Leela Novaki's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Leela Novaki's LiveJournal:

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    Saturday, March 9th, 2002
    12:18 am

    You are AFI!

    Going to live? Probably not, because you're AFI! You have a fascination with death.. or maybe it's an obsession. Either way, you're passionate for your work and you're full of emotions that still are uncharted by psychologists, you're deep and you think in a rather abstract way.
    So which BAND are YOU?
    Friday, March 8th, 2002
    11:31 pm
    "Cocaine and crack are in, and you can always kick the habit..."
    I just got back from Casey and Ashely's sweet sixteen party. It was interesting. There were lotsa people to talk to and there was good cake. I had an interesting week, it was my first full one back after having mono, so I was after like every day making up stuff. Jesus, I have to pee. I have lotsa headaches and I'm always tired. I hate diseases, if you're going to have one, it should be really good and unbearable, and then you die. Not getting really sick and then just having it linger for months. Cheap. I'm listening to Bob Marley, don't ask me why, it somehow got downloaded so I'm listening to it. Ya know some really sad songs have been written, like ones with really upsetting lyrics about lost loves and people who died. My favorite sad song is The Luckiest, by Ben Folds. It's the only peice of music that has ever made me cry the first time I heard it. My eyes are burning now, thats how fucking tired I am. I should relapse, that would be cool, no more school for another 2 weeks. Still alotta makeup work though, fuck. I hate my life. I shot the sheriff...

    Current Mood: thirsty
    Current Music: Green Day- Poprocks and Coke
    Sunday, March 3rd, 2002
    6:05 pm
    Borderline:Very High
    Histrionic:Very High
    Dependent:Very High

    -- Click Here To Take The Test --

    Saturday, March 2nd, 2002
    11:28 pm

    Saturday, February 16th, 2002
    10:20 pm
    What a great start to the vacation, I have every freakin' bodily ailment in the book. I've been to the doctor 6 times in the past week and a half. I look like a heroine addict from all the blood tests they gave me, hehehehe. Then tonight I had to go sit around the hospital for like 5 hours and about 20 different people came in and shoved things up my nose and down my throat. Luckily I could breathe alright so they didn't make me stay overnight. So while everyone else is partying down w/ each other... I'll be waiting for my mom to get home so she can help me walk to the bathroom :) As far as I'm concerned, I really don't care whether I die or not.

    Current Mood: dying
    Current Music: Primus- My Name is Mudd
    Friday, February 15th, 2002
    9:46 pm
    Monday, February 11th, 2002
    9:23 pm
    I don't know why I'm writing in this cause I never do. I have a headache and I just drank 2 liters of seltzer.

    Current Mood: melancholy
    Current Music: INDK- Crack Squad
    9:23 pm
    I don't know why I'm writing in this cause I never do. I have a headache and I just drank 2 liters of seltzer. I also ate a stale cracker, it was gross so I spit it out. You can get 4 seltzers for 3 dollars. I'm bored. I'm being irrelevant. I like being driven into school better than taking the bus, because the bus is always cold and it rattles and people talk. Jesus I'm bored. I bet Jesus was bored back in the day, so bored he started his own dominant Western religion. Smart guy, that Jesus. I like the name Jesus, but I like Mohammad better. Ok, what kind of conceited bitch puts this in her profile:

    "U may not know it yet, maybe u'll never even think about it...But i'm special. ure gonna meet a lotta girls throughout your life...and a lotta them will b special to u. But i'm telling u rite now, u'll never find another me. so take another look around buddy, because i'm leaving and i may never come back. R u just going to let this princess walk out of ure life? or r u gonna make me sit down and try on that glass slipper ure holding? And if i do take the time to try it on, r u gonna hope it fits?"

    Yep, doesn't get any lamer than that. I dunno. Maybe it's from one of those stupid teeny-bopper movies that I never bothered to see, but never-the-less, its stupid and I hate all those stupid little love quotes, they make people sound so desparate. Barf and a half.

    Current Mood: melancholy
    Current Music: Leftover Crack- With the Sickness
    Tuesday, January 15th, 2002
    4:39 pm
    MB told me to write so she could laugh or something, so I am. I'm horny again, and I'm eating rice krispies. It was cold in the house so I turned up the heat to 70. Day time television sucks goat dick. later

    Current Mood: horny
    Current Music: Anti-Flag- Die For Your Government
    Sunday, January 13th, 2002
    12:54 am
    Someone shoot me..... please.

