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[01 Aug 2001|05:23am]
[ mood | discontent ]
[ music | Dashboard Confessional- Shirts and Gloves ]

so today was pretty cool.
i did a lot of first time things today.
today is the first time i've met some girls and in the same day seen their boobs, touched their boobs, kissed/made out with them, and had had them sleep over.
pretty cool shit.
so we went to this like chicks house and chilled and shit and ya blah blah blah.
i got pretty drunk.
i think people like me more when im drunk.
im a lot funner when im drunk.
but ya i was drunk for quite a while... it rocked.
so we were at that chicks house til 4 something and she finally got home and we left. and then we came over to kris's and now we're just chillin the chicks are chillin fuckin brian or something.
me and mark are chillin n shit. ya whatever.
im not gonna sleep tonite.
im just gonna i dunno chill here til like 9 then go home and then i dunno go to dennys for breakfast i think.

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I LOVE CHINA! [28 Jul 2001|01:11am]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Reggie- Where's Your Heart ]

damn right.
so uhhh im bored.
im tired.
i have to fucking work tomorrow 11-6.
ive noticed that work is making my social life somewhat shitty. whenever someones asks me to do something i so want to but of course i always have to work. but whatever at least i have money and can buy stupid shit i will throw away. so its all good.
everyones at maries.
im not.
i had to work.
eff that.
my stomach is burning inside.
it's weird.
i think its cause it was empty and i drank some soda.
that's pretty cool n shit.
ive noticed after almost every sentence i go to the next line.
thats pretty weird.
i dont really mean to do it
i just kinda do.
this is dumb.
i've got too much on my mind and it's making me all confused and shit.
stuff should get un-confusing or something.
uhhhh. i emailed one hump chump and asked them if they wanted to play the show with the sloppy meateaters and they said ya. so thats cool cause they bring in big crowds and really promote stuff.
we might be palying that show with new members if all works out.

xLessThanBrianx: i think our band should be called.....the won ton soup eating kung fu fighting chinese munker chunkers

good kid that brian.
alrite im gonna go chill n shit.

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.................... [27 Jul 2001|01:16pm]
[ mood | infuriated ]
[ music | Reggie- Megan Is my Friend to the Max ]

so ya i can't fucking take this shit anymore.
i can't fucking take my parents shit anymore.
i get home last night and my dad tells me to come up stairs. he smells me and tells me i was smoking and stuff which i wasn't. i had one cigarette like 10 hours before that and he smelt my left hand and said it smelled like tobacco. thats funny because i never hold cigarettes in my left hand. but anyways my mom starts fucking spazzing out on me saying that im turning into like a "bad kid" or some shit like that and that my friends are influencing me in a bad way.and then they were saying that im acting different because of mark. how the fuck is that dude. they were all "mark smokes doesnt he?" and shit like that. and man thats so fucking stupid because mark DOESNT smoke. and im not influenced by mark in a bad way at all. and its just so fucking stupid and i dont remember the rest of the shit. but im like grounded for like 2 weeks or something because i "make my own rules and dont follow my parents" and i "have no respect for anyone or anything"
and then of course my mom as usual also blames it on music. hahahaha thats the stupidest fucking shit ive ever heard. but whatever.
so to sum things up i can't take my parents anymore and i want to kill them.
that's about it.
and then my mom just pissed me off SOOOO much when she said something which i don't remember. and i just yelled some obsenities at her walked out and punched the wall really really hard. it was pretty cool.
cause they didnt say anything after that.
god damn my parents are so fucking ignorant and fucking stupid ahhhhhhhhhh!!!
alrite it's not like anyone cares anyways.

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fuck you livejournal [24 Jul 2001|11:08am]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Dashboard Confessional- Screaming Infidelities ]

so finally this piece of shit wants to work.
god damn.
so ya i was gonna write about how damn good my weekend was but i forgot pretty much everything while waiting for this fucker to work.
i remember going to vagrant.
that was a damn good show.
but all the bands played short sets and that kinda sucked and it was hot as a fucker.
but dashboard was really good and alkaline trio fucking rocked. saves the day kinda dissapointed me. i like them a lot but their live show is pretty shitty. and hot rod circuit was good. the lead guitarist is crazy man all jumpin everywhere and shit.
so i had fun.

i have to go to work in like 20 min. fucking 12-7.
i have passed my drivers training test. woooohooo.
actually i failed the first time and came in to retake it today and i passed.
im bored.
i wanna do something after work. anyone up for the doing of something. ok cool.

man this song is so fucking good.
it just makes me all.... uhh i dunno.
ya this is dumb.

