LiveJournal for Skip Frenzy.
Sunday, December 23rd, 2001 |
I don't write in my journal anymore. Does anyone want me to? ~x.skip.x~ |
Monday, December 3rd, 2001 |
I am alone, outside, this cruel world. You cannot understand me. I feel like no one can, but words do justice. Emoting how I feel, inside. When everything is closed: my heart, my eyes. I'm sleeping with a demon. Let me be, so I may rest. And dream of you again. ~x.skip.x~ |
They're burning our books, they're taking our lives, they say it's for the best, to keep us alive. But how can we live? By closing our eyes? By keeping our feelings, emotions, inside. You say that I'm screwed up, You say I'm a freak, Your wrong in all the points, I am merely weak. But weakness is good, But weakness is fine, Bleeding in heart, but solid in mind. ~x.skip.x~ |
Friday, November 30th, 2001 |
I took the GenerTest because I'm bored. Apparently I'm a woman, meh, no surprises I always knew it was true. ~x.skip.x~ |
Thursday, November 29th, 2001 |
I am 77% SKA. Pick it up, I skank! I am one full-fledged crazy rudy, I am going to go celebrate my victory with some skankin'! Take the SKA Test at! I have no idea how I got so high on this quiz. Ha. ~x.skip.x~ |
Yesterday was grand. I had plenty of time to do my homework, so that was really rad! I have so much homework, I'm almost caught up, but then I'm not. School was boring, nothing exciting to mention. Tuesday was pretty fun since it was a half-day, only had to go to school until 12pm so the guys all went over to the burger place for lunch afterwards and then I went home to do homework since I had a lot, and I still have a lot. Today will be half-decent though. I'm going to the musical, "Bye Bye Birdie", so that gets me out of 3rd and 4th period and also means I get to hang out with the cool kids, whoever is going to come, yeah, it will be rad, just rad. After school is emo band practice which will also be fun, and then more homework. God Bless... ~x.skip.x~ |
Tuesday, November 27th, 2001 |
Monday, November 26th, 2001 |
I spent a quarter of an hour compiling all of my poetry into a collection on my website. For anyone who's interested you can click this link to view my complete collection of all the poems I have ever written. ~x.skip.x~ |
I don't see how that's love, just waiting for me to fall, where's the encouragement there? I don't see it, but maybe rude sarcastic idiocy is your way of saying that you care about me. Not mine. Today was like every other day. Nothing exceptional happened, nothing even worth mentioning. I have nothing to do now tonight, tomorrow is a half day. I'm still blessed by Jesus Christ. Heaven is only a stone throw away. ~x.skip.x~ |
Sunday, November 25th, 2001 |
I just want you to like me. Why don't you like me? ~x.skip.x~ |
Saturday, November 24th, 2001 |
Today was good. I had Driver's Ed all day but I got to hang out with Genniveve (I can't spell her name at all, from now on she's "G"). It was really rad, she's an awesome girl and we had a really good time today. I'm going to miss her when Driver's Ed is over, we've become friends and it's cool. I can really be myself around her too and she's so unique and rad, sweet. Tomorrow is my last day of the in-class Driver's Ed and then I'm done, all I have to do after that are the in-car lessons which will be better. I'll finally have my weekends back, that will be fun. Tonight is Michelle's awesome rad birthday party, I can't wait. It's going to be a lot of fun, even if I will only be getting minimum hours of sleep tonight after I get home and be tired tomorrow. I think I have a lot of homework too that will probably receive no attention at all this weekend, oh well, to the dogs with it. I really enjoy being around Uth people, and that's who will be at Michelle's. I feel like they're really great people and I can really talk to them, well the girls really, I can't be myself around the boys... Yeah, here's about that: You see, there are guys, and some girls (but I can't find them), who think that you shouldn't express yourself. Is this some kind of inner decision, or is it a conscious, obvious decision? I don't know the answer. But there are those people out there who just won't let you be who you really are. For example: I like emo, I'm in an emo band. I get made fun of by guys for that, they call me wusses and crap like that. Are they kidding? No, they think I'm really a wuss, and even if they're not, it's still mean. These same people preach against conformity, no no, stand out in a crowd, be different, be yourself. So just because emo is a trend now does that mean I can't like emo? Who says I'm being trendy? I like emo, not because everyone else likes it, no, because I like it. So I can't like emo because YOU don't like it? So you're going to make fun of me for liking emo because YOU don't like it? Isn't that conformity? You're right it is. So I can't roll my pants up because it's a trend, because apparently you don't like it? But I like it, and I want to be who I am and do what I want. Do you see? You don't control me, and you, who preach against conformity, won't let me be myself? I don't understand it. But it doesn't matter. I think that people need to be more aware of what they're doing. Let people be themselves, if you think they're doing something wrong, pray about it. I'm not saying be passive if someone is doing something bad, but who's hurting if I roll my pants up? Friends are valuable things. Friends love you for who you really are. I have to quote Lindsay for the idea, it's an incredibly important one. Think about it. Call me, friends. ~x.skip.x~ |
Friday, November 23rd, 2001 |
Today was kinda boring. Uth was really rad, but I didn't quite feel in place there, I don't know why but I'm sure it's just me -- God has awesome things planned for me and he's really moving in my life right now. I really love the fact that I can be who I really am. I don't care what other people think, I'm me, and I have to value the friends that like me because of who I really am. I need to get back close with Rosie because I miss her, she was a really great friend who really liked me for who I was, even if I didn't know what that was at the time. I like the fact that I can be myself, it's a great feeling. I'm kind of feeling like I need a really good friend to confide things in, and I know that the Lord will bring a friend to me, so I'm praying for that. I love say forever too. I'm so happy that I'm finally in a band, it's so awesome. Everything is so great. I love Jesus Christ (and someone else too, hee hee), not telling. Anyways. I'm going to bed, I have to get up early tomorrow for Driver's Ed, sucks, I'm tired already. God Bless... ~x.skip.x~ |