    Current Mood: restless
    Current Music: other mood: cry-y
    Saturday, January 12th, 2002
    8:27 pm
    Call me Fat Leila.....
    OMG... I have never been this freakin horny before.... damn hormones.... I want people to start calling me Fat Leila, like Fat Mike from NOFX.... it'd be so great...and funny 2. I have to pee too. I can't think of anything else to write except about my bladder and horniness.... hehehehe

    Current Mood: horny
    Current Music: The Pizza Bagels Theme Song
    Wednesday, January 9th, 2002
    7:38 pm
    Ya know what I hate? When you're sitting in your car at a red light or something and you're staring at the car in front of you. You look in the passangers seat and you see a hairy head and you can't tell if its a person or a dog. You think "oh its probably a person, no one's stupid enough to strap their dog into the front seat..." and then you think again "well it is moving rather oddly and there are alotta sick and twisted induviduals out there." so you're thinking and thinking and wondering and wondering and the light turns green and you ask you mom/ or whoevers driving to pull next to them and they're like "why" and you're like "just do it" cause you dont want to tell them the real reason or they'll think you're a pyscho.... so you tell them to quick before that other car gets away or turns or something.... and they never do and you're lost forever just wondering if that head was a person or a dog.... wondering into the depths of insanity.....

    Current Mood: lethargic
    Current Music: casey, casey wants to get raped by kevin spacey
    Saturday, December 29th, 2001
    12:13 am
    Today was pretty cool, except for a couple things. First of all, I woke up and went online and Chris and Paul told me that they were gonna pick me up and take me to the mall, and I thought OK. Now, the night before I had this huge fight with MB about my livejournal and how she was all on Dave's side and shit. So I get in the car, and who but MB is sitting there and she and I were friendly w/ each other and I was fine with that. Then I realized Dave had come in a different car with the other half of the group, so that sucked. It was cool cause he and mb went off on their own and ignored the rest of us, and I was glad cause I didn't feel like dealing w/ them. Chris went and got his bondage belt and we got chinese food and shit, and then frodie showed up and took garth, so we had to wait around for like 5 hours until frodie brought garth back and amelia was super worried. Paul and most of the other males were busy in the arcade and lauren and noah were off loving each other, so that left me and amelia alone and bored in an arcade of shooting noises and losers. So we waited and waited and waited. Finally Lauren got a call saying that frodie and garth were over at lauren's house and they were gonna meet us. so we waited some more. The mb and dave showed up and later frodie and garth and spuz did. So as we were walking out of the mall, I was walking with chris and mb and dave were right behind us. I could hear them giggling and making fun of me and mocking me and I just ignored them, then they started stepping on my shoes... I tried and tried to control myself but I could help it and I turned around and I slapped MB on the arm... I don't care if it hurt, and I don't even think I hit her that hard, and she had hit me across the face earlier anyway. So then she started saying she would kick my ass and she was calling me a bitch and shit and of course dave was eating it all up cause she's like his only friend. And chris and I just walked and I was burning with rage and trying to hold myself back from flipping shit on those 2. So we got in the car and after much traffic and pissing off of garth (our driver) we got back to amelias. And we goofed around until dave left and mb came in and yelled at me and powell. I dunno, I guess I've pissed alotta people off and ya know what, I don't care. I think powell is mad at me 2 for some reason, which i havent quite figured out yet... aaaah I hate my life.
    Thursday, December 27th, 2001
    11:35 pm
    Yea- I just got back from Amelia's a couple hours ago. It was fun cause Garth and Noah and Paul were there, and they're really cool. Ashley, Dan, MB, Sara, Lauren, Dave and Chris were there too. We watched some movies and fooled around and ate dinner. Then me and powell went back to my house and hung around.
    The one thing I'm really tired of lately is Dave and his stupid self-pity trips that he goes on. I try to be his friend and I try to be nice to him and he gets all pissed off and writes nasty stuff about me and powell in his livejournal. I really don't get it. He's all "connections bla bla bla- happiness- zones- friendship- aaaah oo!" - it's like "shut the hell up you're not gonna even see these people ever again after 2 years." He writes how me and powell make things weird, when its really just the same as its always been and HE has the problem. I'm tired and I have a headache and I'm tired of thinking about mean dave.

    Current Mood: calm
    Current Music: your mom
    Tuesday, December 18th, 2001
    3:38 pm
    I can't help it and I'm very tired.

