Wednesday, March 20th, 2002
8:17 pm - Three years o' fun
Well, I never write in this thing, but today something special makes me want to... Today is my wife and mine's three year anniv...how fuck rad is that? who wouldve thought that dreams come true?who wouldve thought i'd end up with you?
There is no way for me to put into words how happy our relationship makes me...Plus I type so slow, i'd be for hours...(I have a massage to give) I love you sweetie...Always have!
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| Sunday, December 30th, 2001
6:33 pm
Alright then, I will update...sorry I rarely do this, usually I forget and who cares anyways? Well tomorrow is New Year's Eve...We're gonna go out and see Danielle's brother's band play a gig and hopefully get drunk...Last year was kinda shitty but something good did come out of it (ha ha) Work sucks, even after the long break for Christmas I still wish I wasn't there...it just gets so mundane and boring as fuck...ah well soon it will be better. Other than that life is good, Syd is getting big, she's still a little thing but man she has been growing...HAPPY THREE MONTH BIRTHDAY SHORTY!!!!!
Who knows, I might update more regularly...we'll see Oh yeah go buy a fuckin DVD player, they're cool as fuck. Cheers _ANDY_
current mood: cheerful current music: The Caalties-Kill the hippies
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| Wednesday, September 26th, 2001
7:10 pm - What the fuck?
Ok so I rarely ever check this journal or even update but someone left a comment and it made me laugh...to counter the point that I am "a hippy" just because I don't want to limit myself and all that shit...I f you knew me at all you'd know how fuckin wrong you are...I might be quite a few things but I aint no fuckin hippy In fact I'm actually anti-hippy. Those fucks need to take a shower and get a god damned job...I hate the music, the lifestlye of smelling like shit always sparing for change and doing drugs...yeah Im also anti-drugs too,I'm not sxe though, I smoke cigs and drink, but fuck that other shit.
Get a life and piss off! cheers
current mood: drained current music: Dropkick Murphys...Heroes of our past.
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| Friday, July 27th, 2001
7:56 pm - Why?
Alright, when I got into "punk rock" or whatever it was more or less wanting to be accepted for who I was but at the same time, not having to fit into some sort of category... I'v learned over the years that I don't have to dress a certain way or listen to what the other "punx" like...I don't need to call myself a "punk' a "greaser" or any other thing for that matter...that fuckin limits me. Nine times out ten I've seen and heard shit like kids being hated just because they like blink 182 or whatever...Liking the "trendy punk" doesn't make you any less of a person. Fuck that, it's just more close minded bullshit...Do I have to wear bondage pants and have a fuckin mohawk to listen to Rancid? NO. Do I need to shave my head and sport boots and braces to be down with the skins...Fuck No. Why can't we all just get along? Even though, now I'm not "in the scene" It still feels like Unity was forgotten about when ska just wasn't "popular" anymore...My opinion, that's pretty fuckin messed up.
Then fuckin let me know...
Cheers, _ANDY_
current mood: working current music: The Misfits "Box Set Disc 1"
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| Thursday, July 26th, 2001
4:21 pm - Well, here we go
I thought I'd start out by saying what's up to everyone who put me down as a friend...thanx guys... Right now, I'm pretty fuvkin tired...worked all day long and then I have to go back tonite at 10 until 3 a.m. I work at a resturaunt from 9-5 mon.thru sat.as a cook and then at a bar from either 9 or 10 until 3 sun. thru thurs. as a bouncer or working the door(checking IDs and taking money for the cover) My day is pretty full and sometimes I just don't sleep enough... Oh well, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do... I figure that instead of just putting up what happened that day, I'll try to write something somewhat thought provoking, editorial type shit...Stay tuned to read my opinions on all kinds of shit...maybe someone will actually agree...we'll see. Cheers, _ANDY_
current mood: drained
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