Thursday, November 22nd, 2001 |
Tomorrow is CompFest which means no school which is really good. I'm excited, should be fun. It's also going to be a really cool time at Uth too. Yeah, excited about tomorrow. Peace. ~x.skip.x~ |
Wednesday, November 21st, 2001 |
The rest of today went exactly as planned. I got a lot of homework finished though and that's really good. I don't have too much more to do, but tomorrow will be another fun night of homework. At least I have all of my Coldplay MP3s to keep me company and my new FIF album (which is good). I'm really starting to like Coldplay. They get a lot of radio play so I figured that they must be a really crappy alternative band but it turns out that they're really awesome in the stylings of Radiohead and other great bands like that. Coldplay really have a dark, slow, and emotional sound to them, it's really great to listen to, especially their acoustic and live cuts. I think I'm going to get all their albums for Christmas. I also want the rest of the Radiohead albums that I don't have, and the Brave Saint Saturn album. I think I'm going to pick up another Radiohead album tomorrow at the mall with I've noticed lately how much Jesus has changed me. Rosie (who's livejournal I miss sorely) mentioned in an email a few weeks back that I seem less insecure, and that's awesome. I really feel more comfortable with myself, my friends, my life, and everything. I'm finally finding friends that I love, a style I can really call my own, music I like, and pretty much everything. I finally feel like I'm fitting in with myself and I've adjusted to my own mind. I can freely write poetry, sing emo songs, and no one is surprised because they know me now, and they know who I really am. I finally feel free to express my true self, and it's very freeing and enlightening. I'd like to thank Jesus and Rosie for that. Do you read this anymore my love? I take comfort in the little things like going to bed early, putting the TV away in the English a/v room, talking to Mrs. Stewart at the end of a long school week, hanging out with the kids after school, and giving hugs. Life is really great you know. Jesus has blessed me beyond my ability to even explain it. Just reflecting on everything, it's so incredible. Hey you, call me. ~x.skip.x~ |
So things have been good. I'm feeling kinda sick still, my voice was coming and going today and my throat was hurting a lot through I managed to play Edgar through all of Act V in King Lear, it wasn't too bad either, it was mighty fun. I also did a presentation second period in English but my voice was dying a lot, I still managed it pretty well though. I can't wait until I'm over this sickness! So it's Wednesday, what a boring day. I don't have to work at all this week so I'm just slacking off, well it's more like catching up on all of my homework that I didn't have time to do the entire week before. I've had a lot of homework to work on, farily boring, and tonight will be another night of homework. Oh well, at least it's all getting done. I can't wait until this Saturday. It's Michelle's party and it's going to be a blast. I'm very excited about that. Tina is cool. I'm tired already, and I want something to eat. Coldplay are good. Fire in the barn. God Bless everyone. ~x.skip.x~ |
Tuesday, November 20th, 2001 |
"she said she hated Kenny G. that girl is way too cool for me." -- five iron frenzy (pre-ex-girlfriend) Today was decent. I'm sick, sick to the core. My throat hurts a lot and for most of the day I couldn't even talk, that kinda sucks when you're me. Nothing exciting happened today, just a regular day really. I got the new Five Iron Frenzy album which I'm listening to right now. On first listen it sounds pretty good but I need to have a few listens before I can recommend or wreck it. I want to be more unique, I'm very abstract and the likes. ~x.skip.x~ |
I changed the look of my journal, it's prettier now. I love punx_grrl. ~x.skip.x~ |
Monday, November 19th, 2001 |
see you soon a song by coldplay so you lost your trust / and you never shared how / you never shared how / don't break your back / if you ever see this / but don't answer that / in a bulletproof vest / with the windows all closed / I'll be doing my best / I'll see you soon / in a telescope lens / and when all you want is friends... / I'll see you soon / so they came for you / they came snapping at your heels / they come / snapping at your heels / don't break your back / if you ever say this / but don't answer that / in a bulletproof vest / with the windows all closed / I'll be doing my best / I'll see you soon / in a telescope lens / and when all you want is friends... / I'll see you soon / I'll see you soon / no, you lost your trust / no, you lost your trust / no, don't lose your trust / no, you lost your trust ~x.skip.x~ |
This weekend rotted. I have Driver's Ed. the whole weekend so it was extremely boring and I didn't get any of my homework done, well I got a little tiny bit. I didn't even get a full letter written to anyone either! I have a bunch of letters I want to write and no time at all. I have this whole week of work because Jesus is Lord, so I have tons of time now to get all the work done that I need to. I love being so blessed. The end is near. I've always been interested in End Times stuff, and it looks like it will be upon us, soon, any day now probably. There are wars, and rumours of wars, and earthquakes and the likes. I think that these things will increase as the day draws near, but it's coming, soon. Can you fathom? Can any of us imagine that the end of the world is really coming? I can't. All I can do is witness more, start fires up in people and hope that those fires spread. The end of the world is really coming, we can't just sit back and watch it all go to hell. We have to stand up and save the world. I'm a super hero. I'm your Secret Ninja, I will fight for you... Jesus blesses me, I don't deserve it but he wants to bless me. I am exploding with joy. My cup was full long ago, and now it's just overflowing. Jesus wants to bless me, and he wants to bless you. Jesus loves us all. It's so amazing, this feeling, this love. Praise be to Jesus Christ. ~x.skip.x~ |
Saturday, November 17th, 2001 |
Please, I urge everyone to read this: It's very important. ~x.skip.x~ |
LiveJournal for Skip Frenzy.