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: Rancid- Ruby Soho
    Thursday, December 13th, 2001
    5:28 pm
    I feel like shit, as usual. I feel like crawling into a hole and just dying where no one can ever find me. I don't exactly know why, either. Sometimes I cover up my sadness with being giddy and happy sounding... mostly so my friends don't go telling the mother fucking guidance counselor on me. I hate that, they claim they care about me and crap, but it always ends in my filling up little plastic cup with pee. And I'm not depressed, just sad sometimes, thats all. So if you happen to be a friend and have the urge to get me in trouble, don't please.

    Current Mood: exhausted
    Current Music: Choking Victim- Suicide
    Monday, December 10th, 2001
    5:04 pm
    Who hates me? I hate me. Sorry I ever bothered any of you... "you won't be seein me again"

    Current Mood: sad
    Current Music: bla to sad to listen to music
    Sunday, December 9th, 2001
    2:26 pm
    Mother Fucker
    I have the worst headache right now.... probably from withdrawl. I feel so excluded right now. The only person that ever voluntarily hangs out with me is Powell.... and now everyone is up in arms about us hanging out cause they think I'm trying to steal him from Sara. No one understands that I'm not that big of a slut and sara is my friend and I would never do that to her. Sara isn't even allowed to hang out with people except on saturdays anyway.... and people (whom this is none of their business- its really between sara and powell) are stabbing me in the back (namely Luigi and MB) and saying nasty stuff about me and I didn't even fuckin do anything to them. Fuckit- I'm moving to Trumansburg.

    Current Mood: groggy
    Current Music: Leftover Crack- So Ya Wanna Be a Cop
    Friday, November 23rd, 2001
    2:44 pm
    Ok.... about a day after i wrote that last entry Luigi and I broke up, cause supposedly he wanted to be friends. But i know guys, that friend stuff his just code for "you're ugly, i'm bored with you, lets break up." I know that sounds sorta bitter (which I'm surprised that I'm not).... I doubt he cares enough to read my livejournal anyway.... so I can write as much shit as I want. I'm sure he doesn't care whether we're friends or not, he just said that to look good so now he can continue ignoring me.... wow what a loss. I actually feel sorta liberated... i dunno. I'm in a ranting mood right now.

    Current Mood: pissed off
    Current Music: Opeth- Bleak (volpe's choice)
    Monday, November 19th, 2001
    5:47 pm
    I see your two marshmallows, and I raise you a weiner.......
    Hmmm.... I haven't written in a while and I'm bored. I've been hangin out with Volpe and Chris Powell a fuck of a lot lately. Today I went up to saratoga to hit some music stores w/ volpe after school. Yesterday, me volpe and powell went to all these music stores to get powell a bass. The day before that, me and chris powell hung out around spuz's for a few hours, it seems that we pissed off her mom. On friday, chris powell was left at my house by volpe and amelia, where he skinned his knees by falling off the back of volpe's car. It looked funny from where I was standing, but apparently it was hurtin like the dickens. And all the weekends following my last entry were either spent with garth, volpe, powell, amelia, spuz, mb or dan. My b-day was on nov. 5.... I got a whole bunch of sweaters and some sweet cds... and tube lights for my room :)
    Why does everyone always think I'm mad? I've been informed by a number of people that I walk through the hallways with a scowly look on my face. I can't help it, my disfigured, excuse-for-a-face, must just contort that way on it's own. I feel bad though cause apparently some people that I don't even know think I hate them. Either they're super insecure, or I'm such a bitch it leaks out to random strangers and I don't even know. Especially Luigi is hurt by my sensed bitchiness(whom I got back 2gether w/ shortly after school started in early sept.) which is while i feel super bad. Maybe I need a face-lift so I'm permanently smiling. No that would be gay. I'm always tired though, so tired in fact, that I can't even tell if I'm awake or not.... kinda like the dude in fightclub with insomnia. I need coffee and caffeine pills to keep myself moving, I've developed an addiction..... fun! Hmmm... oh yea.... and then a whole bunch of my friends went to the guidance counselor and told on me!! wow, now I really know how much i'm loved.... by people who were fully aware of the shit I had to go through last year for that.... "oooo!! lets put her through that nurse shit AGAIN!!!" luckily i didn't have to. Oh well... I'm not even messed up, I don't cut myself and I drink coffee (plenty of perfectly normal adults drink lotsa coffee). gonna go... bye

    Current Mood: exhausted
    Current Music: Rx Bandits- What If
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