Long ass survey.. indeed, I have no life. |
[11 Mar 2002|07:55pm] |
What time is it right now: 5:25 PM. Full Name: Christina Marie Cojocari. Name you go by in school: Krhissy. Nicknames: KRH, Crackhead, SHIBBY, etc. Nicknames you would like to have: Um, I don't know. :D If you could change your first name what would it be: I kinda like my name.. If you could change your middle name what would it be: Blahhhhhh. If you could change your last name what would it be: This question is getting a little old.. Are you a boy: Last time I checked I wasn't.. Are you a girl: YuP!! Are you not sure: I'm pretty sure. How old are you: 16. What state do you live in: MI. Would you ever have a sex change: Hell no. What color is your hair right now: Dark blonde with highlights. Is that the natural color: The dark blonde part. What is the natural color: ^^ What color are your eyes right now: Hazel. Do you have contacts: Yeah. Are they color contacts: Nope. Do you have glasses: Yup. Only wear them when I'm gonna be around the house all day. Are you wearing them: Not the glasses but the contacts. I'm blind without them. o.o! Do you have braces: Nope. Wish I had them long ago. What color: . . . . Do you have a retainer: Nope. What grade are you in: 11th. Have you repeated any grades: Nope. Which ones: . . . . Have you skipped any grades: Nope. If so, which ones: . . . . How many schools have you been to in the last year: 2. Rochester High School and now Stoney Creek.. >.< In your whole life: 5, if u count schools being re-bulit and stuff.. :) Old and new Brooklands, Reuther, and the 2 stupid high schools.. What were the names of the middle schools: Reuther. What were the names of the elementary schools: Brooklands. What were the names of the high schools: Rochester High School and Stoney Creek HS.. Who was your favorite teacher ever: Damn.. that's hard. I liked Mrs. Mosquietz.. my elementary art teacher. :) Who was your least favorite teacher ever: Mr. Vandam for freshman history.. If you could trade places with anyone in the world for one day who would you trade with: Dexter Holland's wife. And why: I'd love to just spend a day with Dex and even have the chance to be with him on tour or somethin.. :) When is your birthday: October 4th, 1985.. What sign are you: Libra.. Do you know anyone else who is this sign: My grandma. lol. What is your favorite subject in school: Art baby. I'm a blow-off kid in school. :D Why is this: 'cuz it's sooo EASY!! Well, sometimes. I like just messin around with paint and stuff, but I suck at it. x.x
What is your favorite sport to play: I don't really like to play anything.. ~_~ What is your favorite sport to watch: Pffffft!! What is your favorite football team: Ugh. What is your favorite basketball team: ::Thumbs down:: What is your favorite hockey team: ::Rolls eyes:: What is your favorite color: Orange and red. What is your favorite single digit number: 6. What is your favorite double digit number: 47. Who is your favorite person in the world: I really don't know, lol What is your favorite kind of food: Amercian.. I'm talkin hamburgers, all that good stuff.. etc. What is your favorite food: 1 restaurant, Panera Bread!!! What is your favorite fast food place: Burger King.. What is your favorite normal restaurant: Panera. What is your favorite store: Pacific Sunwear and Abercrombie. What is your favorite article of clothing: Either my hoodies, band shirts, or my Roxy Shirts.. [that's almost everything, lol] What is your favorite kind of tic tac: I don't really like tic-tacs. I prefer ORBIT GUM!! ::fabulous, smiles:: What is your favorite soda pop: Mt. Dew or Dr. Pepper. What is your favorite kind of drink: Those Strawberry slushis at Gloria Jean's Coffe shop, Raspberry Coolers at Caribou, Tazzleberrys at Starbucks, and Dole Paradise Blend.. What is your favorite kind of movie: Comedy.. What is your favorite movie: That's hard.. I reallly like BASEketball.. Why is this your favorite movie: It kicks ass, it's hilarious!!! Do you like popcorn: Once in awhile.. What is your favorite band: The Offspring. Why: They are just the kewlest bunch of guys, music kicks sooo much ass.. fehkhfejhkhfkjeh!!! What is your second favorite band: ummm, I'd have to say No Use For A Name.. What is your favorite song: Right now?? I like "My December" by Linkin