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uhhh uhhhh......... [21 Jul 2001|12:25am]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Saves the Day- Sell My Old Clothes ]

ya i really don't feel like writing in here. so im just gonna summarize my night in a paragraph
drove, kris picked me up,went to mark, saw laura and amanda, got dan, went to dennys, went to salibas, swam, watched jurrasic park, went to buy ciggarettes with mark and kris and we sang greenday songs all hardcore, came back to salibas, went home.

thats about it.

i work tomorrow
sunday is vagrant... fuck ya.

im tired.
i dont feel like sleeping.
i feel weird.

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show us your tits!! [19 Jul 2001|11:28am]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | BLink 182- Give me One Good Reason ]

man last night fucking rocked.
we went there.
got in line to get in and the bitch says we can't have chains so me mark and will had to go back to the car and put our chains in the car.
so i had my ticket on this frisbee i took from the 89x guy and i asked will to hold it with the ticket on it and the cock must have dropped it cause when i got the frisbee back NO TICKET.
fucking shit ass.
so we came back and i told the guy i lost my ticket and he was all ok go in.
so we got in and walked for about 5 min and i saw Ian so i got my shoe signed by him and then i saw Steve and he signed my shoe too. and then i saw jordan and ya he signed my shoe too.
so then we saw corn and maria and some people and made fun of them cause they had lawn. hahaha.
then we went to our seats to chill for a bit and watched the opening band bodyjar.
they were pretty good. a bunch of aussies.
so then we went and chilled for a bit and NFG came on. oh ya i saw dave and debbie and andrea.
so anyways we went to our seats and we saw mikes cousin Brian so we chilled with him and watched NFG.
they were pretty damn good but you can't really enjoy a show at DTE with the fucking seats so it wasn't that fun.
then we went and sat down by brian and waited for blink. then blink came on.
it was a pretty good show. they had all this pyrotechnics shit and it was pretty fucking cool.
they played carousel which is like their best song. and some chick showed her boobs and mark(hoppus) was all ya she showed me her boobs n shit.
so ya it was a good show. and then we left and went to the parking lot and didnt want to leave so we decided to go ask people for beer and stuff.
so we went and there were a bunch of girls flashing people.
it fucking rocked.
we saw about 4 pairs of boobs then went back to the car to get curt and jeff and then saw some mor boobs. and then we found these guys that fucking rocked. they were like in their 30's and were drunk and shit and were all you guys are cool and gave us beer and asked us if we had zig zags so he could smoke some weed. damnit of course no one had any. so ya those guys rocked and taled about how cool fucking young girls is and how they wished they were young again and could fuck 13 year olds.
man.. they were cool.
so then we started walking back and some girls asked to take our picture and i was all "you can take my picture if i can see your boobs"
so of course they showed us their boobs. those girls had nice boobs.
haha then they took our picture and we walked back.
oh yea and we saw lin-z.
she says she supposedly flashed us but im not buying it.hehe
so ya then we got in the car and left.
oh ya i saw nate too and he was all stoned and stuff.
so anyways we got out of pine knob and were waiting in the big line of cars to get on the highway and all of a sudden we fucking got nailed in the rear. i didnt have my seat belt on and i flew forward hit the seat in front of my and flew back and nailed my head on something fucking hard.
it fucking hurt so fucking bad. i got whiplash too. i was all dizzy and couldnt even stand up . it sucked . so we got out and i yelled at her n shit and she was all freaking out and thought we were gonna get in trouble. but we didnt want the cops to come cause we had some beers and maybe they woulda given us a breathalizer or something who knows. so we left and that was pretty much my nite.

good shit.

that's about all.

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god this sucks [17 Jul 2001|07:05pm]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | Saves the Day- All I'm Losing is Me ]

today fucking sucked.
went to drivers training.
then ALL FUCKING DAY i had to help my mom outside and go to home depot and carry heavy fucking rocks from the car to the backyard.
we went to fucking home depot 3 times.
the highlite of my day:
i bought the new saves the day cd.
yes i BOUGHT it.
i am proud of myself.
i dont usually buy cds cause im poor and i download them.
but today i bought one.
and it's a damn good cd at that. ive been listening to it all day. saves the day fucking rock.
man people suck.
and so do friends who just shit on you and could give a fuck about you unless they fucking need something. fuck that shit man. i dont need fucking friends like that.
right now i have about hmm lets see probably like 5 friends max. that are actually good friends and at least somewhat care about me... or maybe i just think they do and they dont.
that's pretty sad.
god damn im so tired but i dont want to sleep.
alrite enough bitching from me.

