_~ I guess I'll go.. Ryan was alright with it.. I just need shoes that'll match the dress I have.. which consists of brite orange, green, and yellow. :D Yeah soooo.. okay.
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