Park, "Defy You" by The Offspring.. and um.. lots more.. Why: Just cuz!!! I like those songs a lot.. whenver I hear 'em, I turn up the volume and jump on my bed pretending to play guitar.. J/k!! I just love em.. What is your favorite CD: For right now, Conspiracy Of One by The Offspring.. Why: Quit asking WHY!!! What is your favorite animal: Flamingos!! What is your favorite TV show: SNL. Who is your favorite character on that show: Will Ferrel and Chris Kattan.. I loved Molly Shannon too, but she quit the show. :( Where is your favorite place in the whole world: Um.. I don't know, lol. Who is your favorite teacher: Right now?? I liked Mr. Guyor.. I had him last semester.. What was your favorite grade: An A of course, lol. Who is your favorite actor: Adam Sandler, Seann Willian Scott. Who is your favorite actress: Julia Stiles. When was the best moment of your life: Sooo many, but one of them was Warped Tour 2001.. Why: Everyone who knows me knows the answer to that.. ^^ What is your favorite kind of veggie: I don't know.. What is your favorite kind of fruit: Pineapple.. What is your favorite comic: Family Circus. hahah
Who do you live with: My mom, dad, and brother.. What are your parent's names: Ted and Irene.. Are they: Married? Divorced? Remarried? Separated? Never married?: Married. If you could choose, who would your parent's be: I like my parents. :) Do you like your parents: Yup.. Do you have any siblings: ::frowns:: Yes... What are they: A tall asshole-of-a-male brother, Mike. Are they ugly: Yes indeed. But ppl say we look alike, and I piss on them if they say that, lol. Are they older then you: Yup.. If so how old: 19.. Are they littler then you: . . . . . If so how old: . . . . Do your siblings creep you out as mine do: Of course.. Do you like your family: Yeah, 'cept my bro. Who are your other relatives: Lots of other ppl.. Kim Konen and her family and my 2nd family tho. :) Are they cool: Of course! I don't see them much tho. :( Why or why not: I don't know. x.x If you could adopt a friend which friend would you adopt: I've already done that!! Kimmy!!! Why: 'cuz she's my sister and I love her. hehe. Do you have any pets: Nope.. Do you have a dog: ^^ Do you have a cat: Are u stupid for asking that?? Do you have a hamster: . . .. Do you have a rat: Someone was just trying to think of questions.. *_* Do you have any mice: *sigh* What is your dog's name: --- What is your cat's name: --- What is the hamster's name: --- Rat and mice: --- How old is your pet: --- Who is your favorite uncle: Uncle Ed.. [how did this question get here randomly??] Who is your favorite aunt: Aunt Henreietta.
Who is your best friend in the world: Noodles.. Who is your second best friend in the world: LAINA!! lol. Who is your third best friend in the world: That's hard... ?? Who is your fourth best friend in the world: I don't know.. ?? Who is your 5th best friend in the world: . . . .
Which of your friends is the...
-Quietest: Kim.. -Loudest: Laina. :) -Funniest: Everyone.. CRAZY RICH!! -Sweetest: Ehh.. -Coolest: Everyone. -Sexiest: Ryan and Laina. -Dumbest: Michelle. [in a good way tho.] :) -Annoying-est: Hmmm.. -Most likely to do drugs: Joe Land, but he does, so it's kool, lol. -Most likely to get married: Everyone.. To who: Hayley and Matt.. -Cutest: There's a lot of those.. heh. -Most like you: Laura Dysinski. -Most important to you: A lot of ppl. -Meanest: None really.. -Ugliest: That's mean.. lol. -Going to become a teacher: Renee. -Going to become president: Lauren Kome.. I mean, look at her sn, MizzPrezidentUSA. -Going to work on TV as a reporter: I don't know.. -Going to be a movie star: Jean. -Going to live on the street begging for dimes: Ehhh um, I don't know. -Tallest: ChrisAKASuperman. :) -Smallest: Justin Pendleton. But in a GOOD WAY!! Name all of your friends: Must I!!? If you had to date one of your friends which one would you date and why: I'm dating the one I've always wanted to since freshman year.. :)
Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend: Well, I'll even go back to elementary school days, lol.. it was Chris N. Was he/she cool: He was to me in like 4th grade, lol. Are you still going out with him/her: Hell no. I haven't seen the kid since like 5th grade.. Are you dating anyone right now: Yup.. Do you have a crush on anyone: Yup.. Who: My boyfriend, obviously.. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Yup.. Who is your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Ryan. Why: 'cuz he's super kewwwwwl. lol. I've liked this kid forever.. Were you friends first: Yeah.. Are you married: Nope.. we're only 16, lol. Why: Think about it. Where was your first date: Ummm, lol. I can't remember, lol. He asked me out on Homecoming.. and um, Laina u know!! lol. Was it a movie: Nope.. . What movie: . . . . Did you like that movie: . . . . Do you even remember: Not really, lol. Have you ever been on a date: Yeeeeeah. Who was the first person that you ever loved: Mmm, I don't wanna go there. Do you still love them: Over that shyt. >:) Why or why not: 'cuz he turned out to be some asshole.. and he doesn't care about girls at all.. Who is the sexiest person in the world in your opinion: That's umm hard, lol. Does size matter: um no, LOL. Do looks matter: Not all the time. But it's a good thing.. Would you ever go on a blind date: Yeah!! Would you move in with someone if you dating them: Eh?? Have you ever kissed someone that you aren't dating: Yup.. Have you ever cheated: I'll admit it, YES. Would you ever cheat: Not anymore. NO. If you could go back out with someone who you went out with before who would it be: Probably no one.. Why: It would be too weird breaking up, then being friends for a while, then going back out.. When was the last time you where hugged: Last night.. When was the last time you where kissed: Last night.. Ever kissed someone who was still eating: Ewww, nope, lol.
-Have you ever-
Cheated: Yessss, don't keep reminding me.. Gotten drunk: See above. ^^ On what: LOTS of unknown mixed drinks Adam's brother made.. Driven a car: Hasn't everyone?? What did you drive: A 2001 Neon SE. Seen an R rated movie: Welll YEAH!! Watched porn: Once, my bro made me kinda.. he was all like "LOOK".. Kissed someone: Yup.. Played truth or dare: Yeah.. Lied to a teacher: Yup, lol. Gotten caught: Hope not.. Shot a gun: A bee-bee gun, Hahahahah. Killed something: Bugs, lol. Mooned anyone: Indeed. Been in a police car: I sat in one, lol. When was this: Last year. Been on a rollercoaster: Many times.. Laughed so hard you pissed your pants: Once in my life, lol. When was this: At a party like a few years ago. Started to cry in school: Mmm I did in elementary school.. When was this: ^^ Had sex: Nope. LOL. Broken something that someone else owned and not told them: Yeah, probably.. Been beaten up: ::ashamed:: Yes, lol. Beaten anyone up: Sometimes, lol. Cried because of a movie: Probably.. Which movie: ... ?? Gotten grounded: Yup.. but now I only get the computer or car taken away for my groundings, lol. Why: Cuz I fight with my brother and stuff.. stupid things. Have you ever stayed up all night: Yup, I love doing that.. Ever peed in someone else's pool: Nope.
-Pick one-
Silver/Gold: Silver!!!! Stars/the Moon: Stars!!!!!! Fire/Water: Water. Coke/Pepsi: I like both. Gum/Tic tacs: ORBIT GUM. Math/Geography: Math I guess. Art/Science: Art. Soccer/baseball: Soccer. Big/little: um, little!!? lol. Hungry/Thirsty: Thirsty. News/Post: News. Radio/CD: CD. TV/movie: TV. Bed/Chair: Bed. Kitten/Puppy: Puppy. Chocolate/vanilla: Chocolate.. High-heels/platforms: High heels. Apples/Oranges: Oranges. Going to the movies/Going to a party: PARTY!!! Delivery/drive thru: Delivery [its the whole laziness aspect]. Mocha/frappuccino: I hate coffee. >.< Cookie dough/Cookie dough ice cream: CD Ice cream. Abercrombie/American eagle: ABERCROMBIE!!! Pizza/Hambuger: Pizza. Breakfast/lunch: Lunch. Black/white: Black I guess. Black and white/color: Color!!
What is the last thing you said: I don't remember.. Who is the last person that you talked to: my brother. Are you listening to music: Yessss. What song: "Denial, Revisited", by The Offspring. Do you like that song: Yes, I love the whole CD. Do you have homework: Nope, I'm skipping school right now. :) Are you done with it: ... How are you sitting right now: In a chair normally, lol. What are you goals at the moment: Ummm, to get my ears gaged to a 4. What time is it right now: 2:15. What time did you start working on this: I don't know. I've been continueing this from like last week.. How long did it take you: . . . Did you have fun: I had nothing else to do..