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i think i'de be good for you.... [16 Jul 2001|11:51pm]
[ mood | gloomy ]
[ music | weezer- in the garage ]

and you'de be good for me....

china anyone?
so ya im bored.
im fucking sick of drivers training and waking up at 8.
it sucks.
but anyways. this week should be good.
marks coming over wednesday and then thursday we're going to blink/nfg.
then friday and saturday im just gonna chill n shit and hang out and sunday is vagrant. which is gonna kick ass.
so ya thats pretty cool.
but its only monday:-/.
but ya whatever.
im tired
im gonna go to sleep.

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PLEASE DOWNLOAD THIS SONG [16 Jul 2001|05:58pm]

thats our site. we put up a new song.
please download it.
its a demo version of one of our songs.
so ya please check it out .
thanks a lot.
-mark and max
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this is cool. i only got shut down once and it was by a guy. [16 Jul 2001|04:07pm]
GACPunk: hey
GACPunk: wanna fuck
HaPpYcHiCkEn999: hi
HaPpYcHiCkEn999: NOW!
HaPpYcHiCkEn999: yes
HaPpYcHiCkEn999: please

GACPunk: hey wanna fuck
xXTRaPPeDiNaBoXx: sure

GACPunk: hey
GACPunk: wanna fuck
XXvOlCoMhOtTiEXx: yes'm

GACPunk: hey
GACPunk: wanna fuck
Fat Steve 2001: hey
Fat Steve 2001: um...
Fat Steve 2001: gimmie 5 minutes to think
GACPunk: haha ok
Auto response from Fat Steve 2001: brb...deciding if i wanna fuck max or not
Fat Steve 2001: sorry, im saving ymself

GACPunk: hey wanna fuck
AtAriS PuNk21: aww heck y not

GACPunk: hey wanna fuck
Ber2544: sure
GACPunk: ok coool

GACPunk: hey wanna fuck
hXc Pennywise: ummmmmmmmm.. mabyeee not!
GACPunk: uhhh
GACPunk: come on man
GACPunk: everyones doing it
hXc Pennywise: i dont knowwwwwww sounds pretty krazy
GACPunk: ur a pretty krazy guy though
hXc Pennywise: thanksss or somehting?
hXc Pennywise: riiiight
GACPunk: hahaha
GACPunk: come one
GACPunk: on*
GACPunk: please
GACPunk: mark wants u to
hXc Pennywise: no max no!
GACPunk: hahah
hXc Pennywise: you must stop your crazy ways!
GACPunk: damnit
GACPunk: ive asked everyone
hXc Pennywise: damn skippy
GACPunk: and ur the only one to shut me down
hXc Pennywise: awesome
hXc Pennywise: or sumthin
GACPunk: not awesome
GACPunk: i feel like a loser
GACPunk: be trendy
hXc Pennywise: nahhhhhh i dont be fuckin wit dat gay sheit y
hXc Pennywise: yo
GACPunk: damnti
GACPunk: its not really that gay
hXc Pennywise: oh really?
hXc Pennywise: well
hXc Pennywise: since its not gay
hXc Pennywise: okay!

good stuff.
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when i fall down i fall apart... [16 Jul 2001|12:55am]
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | Alkaline Trio - My Little Needle ]

trade in my bike for a shopping cart.

ya today was pretty okay.
me and mark chilled for a while, wrote a song, and went swimming in my freezing cold pool that was only halfway filled at the time.
later on, mikey j and jake stopped by.
we kicked it then went to denny's and saliba's.
damn that level 6-3.

k im gonna go to sleep cuz i got driver's training tomorrow morning.
hence, the pissed off mood.


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[14 Jul 2001|01:13pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | bigwig- jerk ]























-- Click Here To Take The Test --

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de ja vu? [14 Jul 2001|12:28am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Piebald- two rocking chairs on a porch ]

so today sucked just about as bad as yesterday.
fucking sat at home.
sat at home some more.
ya wahtever.

so tomorrow markies coming over probably. gonna write some songs n shit.

piebald fucking rock. i gotta buy the new cd as soon as possible.. and my alkaline trio ticket.


man im just gonna go to bed theres nothing to do.


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Last Night on the Mass Pike.... [12 Jul 2001|11:55pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Get up Kids- Mass Pike ]

Thought i was losing you...
Last night on the mass pike
i fell in love with you..

yes today sucked.
i woke up at 8.
went to drivers.
came home.
sat for a few hours then i had to go to work.
today i had to walk:-/ but when i got to the corner i saw mikey j's cousin nate drive by and of course he yelled "Ducktape kid" out the window and then stopped and offered me a ride to work.
that was quite nice of him. thank you nate.
so i worked.
it was actually kinda cool.
the bitch told me to learn how to use the register so this guy bob thats cool was showing me how n shit and it was easy as hell and i just stood there and got paid for it.
register rocks.
so then i got home and of course sat at home the rest of the night.
so today is like the first nite this week i havent been out til like 1 so im gonna use this to my advantage and get an extra hour of sleep.
tomorrows friday!
anybody wanna do anything? im not fucking staying at home all day again... shit i work til 9.
maybe i can do something after that.

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im bored [12 Jul 2001|10:41pm]
im bored.....
you suck.
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FINAL FANTASY [12 Jul 2001|01:12am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Get Up Kids- Mass Pike ]

so today was another pretty cool day.
did the usual woke up at 8 went to drivers.
then came home and chilled all day.
then around 6ish mikey j picked me up and me him and jamie went to go get tickets for final fantasy.
we got them then wrath called and we got him a ticket too.
then we went to tommys for amin and then to jamies where we chilled and ate n shit.
so i decided to be a funny guy and scare mike after he got out of the bathroom and shine a flashlight in his eyes.
it kinda worked. and mostly didnt... he took it away and kinda waved the flashlight at my face so i turned around quickly and nailed my head on the corner of the bathroom door.
that hurt. and now i have a gash on my forehead.
ya so anyways we went and watched the movie. i fell asleep like 5 times cuz im tired as a mother.
it was a pretty good movie from what i watched.
ya so im really really tired and i dont feel like writing anymore.
work tomorrow .
how fun

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fuck yea! [11 Jul 2001|05:08pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Piebald- Holder Caulfield ]

so the show with the sloppy meateaters is OFFICIAL!
Monday September the 10th at the Wired Frog!
this is some cool shit. I need to find one more local pop-punk band to play that brings in big crowds.
any suggestions anyone?
ya we really have to promote this show we gotta get a shit load of people to come.
im excited yay!
alrite thats all for now.
gonna go see finaly fantasy tonite with mikey j and some folks.

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what the eff? [11 Jul 2001|12:03pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Get Up Kids- Woodson ]

where the hell is everyone.
not one person is online.
this sux.
day off. nothing to do.

anyone wanna go to the frog july 21st?
nipon, bottomed out, zero dependense, the remotly controlled and a bunch of other bands.
sounds like it'll be fun.

alrite im gonna go uhh do something i guess.

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WHORES! [11 Jul 2001|01:09am]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | Silence ]

today was a grand ol day.
woke up at 8 as usual went to drivers training. drove for 2 hours after that.
went to work.
i got home and i was supposed to help with the pool AGAIN.
but my parents decided to be cool and let me go out.
so kris came on over and we headed over to his house cause he forgot his wallet. silly kid.
then we stopped by harmony house where we were gonna buy our alkaline trio tickets but of course the ticket master closed.
so we went to marks.
on the way we saw some girls walking and i decided to scream WHORES.
and then kris decided to pull up by the sidewalk and wait for them and just stare n stuff.
so we did that and then said hi and drove off. it was funny.
and then we saw some fat chick next to us at a red light and kris yelled your a lard ass! and drove off.
it was mean... but funny.
so we got to marks house and decided to swim.
we swam for about hmm a whole 5 minutes.
then we went back inside and mark couldnt do anything cause he faked sick so he couldnt go to work today so me and kris left and decided to stop by lauras house.
we got there and chilled.
did some more chillin.
played around in the kitchen and then laura decided that me and her should wrestle.
so we went outside and i got my ass kicked.
it was swell.
then we did kartwheels.
and then we all layed down and then laura started throwing grass on me. and after a while i was covered with grass and it was pretty cool and i got a bunch in my pants and it was a grand 'ol time.
then laura had to go so me and kris departed and were cravig some jones soda. so we headed down hall road in search of jones.
of course no one had it. we went to like 457398475938457934857 stores and not one had any. we finally found a marathon that had some. so i got a cream soda. YUMMMM
so then kris dropped me off and that was that.
overall a great day.
i finally have a day off tomorrow!!!!
unfortunatly i dont think anyone can do anything.
but if u can.
talk to me!
alrite im off
:i love you-goodnite:

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Harvest the crops of my PAST... [10 Jul 2001|02:14pm]
[ mood | devious ]
[ music | Get Up kids- Burned Bridges ]

man thats an awesome song.
im good at driving.
i rock.
i gotta go to work at 3. :-(
but Kris, Amanda and Laura are gonna come over hopefully after.
man i fucking hate taco bell.
but i dont hate rottiserie chicken and the get up kids.

alrite im gonna head out.. gotta get ready for work.
:give my regards to broadway:

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